


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  retinal ligand and transmembrane helices in rhodopsin.
2 eceptors, defined as expressing a particular rhodopsin.
3 ordings display blunted dephosphorylation of rhodopsin.
4 rgy diagram for the regeneration reaction of rhodopsin.
5 hose containing exclusively unphosphorylated rhodopsin.
6 ation of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated rhodopsin.
7 the visual G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) rhodopsin.
8 lation is signaled through photobleaching of rhodopsin.
9 domeric targeting of newly synthesized Aaop1 rhodopsin.
10 munohistochemistry analysis of R/G opsin and rhodopsin.
11  ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive (Spineless(OFF)) Rhodopsin.
12 rocesses involves the binding of arrestin to rhodopsin.
13 nd hydrolysis in the SHUV pigment and bovine rhodopsin.
14 ket can occur in the activation mechanism of rhodopsin.
15 oisomerization of the retinal chromophore in rhodopsin.
16 the extremely low thermal activation rate of rhodopsin.
17 x formed by the second intracellular loop of rhodopsin.
18 residue to Ile, the corresponding residue in rhodopsin.
19 ciency of this photoconversion is similar to rhodopsin.
20 tor replaced the third intracellular loop of rhodopsin.
21 tors (GPCRs)-the somatostatin receptor 3 and rhodopsin.
22 t BEAF-32 differentially regulates warts and Rhodopsins.
23 n kinetics observed between human and bovine rhodopsins.
24 ce observed between the microbial and animal rhodopsins.
25 r conserved acidic amino acids in Drosophila Rhodopsin 1 (Rh1) may serve as the counterion of this vi
26 activated Na(+) pump, Krokinobacter eikastus rhodopsin 2 (KR2), was resolved at atomic resolution.
27        Here, we study Krokinobacter eikastus rhodopsin-2 (KR2), a microbial light-driven sodium or pr
28                    We then expressed channel rhodopsin-2 in MCH neurons and photostimulated MCH proje
29                   Here, we expressed channel rhodopsin-2 under the CaMKIIalpha promoter in mice and p
30 ling induces Rhodopsin 6 (Rh6) and represses Rhodopsin 5 (Rh5), whereas in the other subtype, inactiv
31 e R8 subtype, active Hippo signaling induces Rhodopsin 6 (Rh6) and represses Rhodopsin 5 (Rh5), where
32                                              Rhodopsin, a G-protein coupled receptor, most abundant p
33 g disease often associated with mutations in rhodopsin, a light-sensing G protein-coupled receptor an
34 rumental learning, using our newly developed rhodopsin-A2AR chimeras (optoA(2A)R).
35 ng competition with the rods by knocking out rhodopsin accelerated cone dark adaptation, demonstratin
36  stability of dark-state and light-activated rhodopsin, accelerating the decay of ligand-bound forms.
37 ing newly synthesized and glycosylated Aaop1 rhodopsin accumulate within the cytoplasm.
38 to the outer segments, as we identified that rhodopsin accumulates in the inner segments and around t
39           We reveal a new allosteric mode of rhodopsin activation incurred by the non-biological memb
40 cate that in a native-like lipid environment rhodopsin activation is not analogous to a simple binary
41 studies to propose a two-stage mechanism for rhodopsin activation.
42 vealed a complex, double-square mechanism of rhodopsin activation.
43 d in the rod outer segment by photoactivated rhodopsin after light excitation.
44 overexpressing P23H rod opsin, and increased rhodopsin aggregation in the P23H-1 rat retina, suggesti
45 -base in bacteriorhodopsin, isorhodopsin and rhodopsin, all of which exhibit similar chromophores but
46               Expression of non-glycosylated rhodopsin alone showed that it is unstable and is regula
47 ice, there were intra-retinal differences in rhodopsin and cone opsin trafficking.
