


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng substantially fewer non-rhythmic genes as rhythmic.
2 dulates metabolic rhythmicity by acting as a rhythmic acetyl-transferase for metabolic enzymes.
3                              The synchronous rhythmic activation of cholinergic cells drives the coor
4 iver the ascending drive required for direct rhythmic activation of lumbar flexor motoneurons.
5                                              Rhythmic activation of PV+ interneurons increases CA1 ne
6                                              Rhythmic activation of SOM and PV cells in the local cir
7  are grown in constant conditions, including rhythmic activation of the well-characterized p38 osmose
8                                        These rhythmic activities are associated with increased synchr
9 itory interneuron are known to shape diverse rhythmic activities in the cortex, but how they interact
10  these rhythms is dynamic over the lifespan: rhythmic activities such as sleep/wake patterns change m
11 ments revealed that pacemaker neurons impose rhythmic activity and excitability on LK- and LK-R-expre
12 have as nonlinear oscillators, which develop rhythmic activity and interact to process information.
13                             Respiration is a rhythmic activity as well as one that requires responsiv
14 astically, with no cellular or multicellular rhythmic activity being observed.
15  in enhanced hippocampal theta and beta band rhythmic activity during subsequent action, compared wit
16 ansiently locks to ongoing hippocampal theta-rhythmic activity during the sensory-gathering epoch of
17                               We investigate rhythmic activity in an electrically-coupled population
18 imulation can be used to engage and modulate rhythmic activity in brain networks.
19 gated (HCN) channels underlie the control of rhythmic activity in cardiac and neuronal pacemaker cell
20  inhibits the frequency and amplitude of the rhythmic activity in DA neurons of wild-type, but not in
21 n to this physiological change; DACs exhibit rhythmic activity in healthy retina, but do not burst in
22 ) show distinct patterns of interaction with rhythmic activity in the primary visual cortex (V1).
23                                              Rhythmic activity in the theta range (3-12 Hz) is import
24 sm, as many of these images amplify 30-80 Hz rhythmic activity in the visual brain.
25                                              Rhythmic activity in this network is generated by intrin
26 at narrow-band theta and to some extent beta rhythmic activity indexes the coordination of relevant i
27 -type Ca(2+) channel that contributes to the rhythmic activity of adult DA neurons in the substantia
28 oneurons during crawling episodes resets the rhythmic activity of DE-3, indicating that CV feeds back
29 ted while crawling was monitored through the rhythmic activity of DE-3.
30 illator (the segmentation clock) driving the rhythmic activity of signaling pathways in the presomiti
31     Such observations have long implied that rhythmic activity patterns play a fundamental role in od
32       In the active state, the circuit shows rhythmic activity phased with the body bends of locomoti
33 he therapeutic manipulation of dysfunctional rhythmic activity subtending the symptoms of some neurop
34         We found orderly transitions between rhythmic activity where the same frequency channels were
35 tary action is also accompanied by prominent rhythmic activity, and recent behavioral evidence sugges
36 is best achieved in states of low endogenous rhythmic activity, and that irregular state-dependent fl
37 dic local enhancements of frequency-specific rhythmic activity, phase-locked to each individual pulse
38 gnals modulate the phase relationship of the rhythmic activity.
39  neurons depend on Cav1.3 channels for their rhythmic activity.
40 ying leg withdrawal (flexion reflex) and the rhythmic, alternating hip flexor and extensor activities
41     Breathing in mammals relies on permanent rhythmic and bilaterally synchronized contractions of in
42 ble to initiate, sustain, and switch between rhythmic and discrete finger movements, using his though
43 r without necrostatin-1, into Per1/2 mice or rhythmic and externally desynchronized WT mice to study
44 escale of individual breaths, nose motion is rhythmic and has a maximum deflection following the onse
45            Larval locomotion is generated by rhythmic and sequential contractions of body-wall muscle
46 als using techniques that can represent both rhythmic and transient components of the signal, somethi
47                 We observed 357 intentional, rhythmic, and nonverbal dance displays performed by four
48 ted segmental ganglia, dopamine can induce a rhythmic antiphasic activity of the motoneurons that con
49  is a great potential for misclassifying non-rhythmic as rhythmic genes and vice versa.
