


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ered brain regions such as the tectum or the rhombencephalon.
2 tic region, hypothalamus, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon.
3 sterior (vagal lobe and reticular formation) rhombencephalon.
4 ncephalon differed from that observed in the rhombencephalon.
5  dorsal mesencephalic tegmentum, and rostral rhombencephalon.
6 y expressed, while CE3 directs expression in rhombencephalon.
7 ransient spike in mitosis, especially in the rhombencephalon.
8 ions of the diencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon.
9 a1, alpha2, alpha3, and gamma2) in the human rhombencephalon.
10 long the ventral margin of the contralateral rhombencephalon.
11 the mesencephalon and the rostral end of the rhombencephalon.
12 ed caudally from the prosencephalon into the rhombencephalon.
13  neurons derived from the basal plate of the rhombencephalon.
14 ctum, and are bidirectionally related to the rhombencephalon.
15 rostral and caudal to the lesion, and in the rhombencephalon.
16 pulations of Pax7 cells occupied the rostral rhombencephalon, along with lower numbers of Pax6 and Pa
17 totic cells in the dorsolateral parts of the rhombencephalon and entire spinal cord.
18 ryonic day 12.5 in the ventral region of the rhombencephalon and spinal cord and in the neural crest.
19                          Baseline MIs in the rhombencephalon and spinal cord were approximately 0.15%
20 imals, the highest mitotic rates in both the rhombencephalon and spinal cord were seen in the ependym
21 +) and GLYT2(+) neurons were observed in the rhombencephalon and spinal cord, and a portion of these
22 totic activity occurs in the ependyma of the rhombencephalon and throughout the spinal cord.
23 parts of the prosencephalon, mensencephalon, rhombencephalon, and anterior spinal cord.
24 glia, diencephalon, mesencephalic tegmentum, rhombencephalon, and spinal cord) and the developing olf
25 ate of prosomere 2, pretectum, optic tectum, rhombencephalon, and spinal cord.
26  preoptic area, dorsal tegmentum and rostral rhombencephalon, and their fibers innervated the brain a
27 entified in a restricted area of the rostral rhombencephalon at the level of the isthmic Muller cell
28                    This was also true in the rhombencephalon but only in summer.
29 lon (reticular formation and nucleus ruber), rhombencephalon (cerebellar nucleus, reticular formation
30                                       In the rhombencephalon, Gly-ir cells were observed in the media
31 RASSF10 shows a very striking pattern in the rhombencephalon (hind brain).
32  forming normal longitudinal tracts into the rhombencephalon, implying that the cues that direct thes
33                                       In the rhombencephalon, labeled perikarya were detected in the
34 nvestigate potential abnormalities in mutant rhombencephalon, neural crest, and pharyngeal endoderm.
35 encephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon that were primarily associated with vent
36  almost all of the additional mitosis in the rhombencephalon was in the ependyma, but this finding wa
37 ny BrdU-labeled cells in the spinal cord and rhombencephalon were also stained by monoclonal antibodi
38                          When cells from the rhombencephalon were cultured in the presence of G418, s
39            Labeled cells were counted in the rhombencephalon (where most supraspinal projecting neuro
40 al cell proliferation in the spinal cord and rhombencephalon (where most supraspinal projecting neuro

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