48    We measured the expression of melanopsin, rhodopsin and cone opsin, as well as other retinal marke
49 lowly post-induction, starting distally, but rhodopsin and cone pigments trafficked normally for more
50     Furthermore, we assessed key residues in rhodopsin and cone visual pigments by mutation analysis
51 ently described scramblases including bovine rhodopsin and fungal TMEM16 proteins.
52 d within the interior of the visual receptor rhodopsin and isomerizes to the all-trans configuration
53 es (albeit all in vitro) have suggested that rhodopsin and its chromophore-free apoprotein, R-opsin,
54                  The seven-helical bundle of rhodopsin and other G-protein coupled receptors undergoe
55 r functions in sensory perception (including rhodopsin and other twilight-vision-associated genes), h
56      VPA ameliorated RD associated with P23H rhodopsin and promoted clearing of mutant rhodopsin from
57 ed primary cilium enrichment of a chimera of rhodopsin and somatostatin receptor 3, where the dual Ax
58 lecular photosensitivity as unphosphorylated rhodopsin and that flash responses measured by trans-ret
59  characterized chimeric receptor composed of rhodopsin and the beta2-adrenergic receptor (Opto-beta2A
60 ts are highly enriched in the visual pigment rhodopsin and the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic aci
61 cess in mice expressing the non-glycosylated rhodopsin and the RHO(hT17M) mice is likely the cause of
62 majority stems from ligand associations with rhodopsin- and secretin-like receptors.
63 ally linking the therapeutic effects in P23H rhodopsin animals and negative effects in other models w
64    Here conformational substates of the GPCR rhodopsin are investigated in micelles of dodecyl maltos
65  Several intriguing features of garter snake rhodopsin are suggestive of a more cone-like function.
66                                    Microbial rhodopsins are a family of photoactive retinylidene prot
67                                    Microbial rhodopsins are light-activated, seven-alpha-helical, ret
68                                              Rhodopsins are light-driven ion-pumping membrane protein
69                                    Microbial rhodopsins are remarkable for the diversity of their fun
70        The functions of microbial and animal rhodopsins are triggered by the isomerization of their a
71 cture reveals an overall architecture of the rhodopsin-arrestin assembly in which rhodopsin uses dist
72       Our results show that formation of the rhodopsin-arrestin complex markedly influences partition
73 ectron laser (XFEL) crystal structure of the rhodopsin-arrestin complex, in which the phosphorylated
74 ins characterized thus far, Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR) is a photochromic sensor that interacts
75 transmembrane (TM) protein, Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin (ASR) reconstituted in lipids.
76 rane helical photoreceptor, Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR), prepared in the Escherichia coli inner
77  integral membrane protein, Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR), reconstituted in a lipid environment.
78  rhodopsin, suggesting a role for RPGRIP1 in rhodopsin-bearing vesicle trafficking.
79 ccessive fusion events between intracellular rhodopsin-bearing vesicles or the evagination of the pla
80                              Their archetype rhodopsin becomes naturally light sensitive by binding c
81 s dimers or multimers, F45L, V209M and F220C rhodopsins behave as monomers.
82                 Here we show that a chimeric rhodopsin/beta2 adrenergic receptor (opto-beta2AR) is si
83 ominant retinal degeneration associated with rhodopsin biosynthesis defects, while frameshift phenoty
84 rtions and deletions in three genes encoding rhodopsin by co-injection of Cas9 mRNA, eGFP mRNA, and s
85              Phosphorylation was detected at rhodopsin C-terminal tail residues T336 and S338.
86                 These observations show that rhodopsin can bind its agonist in equilibrium like a tra
87                                  Light-gated rhodopsin cation channels from chlorophyte algae have tr
88 omplex genetic constructs, to deliver murine rhodopsin cDNA or gDNA.
89 red in cryptophyte algae are the most active rhodopsin channels known.
90 hat these proteins form distinct families of rhodopsin channels.
91                   Unique among the microbial rhodopsins characterized thus far, Anabaena sensory rhod
92 onserved amino acid residues surrounding the rhodopsin chromophore identified both close and distant
93 otes faster clearance of the photoisomerized rhodopsin chromophore.
