


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 baroreflex sensitivity fluctuates widely and rhythmically.
2 During swimming, ascending interneurons fire rhythmically.
3 r the serial order of the intervals executed rhythmically.
4 o densely perturbed that they no longer fire rhythmically.
5 d its subsequent impact on choice fluctuated rhythmically according to the phase of ongoing parietal
6  limited to relaying external stimuli but is rhythmically activated by internal processes, forming an
7   In addition, FGF signaling was shown to be rhythmically activated in the PSM in response to the seg
8 lates circadian swimming in annelid worms by rhythmically activating cholinergic neurons.
9                                              Rhythmically activating this circuit in a social context
10                  Eve(+) interneurons are not rhythmically active and thus function independently of t
11 r (AB) and pyloric dilator (PD) neurons were rhythmically active at a low frequency.
12 otor neurons and excitatory interneurons are rhythmically active at the lowest swimming frequencies,
13                                           In rhythmically active brainstem slices from neonatal rats,
14 orms previously silent RTN/pFRG neurons into rhythmically active cells whose firing is correlated wit
15 ound a mechanism for intrinsic plasticity in rhythmically active Drosophila neurons that was not base
16                   Although most Hb9 INs were rhythmically active during fictive locomotion, their act
17  but not adCINs, are excited by 5-HT and are rhythmically active during fictive locomotion.
18 ved intermediate reticular (IRt) neurons are rhythmically active during inspiration and project to th
19 s (28 of 67 tested, 42%), whilst others were rhythmically active during locomotion and increased thei
20 tch recordings show that the CiA neurons are rhythmically active during swimming.
21 tric nervous system when the PD neurons were rhythmically active evoked additional action potentials
22 ubpopulation of inspiratory neurons remained rhythmically active in the absence of network activity (
23 rnel of essential respiratory circuits using rhythmically active in vitro slices from neonatal mice.
24                           At the core of the rhythmically active leech heartbeat central pattern gene
25                                      We used rhythmically active medullary slices from wild-type (WT)
26                                              Rhythmically active motor circuits can generate differen
27 le of short-term synaptic depression using a rhythmically active neonatal mouse brainstem slice prepa
28 of respiratory-related XII nerve activity in rhythmically active neonatal rat medullary slices.
29 modulate synaptic strength cycle by cycle in rhythmically active networks.
30                                              Rhythmically active neural networks can control the modu
31                       Synaptic feedback from rhythmically active neuronal circuits commonly causes th
32                           Interactions among rhythmically active neuronal circuits that oscillate at
33  actions of modulatory projection neurons on rhythmically active neuronal circuits, using the pyloric
34 ndent synaptic inhibition is introduced to a rhythmically active neuronal network model, randomly dri
35                                              Rhythmically active neuronal networks give rise to rhyth
36                The phase differences between rhythmically active neurons in a network are thought to
37 ne has recently been shown to reduce I(h) in rhythmically active neurons in the mammalian brain.
38 ome animals have a specialized population of rhythmically active neurons in their olfactory organs wi
39 we show how an animal can use populations of rhythmically active neurons to capture and encode this t
40                     Whole-cell recordings in rhythmically active newborn mouse slice preparations sho
41 evidence that animals can use populations of rhythmically active or 'bursting' olfactory receptor neu
42 f PAIH, a lobster gene that encodes Ih, into rhythmically active PD neurons.
43 icroinfusion of acidified solutions into the rhythmically active pre-BotC network increased network b
44  occurred both between and within classes of rhythmically active premotor excitatory interneurons.
45  of a histaminergic projection neuron on the rhythmically active pyloric and gastric mill circuits wi
46                                       In the rhythmically active pyloric circuit of the spiny lobster
47                                       In the rhythmically active pyloric circuit of the spiny lobster
48                                       In the rhythmically active pyloric network of the lobster Panul
49 atal rodent brainstem slices that retain the rhythmically active respiratory network.
50 periods of high-frequency firing, the normal rhythmically active serotonin (5HT)-containing neurosecr
51 ons of the preBotzinger complex (preBotC) in rhythmically active slice preparations from neonatal C57
52 show an early inspiratory phase of firing in rhythmically active slice preparations.
