


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 toms compared to the wild type or a Us3 null revertant.
2 and NR4A3) were down-regulated in the HeLaHF revertant.
3 us progeny virions than the wild type or the revertant.
4 rary constructed with chromosomal DNA from a revertant.
5 pared to either the parental virus or clonal revertant.
6 ting gene expression compared to that in the revertant.
7 s and also for the presence of neurovirulent revertants.
8 tion results in a severe reduction of Lac(+) revertants.
9 nd enforcing cooperative behavior by killing revertants.
10 5 revertant in a subset of persons with T215 revertants.
11 ave characterized two classes of ilvA pseudo-revertants.
12 netically unstable, giving rise to wild-type revertants.
13 ation of the viral DNA in the resulting flat revertants.
14 s exploited to isolate dsbA-independent ccdA revertants.
15 to replicate productively, and can become WT revertants.
16  RNase mutants in vitro can also generate WT revertants.
17 use models including 3H9, 3H9/56R, and their revertant 3H9GL.
18 providing ORF45 in trans or in an ORF45-null revertant (45STOP.R) virus.
19 of mantled, while restoration in spontaneous revertants accounts for non-Mendelian inheritance.
20  with IPV did not increase the proportion of revertants after OPV administration.
21 s occurs while the cells retain a rod shape, revertant alleles with second-site suppressor mutations
22  sorghum show that, compared to functionally revertant alleles, loss of y1 lines do not accumulate ph
23                                          The revertant also regained virulence and caused significant
24 sing a combination of structure-function and revertant analyses.
25                               In addition, a revertant analysis on mmd1 plants demonstrated that Ds-m
26 anscription factor by positional cloning and revertant analysis.
27                                 Among the 22 revertant and 29 control samples, UDPS detected a mean o
28          Analysis of MPN142 in a cytadhering revertant and complementation using a recombinant wild-t
29 angement of helices supported by second-site revertant and crosslinking analyses, these residues clus
30 eal-time PCR assay to detect and distinguish revertant and nonrevertant OPV serotype 1 (OPV-1), OPV-2
31  compensatory mutations only in UL96 in this revertant and the specific involvement of functionally d
32  for exon 44 or 45 had an elevated number of revertant and trace dystrophin expression (approximately
33                          Analysis of genetic revertants and complementation with wild-type alleles co
34 vent this problem, we performed a screen for revertants and dominant suppressors of the bicaudal phen
35  we constructed similar tryptophan auxotroph revertants and found that the reversion resulted from a
36 cy with which it excises to produce germinal revertants and in its copy number in the maize genome: J
37 aining pqsD, pqsE, and phnAB occurs in these revertants, and quantitative real-time PCR experiments s
38           We demonstrate that wild-type PyMT revertants are derived from mutations in the hotspot seq
39 e as its sole carbon and energy source, Lac+ revertants arise at a constant rate, a phenomenon known
40 stem in sorghum, we have isolated functional revertants as well as loss-of-function alleles of y1.
41 ial oil displayed a significant reduction of revertants at 0.05 mg/plate, from 21% to 34%.
42 eases the ability of B. subtilis to generate revertants at the hisC952 allele via this system.
43  the potential to further produce epithelial revertants autonomously.
44 able in the periphery of the mosaic patient, revertant B lymphocytes remained below the detection thr
45 we also repaired the mutation and obtained a revertant, BAC16-45A66F.
46 titution of BRCA2-deficient cells with these revertant BRCA2 alleles rescued PARP inhibitor sensitivi
47 thymidine analogue mutations (TAMs) and T215 revertants (but not T215F/Y) were found to be highly sta
48     The R144Q parent only yielded first-site revertants, but the R144S strain produced three types of
49                            We find that Lac+ revertants can completely account for the increase in be
50        Sequence analysis revealed that these revertants carried mutations in dsbB and that their Ps(+
51 ed from Jackfruit pulp reduced the number of revertants caused by aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and proliferati
52            We hypothesize that these somatic revertant CD18(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) may hav
53                                Over time the revertant CD45RA(pos) effector cell population is also e
54                                 Importantly, revertant CD8(+) SAP(+) T cells, but not SAP(-) cells, p
55 tudy, Cd(2+)-resistant MT(-/-) (CdR) and CdR revertant (CdR-rev) cell lines were developed and charac
56 direct immunofluorescence in both mutant and revertant cell lines had an apparently normal distributi
57                                        These revertant cell lines provide strong evidence that a muta
58 a moderate clinical phenotype, and developed revertant cells after the age of 14 years.
