


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ly faster recovery of hemodynamic variables (return of 50% flow; median [CI]: 160 s [105-263 s]) than
2 f $5-15 billion may yield average investment returns of 8.9-11.4% for equity holders and 5-8% for 're
3  rhythm, there was a decrease in the rate of return of a spontaneous circulation in patients who rece
4 d saline during CPR may decrease the rate of return of a spontaneous circulation in patients with an
5 tal discharge; secondary end points included return of a spontaneous circulation.
6                                 The expected return of amplification recommendations (i.e., generic p
7 hese increases continue into the future, the return of Antarctic ozone to pre-1980 levels could be su
8 energy intake during meal ingestion, and the return of appetite and hunger after fasting.
9 shout of IPAG before cell death results in a return of autophagosomes and UPR markers toward basal le
10 accounted for the current level, or imminent return, of awareness in 94% of the patient population, s
11 depletion of B cells, and the median time to return of B cells was 8.5 months (IQR 6-11 months).
12 acked with onset of apoptosis and incomplete return of BCR-ABL signaling, particularly pSTAT5, to bas
13 eby an initial hypoxic insult and subsequent return of blood flow leads to the propagation of innate
14 ment, alvimopan was associated with a faster return of bowel function by 0.6 day (P = 0.0006), and lo
15 rgery is associated with less nausea, faster return of bowel function, and a shorter hospital stay wi
16 colorectal surgery is associated with faster return of bowel function, lower incidence of postoperati
17 d analysis, the alvimopan group had a faster return of bowel function, shorter length of stay, and lo
18 tive times, narcotic need and permit quicker return of bowel function.
19        These results show similar pattern of return of BPND to baseline as a function of time in pati
20 low release of Phe-1110, removal of C28, and return of CaM to its conformation in the free state.
21                                              Return of CD4 and CD8 T central and effector memory cell
22     Ab block of PD-1 ligand, B7.H1, promoted return of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell function and dramatic
23 t by 24 ms at +60 mV in gating currents, and return of charge closely tracked pore closure after puls
24 r-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) is slow, as is return of charge upon repolarization, suggesting that th
25                                          The return of chloroquine-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum to
26        In contrast to the rapid and complete return of chloroquine-susceptible falciparum malaria aft
27 l discharge, and secondary outcomes included return of circulation lasting more than 20 minutes and 2
28 56.0% were male), 8731 (70.4%) experienced a return of circulation lasting more than 20 minutes, 7248
29 rs, mean compression depth of 41.9 mm, and a return of circulation of 31.3%, 1-day survival of 22.8%,
30 ardiopulmonary arrest events (26%) for which return of circulation was achieved in 25 patients (93%).
31              Of these children, 78% attained return of circulation, 45% survived to hospital discharg
32                     Within 6 hours after the return of circulation, comatose children older than 48 h
33                     Within 6 hours after the return of circulation, comatose patients who were older
34  hospital discharge, 1-day survival, and any return of circulation.
35 at would support researchers by enabling the return of clinically actionable sequencing results to re
36 ease CTA1, even after ATP hydrolysis and the return of CTA1 to a folded conformation.
37  hematopoietic reconstitution and delays the return of cycling HSCs to quiescence.
38 es, with the goal of reducing postextinction return of defensive behaviors.
39 en transient, as evidenced by postextinction return of defensive behaviors.
40 eat memory reconsolidation would prevent the return of defensive reactions and diminish PFC involveme
41 tinction during reconsolidation prevents the return of defensive reactions and diminishes PFC involve
42 myeloid chimerism (DMC) levels with eventual return of disease.
43 persal in the nuclease mutant, and a partial return of dispersion in the complemented mutant.
44 act that EZH2 inhibition did not prevent the return of DNA methylation.
45                                              Return of Dyrk1a copy number to normal levels in Ts65Dn
46 cast's propagation away from the bat and the return of echoes for distances out to 5-8 m.
47 ch indicated (in September 2013 already) the return of El Nino in late 2014 with a 3-in-4 likelihood.