53                      Our studies show that a rhythmically active spinal circuit forms in ChAT mutants
54 ine and quinpirole hyperpolarised identified rhythmically active spinal neurons, increased rheobase a
55                 Many nervous systems contain rhythmically active subnetworks that interact despite os
56                                     ICC were rhythmically active, producing regular slow wave depolar
57 dings indicate that ventral interneurons are rhythmically active, project to motoneurons, and are lik
58 ng locomotion, cerebellar Purkinje cells are rhythmically active, shaping descending signals and coor
59          However, if the lumbar circuits are rhythmically active, these latter circuits will entrain
60                  If postsynaptic neurons are rhythmically active, this might entail rhythmic gain mod
61 c capacity, the lumbar circuits, if they are rhythmically active, will entrain the rhythmicity of the
62 ld code whisking speed); (2) when rats whisk rhythmically against an object, the intrinsic dynamics o
63    Over a cycle of 4 to 5 hours, yeast cells rhythmically alternate between glycolysis and respiratio
64 ); and (2) modulations of response gain that rhythmically amplify and attenuate the responses at spec
65 layed flat autospectra, while 63% (34) fired rhythmically and contained well-defined peaks in their a
66  Most cells inhibited during SPW (80%) fired rhythmically and phase-locked to the negative peak of th
67 e species, the flashing between males occurs rhythmically and repeatedly (synchronically) with millis
68 ation and serial order of intervals produced rhythmically and suggest that this dynamic code depends
69 nhibit MS/DB neurons, allowing them to burst rhythmically and thereby produce hippocampal theta rhyth
70 ngeal cholinergic motor neurons are normally rhythmically, and not tonically active.
71                      AACs fired strongly and rhythmically around the peak of theta oscillations, when
72 P protein (reporting Per1 mRNA) is expressed rhythmically as measured by either fluorescence or immun
73        The rapid stream was presented either rhythmically at 10 Hz, to entrain parietooccipital alpha
74 l system contains "theta cells," which burst rhythmically at 4-12 Hz, but the functional significance
75 ed neurons were spontaneously active, firing rhythmically at an average frequency of 8 +/- 4 Hz.
76  were strongly anticorrelated and fluctuated rhythmically at an ultra-slow rate.
77 yoclonus in whom myoclonic EMG bursts repeat rhythmically at high frequency.
78 nous serotonin, wFMNs recorded in vitro fire rhythmically at whisking frequencies, and selective 5-HT
79                                     Further, rhythmically beating WB F344-derived cardiomyocytes disp
80 move on helical paths or drifting circles by rhythmically bending cell protrusions called motile cili
81 iece of spinal cord/notochord was repeatedly rhythmically bent for 0.5-12 cycles.
82 g-wavelength cone (LC) opsin mRNA fluctuated rhythmically between the day and night.
83 chanism for the disparity: PER2 directly and rhythmically binds to CLOCK:BMAL1, while CRY only intera
84 he control involved in a task where subjects rhythmically bounce a ball with a hand-held racket as re
85 r neurons, external tufted (ET) cells, which rhythmically burst at respiratory frequencies and synchr
86 on of inspiratory neurons continued to burst rhythmically but asynchronously.
87  mRNAs from other mRNAs that are transcribed rhythmically but do not exhibit poly(A) tail rhythms.
88 rL and DP, with many more cells in DP firing rhythmically compared to the PrL region.
89                           To verify that the rhythmically contractile cells were derived from murine
90 ecardiac endoderm/mesoderm, the incidence of rhythmically contractile EBs increased to 100%.
91  explants, as revealed by the formation of a rhythmically contractile multicellular vesicle that expr
92 yBP-C on contraction, isolated quiescent and rhythmically contracting cardiac trabeculae were exposed
93 the anterobasal left ventricle with 40 to 75 rhythmically contracting embryoid bodies (totaling 1.3-2
94 mitochondrial cytochrome a,a3 redox state in rhythmically contracting human forearm muscles with near
95 n followed by 10 min in 7.5 mM, and 4) cells rhythmically contracting in 2.5 mM for 20 min.
96 aptic inhibition is also used effectively to rhythmically control the activity level of a distinct, b
97  which the ATPase activity of the CI ring is rhythmically controlled.
98 muscles innervated by the facial nucleus are rhythmically coordinated during lipsmacks and that this
99 subthreshold membrane potential oscillations rhythmically coupled to respiration.
100 y complexes and that the PER complex thereby rhythmically delivers histone deacetylases to the Per1 p
101 cending interneurons (dINs)] are critical in rhythmically driving activity in the swimming circuit.