94      Furthermore, Rab8, the key regulator of rhodopsin ciliary trafficking, was mislocalized in photo
95 esonance order parameter measurements at low rhodopsin concentrations.
96 e and the deprotonated Glu134 residue of the rhodopsin-conserved ERY sequence motif that helps break
97  cellular signaling processes for modulating rhodopsin content during this cycle.
98  revealed no difference in opsin expression, rhodopsin content was decreased in diabetic retinas, as
99 th our Exoc5 fl/fl mouse line crossed with a rhodopsin-Cre driver line.
100 uggest the existence of several circuits for rhodopsin-dependent circadian entrainment.
101 ster senses day-night cycles in part through rhodopsin-dependent light reception in the compound eye
102  rod photoreceptors the relationship between rhodopsin dephosphorylation and recovery of visual sensi
103 f the photoreceptor layer, reduced levels of rhodopsin, disrupted rod outer segments, and widespread
104 lastocladiella emersonii, combining a type I rhodopsin domain with a guanylyl cyclase domain.
105 gnificantly faster in the UV pigment than in rhodopsin due to the difference in the structural and el
106              We find that retinal influences rhodopsin dynamics using an ensemble of all-atom molecul
107 scs, and mislocalization of and reduction in rhodopsin early in postnatal development without loss of
108 ponsible for the daily renewal of rhodopsin: rhodopsin endocytosis at dawn and inhibition of rhodopsi
109            In this kinetic scheme, the human rhodopsin exhibited more Schiff base deprotonation than
110                            In contrast, each Rhodopsin exhibits characteristic single-bp substitution
111 sults thus reveal different contributions of rhodopsin-expressing photoreceptors and suggest the exis
112                              Four of the six rhodopsin-expressing photoreceptors can mediate circadia
113 s, known as 'pale' or 'yellow', depending on Rhodopsin expression in R7 and R8.
114 owever, because generating precise levels of rhodopsin expression is critical; overexpression causes
115 ng factors of a bi-stable loop regulating R8 Rhodopsin expression.
116 cargo, including multiple reported and novel rhodopsin family G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and
117                          The extent to which Rhodopsin family G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for
118 tor (OX2R) belongs to the beta branch of the rhodopsin family of GPCRs, and can bind to diverse compo
119                           The members of the rhodopsin family of proteins are involved in many essent
120 R) and pheromones (Vomeronasal, VN1R) in the rhodopsin family, known to contain the chemosensory olfa
121 ll models, metformin treatment improved P23H rhodopsin folding and traffic.
122 second messenger in photoreceptors, requires rhodopsin for intracellular stability and outer segment
123 d retinae showed little dephosphorylation of rhodopsin for up to 4 h in darkness, even under conditio
124 x, in which the phosphorylated C terminus of rhodopsin forms an extended intermolecular beta sheet wi
125 stinguishing newly synthesized, glycosylated rhodopsin from mature nonglycosylated rhodopsin to chara
126 3H rhodopsin and promoted clearing of mutant rhodopsin from photoreceptors.
127 s a robust response, losing nearly all Aaop1 rhodopsin from the rhabdomeric membranes during the shed
128                                   A class of rhodopsins from cryptophyte algae show close sequence ho
129        Here, we investigate the evolution of rhodopsin function in an Andean mountain catfish system
130        In this study, lipid-order and bovine rhodopsin function in proteoliposomes composed of the sn
131 due at this position is essential for normal rhodopsin function in vivo.