48 how good efficacy in motivated patients, the return of erectile function is never guaranteed with non
49  Genetics professionals' perspectives on the return of ES/WGS results differed substantially from cur
50   According to functional imaging, a gradual return of evoked whisker functional representation to ba
51 ory volume increase and was accelerated by a return of extracellular osmolality to isosmotic levels.
52  of dangerous and safety stimuli and reduces return of fear after extinction.
53 herapeutic target for disorders in which the return of fear following extinction therapy is an obstac
54 text-independent, thus strongly reducing the return of fear in both mice and humans.
55  circuit during fear extinction, reduces the return of fear that normally follows extinction training
56 ver extinction memory expression--and, thus, return of fear--is often observed if extinguished fear s
57 pared with 43.9%), resulting in a more rapid return of fixed carbon to the atmosphere.
58 owever, no difference was seen in mortality, return of flatus, or risk of paralytic ileus.
59 a major role in the reactivation pattern and return of function.
60 ttenuated muscle atrophy and accelerated the return of functional mobility in older adults following
61                                      Delayed return of gastrointestinal function after BR may be asso
62 gum, after colorectal resection, accelerates return of gastrointestinal function in patients on a rap
63 nal surgery is safe, but does not hasten the return of gastrointestinal function in patients who rece
64 pore closure has a limiting role in the slow return of gating charges.
65              This also corresponded with the return of gene expression in the recovery group back to
66 tion, clinical trial design, and the ethical return of genetic results to oncologists and their patie
67  identified areas of consensus regarding the return of genomic results to research participants.
68 atures, including bradykinesia and rigidity, return) of greater than 1.5 hours per day (excluding mor
69 chewing gum has been shown to accelerate the return of gut function after colorectal surgery.
70 pidural analgesia was associated with faster return of gut function and reduced pain scores; however,
71              The primary outcome was time to return of gut function, assessed by time to flatus and f
72  the HtrA periplasmic protease resulted in a return of Hap to the outer membrane and restoration of h
73  coverage because of the decreasing marginal returns of herd immunity.
74 n of the activated voltage sensor limits the return of hERG channels to rest.
75 patients with cancer who have had a complete return of hormonal function, and fertility to baseline.
76 covery of their previous rotation rate after return of illumination.
77 and have a positive outlook on the financial return of implementing the ReLACS program.
78 ish clear purpose for recommendations on the return of incidental ES/WGS results as professional soci
79 into medicine is stimulating interest on the return of incidental findings (IFs) from exome and genom
80                                          The return of incidental findings from the germline also rem
81 rofessionals to learn their attitudes on the return of incidental results from ES/WGS and the recent
82 dividuals to exercise their choice about the return of incidental results.
83  for and against the deliberate analysis and return of incidental variants focus on issues of clinica
84 tle 45 CFR 46) and regulations governing the return of individual research results are approved and f
85 tial contributor to prison admissions is the return of individuals recently released from prison, whi
86                        Natal philopatry, the return of individuals to their natal area for reproducti
87  LTP when applied during, but not after, the return of integrin responsivity.
88      In parallel, we determined the plants' "return of investment" (i.e. the acquisition of nutrients
89 non of our times is the diminishing marginal returns of investments in pharmaceutical research and de
90 the flagellum grows longer, diffusion delays return of kinesin-II to the basal body, depleting kinesi
91                                          The return of large floods after A.D. 1200, driven by waning
92                                 However, the return of leptin action required discontinuation of high
93 erpeduncular (dHb-IPN) pathway expedites the return of locomotor activity following an unexpected neg
94                Recurrence was defined by the return of locoregional disease and/or development of dis
95            Median time from randomisation to return of long-term follow-up assessment was 31 months (
96  making use of fiber optics for delivery and return of low intensity diode laser radiation to and fro
97 lymphovenous (LV) valves, which regulate the return of lymph to the blood circulation; however, these
98             Endocytic recycling involves the return of membranes and receptors to the plasma membrane
99 sion data retrieval and instead enabling the return of more complex patterns of expression behaviour.
