


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erstanding the pathogenesis and treatment of rheumatologic and glomerular diseases such as systemic l
2  disease spectra ranging from hematologic to rheumatologic and immunologic disorders is crucial for i
3 xpensive, and they may be more effective for rheumatologic and nonocular autoimmune disorders than fo
4 n scales can be successfully integrated into rheumatologic and orthopedic procedures.
5                                              Rheumatologic and periodontal condition was evaluated in
6                             MMF use in other rheumatologic and renal diseases has been evaluated in o
7 n which these agents have been used to treat rheumatologic and renal diseases.
8 the therapeutic armamentarium for oncologic, rheumatologic, and neurologic disorders has resulted in
9                                  Orthopedic, rheumatologic, and other subspecialty referrals may be c
10             Only recently have the potential rheumatologic applications for these agents been investi
11                                  Advances in rheumatologic arthritis health services research continu
12               In the subgroup that underwent rheumatologic assessment, a classification of inflammato
13 ve inflammatory back pain to refer for early rheumatologic assessment.
14 were required to fulfill four of 11 American Rheumatologic Association criteria for the diagnosis of
15 ence of patients with RA receiving inpatient rheumatologic care and have the potential to significant
16 ach, we are now able to give the patient the rheumatologic care they want and need at a time they wan
17              Service developments to improve rheumatologic care will be specific to local circumstanc
18       The ROC application is useful in daily rheumatologic care, and the disease activity calculator
19 populations, which may limit their access to rheumatologic care.
20 egies are best to improve care at particular rheumatologic centers.
21  to date has been of 16 409 patients from 30 rheumatologic centres.
22 nt significant pediatric arthritis and other rheumatologic conditions (SPARC).
23 tive in decreasing arthralgia resulting from rheumatologic conditions and reducing serum triglyceride
24                                Patients with rheumatologic conditions frequently use CAM.
25 strated activity in various dermatologic and rheumatologic conditions in addition to Crohn's disease.
26 ing the national prevalence of arthritis and rheumatologic conditions in children on an ongoing basis
27 to a different intervention for a variety of rheumatologic conditions including osteoporosis, rheumat
28  these metabolic conditions clinically mimic rheumatologic conditions owing to non-specific arthralgi
29 he development of quality measures for adult rheumatologic conditions, and preliminary quality measur
30  or biologic therapies for the management of rheumatologic conditions, malignancies, inflammatory bow
31 are visits for pediatric arthritis and other rheumatologic conditions.
32                                              Rheumatologic data (duration of illness, Disease Activit
33                      Dentists, masked to the rheumatologic diagnoses, performed periodontal probing a
34 reviews provided demographic information and rheumatologic diagnoses.
35 -1.77), renal disease (1.28; 1.11-1.48), and rheumatologic disease (2.04; 1.71-2.42).
36 icrobiologic findings and their influence on rheumatologic disease parameters in patients with rheuma
37 V infection in humans suffering from chronic rheumatologic disease symptoms, little is known about ch
38 dress the relationship between endocrine and rheumatologic disease, both of which are autoimmune.
39  gastrointestinal events, anticoagulant use, rheumatologic disease, high Deyo comorbidity index score
40    Osteoarthritis is the most common form of rheumatologic disease, with numerous factors increasing
41 ious central nervous system complications of rheumatologic diseases has been gained in the past year.
42           The pathogenesis of paraneoplastic rheumatologic diseases is complex and not fully understo
43                             Similar to other rheumatologic diseases, an association of relapsing poly
44         Despite being one of the most common rheumatologic diseases, there is still no disease-modify
45 alpha agents are used widely in treatment of rheumatologic diseases.
46 umatologists for the evaluation of suspected rheumatologic diseases.
47 ial diagnosis are discussed for these common rheumatologic diseases.
48 eview the single-gene defects that can mimic rheumatologic diseases.
49 ion of the role of innate immunity in common rheumatologic diseases.
50 ed during the course of the past year on the rheumatologic diseases.
51 methasone led to the accepted diagnosis of a rheumatologic disorder resembling Behcet disease.
52 on, or perirectal abscess) and/or autoimmune/rheumatologic disorders (AIDs).
53  We discuss the association between specific rheumatologic disorders and AITDs and manifestations of
54 e in understanding the experience of pain in rheumatologic disorders as well as other chronic pain co
55 ho had taken minocycline for dermatologic or rheumatologic disorders for extended periods.
56                                    AITDs and rheumatologic disorders have significant commonalities b
57 AITDs and manifestations of AITDs that mimic rheumatologic disorders.
58 ses, including infections, malignancies, and rheumatologic disorders.
59 linical use for the treatment of malaria and rheumatologic disorders.
60 on syndrome (MAS) constitutes one of the few rheumatologic emergencies.
61                   Septic arthritis (SA) is a rheumatologic emergency associated with significant morb
62 fficult to distinguish from those of various rheumatologic entities.
63            Patients underwent neurologic and rheumatologic evaluation, electromyography, and muscle b
64 rformed transesophageal echocardiography and rheumatologic evaluations in 69 patients with systemic l
65 initial transesophageal echocardiography and rheumatologic evaluations.
66       Twenty-five patients underwent further rheumatologic examination.
67             Disease activity was assessed by rheumatologic examination.
68 rtain endocrine disease occurs more often in rheumatologic illness will enable the clinician to inves
69 ing has been evaluated in many oncologic and rheumatologic indications and is emerging as a powerful
70    Among patients with a prHBV infection and rheumatologic indications for long-term biologic therapi
71 f underlying conditions, including allergic, rheumatologic, infectious, and neoplastic disorders.
72  of ocular manifestations in immunologic and rheumatologic inflammatory disorders has continued to ex
73  from rheumatologic procedures, 261,584 from rheumatologic infusions, and 11,101 US dollars from init
74                               Often, general rheumatologic laboratory tests are sent which are not ne
75       The total number of manuscripts in the rheumatologic literature with an ethical focus was 104 o
76 familial HLH) or be secondary to infectious, rheumatologic, malignant, or metabolic conditions (acqui
77 nts in the medical literature related to the rheumatologic manifestations and their detection and man
78 hritis, at least before the advent of modern rheumatologic medications.
79 ive resource for postmarketing evaluation of rheumatologic medications.
80      Only respiratory, gastrointestinal, and rheumatologic/orthopedic/psychiatric complex chronic con
81 k of hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation in rheumatologic patients with a previously resolved HBV (p
82                    A total of 1218 Caucasian rheumatologic patients, admitted consecutively as outpat
83 s in rheumatology and their applicability to rheumatologic practice.
84 om radiologic studies, 8,159 US dollars from rheumatologic procedures, 261,584 from rheumatologic inf
85 nary workup after several gastroenterologic, rheumatologic, radiologic, psychiatric and orthopedic co
86 HL]); endocrine (diabetes, thyroiditis); and rheumatologic (Sjogren's syndrome).
87 ormity and are not associated with any other rheumatologic stigmata.
88  of having some of the more common pediatric rheumatologic symptoms and diseases.
89 ve estimated the cost-effectiveness of novel rheumatologic therapies, in particular the inhibitors of
90 iologic studies, consultations, and specific rheumatologic treatments and procedures performed or ord
91               The authors also discuss novel rheumatologic uses for the older agents that have been d

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