50 essed in the wild, though expression is less rhythmic at depth (50-140 m) relative to shallow-caught
51                      Network activity can be rhythmic at lower frequencies if the neurons are electri
52               Both arrhythmic (1/f-type) and rhythmic (band) activities were identified and their pro
53                         Breathing is a vital rhythmic behavior generated by hindbrain neuronal circui
54 cal research on dance behavior in humans and rhythmic behavior in other animals.
55                                 We uncovered rhythmic behavior in this mutant by simply exposing the
56 mber of pacemaker neurons is translated into rhythmic behavior of the whole animal.
57 osophila, molecular clocks control circadian rhythmic behavior through a network of ~150 pacemaker ne
58                  The neural underpinnings of rhythmic behavior, including music and dance, have been
59     Because scratching is highly specialized rhythmic behavior, it is not known whether high-conducta
60 ing to an integral role in online control of rhythmic behavior.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The cerebellum
61                     Circadian clocks control rhythmic behaviors of most life-forms.
62 tors (CPGs) are neural circuits that produce rhythmic behaviors.
63 M3NeT-Italia site, were used to characterize rhythmic bioluminescence patterns in June 2013, in respo
64 f visually entrained and attention-modulated rhythmic brain activity for the enhancement of audiovisu
65                      We investigated whether rhythmic brain activity in these areas is characteristic
66                                              Rhythmic brain activity plays an important role in neura
67 y rhythmogenic networks - they increased the rhythmic burst frequency of excitatory V3 neurons, and s
68 gments was sufficient to produce alternating rhythmic bursting (0.15-1 Hz) in lumbar flexor motoneuro
69 es using dynamic clamp restored the original rhythmic bursting, thereby affirming the roles of those
70 ns two parts that interact to produce stable rhythmic bursting; one part is the primary half-center k
71 eption of IL-2, cytokine secretion was still rhythmic but with peak levels phase advanced by 4.5-6 h,
72 rganizing signal under the conditions of the rhythmic Ca(2+) handling required for pump function.
73                   Pacemakers exhibited daily rhythmic changes in intracellular Ca(2+) that were entra
74 processes alternate, generating the biennial rhythmic changes in the Pacific.
75         DNA replication is essential for the rhythmic changes of nucleosome composition at the frq pr
76 for transmission delays and be predictive of rhythmic changes.
77 , a communicative code with unique pitch and rhythmic characteristics relative to adult-directed spee
78 RAlu at the 3'-UTR of the EGFP cDNA led to a rhythmic circadian nuclear retention of the egfp mRNA th
79 ibited unique engagement in each of the four rhythmic circuits in a manner that related to successful
80                             We conclude that rhythmic clock neuron activity propagates to multiple do
81       It is not always easy to identify such rhythmic components.
82      Our analysis of larvae motion reveals a rhythmic, continuous lateral oscillation of the anterior
83 e Caenorhabditis elegans, feeding occurs via rhythmic contractions (pumping) of the pharynx, a neurom
84 s) of a diploblastic ancestor, and that slow rhythmic contractions might have been one of the earlies
85          Nevertheless, the SOV of FAs during rhythmic contractions persisted until inhibition of nitr
86 In some systems, the muscle itself generates rhythmic contractions.
87 rmal and muscle stem cells retain a robustly rhythmic core circadian machinery.
88 s, and SPN ensembles showed higher levels of rhythmic correlated firing, after dopamine depletion.
89                                              Rhythmic cortical feedback to the thalamus is a major fa
90                                              Rhythmic cortical feedback to the thalamus is a major fa
91 made more vertical rears than mice receiving rhythmic cortical suppression or no manipulation.
92     To study the interplay of a stress and a rhythmic cue we investigated transcriptomic response of
93 meostatic functions of adult stem cells have rhythmic daily oscillations that are believed to become
94 ration-coupled rhythm, which was restored by rhythmic delivery of air puffs into the nasal cavity.
95 d periodic discharges (GPDs) and lateralized rhythmic delta activity (LRDA) were associated with seiz
96 izure incidence in patients with generalized rhythmic delta activity compared with no periodic or rhy
97 e associated with seizures while generalized rhythmic delta activity was not.
98 lateralized periodic discharges, lateralized rhythmic delta activity, or bilateral independent period
99 mitral cells that exhibit slow stereotypical rhythmic discharge.
