


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  gained when analyzing the glycans by online reverse phase chromatography.
2 spectrometry (HPLC-MS) using both normal and reverse phase chromatography.
3 ents remain soluble, that is compatible with reverse phase chromatography.
4 olution of the nucleic acids during ion pair reverse phase chromatography.
5 d, high-resolution separation using ion pair reverse phase chromatography.
6 ion as a hybrid form of conventional HIC and reverse phase chromatography.
7   Three active components were also found by reverse-phase chromatography.
8 from [(3)H]glibenclamide-injected animals by reverse-phase chromatography.
9 ventional hydrophobic separations such as in reverse-phase chromatography.
10 on-exchange perfusion chromatography, and C4 reverse-phase chromatography.
11 -Sepharose affinity, gel filtration, and C18 reverse-phase chromatography.
12 d by sequential kallikrein-Sepharose and C18 reverse-phase chromatography.
13 fied from yeast media by cation-exchange and reversed phase chromatography.
14 urified by size exclusion chromatography and reversed phase chromatography.
15 actionated by off-gel isoelectrofocusing and reversed-phase chromatography.
16 d with both alkylation reagents, coeluted on reversed-phase chromatography.
17 ution of heavy isotope coded peptides during reversed-phase chromatography.
18 ping and their subunit content determined by reversed-phase chromatography.
19 similar to those of typical ODS packings for reversed-phase chromatography.
20 rified from both sources by ion-exchange and reversed-phase chromatographies.
21                               On normal- and reversed-phase chromatography, 1 is substantially less p
22          Purification was based on miniature reversed-phase chromatography, a procedure suitable for
23 e resulting phosphopeptides were isolated by reverse phase chromatography and directly identified by
24 tabolomics approach beginning with capillary reverse phase chromatography and electrospray ionization
25 d aniline-tagged glycans can be recovered by reverse-phase chromatography and can be quantified based
26 duced cleavage products were monitored using reverse-phase chromatography and matrix-assisted laser d
27  by ultrafiltration followed by low-pressure reverse-phase chromatography and purified by reverse-pha
28 y ionizable or retained analytes amenable to reversed phase chromatography and electrospray ionizatio
29                                              Reversed-phase chromatography and 1-octanol/water partit
30 cosylated sample was further fractionated by reversed-phase chromatography and analyzed by electrospr
31 the same amino acid sequence are resolved by reversed-phase chromatography and assesses the degree to
32 /MS/MS with strong cation exchange (SCX) and reversed-phase chromatography and continuous gradient el
33                 Prymnesins were separated by reversed-phase chromatography and detected by positive-m
34 -alkylnicotinic acid (Cn-NA-NHS) followed by reversed-phase chromatography and electrospray ionizatio
35 e mixture was analyzed by single-dimensional reversed-phase chromatography and electrospray ionizatio
36 es were isolated using cationic exchange and reversed-phase chromatography and identified by (1)H NMR
37                  Following trypsin cleavage, reversed-phase chromatography and mass spectrometry (MS)
38 stion of these oxidized proteins followed by reversed-phase chromatography and tandem mass spectromet
39              The latter were fractionated by reverse phase chromatography, and four of the major pept
40 ones in culture supernatants fractionated by reverse-phase chromatography, and mass spectrometry was
41 eterodimer using gel filtration, amino acid, reversed-phase chromatography, and analytical ultracentr
42 erivatized individually, mixed, subjected to reversed-phase chromatography, and analyzed by ESI-MS.
43  AH was separated using ultra-filtration and reversed-phase chromatography, and assessment of the fra
44 scent assay components are then separated by reversed-phase chromatography, and NBD-serine is quantif
45 ractionation of deglycosylated peptides with reversed-phase chromatography, and peptide sequencing wi
46 hickens were separated by gel filtration and reversed-phase chromatography, and whole protein masses
47                     Ion exchange and high pH reversed phase chromatography are often used for this pu
48 g separation techniques for LC-IRMS, such as reversed phase chromatography at normal temperatures, io
49 ample preparation, off-line fractionation by reversed-phase chromatography at pH 10, immobilization o
50 lected proteins were further fractionated by reversed-phase chromatography before proteolysis of indi
51                Here, we show that nonaqueous reversed-phase chromatography can be coupled to mass-spe
52 analytical microbore and capillary perfusion reversed-phase chromatography columns are analyzed by ei
53 mino acid analysis as well as microcapillary reverse phase chromatography electrospray ionization tan
54                                              Reversed phase chromatography, electrospray ionization-M
55              HPLC-ICP-MS based on ion-paired reversed phase chromatography for the selenium speciatio
56  collected, pooled together and subjected to reversed-phase chromatography for further purification.