132 ssful DNA extraction fragment of the nuclear rhodopsin gene (RH1) and 9 microsatellite regions (SSRs)
133 ndance of rhodopsins in Bacteria, as well as rhodopsin gene expression, was highest in the smallest s
134 egions (bacteria plasmid backbone, promoter, rhodopsin gene, and scaffold/matrix attachment region) o
135         Contrary to expectation, serine-only rhodopsin generated prolonged step-like single-photon re
136 bruptly and randomly, whereas threonine-only rhodopsin generated responses that were only modestly sl
137     We inserted eGFP or point mutations into rhodopsin genes by co-injection of repair fragments with
138         Proteorhodopsin (PR) and Gloeobacter rhodopsin (GR) are retinal-based light-driven proton pum
139 inal-binding pocket of Gloeobacter violaceus rhodopsin (GR) that tune its spectral properties.
140 ble reactivity of RPSB in the visual pigment rhodopsin has been attributed to potential energy surfac
141 lete dark adaptation can only occur when all rhodopsin has been dephosphorylated, a process that requ
142 dopsin spectra show that regenerated phospho-rhodopsin has the same molecular photosensitivity as unp
143 These findings show that channel function in rhodopsins has evolved via multiple routes.
144     One of these, endocytosis of rhabdomeric rhodopsin, has been described previously.
145         Phylogenetic analysis indicated that rhodopsins have adapted independently to the marine-brac
146  contrast, VPA exacerbated RD caused by T17M rhodopsin in light, but had no effect in darkness.
147 interaction of arrestin-1 and phosphorylated rhodopsin in native disc membranes.
148 he deployment of an additional red-sensitive Rhodopsin in P. xuthus, allowing for the evolution of ex
149 nto the ligand-receptor binding reaction for rhodopsin in particular, and for GPCRs more broadly.
150  actin polymerisation and mislocalisation of rhodopsin in photoreceptors.
151 emonstrates that ectopic expression of human rhodopsin in the inner retina, mediated by viral gene th
152          The normalised genomic abundance of rhodopsins in Bacteria, as well as rhodopsin gene expres
153 arine environments, with less exploration of rhodopsins in brackish waters.
154                    We investigated microbial rhodopsins in the Baltic Sea using size-fractionated met
155                             The abundance of rhodopsins in the two smaller size fractions displayed a
156 f photointermediates of the human and bovine rhodopsins in their native membranes revealed a complex,
157 lgae are far more homologous to haloarchaeal rhodopsins, in particular the proton pump bacteriorhodop
158      RP is frequently caused by mutations in Rhodopsin; in some animal models, RD is exacerbated by l
159       Changes in lipid order parameters upon rhodopsin incorporation vanished for bilayers with a hyd
160 ical rearrangements during the activation of rhodopsin involve a variety of angular and linear motion
161                                              Rhodopsin is a G protein-coupled receptor found in the r
162                                              Rhodopsin is a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor (
163                     The visual photoreceptor rhodopsin is a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor (
164 hat dephosphorylation of the opsin moiety of rhodopsin is an extremely slow but requisite step in the
165                            Like other GPCRs, rhodopsin is deactivated through receptor phosphorylatio
166 n calorimetry to show that ligand binding in rhodopsin is enthalpy driven with -22 kcal/mol, which is
167                              The rhabdomeric rhodopsin is moved into large cytoplasmic vesicles at da
168 f receptor sensitivity is then achieved when rhodopsin is regenerated through a series of steps that
169                                              Rhodopsin is the most abundant outer segment protein and
170 ntal molecular event after photobleaching of rhodopsin is the recombination reaction between its apop
171                                              Rhodopsin is thus a functional biomarker for rod photore
172                              The endocytosed rhodopsin is trafficked back to the photosensitive membr
173  we investigated whether the visual pigment, rhodopsin, is critical for delivering other signaling pr
174 he anterograde movement of newly synthesized rhodopsin, is revealed here for the first time.