59 stible supply of functional patient-specific revertant cells can be obtained--potentially relevant to
60  keratinocyte proliferation, we predict that revertant cells have a selective advantage that allows t
61              When molecularly characterized, revertant cells have rarely exhibited more than one reve
62 ession has shown that these patients carried revertant cells only among T lymphocytes.
63 ells, and reverted to low methylation in the revertant cells.
64                         Sequence analysis of revertant clones derived from S(61,65)A mutant virus rev
65 e in humans, is associated with thousands of revertant clones of normal skin that arise from loss of
66 e previously characterized a system in which revertant colonies accumulate slowly and contain cells w
67 ction-only model, the delay in appearance of revertant colonies reflects (1) the time required for in
68 nt chromosomal lac operon gives rise to Lac+ revertant colonies that accumulate over 6 days under sel
69 ed on growth-restricting medium give rise to revertant colonies that accumulate over several days.
70 se parameters are used in a graphic model of revertant colony development, they demonstrate that no i
71                                  Single-site revertants constructed at these positions suggest that g
72 esidues at E1 position 188 and a second-site revertant containing an E1 K176T mutation.
73 t RNAP increases several-fold the percent of revertants containing MCMs.
74 amples from untreated persons that lack such revertants ("control" samples).
75          The analysis of the mutants and the revertants demonstrates the importance of a pocket in th
76                     This mutant, but not its revertant, displays BPES-like conditions such as midface
77  RNA viruses may lead to the accumulation of revertants during manufacture of live viral vaccines, re
78 on in the lac operon (lac-) accumulates Lac+ revertants during prolonged exposure to selective growth
79                                              Revertant dystrophin fibers, which expressed functional,
80  a growing culture, consistent with Lac+ DNA revertant events.
81 onse regulator gene, while M7 is a wild-type revertant for etaR.
82  Like transferred nTreg and in contrast with revertant Foxp3 cells, Foxp3 iTreg retained CD25 and glu
83  Like transferred nTreg and in contrast with revertant Foxp3- cells, Foxp3+ iTreg retained CD25 and g
84 tagenesis cannot account for even one Lac(+) revertant from a mutagenized subpopulation of 10(5) cell
85 e highly proliferative tumor cells and their revertants from highly invasive tumor cell populations,
86                               The concept of revertant gene mosaicism is also discussed as a potentia
87 c in vivo amelioration of genodermatoses via revertant gene mosaicism will be discussed as a possible
88 ectodermal dysplasias, and the phenomenon of revertant gene mosaicism.
89 eversion frequency and molecular analysis of revertant gene sequences.
90                             In contrast, the revertant genome exhibited only a 5-fold reduction in re
91 observations from the full-length mutant and revertant genomes.
92 nt cells have rarely exhibited more than one revertant genotype per patient.
93 titutions resulting in at least 34 different revertant genotypes that restored expression of WASp.
94                    A large fraction of these revertant genotypes were also identified in primary T ce
95                             A ferret-adapted revertant (HA1-H17Y/HA2-R106K) regained airborne transmi
96               The first class of ilvA pseudo-revertants had a mutation in the Phom promoter (P*hom ),
97                            By contrast, both revertants had marked effects on G551D-CFTR channel gati
98                            All non-wild-type revertants had mutations at T286 and showed defects in b
99                                  Independent revertants had reproducible expression networks, largely
100 hat observed for genes mutated in PIDs where revertants have not been identified or control genes.
101        It has been reported that ilvA pseudo-revertants having a derepressed hom-thrCB operon appear
102  replication relative to either wild-type or revertant HCMV.
103                            The impact of the revertant hematopoietic stem or progenitor cells, partic
104                                  HA-positive revertant II-3R producing an altered P30 was unexpectedl
105                                        These revertants implicated a network of interactions that con
106 s or from the primary transmission of a T215 revertant in a subset of persons with T215 revertants.
