コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 x 2.9 cm x 2.9 cm) in the lower pole of the right kidney.
2 y to decompress the collecting system of the right kidney.
3 iscovery of renal cell carcinoma (T1) in the right kidney.
4 idney and 1.62 mg/dl in the recipient of the right kidney.
5 Norway islet graft was transplanted into the right kidney.
6 nfidence interval: -3.73, 3.58) for left and right kidneys.
7 the 227 kidneys transplanted, 17 (7.5%) were right kidneys.
10 difference in total uptake between liver and right kidney and between spleen and left kidney, were ca
13 l uptake declined over 5 minutes in left and right kidney and in liver (from 88% +/- 10% [1 minute] t
15 he ratio of total uptake in liver to that in right kidney and of total uptake in spleen to that in le
16 right kidney, between the upper pole of the right kidney and the lower pole of the right kidney (RLP
20 ional hemodynamics (portal vein, hepatic and right kidney artery ultrasound flow probes) and oxygen t
21 ional hemodynamics (portal vein, hepatic and right kidney artery ultrasound flow probes) and oxygen t
22 y (LLDN), there is reluctance to procure the right kidney because of the more difficult exposure and
23 ng in the region above the upper pole of the right kidney, between the upper pole of the right kidney
26 -old woman, had good renal function, but her right kidney contained a large 4-cm cyst that had a beni
32 ls: upper liver at diaphragm, porta hepatis, right kidney hilum, iliac crest, and upper margin of ace
33 ded nephrectomy suggests that recovering the right kidney is a reasonable option for donors with cont
39 molecular evidence of WNV infection and the right kidney recipient had prolonged but clinically inap
45 Anterior rotation of the lower pole of the right kidney should prompt a search for precaval renal a
51 genesis with compensatory hypertrophy of the right kidney, uterus didelphys with haematometra and hae
54 of experiments, rats were anesthetized, the right kidney was removed, and two of three major branche
56 estis was located in the inguinal canal, the right kidney was slightly enlarged and the left kidney c
62 Severe ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the right kidney, with subsequent periods of the left ureter
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