175 ific AAV (adeno-associated virus)-hRK (human rhodopsin kinase)-sh_c-fos or a chemical inhibitor subst
176 ameliorating retinal disease phenotypes in a rhodopsin knockout (RKO) mouse model of retinitis pigmen
177                    Analyses of retinoids and rhodopsin levels showed <20% in BC(-/-) versus wild-type
178            In the G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin, light-induced cis/trans isomerization of the
179                    For cone opsin genes, the rhodopsin-like (Rh2) and long-wave-sensitive (LWS) genes
180 ht activated (lambdamax = 532 nm) with a non-rhodopsin-like action spectrum peaking at 610 nm for sta
181       The dopamine D3 receptor is a class A, rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptor that can form
182 ptors (ORs) belong to a large gene family of rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
183                                     Although rhodopsin-like G protein-coupled receptors can exist as
184 e arginine component of the ionic lock among Rhodopsin-like G-protein-coupled receptors suggests that
185                 Our evolutionary analysis of rhodopsin-like GPCRs suggest that specific allosteric si
186     Interestingly, RNAi against two GPCRs (a Rhodopsin-like receptor and a Dopamine D2-like receptor)
187 ransmembrane helices TM3 and TM6 of class-A (rhodopsin-like) G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is a
188 44 of these GPCRs belong to the A-family (or rhodopsin-like), 5 belong to the B-family (or secretin-l
189 brane G protein-coupled receptors (class A/1 rhodopsin-like), including receptors for chemokines, PGs
190 1-PC, 18:0d35-18:1-PC, or 20:0d39-20:1-PC at rhodopsin/lipid molar ratios from 1:70 to 1:1000 (mol/mo
191 dopsin endocytosis at dawn and inhibition of rhodopsin maturation until dusk.
192 ts though a novel signaling pathway to block rhodopsin maturation, thus inhibiting the deglycosylatio
193 itch protein recoverin, which is involved in rhodopsin-mediated signaling in mammalian visual sensory
194                            We have developed rhodopsin mimics, using intracellular lipid binding prot
195 equent single cause of RP in the USA, causes rhodopsin misfolding and induction of the unfolded prote
196  in the photoreceptor connecting cilia cause rhodopsin mislocalisation and eventual retinal degenerat
197                   Effects in T4K and Q344ter rhodopsin models were also negative.
198                         Live mice regenerate rhodopsin more rapidly in blue light.
199 ed cone loss, while AAV92YF-RdCVFL increased rhodopsin mRNA and reduced oxidative stress by-products.
200 est that improving the traffic of misfolding rhodopsin mutants is unlikely to be a practical therapy,
201 gain of function', such as the dominant P23H rhodopsin mutation that causes retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
202                                              Rhodopsin OCT can bring significant impact into ophthalm
203 alisation of certain outer segment proteins (rhodopsin, opn1lw, opn1sw1, GNB3 and PRPH2), and disrupt
204  were the most abundant while Actinobacteria rhodopsins, or actinorhodopsins, were common at lower sa
205  that this is the bilayer thickness at which rhodopsin packs in bilayers at the lowest membrane pertu
206          For stimuli that photoactivated one rhodopsin per Galphat the rod OS swelling response reach
207 t process that is partially modulated by the rhodopsin phosphatase retinal degeneration C (RDGC).
208 utational studies on subnanosecond events in rhodopsins, photoactive yellow proteins, phytochromes, a
209 he OS a biochemical machinery transforms the rhodopsin photoisomerization into electrical signal.
210 hythms relies on either CRY or the canonical rhodopsin phototransduction pathway, which requires the
211                               A subfamily of rhodopsin pigments was recently discovered in bacteria a
212                               Proton-pumping rhodopsins (PPRs) are photoactive retinal-binding protei
213                           Here, we show that rhodopsin preferentially enters the OS in the dark.
214 f a palladium-binding peptide to an archaeal rhodopsin promotes intimate integration of the lipid-emb
215 g function of IAR is intrinsic to the single rhodopsin protein and enables study of the transport act
216  coupled fast voltage-sensing domains from a rhodopsin protein to bright fluorophores through resonan
217 vesicles (RLVs) in the cell body and reduced rhodopsin protein.