107 cytomegalovirus (HCMV) mutants harboring the revertant in UL30 (W781V) and UL54 (W780V) DNA polymeras
108 cytomegalovirus (HCMV) mutants harboring the revertant in UL30 (W781V) and UL54 (W780V) DNA polymeras
109 roportion (RP), defined as the percentage of revertants in a sample, differed by < or =10% in 21/25 (
110 , both mutants were more attenuated than the revertants in intranasal and intraperitoneal mouse model
111 sence of wide arrays of individual genotypic revertants in WAS patients and offer opportunities for f
112  mlo-11 resistance and recovered susceptible revertants in which restoration of Mlo function was acco
113                   Forty-four were first-site revertants in which the original mutation was changed ba
114                                        These revertants included pseudorevertants containing acidic o
115       Finally, analysis of nonsense mutation revertants indicates that Polzeta can simultaneously int
116  enhanced virus replication in vivo, and the revertants induced higher-level serum and mucosal antibo
117 However, after considerable delay lpg2(-)REV revertant-infected mice exhibited lesions, and amastigot
118 e significantly higher than in studies using revertant insects.
119  at a second locus during selection for Lac+ revertants is also independent of the proximity of the l
120                            The occurrence of revertants is considered rare, and the underlying geneti
121 utations but that the nature of the selected revertants is influenced by both the viral background an
122 lix in wild-type TpoR and in the second-site revertants is likely associated with its strong preferen
123 Using a set of parental, gene-disrupted, and revertant isogenic clones, we found that RESA plays a ma
124    Transcriptome analysis of prion-resistant revertants, isolated from highly susceptible cells, reve
125 dons within the K1 ORF (KSHV-K15xSTOP), or a revertant K1 virus (KSHV-K1REV).
126 gnificantly lower level than its BAC-derived revertant (KSHVdLZRev) or KSHVWT (BAC36) in HEK 293T cel
127 zed by the development of white, genetically revertant macules in red, diseased skin.
128                              In one class of revertants, Miranda still binds Staufen/oskar mRNA compl
129                                              Revertant mosaicism (RM) is a naturally occurring phenom
130    This case represents a novel mechanism of revertant mosaicism and is an example of "natural gene t
131  episodes in infancy, harbored hematopoietic revertant mosaicism by uniparental disomy of 7q, with lo
132 o MDS with -7/del(7q), whereas hematopoietic revertant mosaicism commonly ameliorated clinical manife
133 rameshift mutations in the high frequency of revertant mosaicism in IWC.
134 tion of WASP-expressing T lymphocytes led to revertant mosaicism in these patients.
135   Here we describe a disseminated pattern of revertant mosaicism observed in 6 patients with Kindler
136                                  Clinically, revertant mosaicism was associated with milder disease,
137 cell therapy, innovations in cancer biology, revertant mosaicism, and induced pluripotent stem cell t
138         Spontaneous gene repair, also called revertant mosaicism, has been documented in several gene
139 lopment of hundreds of normal skin spots via revertant mosaicism.
140 on of low-grade constitutional, somatic, and revertant mosaicism; and provided evidence of a mutation
141        Unexpectedly, the myristyl group of a revertant mutant with normal PM targeting properties (V7
142 n a deletion veA (DeltaveA) strain to obtain revertant mutants (RM) that regained the capability to p
143 agenesis in a DeltaveA strain and identified revertant mutants able to synthesize ST, among them RM1.
144 and molecular characterization of one of the revertant mutants, RM3, revealed that a point mutation o
145  in vivo in a WAS patient with a spontaneous revertant mutation, indicating that altered Treg fitness
146 7% harboring T215Y/F and 2.7% harboring T215 revertant mutations (T215rev).
147      Here, we investigate the effects of the revertant mutations G550E and 4RK (the simultaneous disr
148                                    Thus, the revertant mutations G550E and 4RK alter the gating patte
149                                 To learn how revertant mutations influence G551D-CFTR function, we st
150 3(GPC/VGKS) by introducing the corresponding revertant mutations K465V and G467K within GP2 of rCl-13
151  is ATP independent, we investigated whether revertant mutations restore ATP dependence to G551D-CFTR
152                                         T215 revertant mutations such as T215C/D/E/S that evolve from
153 ion; and (c) introduction of solubilizing or revertant mutations to stabilize F508del NBD1 reduced it
154 efects in CFTR processing and function using revertant mutations.