100 ery of hemispatial neglect correlates with a return of network connectivity toward a normal pattern,
101                                  Despite the return of normal B cell production 4 wk after SCI, mice
102                                  Whether the return of peristalsis is predictive of an improved thera
103 me to recovery of kidney function defined as return of postintervention creatinine level to baseline.
104 17 patients who completed the study showed a return of posture-induced retinal blood flow changes to
105                                              Return of potency is dependent on axonal regeneration an
106 e offered clinical guidelines for review and return of prioritization results.
107 urements are unreliable because of the rapid return of pulmonary vascular pressures and flows to the
108 during CPR can increase short-term survival (return of pulses), but point towards either no benefit o
109 for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest increases return of pulses, but does not significantly alter longe
110 l studies suggest that, despite increases in return of pulses, epinephrine reduces long-term survival
111 rons in the lateral preoptic area and (2) by return of rats to an environment previously paired with
112 c responses to climate and land use, and the return of red spruce to lower elevations where past logg
113 allow for efficient removal of vapor and the return of replenishing liquid.
114 emiologists will note that discussion of the return of results and the plan for communicating finding
115                          Here, we review the return of results debate in genomics research and propos
116         Professional recommendations for the return of results from exome and whole-genome sequencing
117 n help identify optimal ways of managing the return of results from psychiatric genomics research.
118 gies for addressing questions concerning the return of results in genomic research.
119 erative, multidisciplinary discussion, a COG Return of Results Task Force (RRTF) offered detailed rec
120 y recently published recommendations for the return of results to a defined and representative set of
121 ng guidelines and policies that consider the return of results to all individuals and underscore the
122 ortant will be the ethical and interpretable return of results to practicing oncologists.
123 TF) offered detailed recommendations for the return of results to research study participants.
124 rents in shared decision-making, and for the return of results.
125 ons provide a framework for the offering and returning of results to participants.
126 orsened disease outcome, as evidenced by the return of S. aureus burdens to levels typical of wild-ty
127 or controversy has developed surrounding the return of secondary results to research participants.
128 o improved functional recovery, and, while a return of sensation occurred in all patients, motor reco
129         In addition, VEGF can accelerate the return of sensory and trophic functions of damaged perip
130 l of increasing the probability and speed of return of sexual function.
131                                              Return of shed blood and 0.9% NaCl/AL reduced whole body
132  mean arterial pressure for 60 minutes; CR = return of shed blood and 2 volumes of saline).
133 f a second bolus of 0.9% NaCl with AL during return of shed blood on cardiac and renal function in a
134 +severe HH (40 mm Hg for 45 min) followed by return of shed blood, or sham FPI.
135 t status epilepticus (p < 0.05), and earlier return of sleep state cycling (p < 0.05).
136 fferential survival; therefore, poorer adult returns of Snake River Chinook may develop far from the
137 ctive, noncontrolled studies have documented return of sperm to the ejaculate in up to 56% of men wit
138 related to a presumed cardiac cause, time to return of spontaneous circulation <60 minutes, delay bet
139             Mdivi-1 also reduced the time to return of spontaneous circulation (116 +/- 4 vs 143 +/-
140  return of spontaneous circulation versus no return of spontaneous circulation (51.8% +/- 11.2% vs 40
141       There was no significant difference in return of spontaneous circulation (770/1135 [68%] vs 771
142 e, 1.47; 95% CI, 0.007 to 2.93), and time to return of spontaneous circulation (adjusted estimate -0.
143 ement in phase 2, leading to improvements in return of spontaneous circulation (adjusted odds ratio,
144  (25 min [25-28]) had a higher likelihood of return of spontaneous circulation (adjusted risk ratio 1
145 y, nor were there significant differences in return of spontaneous circulation (adjusted risk ratio,
146 95% CI, 0.62-0.88; P=0.001), and prehospital return of spontaneous circulation (AOR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.