218 re coordinated with expression of additional Rhodopsin proteins in the remaining photoreceptors, and
219 es express a broad range of colour-sensitive Rhodopsin proteins in three types of ommatidia (unit eye
220 al chromophore sterically constrained inside rhodopsin proteins represents an outstanding example of
221 ons defined by expression of light-detecting Rhodopsin proteins.
222 ow close sequence homology with haloarchaeal rhodopsin proton pumps rather than with previously known
223 ase proton acceptor and donor, a hallmark of rhodopsin proton pumps, are conserved in these cryptophy
224 ing thermal stability of UV cone pigment and rhodopsin provide insight into molecular evolution of ve
225 roteins, like photoactive yellow protein and rhodopsin, provide potential strategies for improving th
226 ed into phospholipid/detergent bicelles with rhodopsin reconstituted into detergent micelles.
227     We compared the regeneration of purified rhodopsin reconstituted into phospholipid/detergent bice
228  that the step-like responses of serine-only rhodopsin reflect slow and stochastic arrestin binding.
229 RD) as compared with WT, indicating impaired rhodopsin regeneration in KI/KI.
230 l MMAR-containing holoproteins are the first rhodopsins retaining significant pump activity under nea
231 observed absorption maxima in both A1 and A2 rhodopsins, reveal a Barlow-type relationship between th
232                                   Vertebrate rhodopsin (Rh) contains 11-cis-retinal as a chromophore
233 t brain clock neurons, whereas six different rhodopsins (RH) are present in the light-sensing organs.
234                                              Rhodopsin (RH1), the temperature-sensitive visual pigmen
235 oreceptors that each express one of the four rhodopsins RH3-RH6.
236 ere we describe a previously uncharacterized rhodopsin, Rh7, which contributes to circadian light ent
237                                 Mutations in rhodopsin (RHO) are a common cause of retinal dystrophy
238  2 (MAP2) as Ran-SPION-rIgP/cIgY-MAP2, or to rhodopsin (Rho) as anti-Rho-SPION-Ran.
239                            To interfere with RHODOPSIN (RHO) gain-of-function mutations we engineered
240          The vertebrate visual photoreceptor rhodopsin (Rho) is a unique G protein-coupled receptor a
241                                   RhoGC is a rhodopsin (Rho)-guanylyl cyclase (GC) gene fusion molecu
242 ) signaling system, in which light-activated rhodopsin (Rho*) is the GPCR catalyzing the exchange of
243 ocesses responsible for the daily renewal of rhodopsin: rhodopsin endocytosis at dawn and inhibition
244 afficking serves as a mechanism to segregate rhodopsin-rich and peripherin2/rds-rich discs into alter
245        There was no effect on the traffic of rhodopsin, Rom1 or peripherin/rds; however, the retinal
246          Most RP-associated mutations affect rhodopsin's activity or transport to disc membranes.
247                        These findings expand rhodopsin's role in vision from being a visual pigment a
248 nanoparticle (NP)-mediated intron-containing rhodopsin (sgRho) vs. intronless cDNA in ameliorating re
249 otential mechanistic role of dimerization in rhodopsin signaling.
250 ply engrained notion that the visual pigment rhodopsin signals light as a monomer, even though many G
251   Microspectrophotometeric determinations of rhodopsin spectra show that regenerated phospho-rhodopsi
252           During Meta II decay, the arrestin-rhodopsin stoichiometry shifts from 1:1 to 1:2.
253 t the importance of hydrophobic matching for rhodopsin structure, oligomerization, and function.
254             A comprehensive survey of bovine rhodopsin structures shows that the helical rearrangemen
255 uter segments and display mislocalization of rhodopsin, suggesting a role for RPGRIP1 in rhodopsin-be
256 PK activator metformin could affect the P23H rhodopsin synthesis and folding.
257 ramblase activity show that unlike wild-type rhodopsin that functionally reconstitutes into liposomes
258  for a functional and unusually blue-shifted rhodopsin that is expressed in small single "cones." Mor
259 uced decrease in kinetic rates-properties of rhodopsin that mediate rod sensitivity and visual perfor
260 K is part of a protective response to mutant rhodopsin that ultimately limits photoreceptor cell deat
261 ly, some mutations produce apparently normal rhodopsins that nevertheless cause disease.
