


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  chain is possible using cross metathesis or ring closing metathesis.
2 center, and the lactone moiety was formed by ring-closing metathesis.
3 ring stapled peptide by means of macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis.
4 oyl-protected carbocyclic bis-allyl ureas by ring-closing metathesis.
5 onic acid-controlled Z-selective macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis.
6 carbon macrocyclic ring system was formed by ring-closing metathesis.
7 yclononene substructure could be realized by ring-closing metathesis.
8 as the five-membered ring was formed through ring-closing metathesis.
9 d six-membered cyclic phosphonates using the ring-closing metathesis.
10 ared from optically pure acyclic acetals via ring-closing metathesis.
11 y eight-membered-ring intermediate employing ring-closing metathesis.
12  formation of an unsaturated lactone through ring-closing metathesis.
13  turn a Myers reductive coupling followed by ring-closing metathesis.
14 homoallylglycine building blocks followed by ring-closing metathesis.
15 n metathesis, including cross-metathesis and ring-closing metathesis.
16 d by homodimerization, cross metathesis, and ring-closing metathesis.
17 Tsuji-Trost allylic amination reaction and a ring-closing metathesis.
18  or aminohydroxylation protocols followed by ring-closing metathesis.
19 ometallic addition, and a Z-selective alkene ring-closing metathesis.
20 cycle was realized by a highly (E)-selective ring-closing metathesis (35 --> 37).
21 ophilic addition to an N-acyl iminium ion, a ring-closing metathesis, a diastereoselective hydroborat
22 ree important types of metathesis reactions: ring-closing metathesis, alkene dimerization, and alkene
23 ropic [1,3]-shift followed by a second enyne ring-closing metathesis allowed the formation of a highl
24 e base and the carbocyclic sugar moiety, via ring-closing metathesis, allowed for a facial selective
25 the C4' stereocenter, and a highly efficient ring-closing metathesis-allylic oxidation sequence to fo
26 atalyst was shown to catalyze various olefin ring closing metathesis and hydrosilylation reactions in
27                    Other key steps include a ring-closing metathesis and a selective olefin oxidation
28               The application in sequence of ring-closing metathesis and an intramolecular Heck react
29 etic macrocycles has been accomplished using ring-closing metathesis and enyne tandem cross-metathesi
30             The C-Glc Ser was available by a ring-closing metathesis and hydroalkoxylation route.
31                           The combination of ring-closing metathesis and Pd-catalyzed, silicon-assist
32                                    The enyne ring-closing metathesis and relay metathesis provides th
33 esis of the eight-membered analogues involve ring-closing metathesis and Sharpless asymmetric dihydro
34 ment of a strategy consisting of allylsilane ring-closing metathesis and subsequent S(E)' electrophil
35 use of ruthenium catalysts, first in azepine ring-closing metathesis and then in alkene isomerization
36 hese products served as substrates for enyne ring-closing metathesis and, consequently, as precursors
37 re discussed based on asymmetric allylation, ring closing metathesis, and aldol reactions.
38 acrocyclic PIs were designed, synthesized by ring-closing metathesis, and evaluated alongside with 10
39 blishes the stereochemistry of the product), ring-closing metathesis, and simple functional group con
40                                      Here, a ring-closing metathesis approach is utilized to synthesi
41 ment of an iterative reductive aromatization/ring-closing metathesis approach.
42                                   Asymmetric ring closing metathesis (ARCM) of a challenging class of
43 carbenes and their application to asymmetric ring-closing metathesis (ARCM) are reported.
44                  The Mo-catalyzed asymmetric ring-closing metathesis (ARCM) of various achiral triene
45   The first examples of catalytic asymmetric ring-closing metathesis (ARCM) reactions of enol ethers
46 OM transformations that occur in tandem with ring-closing metathesis are described.
47  16-epi-luffarin L (2) by a silicon-tethered ring closing metathesis as a key step has been achieved.