147 iopulmonary resuscitation best predicted the return of spontaneous circulation (area under the curve,
148 upillary reflexes more than 24 hours after a return of spontaneous circulation (false-positive rate,
149 nterquartile range) in patients who achieved return of spontaneous circulation (n = 15) compared with
150 ulation (n = 15) compared with those without return of spontaneous circulation (n = 19) (47.4% +/- 21
151 uscitation had significantly greater odds of return of spontaneous circulation (odds ratio, 1.62 [95%
152 citation, we identified 26,327 patients with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after in-hospit
153                  Secondary outcomes included return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and a good func
154 A) can predict successful defibrillation and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) but has not bee
155                                              Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) for 20 minutes
156 sed a predefined threshold value below which return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was unlikely wi
157 intra-aortic oxygenated perfusion to achieve return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) when cardiac ar
158                  Secondary outcomes included return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), survival at 24
159 ough epinephrine is essential for successful return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), the influence
160                                The sustained return of spontaneous circulation (systolic blood pressu
161 stole 48%, other nonshockable 12%; outcomes: Return of spontaneous circulation 26%, 1-day survival 18
162 utes (onset of professional resuscitation to return of spontaneous circulation [ROSC] or termination
163 s limit the use of high oxygen tension after return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest,
164  Ninety percent survived the event, 68% with return of spontaneous circulation and 22% by extracorpor
165 ociation between time of day and prehospital return of spontaneous circulation and 30-day survival, w
166 : 31,198 of 64,339 (48.5%) patients achieved return of spontaneous circulation and 9912 (15.4%) survi
167  <240 minutes, and unconscious patient after return of spontaneous circulation and before the start o
168 lood gas data during 0 to 24 hours after the return of spontaneous circulation and determined whether
169 tal cardiac arrest patients with prehospital return of spontaneous circulation and evaluated the asso
170 neous circulation <60 minutes, delay between return of spontaneous circulation and inclusion <240 min
171 f dynamin-related protein 1 improves time to return of spontaneous circulation and myocardial hemodyn
172                  Secondary outcomes included return of spontaneous circulation and neurologic outcome
173 iopulmonary resuscitation is associated with return of spontaneous circulation and neurologically fav
174 as an unexplained system-wide improvement in return of spontaneous circulation and process-focused ou
175                            The patient had a return of spontaneous circulation and showed improvement
176                    Primary outcomes included return of spontaneous circulation and survival to discha
177 arrest, preliminary data have shown improved return of spontaneous circulation and survival to hospit
178 ts who survived the first 24 hours after the return of spontaneous circulation and who had blood samp
179  nonshockable initial cardiac rhythm, and no return of spontaneous circulation before receipt of a th
180   Chest compression rate was associated with return of spontaneous circulation but not with survival
181  result showed no significant improvement in return of spontaneous circulation by active compression-
182 ave significantly lower rates of prehospital return of spontaneous circulation compared with patients
183                       Patients without rapid return of spontaneous circulation do not typically survi
184 imary endpoints were immediate survival with return of spontaneous circulation during cardiac arrest
185 nd families of patients who have experienced return of spontaneous circulation following in-hospital
186                   Secondary outcome included return of spontaneous circulation following the cardiopu
187 condary outcomes included survival of event (return of spontaneous circulation for >/= 20 min) and fa
188 ta-analysis of literature examining rates of return of spontaneous circulation from load-distributing
189 dict poor outcome, to determine whether post-return of spontaneous circulation hypocapnia and hyperca
190 udy drug was initiated within 240 minutes of return of spontaneous circulation in 96% patients.
191 pression, on gas exchange, hemodynamics, and return of spontaneous circulation in a pig model.
192 dance threshold device seemed not to improve return of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital car
193 variability and other potential confounders, return of spontaneous circulation increased in 2004-2010
194 t, but prehospital cooling immediately after return of spontaneous circulation may result in better o
195                       Survival to discharge, return of spontaneous circulation on emergency departmen
196 val if they met 2 criteria: had not achieved return of spontaneous circulation on hospital arrival an
197                       Between 2001 and 2011, return of spontaneous circulation on hospital arrival in
198 h a statistically significant improvement in return of spontaneous circulation or any process-focused
199 ibrillation was attempted every 2 mins until return of spontaneous circulation or asystole.