102 n and serial order of six intervals produced rhythmically during a synchronization-continuation tappi
103 olinergic projection neurons in the PPN fire rhythmically during cortical slow oscillations, and pred
104 ntial propensity of olivary neurones to fire rhythmically during different behavioural states in vivo
105                        The soft palate moves rhythmically during feeding, but the timing and frequenc
106        In contrast, none of the adCINs fired rhythmically during fictive locomotion.
107 d commissural interneurons continued to fire rhythmically during non-resetting ipsilateral flexor del
108 -inspiratory neurones (n = 4), ceased firing rhythmically during PCF stimulation.
109                       Met mRNA was expressed rhythmically during the reproductive cycle, with peak mR
110 ic neurons that are unusual since they burst rhythmically during waking.
111                                              Rhythmically entrained and articulated pre-linguistic vo
112  the firing of BLA and rhinal neurons became rhythmically entrained by BLA oscillations at that time.
113 es, were not modulated by head-direction but rhythmically-entrained by theta-oscillations.
114 ion from LGN interneurons, which in turn are rhythmically excited by thalamocortical neurons that exh
115  We investigated whether glia, like neurons, rhythmically express circadian genes.
116 und that vasculature-enriched genes that are rhythmically expressed are preferentially expressed in t
117 nce (RNAi) was used to reduce mRNA levels of rhythmically expressed candidate genes encoding putative
118 dopsis, light-dependent stabilization of the rhythmically expressed CONSTANS (CO) is required for the
119 nal activator and positive clock element, is rhythmically expressed from a nonrhythmic steady-state p
120 constitutive nuclear protein, in contrast to rhythmically expressed FRQ and WC-1.
121 d markedly reduced the expression of the non-rhythmically expressed gene Trib1.
122 was identified in DNA microarray screens for rhythmically expressed genes [3-5], and further analysis
123 y target the Per2 3'-UTR, it does target two rhythmically expressed genes in calvaria, Igf1 and Hif1a
124                                 By comparing rhythmically expressed genes in the fly head and body, w
125                                   Of all the rhythmically expressed genes in the mouse colon, approxi
126 trointestinal symptoms, we aimed to identify rhythmically expressed genes in the mouse distal colon.
127 N has often focused on the identification of rhythmically expressed genes.
128                                     ID2 is a rhythmically expressed HLH transcriptional repressor.
129 he clock genes period and cryptochrome 2 are rhythmically expressed in both tissues, reminiscent of o
130             Here we show that ID2 protein is rhythmically expressed in mouse liver.
131 enes, including a subset of 318 genes deemed rhythmically expressed in other studies.
132 how that period (per) and timeless (tim) are rhythmically expressed in several groups of neurons in t
133                           While nocturnin is rhythmically expressed in the cytoplasm of the retinal p
134                                 C/EBPbeta is rhythmically expressed in the liver and is regulated by
135 tivator that regulates energy metabolism, is rhythmically expressed in the liver and skeletal muscle
136 ing is modulated by Cry1 and Cry2, which are rhythmically expressed in the liver.
137                       mPer3 transcripts were rhythmically expressed in the SCN and skeletal muscle of
138 analysis further showed that KCNMA1 mRNA was rhythmically expressed in the SCN under light:dark (LD)
139                         PK2 messenger RNA is rhythmically expressed in the SCN, and the phase of PK2
140 R protein from cytoplasm to nucleus, and are rhythmically expressed in the suprachiasmatic circadian
141 We report that a reduced subset of genes was rhythmically expressed in vitro compared to those previo
142 s imposing an additional level of control on rhythmically expressed mRNAs and, in other cases, confer
143 nalysis was used to identify genes that were rhythmically expressed over a 24-hour light/dark cycle.
144  Microarray studies have identified numerous rhythmically expressed transcripts, some of which are po
145 cadian clock regulates only a limited set of rhythmically expressed transcripts.
146  mechanistically distinct form of memory, is rhythmically expressed under light-dark and constant con
147 a transgenic rat line in which luciferase is rhythmically expressed under the control of the mouse Pe
148           Between 2.7 and 5.9% of genes were rhythmically expressed with peak expression in the subje
149                                       cwo is rhythmically expressed, and levels are reduced in Clk mu
150  of a feedback loop in which clock genes are rhythmically expressed, giving rise to cycling levels of
151 e as a reporter, we also showed that dnaN is rhythmically expressed, suggesting that DNA replication
152                   Drosophila Clock (dClk) is rhythmically expressed, with peaks in mRNA and protein (
153  not all genes critical for SCN function are rhythmically expressed.
