


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of granule precursor cells derived from the rhombic lip.
2 igate tangential neuronal migration from the rhombic lip.
3  of the mesencephalon and metencephalon, the rhombic lip.
4 ch are localized to the exterior face of the rhombic lip.
5 cerebellar nuclei that arise from the caudal rhombic lip.
6 een the non-neural roof plate and the neural rhombic lip.
7 euroepithelia: the ventricular zone (VZ) and rhombic lip.
8 ral auditory system neurons derived from the rhombic lip.
9 rsal neuroectodermal progenitor cells of the rhombic lip.
10 lockade reduces the length of the cerebellar rhombic lip.
11  expression of Math1 and Tcf4 throughout the rhombic lip.
12 n trajectories, i.e. the floor plate and the rhombic lip.
13  have a predetermined spatial address in the rhombic lip.
14 onset of their genesis in the mouse anterior rhombic lip.
15 ated protein kinase pathway is active in the rhombic lip, a germinal zone that generates diverse type
16                 Expression of atonal1 in the rhombic lip adjacent at the roof plate boundary is acute
17 eal molecular organization of the cerebellar rhombic lip and introduce Lmx1a as an important regulato
18  Math1 expression delimits the extent of the rhombic lip and is required for the generation of the hi
19 for specification of the adjacent cerebellar rhombic lip and its derivative fates.
20 cification of cerebellar cell types from the rhombic lip and its upregulation inhibits their producti
21 indbrain, arise from precursors in the lower rhombic lip and migrate anteroventrally to reach their f
22 that DCN neurons in mice are produced in the rhombic lip and migrate rostrally in a subpial stream to
23 Our results suggest that UBCs arise from the rhombic lip and migrate via novel pathways to their fina
24 h are critical for maintenance of the entire rhombic lip and normal cerebellar morphogenesis.
25  of Lmx1a, these cells precociously exit the rhombic lip and overmigrate into the anterior vermis.
26 1 is the defining molecule of the cerebellar rhombic lip and Pax6 is downstream in the Math1 pathway.
27  associated with premature regression of the rhombic lip and posterior vermis hypoplasia in Lmx1a(-/-
28 hl1 homeobox gene is highly expressed by the rhombic lip and rhombic lip-derived migratory neurons.
29                               The cerebellar rhombic lip and telencephalic cortical hem are dorsally
30 ere derived from neuronal progenitors of the rhombic lip and that cerebellar ectopia were derived fro
31 jor precerebellar nuclei that arise from the rhombic lip and that issue mossy fibers.
32 arate progenitor pools located mainly in the rhombic lip and the cerebellar ventricular zone, respect
33 existence of spatial compartmentation in the rhombic lip and the interplay between Wls, Math1, and Pa
34              However, the cerebellum's upper rhombic lip and the optic tectum are abnormal in clo.
35 f cells originating from both the cerebellar rhombic lip and the telencephalic cortical hem.
36                                          The rhombic lip and ventral midline express Slit2 and both e
37 iferative state, order of emergence from the rhombic lip, and molecular profile of either the constit
38    Thus, proliferating precursors within the rhombic lip are specified to be granule cells very early
39 the earliest granule cell progenitors at the rhombic lip as they separate from the ventricular zone o
40 g granule cell progenitors isolated from the rhombic lip at E14 or from the external germinal layer a
41 nce for an hCPe contribution directly by the rhombic lip at late embryonic stages when hRPe is no lon
42 ansformed our understanding of the embryonic rhombic lip by revealing the inductive cues, regional or
43                         We also examine five rhombic lip cell markers (Wls, Math1, Pax6, Lmx1a, and T
44 introduce Lmx1a as an important regulator of rhombic lip cell-fate decisions, which are critical for
45 ggests that Sef may normally function in non-rhombic lip cells and prevent them from responding to FG
46                         In the mouse embryo, rhombic lip cells express a number of granule neuron mar
47  When transplanted into younger neural tube, rhombic lip cells maintain their characteristic molecula
48                                 Isolation of rhombic lip cells reveals a homogenous population of pre
49 mutant mice, Tbr2+ UBCs accumulated near the rhombic lip, consistent with impaired migration through
50                                   Cerebellar rhombic lip derivatives demonstrate a temporal organisat
51 n hindbrain specification and generate upper rhombic lip derivatives on exposure to bone morphogeneti
52 trin orchestrates the migration of hindbrain rhombic lip derivatives to form the precerebellar nuclei
53 gregate the roof plate lineage from neuronal rhombic lip derivatives.
54                                  A subset of rhombic lip-derived cells also express reelin, a key reg
55                                          The rhombic lip-derived cells express transcription factors
56 which have a severe cerebellar malformation, rhombic lip-derived cells migrated to the NTZ, despite r
57 nd positioning of fissures, whereas in upper rhombic lip-derived cells the genes are more important i
58 mic FGF signals is required for induction of rhombic lip-derived cerebellar neurons.
59 -lateral coordinates into the adult, whereas rhombic lip-derived granule cells undergo lateral to med
60 ineage appears to be unique among the varied rhombic lip-derived lineages in its proliferative respon
61 e is highly expressed by the rhombic lip and rhombic lip-derived migratory neurons.