200     After controlling for patients achieving return of spontaneous circulation or not, significantly
201 hich survival was a reported outcome, either return of spontaneous circulation or survival to admissi
202 e corresponding difference in percentages of return of spontaneous circulation rates from cardiopulmo
203                                              Return of spontaneous circulation rates peaked at a comp
204  optimization of vital organ perfusion after return of spontaneous circulation to reduce the risk of
205 ment was performed in the 12 hours following return of spontaneous circulation using the endotoxin ac
206 nal cerebral oxygenation was associated with return of spontaneous circulation versus no return of sp
207 bral perfusion pressures and higher rates of return of spontaneous circulation vs. standard cardiopul
208                                       Median return of spontaneous circulation was 14 minutes.
209                                              Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved after 45
210                                              return of spontaneous circulation was achieved earlier i
211                                              Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved in five o
212 , hypotension in the first 6 hours following return of spontaneous circulation was associated with a
213                                              Return of spontaneous circulation was designated as the
214 sociation between chest compression rate and return of spontaneous circulation was found in cubic spl
215                                              Return of spontaneous circulation was observed in six (4
216           Mean (standard deviation) time for return of spontaneous circulation was significantly redu
217 e and sex within the first 6 hours following return of spontaneous circulation were considered to hav
218 HCA patients who remained unresponsive after return of spontaneous circulation were cooled and rewarm
219 cardiopulmonary resuscitation as the odds of return of spontaneous circulation were over 1.6 times gr
220 ed in a Parisian cardiac arrest center after return of spontaneous circulation were prospectively inc
221 resuscitation demonstrated superior rates of return of spontaneous circulation when compared to stand
222  of initial electrocardiographic rhythm with return of spontaneous circulation who were admitted to a
223 ining CCs and SIs significantly improved the return of spontaneous circulation with better hemodynami
224  treatment effect in favor of higher odds of return of spontaneous circulation with mechanical cardio
225                       The ability to achieve return of spontaneous circulation with mechanical chest
226     A recent clinical study reported optimal return of spontaneous circulation with rates between 100
227  the cardiac arrest (cardiac rhythm, time to return of spontaneous circulation), clinical examination
228  and calculated adjusted odds ratios for any return of spontaneous circulation, 1-day survival, and h
229 .50 (95% confidence interval, 1.29-1.74) for return of spontaneous circulation, 1.53 (95% confidence
230            Of 1507 patients with prehospital return of spontaneous circulation, 1359 (90.2%) were tra
231 ntinuing resuscitation on CCL arrival; 5 had return of spontaneous circulation, 50 received ECLS, and
232                                        After return of spontaneous circulation, an Arctic Sun (Mediva
233  drug in >90% patients within 240 minutes of return of spontaneous circulation, and efficacy, defined
234 nders including age, initial rhythm, time to return of spontaneous circulation, and lactate at admiss
235 ts with good functional outcome had achieved return of spontaneous circulation, and the probability o
236 ng resuscitation is associated with improved return of spontaneous circulation, survival, and neurolo
237                       For patients achieving return of spontaneous circulation, the median duration o
238 ultivariable analysis including age, time to return of spontaneous circulation, the presence of shock
239 en initial interventions fail to achieve the return of spontaneous circulation, they are repeated wit
240          Overall, 62 of 183 (33.9%) achieved return of spontaneous circulation, whereas 13 of 183 (7.
241 pedance threshold device appeared to improve return of spontaneous circulation, which could be furthe
242                      The primary outcome was return of spontaneous circulation.
243 ion and enhanced myocardial performance post-return of spontaneous circulation.
244 lood samples obtained 24, 48, and 72 h after return of spontaneous circulation.
245 diac arrest patients who were comatose after return of spontaneous circulation.
246 oth strategies 18 hours (14-23 hr) after the return of spontaneous circulation.
247  normal saline as soon as possible following return of spontaneous circulation.
248          CCs and SI were continued until the return of spontaneous circulation.
249  >/=18, nontrauma arrest, and comatose after return of spontaneous circulation.
250 sessment score over the first 72 hours after return of spontaneous circulation.
251 e past decade, with concomitant increases in return of spontaneous circulation.
252  assess the relative effect of treatments on return of spontaneous circulation.