100 llowing point assignments: (1) brief (ictal) rhythmic discharges (B[I]RDs) (2 points); (2) presence o
101                             Here, we studied rhythmic electrical activity in the monkey prefrontal co
102                   The molecular clock drives rhythmic electrical excitability of clock neurons, and w
103 mma oscillations, which can be identified by rhythmic electrical signals approximately 30-100 Hz, con
104                                 Periodic and rhythmic electroencephalographic patterns have been asso
105 ression of PAPC in the anterior PSM triggers rhythmic endocytosis of CDH2, allowing for segmental de-
106 mined exact timing separation constraints on rhythmic enzyme activities that allow for substantial rh
107  number of other genes were found to exhibit rhythmic expression in the brain.
108  mediates circadian output by regulating the rhythmic expression of a metabolic gene (sxe2) in the fa
109 uption of the circadian clock, which directs rhythmic expression of numerous output genes, accelerate
110  systems, SCC9 tongue cancer cells displayed rhythmic expression of PFKFB3 and CLOCK that was distinc
111 aks of anxiety in BD suggest a disruption of rhythmic expression of SST in this disorder.
112                 The activity of IPCs and the rhythmic expression of sxe2 are additionally regulated b
113                               Interestingly, rhythmic expression of the cytochrome P450 transcripts,
114                          CREBH regulates the rhythmic expression of the genes encoding the rate-limit
115 responsive genes based on their differential rhythmic expression profiles in well-watered versus drou
116 oscillations and human motor behavior (i.e., rhythmic finger movements).
117             Investigating EEG sources during rhythmic finger movements, we distinguish sustained from
118 atory currents entrained by the synchronous, rhythmic firing of neurons in the lateral geniculate nuc
119 on of a constant response onto ongoing gamma-rhythmic firing, demonstrating the modulation of multipl
120 proximately 40% responded to METH, mostly by rhythmic firing.
121 polarized as the Vm underwent high amplitude rhythmic fluctuations lasting 1-2 s in duration.
122                     For half the probes, the rhythmic frequency modulation was moreover removed.
123 letions, and then decelerated and terminated rhythmic function altogether as the tally increased to a
124  possibility is that the custom of assigning rhythmic functions to lower-pitch instruments may have e
125 he clock components and their targets impart rhythmic functions to many gene products through transcr
126 s are rhythmically active, this might entail rhythmic gain modulation, such that inputs synchronized
127      Post-transcriptional regulation for the rhythmic gating of metabolic enzymes remains elusive.
128                        Thus, we confirm that rhythmic gene expression can be reliably measured in hum
129  co-expression network approach to associate rhythmic gene expression changes with physiological resp
130 ated oscillating cells that together produce rhythmic gene expression patterns in the embryo.
131  transcriptional feedback loops that control rhythmic gene expression responsible for daily rhythms i
132 timekeeping involves extensive regulation of rhythmic gene expression.
133 potential for misclassifying non-rhythmic as rhythmic genes and vice versa.
134 while also declaring substantially fewer non-rhythmic genes as rhythmic.
135 as substantially higher power to detect true rhythmic genes in comparison to some popular methods, wh
136       Patterned mossy fiber activity induces rhythmic Golgi cell activity that is synchronized by sha
137                          Following a bout of rhythmic hand grip exercise, post exercise circulatory o
138 spinal cord CPG function allowing volitional rhythmic hand movement.
139 to restore cortical control of discrete (non-rhythmic) hand movements in a paralyzed person.
140                                              Rhythmic haustral boundary pressure transients occurred
141           This led to a desynchronization of rhythmic immune parameters, which might contribute to th
142 st 1 study group, and where a metabolite was rhythmic in >1 group, its peak time was comparable.
143 lock and most output genes remained robustly rhythmic in old flies, while others lost rhythmicity wit
144 iocytes (FLSs), as a potential source of the rhythmic inflammatory signal.
145 ical mechanism that optimizes sensitivity to rhythmic information regardless of modality.
146  timbre of their rivals' voices and use this rhythmic information to individually identify competitor
147 tatory and inhibitory neurons that result in rhythmic inhibition capable of entraining firing within
148                                        Gamma-rhythmic input to the lateral hypothalamus from somatost
149 refrontal cortical projections provide gamma-rhythmic inputs to the lateral septum; these inputs are
150 merged from the isolated CA1 circuit without rhythmic inputs.