57 tography (HILIC) for the aqueous extract and reversed-phase chromatography for the organic.
58 e to separate the isomers, or who were using reversed-phase chromatography, gave rise to multi-modal
59    Due to the hydrophilic nature of glycans, reverse phase chromatography has not been widely used as
60 matography using the sequential ion-exchange/reversed-phase chromatography HPLC system, and detection
61 labeled LaeA followed by cation exchange and reverse phase chromatography identified methionine as th
62  it is orthogonal to hydrophobicity on which reversed-phase chromatography is based.
63 ge of the analysis using subzero temperature reversed-phase chromatography is presented.
64 med by an immobilized trypsin cartridge, and reversed-phase chromatography isolates the two pools of
65 niques, including cyanogen bromide cleavage, reversed-phase chromatography, mass spectrometry, and N-
66  (salt-free) ion exchange chromatography and reversed phase chromatography-mass spectrometry allowed
67 noliths (PPMs) that are versatile and robust reversed-phase chromatography media.
68                                              Reverse phase chromatography of the globin chains of adu
69 rst separated from reaction side products by reversed-phase chromatography on a C-4 column.
70 ate free energies of adsorption from data on reversed-phase chromatography on nine protected peptides
71 ation columns were packed using conventional reversed-phase chromatography particles.
72  procyclic forms by a solvent-extraction and reverse phase chromatography procedure.
73 ly purified the released proteins by several reverse phase chromatography procedures.
74                                              Reversed-phase chromatography revealed that most SAR11 b
75  protein extracts obtained were separated by reverse-phase chromatography (RP-HPLC-UV).
76  (ACE) in the first separation dimension and reversed phase chromatography (RP) in the second separat
77 sSEC fractions could be further separated by reverse phase chromatography (RPC) coupled online with h
78 C with ion exchange chromatography (IEC) and reverse phase chromatography (RPC) for intact protein se
79 e HIC mobile phases is orthogonal to that of reverse phase chromatography (RPC).
80                          Using complementary reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) and hydrophilic inte
81 m interacting with the stationary phase of a reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) column and impacting
82 graphy seleno-amino acids were determined by reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) coupled to ICP-MS.
83 tides increased retention of peptides during reversed-phase chromatography (RPC), particularly in the
84 lycosylated by PNGase F, and fractionated by reversed-phase chromatography (RPC).
85                                              Reverse phase chromatography showed that greater than 95
86 eparation of derivatized N-linked glycans by reverse phase chromatography significantly out-performs
87 lysis of these newly discovered congeners by reverse-phase chromatography, spectrophotometry, antibod
88 techniques and peptide retention modeling in reversed-phase chromatography to generate a data set suf
89 rst dimension are automatically subjected to reversed-phase chromatography to separate similarly size
90 NA derivatized amino acids was lengthened in reversed-phase chromatography to the extent that polar a
91 ms using high pressure liquid chromatography-reverse phase chromatography together with synthetic pep
92 d through a combination of methods including reversed-phase chromatography, treatment with phosphatid
93 luorescent assay components are separated by reversed-phase chromatography under isocratic conditions
94 extracts of apple peels were fractionated by reversed phase chromatography using gradient elution of
95 ethanesulfonate, (3) sequential ion-exchange/reversed-phase chromatography using a single non-end-cap
96  14 to 36 carbon atoms are separated by C(8) reversed-phase chromatography using a water-methanol gra
97 (microcon filtration, molecular sieving, and reversed-phase chromatography), we unambiguously identif
98 se we were unable to resolve the isoforms by reverse phase chromatography, we could not assign each i
99 etylation resulted in increased retention in reversed-phase chromatography, whereas methylation, incl
100  peptides, can be challenging to separate by reverse-phase chromatography with optimal efficiency.
101 tract of Maieta guianensis by silica gel and reverse-phase chromatography yielded two pure compounds

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