253 nontrauma cardiac arrest, and comatose after return of spontaneous circulation.
254 usion pressure is essential for establishing return of spontaneous circulation.
255 sitive predictive value (95% CI, 66-100) for return of spontaneous circulation.
256         Blood sampling at 48 hours after the return of spontaneous circulation.
257 nrollment, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after return of spontaneous circulation.
258 t subjects who sustained cardiac arrest with return of spontaneous circulation.
259         The most common outcome reported was return of spontaneous circulation: 86 (93.5%) with only
260  2186 patients (34%), respectively, achieved return of spontaneous circulation; 82 (4.6%) versus 149
261 d on the basis of success of defibrillation, return of spontaneous heart beat, weanability from extra
262 e of hippocampal neurogenesis depends on the return of stem cells to a transient quiescent state thro
263  from 13.9 to 21.0 muA/cm(2)) and slowed the return of stimulated CFTR activity to basal levels by >3
264 mphetamine, suggesting that this paradoxical return of striatal activity to a more stable, normalized
265   To test the hypothesis that time course of return of striatal BPND to baseline differed between SZ
266                                              Return of such particles to the prophage-containing popu
267  able to return to a traditional GFD without return of symptoms.
268 dissociation of the NBDs with the subsequent return of the accessibility of the binding site to the c
269 mental dyssynchrony that was attenuated with return of the afterload to baseline levels.
270 turned to the basal levels, accompanied by a return of the AMPAR/NMDAR ratio and NMDAR decay kinetics
271      Follow-up time accrued from the date of return of the baseline questionnaire in 1986 until a dia
272 he normal region and that the final electron return of the catalytic cycle is in the inverted region.
273 omplete renal recovery, as manifested by the return of the discharge creatinine to the baseline value
274 e that relate to "resilience": (1) degree of return of the function to a reference level; (2) time ta
275 ting levels of illumination, in terms of the return of the light-dispersed transducin subunits to the
276  rapid loss of PAM-1/H3A, with no detectable return of the mutant protein to secretory granules.
277  the initiation of ribavirin therapy and the return of the platelet count to a normal level.
278 Radical translocations lead to the boomerang return of the radical center to the site of initial atta
279 id UBP1 SG disaggregation coincides with the return of the stabilized mRNAs to polysomes.
280 deficient mice (Ccr2(-/-)) revealed that the return of the T1 signal to that of blood is regulated by
281                          The kinetics of the return of the transducin subunits to the outer segments
282              The 95% CI for the net economic return of the trial was $23.1 to $51.2 billion.
283               The corresponding net economic return of the trial was $37.1 billion ($140 per dollar i
284 ct of the gene may be rather involved in the returning of the nucleosome to the basal position.
285 ing to estimate the health and socioeconomic returns of these investments.
286        Timely resolution of inflammation and return of this tissue to homeostasis are key to reducing
287  toxin or disulphide crossbridge impedes the return of this voltage sensor to its resting conformatio
288  between the retinal leaving the protein and return of transmembrane helix 6 (TM6) to the inactive co
289 eraction between Glu(355) and Asn(335) and a return of Trp(336) to an optimal position for ligand sta
290  and four patients were not withdrawn due to return of underlying disease or rejection episodes.
291  male circumcision carry a financial rate of return of up to 14.5% (for circumcisions at age 20).
292 ed prior to ART strongly predict time to the return of viraemia.
293 RT) eventually experience viral rebound, the return of viral loads to pretreatment levels.
294 atent reservoir and can explain the observed return of viremia after months of apparent cure in recen
295                                              Return of visual fixation was assessed through standard
296                    Here, we examined whether return of visual fixation-a potential marker of higher c
297 mportant stock is unlikely, depending on the return of warmer oceanographic conditions, reduced press
298 eal illness in West Africa or within 1 mo of return, of whom 40 (70%) were not tested at the time for
299 tain 100% prevalence, thereby precluding the return of WT parasites after the complete removal of dru
300 vitro activation of lymphocytes triggers the return of XIST/Xist RNA transcripts and some chromatin m

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