155                      The enrichment of WASP+-revertant NK cells indicates that WASP provides a select
156 SP), and NK cells contained both mutated and revertant (normal) sequences.
157                 A spontaneous drug-resistant revertant of BamA(DeltaR44) was found to carry an A18S s
158 study, we isolated dLeuR, a growth-competent revertant of dLeu.
159                                    A partial revertant of H358-G200 cells had reduced levels of RRM1
160                Furthermore, in vivo a Gal(+) revertant of this mutant outcompeted the galETKM deletio
161                                              Revertants of a colcemid-resistant Chinese hamster ovary
162            In the first study reported here, revertants of a set of cosQ mutants were screened for su
163           This was found through analysis of revertants of a severely defective mutant of murine hepa
164            Sequence analysis of 40 degrees C revertants of Alb/ts/nsp5/V148A identified primary rever
165 re PCR positive contained varying amounts of revertants of all 3 poliovirus serotypes.
166 -of-function alleles of egl-30 as intragenic revertants of an egl-30 reduction-of-function mutation.
167             Analysis of multiple second-site revertants of CCA4 revealed mutations in both the M prot
168              HeLaHF cells are transformation revertants of cervical cancer HeLa cells and have lost a
169  nonselected mutations among adaptive Lac(+) revertants of Escherichia coli strains with and without
170 e this chromosome loss phenotype, intragenic revertants of fla8-1, fla8-2, and fla10-14 were generate
171              In contrast, spontaneous motile revertants of fliL cells that regained motility yet prod
172                            Partial framework revertants of HIV-1 broadly neutralizing Abs may present
173     Finally, the analysis of the second-site revertants of K377C reveals that mutation of Ile-22 (in
174                      Analysis of second-site revertants of MDelta2 revealed mutations in the carboxy-
175                                          The revertants of shortened H protein mutants fell into two
176                                              Revertants of single-amino-acid substitution mutants wer
177                                Motile (Mot+) revertants of the -38C:T mutant were isolated and charac
178 t the findings of phenotypic (not genotypic) revertants of the ext3 mutant and in-depth analysis incl
179 140A) was isolated from antibiotic-resistant revertants of the hypersensitive TolC(R367H) mutant.
180 ow isolated multiple independent second-site revertants of the loop 1 insertion mutant, and we used r
181                                   Mapping of revertants of the resulting chimeric viruses provided ev
182 involves monitoring the appearance of Lac(+) revertants of the strain FC40 under starvation condition
183                                 By selecting revertants of the temperature sensitive and paclitaxel h
184 iochemical and molecular analyses of several revertants of the w4-m allele, we have shown that the W4
185 elevated PMEPA1 expression in nontumorigenic revertants of tumor cell lines after chromosome 8p trans
186                                              Revertant OPV-1 and nonrevertant OPV-2 and -3 were detec
187                                              Revertant OPV-1 was found in stool at 7 and 9 weeks, and
188 215Y or T215F was not detected in any of the revertant or control samples; however, 4 of 22 revertant
189 taining mutants; rather, only true wild-type revertants or a virus, G50U/C47A, containing a second si
190 nsmitted T215Y variants by the more fit T215 revertants or from the primary transmission of a T215 re
191  relative to two independently produced vLIP revertants or parental virus.
192                        Additionally, in some revertant patches, mitotic recombination generated areas
193 ) and HCAs, measured as the log of histidine revertants per nanomole of amine, log m, in Salmonella t
194 s direct mutagens (10(-7) mol/plate), with a revertants percentage reduction of 39% and 40%, respecti
195 terizing the molecular lesions that confer a revertant phenotype.
