


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  followed by their sequential annealing with reverse gyrase.
2 hemical properties of Archaeoglobus fulgidus reverse gyrase.
3 cases, but until now were shown for no other reverse gyrase.
4 mechanism of positive supercoil induction by reverse gyrase.
5 1% identity), and the Methanopynrus kandleri reverse gyrase (37% identity).
6 all identity), the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius reverse gyrase (41% identity), and the Methanopynrus kan
7 he sequences of the Methanococcus jannaschii reverse gyrase (48% overall identity), the Sulfolobus ac
8             This dramatic enhancement of the reverse gyrase activity is also correlated with the appe
9                                              Reverse gyrase also displays exquisite sensitivity towar
10 trand passage of two type IA topoisomerases: reverse gyrase and a protein complex of topoisomerase II
11                                              Reverse gyrases are ATP-dependent type I 5'-topoisomeras
12                                              Reverse gyrase can completely relax positively supercoil
13       We report here several activities that reverse gyrase can efficiently mediate with a substoichi
14 coiling of bubble substrate demonstrate that reverse gyrase can function as a DNA renaturase.
15 ese biochemical activities also suggest that reverse gyrase can have an important biological function
16                A substoichiometric amount of reverse gyrase can insert positive supercoils into DNA w
17    In the presence of a nucleotide cofactor, reverse gyrase can readily relax negative supercoils, bu
18                                              Reverse gyrase comprises an N-terminal ATPase and a C-te
19 o close over the topoisomerase domain in the reverse gyrase crystal structure.
20 rgeted protection mechanism in vivo in which reverse gyrase detects damaged DNA and acts as a molecul
21                                              Reverse gyrase efficiently anneals complementary single-
22 ydrolysis is essential to the specificity of reverse gyrase for increasing the linking number of DNA.
23  We have determined the crystal structure of reverse gyrase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus in the presen
24                                              Reverse gyrase from Methanopyrus kandleri is unique as t
25 nctional characterization of PcalRG, a novel reverse gyrase from the archaeon Pyrobaculum calidifonti
26                         A recently described reverse gyrase from the hyperthermophilic methanogen Met
27  Here we report the reconstitution of active reverse gyrase from the two recombinant proteins overexp
28                                          The reverse gyrase gene rgy from the hyperthermophilic archa
29                                              Reverse gyrase has a minor nonspecific effect on the rat
30                         Purified P. furiosus reverse gyrase has a sedimentation coefficient of 6S, su
31                                              Reverse gyrase is a DNA topoisomerase specific for hyper
32                                              Reverse gyrase is a hyperthermophile-specific enzyme tha
33                              The P. furiosus reverse gyrase is a monomeric protein, containing a heli
34                                              Reverse gyrase is a unique type IA topoisomerase that ca
35                                              Reverse gyrase is able to anneal single strands, thereby
36          This suggests that the mechanism of reverse gyrase is best described by a combination of rec
37                                              Reverse gyrase is the only topoisomerase known to positi
38     PcalRG is the most robust and processive reverse gyrase known to date; it is active over a wide r
39 en the topoisomerase and helicase modules of reverse gyrase occurred before the divergence of the two
40 that assist unfolded proteins, we found that reverse gyrase prevents inappropriate aggregation of den
41                                              Reverse gyrase reanneals denatured DNA and induces posit
42      Using electron microscopy, we show that reverse gyrase recognizes nicked DNA and recruits a prot
43 ated that efficient positive supercoiling by reverse gyrase requires a bubble size larger than 20 nuc
44 ur results suggest for the first time that a reverse gyrase shares not only structural but also funct
45                                 We show that reverse gyrase, the only protein that is both specific a
46                                              Reverse gyrase, the only topoisomerase known to positive
47 ylogenetic analysis indicates that all known reverse gyrase topoisomerase modules form a subgroup ins
48 ilarity with the thermophile-specific enzyme reverse gyrase, which catalyzes positive supercoiling of

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