154 We also found that several myosins XI can be rhythmically expressed.
155 times of the day and found that the duodenum rhythmically expresses molecular circadian clock genes a
156     We demonstrate that flies ingest food by rhythmically extending their proboscis with a frequency
157 Of the correlated neurons, 37% (20) were non-rhythmically firing and displayed flat autospectra, whil
158                                In essence, a rhythmically firing neurone is particularly affected by
159  in the 90-150 Hz epsilon band by the APs of rhythmically firing pyramidal neurons.
160                 Thus, during certain states, rhythmically firing SUM neurons lead the septal theta os
161                            The percentage of rhythmically firing V2a interneurons increases during hi
162 n and ancient stromatolites corresponds to a rhythmically fluctuating metabolism with a period of app
163                              Egg hatching is rhythmically gated, persists under constant darkness, an
164 glion cells (RGCs) in Crx(-)/(-) mice become rhythmically hyperactive around the time of eye opening
165 flexion-selective interneurons are typically rhythmically hyperpolarized during fictive scratching an
166 ocessing states arise from the engagement of rhythmically identifiable circuits, which have unique ro
167                 Arterial pressure fluctuates rhythmically in healthy supine resting humans, who, from
168                             ZGT is expressed rhythmically in light/dark cycles and in constant light.
169      Furthermore, both cry0 and cryb eclosed rhythmically in LL.
170                              TIM accumulated rhythmically in nuclei of eyes and in pacemaker cells of
171  Like per mRNA, Dreg-5 mRNA is not expressed rhythmically in per null mutant flies.
172       In photoreceptors, CG17282 accumulates rhythmically in PERIOD- and DOUBLETIME-dependent cytosol
173            Globus pallidus (GP) neurons fire rhythmically in the absence of synaptic input, suggestin
174 ions of contrast sensitivity that fluctuated rhythmically in the delta range (at approximately 3 Hz),
175 tions of contrast sensitivity that fluctuate rhythmically in the delta range (at approximately 3 Hz),
176 uggest that acetylcholine is likely released rhythmically in the developing retina.
177 retina, spontaneous electric activity occurs rhythmically in the form of propagating waves and is bel
178                       TGF-alpha is expressed rhythmically in the SCN, and when infused into the third
179     Here we show that nocturnin is expressed rhythmically in the small intestine and is induced by ol
180 scending projections which fire reliably and rhythmically in time with swimming.
181  Striatal cholinergic interneurons discharge rhythmically in two patterns associated with different a
182  systems become anticorrelated and fluctuate rhythmically, in reciprocally alternating multisecond ep
183 ininergic cells proximal to Lkr neurons that rhythmically increased postprandial sleep when silenced,
184 e genes, termed late-life cyclers, were also rhythmically induced in young flies by constant exposure
185 ormal locomotor activity, locomotor circuits rhythmically inhibit them and dI3 interneurons can activ
186 Rt contains glycinergic/GABAergic cells that rhythmically inhibit vibrissa facial motoneurons.
187         This priming of lateral roots occurs rhythmically, involving temporal oscillations in auxin r
188 adian pattern, but whether it is synthesized rhythmically is unknown.
189 lings for the impending exposure to light by rhythmically lowering LHY, CCA1, PIF4, and PIF5 expressi
190 Our results indicate that bistratified cells rhythmically modulate glutamatergic input to the dendrit
191 -synchronized gamma activity in M1 is itself rhythmically modulated by the phase of a lower-frequency
192 mics predicts the subjective experience of a rhythmically modulated sound in real time, even when the
193 r expiratory motoneurons and interneurons is rhythmically modulated with the locomotor activity.
194 tem), cell growth, signaling and others--are rhythmically modulated within clock cells via synchroniz
195              We propose that the presence of rhythmically-modulated neural dynamics predicts the subj
196 gamma-band activity in awake macaque area V4 rhythmically modulates responses to unpredictable stimul
197 s, and other long-tailed crustaceans swim by rhythmically moving limbs called swimmerets.
198 o during an anisometric "scratching" task of rhythmically moving the fingertip along a 5.8 +/- 0.5 cm
199  colonic migrating motor complex (CMMC) is a rhythmically occurring neurally mediated motor pattern.