48 ed macrocyclic dienediyne was achieved using ring-closing metathesis as a key step.
49 ermolecular Pauson-Khand cycloaddition and a ring-closing metathesis as key bond-forming transformati
50 errier rearrangement, Grignard addition, and ring-closing metathesis as key steps.
51 ablish the E,Z-diene part, an ester-tethered ring-closing metathesis/base-induced eliminative ring op
52                  We initially investigated a ring-closing metathesis based synthetic strategy to form
53                                            A ring-closing metathesis-based strategy has allowed acces
54 idine fragment are depicted, both relying on ring-closing metathesis but differing in the substitutio
55                                              Ring-closing metathesis can be performed on the N-protec
56 pyl ketenethioacetal, (2) an efficient enyne ring-closing metathesis cascade reaction in a challengin
57 y performing a domino cross enyne metathesis/ring-closing metathesis (CEYM/RCM) in the presence of st
58 -trisubstituted furan and features efficient ring-closing metathesis chemistry made possible through
59 ion of a higher-order dimethylcuprate upon a ring-closing metathesis-derived alpha,beta-unsaturated v
60  into C-ribosides 29a,b via the Ru-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis, followed by a diastereoselectiv
61    The new sequence is an alternative to the ring-closing metathesis for the synthesis of carbohydrat
62 ess, the alternative approach was based on a ring-closing metathesis from the corresponding N-allyl-s
63                           Interestingly, the ring-closing metathesis generates a new eight-membered r
64  In the second stage of the tandem strategy, ring-closing metathesis generates the nitrogen heterocyc
65 termediates in the catalytic carbonyl-olefin ring-closing metathesis has been obtained.
66                              The aromatizing ring-closing metathesis has been shown to take place ins
67 owed by a conjugate addition-elimination and ring-closing metathesis, has been developed.
68 de reduction, and (iii) a template-supported ring-closing metathesis/hydrolysis sequence.
69                Conformational restriction by ring-closing metathesis increased the specificity of res
70 cyclic ring system via alcohol oxidation and ring-closing metathesis is also described.
71 uencing the diastereochemical outcome of the ring-closing metathesis is also presented, revealing tha
72         The utility of the Mo-catalyzed AROM/ring-closing metathesis is demonstrated through an enant
73  and macrocyclic nitrogen heterocycles using ring-closing metathesis is described.
74 yl moieties followed by a diastereoselective ring-closing metathesis is described.
75 l boronic esters and homoallylic alcohols by ring-closing metathesis is reported.
76 ng a tethered olefinic site followed by RCM (ring-closing metathesis) is described.
77 idemniserinolipid B utilizing a ketalization/ring-closing metathesis (K/RCM) strategy is described.
78 ylenation of these compounds was followed by ring-closing metathesis, mediated by the Schrock molybde
79                                              Ring-closing metathesis-mediated incorporation of an int
80               The first catalytic asymmetric ring-closing metathesis method for the synthesis of N-co
81 rate that their synthesis can be achieved by ring closing metathesis of readily accessible precursors
82                                              Ring-closing metathesis of 5a-f afforded functionalized
83                  However, a sequential enyne ring-closing metathesis of a diyne moiety and metallotro
84                              A key catalytic ring-closing metathesis of an achiral triene is used to
85 stituted monobenzofused 1,4-azaborines using ring-closing metathesis of an enamine-containing diene a
86                           Attempts to effect ring-closing metathesis of dienes 37, 38, and 46 were un
87 as 25 ppm can lead to 100% conversion in the ring-closing metathesis of diethyl diallylmalonate.
88                                          The ring-closing metathesis of enediynes induces a facile me
89 benzo[b]phosphole-1-oxide, itself derived by ring-closing metathesis of phenylstyrylvinylphosphine ox
90  acids derivatives, are readily prepared via ring-closing metathesis of sulfinimine-derived N-sulfiny
91 15-membered macrocyclic PIs were prepared by ring-closing metathesis of the corresponding linear PIs.