151 an cells and mouse liver, possibly caused by rhythmic interaction between CLOCK and ASS1, leading to
152  The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) shows quasi-rhythmic intraseasonal oscillations (ISO) manifested as
153  pacemaker in the clock neurons that control rhythmic locomotion is not altered either.
154 citability via suppressing SIRT2 levels in a rhythmic manner.
155                                              Rhythmic medial septal (MS) GABAergic input coordinates
156 e rhythms provide bilateral feedback linking rhythmic metabolism to clock-controlled gene expression.
157 ontrast, hippocampal gene expression remains rhythmic, mirroring object and visuospatial performance.
158          Breathing is an essential, enduring rhythmic motor activity orchestrated by dedicated brains
159  head-fixed mice during the performance of a rhythmic motor behavior, licking during water consumptio
160 s were observed in spinal motoneurons during rhythmic motor behavior.
161                                  To generate rhythmic motor behaviors, both single neurons and neural
162            Neural networks that can generate rhythmic motor output in the absence of sensory feedback
163 rators (CPGs) are neural circuits that drive rhythmic motor output without sensory feedback.
164 otoneurons participate as modulators of this rhythmic motor pattern.
165                                              Rhythmic movements are ubiquitous in animal locomotion,
166                     We also found that overt rhythmic movements improved the quality of temporal pred
167                When spinal circuits generate rhythmic movements it is important that the neuronal act
168 ern generator circuit.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Rhythmic movements of animals are controlled by neuronal
169 on, airway and exocrine gland secretion, and rhythmic movements of the gastrointestinal system.
170 cular electrical stimulation system to evoke rhythmic movements.
171 ortex or entrainment by external inputs from rhythmic nasal respiration, which has similar frequency.
172 itation and inhibition in motoneurons during rhythmic network activity.
173  also influence neuronal firing and regulate rhythmic network output.
174  network in governing firing behavior during rhythmic network states.
175                                              Rhythmic neural activity and increases in acetylcholine
176 ical sensorimotor populations is governed by rhythmic neural activity in the alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta
177                                              Rhythmic neural activity in the alpha band (8-13 Hz) is
178 g of the cellular bases for coordinating the rhythmic neural circuitry responsible for different beha
179 brainstem organotypic culture that generates rhythmic neural network and motor activity for 3 weeks.
180                                              Rhythmic neuronal activity of multiple frequency bands h
181            Diamond laboratory shows that the rhythmic neuronal activity that accompanies vibrissa-bas
182 l networks.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Infra-slow rhythmic neuronal activity with a very long (>10 s) dura
183 neity naturally leads to complex dynamics in rhythmic neuronal populations.
184  66% of electrodes as well as entrainment to rhythmic noise-burst acoustic stimulation in 14% of elec
185                                We found that rhythmic optogenetic activation of CT V1 neurons dramati
186  masked by each probe was perceived as being rhythmic or not.
187 g with age of two principles that govern its rhythmic organization: Homothety and Isochrony.
188 um imaging, a subgroup displayed persistent, rhythmic oscillating calcium activity.
189                Sympathetic activity displays rhythmic oscillations generated by brainstem inspiratory
190  organization of motor networks that produce rhythmic output is unknown.
191 entral pattern generators (CPGs) produce the rhythmic output required for coordinating stepping and s
192 entral pattern generators (CPGs) produce the rhythmic output required for coordinating stepping and s
193  organization of motor networks that produce rhythmic output.
194 tonomous biological timekeeper that produces rhythmic outputs with close to 24-h rhythms, provides an
195 ency greater than 2.0 Hz for any periodic or rhythmic pattern (1 point); and (6) presence of "plus" f
196  delta activity compared with no periodic or rhythmic pattern (13%, OR, 1.18, P = .26).
197 f DE-3, indicating that CV feeds back to the rhythmic pattern generator.
198 ely absent in spinal inspiratory cells, this rhythmic pattern is highly correlated with the hindlimb
199 pecific neuronal circuits control the actual rhythmic pattern of movements.