262 that induces spontaneous insertion of bovine rhodopsin, the eukaryotic GPCR, into both lipid- and pol
263                                 Mutations in rhodopsin, the light-sensitive protein of rod cells, are
264                                              Rhodopsin, the mammalian dim-light receptor, is a unique
265                                              Rhodopsin, the photoreceptor of rod cells, absorbs light
266                  In the bovine photoreceptor rhodopsin, this is accompanied by proton uptake at Glu(1
267    We show that the dissociation reaction of rhodopsin to 11CR and opsin has a 25-pM equilibrium diss
268 ng cascade that conveys photon absorption by rhodopsin to a change in current at the rod photorecepto
269 ylated rhodopsin from mature nonglycosylated rhodopsin to characterize the fate of Aaop1 during the s
270             We sought to impart the logic of rhodopsin to light-insensitive Family A GPCRs in order t
271 s with experimental in vitro measurements of rhodopsins to investigate dim-light adaptation.
272  not act synergistically and did not prevent rhodopsin trafficking to rod outer segments.
273 arly ages, rods displayed normal morphology, rhodopsin trafficking, and light responses, but underwen
274 fects in mitochondrial function and aberrant Rhodopsin trafficking.
275 ts into the gross conformational features of rhodopsin-transducin interactions and setting the stage
276         Our results suggest that cDNA of the rhodopsin transgene and bacteria backbone interfered wit
277 dence for matching of hydrophobic regions on rhodopsin transmembrane helices and hydrophobic thicknes
278  in the connecting cilium, thus facilitating rhodopsin transport to photoreceptor outer segments.
279 e photoreceptor connecting cilium, regulates rhodopsin transport to the outer segment through its eff
280 rientation observed in the inactive state of rhodopsin under conditions favoring the Meta-I state.
281  of the rhodopsin-arrestin assembly in which rhodopsin uses distinct structural elements, including t
282                              Such MMAR-based rhodopsin variants present very promising opportunities
283         This analogue red-shifted all of the rhodopsin variants tested, accompanied by a strong broad
284 arious members of the GPCR family, including rhodopsin (visual receptor), opioid receptors, adrenergi
285  4 h in darkness, even under conditions when rhodopsin was completely regenerated.
286                                              Rhodopsin was depleted from primary cilia but gained acc
287                   The metformin-rescued P23H rhodopsin was still intrinsically unstable and led to in
288            A notable diversity of viral-like rhodopsins was also detected in the dataset and potentia
289 ucture on the kinetics, the human and bovine rhodopsins were inserted into 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-gl
290             Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes rhodopsins were the most abundant while Actinobacteria r
291 disrupt the structure of the visual receptor rhodopsin, whereas sites in packing cluster 1 (e.g., pos
292 d more Schiff base deprotonation than bovine rhodopsin, which could arise from the approximately 7% s
293  stable character of the rod visual pigment, rhodopsin, which evolved from less stable cone visual pi
294 uences partitioning in the decay kinetics of rhodopsin, which involves the simultaneous formation of
295 xpressing human P23H, T17M, T4K, and Q344ter rhodopsins, which are associated with RP in humans.
296 segments of transgenic mice expressing human rhodopsin with a T17M mutation (hT17M), suggesting that
297  and site-specific bioorthogonal labeling of rhodopsin with Alexa488 to enable, to our knowledge, a n
298 ase in some biologic systems, the example of rhodopsin with its strictly local single-quantum mode of
299 inally, a new clade of likely proton-pumping rhodopsin with non-canonical amino acids in the spectral
300  motif, required for efficient enrichment of rhodopsin within rod photoreceptor sensory cilia, inhibi

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