196 ndividual vaccinees, it can acquire specific revertant point mutations, leading to vaccine-associated
197 nd a second antibiotic suppressing the small revertant population may be superior to alternatives suc
198                 Here we identified a partial revertant population of the L. major lpg2- mutants (desi
199                      In vivo-isolated motile revertants possessed an identical, single extragenic mut
200 ed the amounts of adaptive his, met, and leu revertants produced by the B. subtilis YB955 parental st
201                                        These revertants produced more pyocyanin and had increased lev
202             When reversion was compared, the revertant proportion (RP), defined as the percentage of
203                                 We show that revertant RDEB keratinocytes expressing functional C7 ca
204 U residues were identified at the 3' ends of revertants recovered from Huh7 cells transfected with an
205 able microtubule levels, and virus-sensitive revertants recovered from the mutant line showed restora
206                Interestingly, rNS3-5B-L726P (revertant) replicated with the same efficiency as the rN
207                                  Spontaneous revertants restored for flagellar biosynthesis, gene exp
208                                 Together the revertants reveal specific and interconnected aspects of
209 he FeoB2-deficient mutant, and the same-site revertant revealed that the mutant had a significantly d
210 ion by extensive mutagenesis and analyses of revertants revealed that two consecutive C residues (C(9
211 les from untreated persons that contain T215 revertants ("revertant" samples) compared with samples f
212 , and compared it with that of a spontaneous revertant (RF111).
213 eceptor with relatively high efficiency, the revertant RGD viruses utilized either the alpha(V)beta(1
214 cularly infected mice compared to the NgK or revertant (RgK) virus.
215           Characterization of the mutant and revertant RNA molecules and the corresponding viruses co
216                             In 6 of 22 (27%) revertant samples and in 4 of 29 control samples (14%; P
217 vertant or control samples; however, 4 of 22 revertant samples had one or more T215 revertants that w
218 ure to detect viruses with T215Y/F in the 22 revertant samples in this study may result from the over
219 eated persons that contain T215 revertants ("revertant" samples) compared with samples from untreated
220                                 By selecting revertants, second-site mutations were identified for on
221        Further investigation revealed that a revertant selected for growth on pyruvate regained the i
222  cells of one of these patients and detected revertant sequences also within the B-cell fraction.
223 d sewage and to distinguish nonrevertant and revertant serotypes and demonstrated that OPV continues
224 ses of the fliL parent strain and its motile revertants showed that they result from mutations alteri
225  the reversion mechanism in all investigated revertant skin spots.
226                                  Analysis of revertant SL-1 mutant viruses revealed that a compensato
227 on in ichthyosis with confetti suggests that revertant stem cell clones are under strong positive sel
228 binant ORF134-deleted strain and the derived revertant strain suggested that cyprinid herpesvirus 3 I
229 th either the parental or the reconstituted (revertant) strain.
230 hyde, than biofilms formed by the parent and revertant strains (P < 0.0001), demonstrating that the e
231  our patient the functional advantage of the revertant T cells in the context of persistent CMV infec
232 l patients from the same family who also had revertant T lymphocytes that showed selective in vivo ad
233 rienced progressive clinical improvement and revertant T-cell mosaicism.
234 sel branches are few and upright in the wab1 revertant tassel and have an increased branch angle in t
235                    No fibril was formed by a revertant that exhibits the stable wild-type GB1 fold or
236 s RNAs that produced some plaques from which revertants that always restored the Arf activation prope
237 hat appear during lactose selection are true revertants that arise in a single step from Lac- cells,
238 ral independent, genetically stable germline revertants that lacked the duplicated wild-type sequence
239     Here, we have isolated and characterized revertants that rescued the fusion and growth defects of
240  the left end, and was rapidly supplanted by revertants that restored asymmetry.
241 rees C cold-sensitive phenotype and selected revertants that restored vector productivity.
242 of 22 revertant samples had one or more T215 revertants that were detected by UDPS but not by direct
243           In the second class of ilvA pseudo-revertants, the thrR gene encoding a putative DNA-bindin
244 in the UL15 gene restored the ability of the revertant to cleave and package viral DNA.
245 Swiss mice than that of wild-type virus, and revertants to the wild type could be detected by PCR clo
246 es symport; how some multiple mutants become revertant transporters; the raised export rate and affin
247  number and delayed appearance of two of the revertant types.