200 ions that show that elongation dominates the rhythmic pattern, the electrophysiological activity of C
201                             A multicellular, rhythmic patterning system termed the segmentation clock
202 mmal able to remember and recognize auditory rhythmic patterns among a wide range of tempi.
203                  Association of periodic and rhythmic patterns and specific characteristics, such as
204   Signals recorded from the brain often show rhythmic patterns at different frequencies, which are ti
205 ics that transitions rapidly between complex rhythmic patterns during structured cognitive tasks.
206 pment, immature circuits internally generate rhythmic patterns of electrical activity that promote th
207 nsisting of numerous components that exhibit rhythmic patterns over time.
208  of distinct characteristics of periodic and rhythmic patterns with seizures.
209 qualities of the music-its pulse, tempo, and rhythmic patterns-that put them in this state.
210 amygdala and disrupted circadian rhythms and rhythmic peaks of anxiety in BD suggest a disruption of
211                                   Under rLL, rhythmic Per1 and Fos expression is attenuated in the SC
212 ngaging an evolutionary perspective on human rhythmic perception and cognition.
213         The implications of stimulus-induced rhythmic, periodic, or ictal discharges (SIRPIDs) someti
214 ulated post-translationally, in part through rhythmic phosphorylation of CLK, PER, and TIM.
215                                              Rhythmic phosphorylation of the MAPK OS-2 (P-OS-2) leads
216  varied over diel cycles in conjunction with rhythmic photobiological indicators in phytoplankton.
217 locks or whether they simply respond to host rhythmic physiological cues remains unknown.
218                       Circadian clocks drive rhythmic physiology and metabolism to optimize plant gro
219 aises questions as to how this gives rise to rhythmic physiology in multicellular organisms and how e
220  the phase of the postsynaptic response to a rhythmic population input varies as a function of synapt
221 eless perceived show higher evoked sustained rhythmic power than trials for which no rhythm was repor
222 al form of network excitation, i.e., ongoing rhythmic preBotC activity sufficient to drive inspirator
223    In this review, we provide an overview of rhythmic processes in the liver and highlight the functi
224 oot and root circadian clocks have different rhythmic properties (period and amplitude) and respond d
225 ter males sing to females a song composed of rhythmic pulses and sine song.
226                  During passive states, this rhythmic reactivation was augmented by specific patterns
227 require endogenous ligand (PDF) signaling or rhythmic receptor gene transcription.
228                          A daily coordinated rhythmic regulation for CsCCD2 and CsLycB2a was observed
229 arted increased expression levels as well as rhythmic regulation.
230                                            A rhythmic release was also observed for IL-2 and IFN-gamm
231                             While nondynamic rhythmic representation failed to predict epilepsy, the
232                       Amplification of these rhythmic respiratory-related oscillations is observed in
233 near acceleration is involved in shaping the rhythmic response of our modeled network, particularly i
234 near acceleration is involved in shaping the rhythmic response of our modeled network.
235                                 Furthermore, rhythmic responsiveness reflects the properties of the p
236                       At baseline, a bimodal rhythmic secretion was detected for IL-1beta, IL-6, and
237 n vertebrate development, the sequential and rhythmic segmentation of the body axis is regulated by a
238                       While it is known that rhythmic sensory events can entrain brain oscillations a
239 e reduced perceptual thresholds observed for rhythmic sequences, these findings support the propositi
240 ostris, the calls of mature males comprise a rhythmic series of pulses, with the call of each individ
241 ) presence of "plus" features (superimposed, rhythmic, sharp, or fast activity) (1 point).
242                                      How the rhythmic signaling pulse delivered by the segmentation c
243 ed between reward deliveries, found that the rhythmic signals persisted during periods of dry licking
244 tions (e.g. sinusoidal) to describe shape of rhythmic signals, ORIOS uses mathematical inequalities.
245 ce for Oscillatory Systems (ORIOS) to detect rhythmic signals.
246                             In spontaneously rhythmic slices, cumulative ablation of Dbx1 preBotC neu
247     It is not known whether this "inaudible" rhythmic sound stream also induces entrainment.
248         The ability to perceive and memorize rhythmic sounds is widely shared among humans [6] but se
249  found that significant phase locking to the rhythmic sounds preceded participants' detection of them
250 indings reveal Nalcn's specific role in both rhythmic stability and responsiveness to neuropeptides w
251  bistable cortical networks that exhibit non-rhythmic state transitions when the brain rests.