62 ctive deficit occurs without affecting other rhombic lip-derived nuclei, despite expression of Math1
63 poptosis, indicating that VZ/SVZ-derived and rhombic lip-derived progenitor cells show differential r
64  selective knock-out of P/Q-type channels in rhombic-lip-derived neurons including the PF and MF path
65 l precursor cells generated within the upper rhombic lip directly.
66 more than one cell type, indicating that the rhombic lip does not consist of a homogeneous population
67 ull mice have embryonic abnormalities of the rhombic lip due to loss of mesenchyme-secreted signaling
68 our molecularly distinct compartments in the rhombic lip during cerebellar development.
69 ulture experiments, Tbr2+ UBCs migrated from rhombic lip explants directly into the developing white
70         Dorsal midline cells adjacent to the rhombic lip express Bmp6, Bmp7 and Gdf7, three genes enc
71 d in grafted progenitors: transplanted early rhombic lip fails to subsequently produce granule cell p
72                                          The rhombic lip, from which granule cell precursors arise, a
73                    We find that the anterior rhombic lip gives rise to more than one cell type, indic
74     Thus, we demonstrate that the cerebellar rhombic lip gives rise to multiple cell types within rho
75                                          The rhombic lip gives rise to neuronal populations that cont
76 d along the dorsal-most region of the caudal rhombic lip, gives rise to the cochlear and precerebella
77                              Ablation of the rhombic lip in organotypic slice cultures substantially
78 ence of Wls-positive cells in the Math1-null rhombic lip indicates that Wls expression is independent
79                                          The rhombic lip is a discrete strip of neuroepithelium borde
80              These findings suggest that the rhombic lip is dynamically patterned by the expression o
81 eed, the production interval for hCPe by the rhombic lip is surprisingly extensive.
82                                          The rhombic lip is thus emerging as a spatiotemporally disti
83  from the Math1 locus, a molecular marker of rhombic lip lineages.
84 s are more frequently expressed in the lower rhombic lip (LRL) and embryonic dorsal brainstem than in
85                                    The lower rhombic lip (LRL) is a germinal zone in the dorsal hindb
86 ield that adjoins a germinal zone, the lower rhombic lip (LRL), functions as a progenitor domain by c
87 ins within and outside the hindbrain (lower) rhombic lip (LRL).
88         We uncover a Math1-dependent rostral rhombic-lip migratory stream (RLS) that generates some n
89 ve cells and their progeny that arise in the rhombic lip of the cerebellar primordium during embryoge
90 Sef is expressed immediately adjacent to the rhombic lip, overlapping with FGF15 and FGFR1, which is
91  zone precursors and glutamatergic cell from rhombic lip precursors, mirroring distinct origins for t
92 ental progression has been assumed, with the rhombic lip producing non-mitotic hRPe, and seemingly un
93 e neural tube, derivatives of early and late rhombic lip progenitors display patterns of migration an
94        Modelling of mutations in mouse lower rhombic lip progenitors that generate WNT-subgroup tumou
95  addition, Lmx1a is expressed in a subset of rhombic lip progenitors which produce granule cells that
96  in restricting vz progenitors from becoming rhombic lip progenitors.
97 nterplay between Wls, Math1, and Pax6 in the rhombic lip provides novel views of early cerebellar dev
98 dbrain dorsal interneurons that comprise the rhombic lip relay sensory information and coordinate mot
99 valent to the medial ganglionic eminence and rhombic lip, resembling the gnathostome brain.
100 imordium contains two germinative zones, the rhombic lip (RL) and the ventricular zone (VZ), which ge
101                                          The rhombic lip (RL) is an embryonic proliferative neuroepit
102                                          The rhombic lip (RL) is the neuroepithelium immediately adja
103 equirement of Pax6 in the development of all rhombic lip (RL) lineages.
104 ral progenitors originating from the rostral rhombic lip (RRL).
105 blishment of a neural progenitor population (rhombic lip) that gives rise to multiple hindbrain struc
106 rsors of cerebellar granule neurons from the rhombic lip, the dorsal aspect of the midbrain/hindbrain
107 erivatives is intrinsically specified at the rhombic lip, the orderly temporal transition in cell typ
108 use many precerebellar nuclei originate from rhombic lips, the first analysis of neuronal migrations
109 ker of the cells in the interior face of the rhombic lip throughout normal mouse cerebellar developme
110  postnatally, after their migration from the rhombic lip to the external germinal layer.
111 granule cell precursors are generated at the rhombic lip together with neurons of the lateral pontine
112        The neurons generated at the germinal rhombic lip undergo long distance migration along diverg
113 embryonic dorsal brainstem than in the upper rhombic lip (URL) and developing cerebellum.
114                                    The upper rhombic lip (URL), a germinal zone in the dorsoanterior
115 red gene interactions during the presence of Rhombic lip versus the presence of distinct internal gra
116 2+ UBCs appeared to migrate out of the upper rhombic lip via two cellular streams: a dorsal pathway i
117           In organotypic slice cultures, the rhombic lip was necessary and sufficient to produce cell
118  which gives rise to isthmic nuclei, and the rhombic lip, which generates deep cerebellar nuclei and
119 enitor zones, the ventricular zone and upper rhombic lip, which give rise to distinct cell types in t
120 n orientated, active migration away from the rhombic lip, which is apparently independent of either g

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