248 duced small or minute plaques that generated revertants upon further passage, with either wild-type 3
249 to identify genome differences among vaccine revertants, vaccine strains, and field isolates, whole-g
250              Here, we show that hepatotropic revertant variants may be selected from these in vitro i
251 S3-negative MDV was completely restored in a revertant virus (20US3*) expressing a US3 protein with a
252 racteristics similar to those of SPPV-SA and revertant virus (RvKLP).
253 nization with IPV and OPV has on shedding of revertant virus by healthy infants.
254 lts from the genetic analysis of second-site revertant virus mutants identified the importance of the
255 ction into human fibroblast cells, whereas a revertant virus readily produced viral plaques and, subs
256 ing the immune response to this virus with a revertant virus that can persist, we were able to dissec
257                                            A revertant virus that restored the expression of the meq
258                             Importantly, the revertant virus that restored the expression of vIL-8 ge
259 P, RRV-GFP, wild-type (WT) RRV H26-95, and a revertant virus using traditional plaque assays, as well
260              In addition, a gain of function-revertant virus was recovered with the Q2161A mutation a
261                  The gK-V5-TEV, R-gK-V5-TEV (revertant virus), and gDDeltaTEV viruses exhibited simil
262 shuffled RTA constructs did not yield any WT revertant virus, a sharp contrast to WT virus contaminat
263 of DNA cleavage were comparable to those for revertant virus, deletion of M140 resulted in a signific
264 electron microscopy showed that, compared to revertant virus, the number of double-membrane vesicles
265 ine (IPV) resulted in faster accumulation of revertant virus, thus potentially increasing the risk of
266 plaque size is reduced compared to that of a revertant virus.
267 operties compared to RRV-GFP, WT RRV, or the revertant virus.
268 tic growth defect that was not observed in a revertant virus.
269 th either parental BAC20 virus or the 20US3* revertant virus.
270  the appearance of fluorescence indicating a revertant virus.
271                               Phenotypically revertant viruses arose after continued passage in cultu
272  P112A affected virion assembly, we selected revertant viruses for these two mutants.
273 ansmission of ChimeriVax vaccine recombinant/revertant viruses in nature is minimal.
274             Despite the presence of virulent revertant viruses in some live-attenuated vaccines, dise
275 ns and illustrate the expanding diversity of revertant viruses in this population.
276 A3 genes has been independently deleted, and revertant viruses in which the genes have been re-introd
277                       Replication-competent, revertant viruses rescued from dicistronic HRV-14 RNAs c
278                                              Revertant viruses that formed plaques on Vero cells were
279                                 Nonetheless, revertant viruses that restored the WT CA sequence and h
280                      Four viable second-site revertant viruses were isolated from three different rep
281 ailed to rescue rPIV5-P-T286E virus, several revertant viruses were obtained.
282 was reduced compared to that of wild-type or revertant viruses when the expression of only a single g
283  not support viral RNA replication, and only revertant viruses with a restored wild-type arginine or
284            Nevertheless, unlike parental and revertant viruses, the mutants induce moderate levels of
285  or differences in egress for the mutant and revertant viruses.
286  and virus shedding compared to parental and revertant viruses.
287         Like the lpg2 parent, the lpg2(-)REV revertant was unable to synthesize LPG2-dependent PGs in
288               A collection of photosynthetic revertants was obtained from Delta26pAtE, and gel blot h
289 ntified by flow cytometry to have 10% to 15% revertant, WAS protein-expressing lymphocytes in his blo
290 ly replicates (HIV-1 TAR and BIV Tat), viral revertants were isolated in which TAR had become mutated
291 uent single mutants, and several single-site revertants were over-expressed in Escherichia coli, puri
292 this system, simple excisions produce purple revertants, whereas deletions of host or transposon sequ
293 s well as cAMP levels, are elevated in these revertants, while Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) pro
294                                              Revertant wild-type PyMT (containing nine cytosines) was
295 assumptions of the HSM predict that selected revertants will carry an average of eight deleterious nu
296 is was carried out on the D246A variant, and revertants with enhanced activity were isolated by their
297 tance results in an overwhelming majority of revertants with MCMs.
298 h AID results in a high percentage of Kan(R) revertants with MCMs.
299                      The E89 mutants yielded revertants with second-site substitutions within regions
300                          A series of partial revertants within the mutated LAGLIDADG region are shown

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