252 t in driving inhibitory neuron firing during rhythmic states and may have implications for diseases,
253                     Our results suggest that rhythmic stimulation can form the basis of a control par
254                        Our results show that rhythmic stimulation forms the basis of a control paradi
255           Our results support future uses of rhythmic stimulation to elucidate the causal contributio
256 occurs in regimes of intense, high-frequency rhythmic stimulation.
257 k, particularly in regimes of high-frequency rhythmic stimulation.
258 changes in neuronal activity as subthreshold rhythmic stimuli gradually became audible.
259 going low-frequency neuronal oscillations to rhythmic stimuli is proposed as a potential mechanism fo
260  than what has been described previously for rhythmic stimuli.
261  based on nonlinear response of the brain to rhythmic stimuli.
262 at, relative to off-beat, times, even if the rhythmic stream is not intentionally used.
263 lowing three conditions were compared: (1) a rhythmic stream with targets appearing frequently at a f
264 equently at a fixed off-beat position; (2) a rhythmic stream with targets appearing frequently at on-
265                                              Rhythmic streams are widespread in our environment, and
266  a general mechanism of the brain to process rhythmic structure and can occur without the perceptual
267 ating oscillatory brain activity to external rhythmic structure before its behavioral detection.
268 scillations in the presence of environmental rhythmic structure by which neural oscillations become e
269               Previous experiments show that rhythmic structure has a behavioral benefit even when th
270 lation signal can be used to orchestrate the rhythmic structure of the internally timed elements of S
271 rent results suggest that, in the absence of rhythmic structure to entrain neural oscillations, good
272 tion, Foxp2+/- song also exhibited irregular rhythmic structure, and its development did not follow t
273 in the absence of predictability afforded by rhythmic structure, we hypothesize that the neural dynam
274 acoustic noise stimuli lacking low-frequency rhythmic structure.
275  These preparations produce regular bouts of rhythmic swimming activity in ambient light but fall sil
276 hat selective attention is controlled by the rhythmic synchronization in the prefrontal cortex (PFC)
277 Thus, we suggest that either intermittent or rhythmic synchronized changes of excitability trigger se
278 in brain slices have led to a model in which rhythmic synchronized spiking (phasic firing) in a popul
279                     In some cases, these two rhythmic systems are known to be coupled by specific, cr
280 avor of a class of drift-diffusion models of rhythmic timing during a synchronization-continuation ta
281                                     Applying rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation to interfere
282 found effect on gene regulation, controlling rhythmic transcript accumulation for up to half of expre
283 ator and the VRILLE (VRI) repressor to drive rhythmic transcription peaking at dawn.
284 ERIOD-TIMELESS (PER-TIM) repressors to drive rhythmic transcription peaking at dusk, is required for
285 cked feedback loop in Drosophila is to drive rhythmic transcription required for overt rhythms.
286 s CRY acts independently of light to repress rhythmic transcription.
287            We used this approach to identify rhythmic transcripts in human liver and lung, including
288 died the role of slow oscillations, 0.2-1 Hz rhythmic transitions between Up and Down states during s
289  with the peak in eEF-2 phosphorylation, and rhythmic translation of glutathione S-transferase (GST-3
290 hat clock control of eEF-2 activity promotes rhythmic translation of specific mRNAs.
291                          By contrast, during rhythmic twitch contractions (4 Hz), slow onset vasodila
292                                              Rhythmic twitch contractions stimulate FA endothelium to
293                                       During rhythmic twitch contractions, slow onset vasodilatation
294 ther than being constant, host physiology is rhythmic, undergoing circadian ( approximately 24 h) osc
295  spontaneously by entrainment of independent rhythmic units.
296                                          The rhythmic V0v interneurons were further subdivided into t
297                                              Rhythmic visual stimulation ("flicker") is primarily use
298 dence that the interaction between exogenous rhythmic visual stimulation and endogenous brain rhythms
299 and showed neuronal activity, as measured by rhythmic waves of calcium transients.
300        Optogenetic stimulation of wM1 evokes rhythmic whisker protraction (whisking), whereas optogen

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