200 are invoked during attentional processing of rhythmically occurring stimuli, whereby their phase alig
201 g circadian neurons because they release VIP rhythmically on a daily basis and in response to ambient
202 f acetylcholine or the muscle was contracted rhythmically (once per 2 s, 1-2 min), before and after l
203 he molecular components of circadian rhythms rhythmically oscillate in blood vessels, evidence of a d
204             Rather, we sample visual stimuli rhythmically, oscillating at 5-10 Hz.
205 wing for the interaction of two limiting and rhythmically out-of-phase proteins, FRQ and WC-1, and th
206            In the presence of isoproterenol, rhythmically paced, miR-1-overexpressing myocytes exhibi
207                                              Rhythmically paced, TrdPt-expressing myocytes exhibited
208 pothesis that periodic motivation induced by rhythmically pairing 2 reinforcing stimuli [methamphetam
209    Many rodents explore their environment by rhythmically palpating objects with their mystacial whis
210            Alpha desynchronization increased rhythmically, peaking just before the expected reappeara
211                                      KaiC is rhythmically phosphorylated and its phospho-status is a
212 6K1), an important regulator of translation, rhythmically phosphorylates BMAL1 at an evolutionarily c
213 MI reflect the subject's engagement with the rhythmically presented cues and work together to enhance
214 n the vertebral precursors, the somites, are rhythmically produced from presomitic mesoderm (PSM).
215 --the embryonic segments of vertebrates--are rhythmically produced from the paraxial mesoderm.
216 n the vertebral precursors, the somites, are rhythmically produced from the presomitic mesoderm.
217  sensitivity, are indistinguishable from the rhythmically produced hyperphosphorylated TIMELESS of wi
218 he synchronous firing of CA3 pyramidal cells rhythmically recruits CA1 interneurons and that this fee
219 ly more rhythmic movement to music and other rhythmically regular sounds than to speech; (ii) infants
220 s and is the same as the E box described for rhythmically regulated promoters of animal circadian clo
221  gene/protein expression and function can be rhythmically regulated-transcription, protein expression
222            During the circadian cycle, CREBH rhythmically regulates and interacts with the hepatic nu
223 rminal tail of CRY1 in which phosphorylation rhythmically regulates CRY1 stability and contributes to
224 this, we discovered that the circadian clock rhythmically regulates JA signaling.
225  in which specific proteins (clock proteins) rhythmically repress expression of their own genes.
226  of the mammalian circadian clock and act to rhythmically repress the activity of the transcriptional
227 -CYC-dependent transcriptional activation is rhythmically repressed by PER or PER-TIM to control circ
228 , and the FRQ-interacting RNA Helicase (FRH) rhythmically represses gene expression by the white-coll
229                                      Rodents rhythmically scan an array of long, facial hairs across
230                    Previous work showed that rhythmically stimulating GPR in a gastric mill-like patt
231 FICANCE STATEMENT The environment is full of rhythmically structured signals that the nervous system
232 r activity, we recorded from rats trained to rhythmically sweep their vibrissa in search of a target.
233  interval prefrontal population activity was rhythmically synchronized at frequencies around 32 and 3
234 anonical circuit computations implemented by rhythmically synchronized circuits.
235 ic formation of networks is often evident in rhythmically synchronized neuronal activity and tightly
236 , during each LG neuron interburst, to boost rhythmically the influence of the modulatory input from
237                   Clock genes were expressed rhythmically throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
238 ircadian rhythm of Shp expression by binding rhythmically to the Shp promoter, which was enhanced by
239                        The gene nocturnin is rhythmically transcribed in Xenopus retinal photorecepto
240                               dClock is also rhythmically transcribed, but its regulators are unknown
241                      Although many genes are rhythmically transcribed, many rhythmic mRNAs manifest p
242 he canonical clock components, was expressed rhythmically under both environmental conditions.
243                     Melatonin is synthesized rhythmically under control of circadian oscillators by t
244 he melatonin synthetic pathway, is expressed rhythmically under the control of the circadian clock.
245  the network and drive the LP and PY neurons rhythmically using artificial synaptic currents with ide
246 trate, through flow visualization studies in rhythmically ventilated rat lungs, that such a foundatio
247 nate this activity in ensembles that pulsate rhythmically, very much like musical instruments in an o
248 tractile behavior and secretion, which recur rhythmically when distension is maintained above thresho
249 eI neurones (n = 7/8) continued to discharge rhythmically, whereas all other respiratory cell types (
250                   These ccgs accumulate mRNA rhythmically with a circadian period in a frq-null strai
251 GIR, reflecting insulin sensitivity, changed rhythmically with a cycle duration of 22.9 +/- 1.4 h and
252 ach structure, firing probability fluctuated rhythmically with the fast oscillations, indicating that
253     Because many immune parameters oscillate rhythmically with the time of day, the circadian clock h
254 ivity, a majority of lumbar (L2) dCINs fired rhythmically with ventral root-recorded motor activity,
255  approximately half of V2a interneurons fire rhythmically with ventral root-recorded motor activity;

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