92 ystem 5 has been developed that features the ring-closing metathesis of the enyne 45 to construct the
93 )amide to tert-butyl sorbate was followed by ring-closing metathesis of the resultant N-alkenyl beta-
94 opane to make two rings, and group-selective ring-closing metathesis of the resulting divinylcyclopen
95 ve been prepared via two key steps involving ring-closing metathesis of vinyl chlorides and regiosele
96 ization step was achieved using a sequential ring-closing metathesis/olefin isomerization reaction.
97 ed through a reaction sequence that included ring-closing metathesis on acrylate esters of the homoal
98                                 Ring-opening/ring-closing metathesis on cyclobutene-containing substr
99 vity are highlighted by cross metathesis and ring-closing metathesis on diverse peptide substrates.
100                     Olefin-cross metathesis, ring-closing metathesis, palladium-catalyzed Meinwald re
101 loped via asymmetric alkoxyallylboration and ring-closing metathesis pathways.
102                                 Ru-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis performed on the diallylated aro
103 lkenylamide containing peptides, prepared as ring-closing metathesis precursors, showed that the high
104 -amino acid derivatives could be accessed by ring-closing metathesis presenting a viable strategy to
105  studies include development of an efficient ring-closing metathesis procedure to prepare macrocyclic
106 y such initiating neophylidenes in promoting ring-closing metathesis processes, are disclosed.
107 f this arrangement through esterification or ring-closing metathesis produces the closed-knot complex
108 ing reactions include Nazarov cyclization, a ring-closing metathesis promoted with complete diastereo
109 n and a highly chemo- and diastereoselective ring-closing metathesis protocol for the formation of th
110                            A high-performing ring-closing metathesis protocol has been achieved by si
111                                              Ring-closing metathesis provided access to a twelve-memb
112 m of precatalyst and PAG was capable of both ring closing metathesis (RCM) and ring opening metathesi
113 erivatives based on selective alkylation and ring closing metathesis (RCM) by exploiting the four pos
114                                              Ring closing metathesis (RCM) of the diene 42 using Cl2(
115 eactions of COE and norbornadiene (NBD), and ring closing metathesis (RCM) reactions of diethyl diall
116 synthesized through an asymmetric allylation/ring closing metathesis (RCM) sequence.
117 ied out through the use of an esterification-ring closing metathesis (RCM) strategy.
118 h a suitable side chain tether introduced by ring closing metathesis (RCM).
119 e and terminal arylalkynes followed by enyne ring-closing metathesis (RCM) and Heck cyclization affor
120                           The feasibility of ring-closing metathesis (RCM) as a synthetic entry to 10
121 action, followed by Fischer indolization and ring-closing metathesis (RCM) as key steps.
122 -11)NH(2) analogues on solid phase utilizing ring-closing metathesis (RCM) between the side chains of
123  and titanium assisted cross-metathesis (CM)/ring-closing metathesis (RCM) cascade has been used to s
124                                              Ring-closing metathesis (RCM) catalyzed by a second-gene
125 tituted piperidinone D-rings were formed via ring-closing metathesis (RCM) followed by a 1,4-addition
126 generate the three stereogenic centers and a ring-closing metathesis (RCM) for the formation of the m
127  To this end, the catalytic process known as ring-closing metathesis (RCM) has allowed access to coun
128 opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) and ring-closing metathesis (RCM) have been investigated.
129                                    Catalytic ring-closing metathesis (RCM) is a widely used method fo
130 gue (5) were synthesized in good yield using ring-closing metathesis (RCM) methods.
131                We have demonstrated that the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) provides [17]ddEpoB or [18
132 = 3, 2) has been developed that involves the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of cis-2,6-dialke
133  embedded bicyclic lactone, and an efficient ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction to generate the m
134 ydrides 8-11 are further derivatized via the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction to yield amino ac
135 on of allylic hydroxyl group followed by the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction with Grubbs catal
136 oups was synthesized, cross-linked using the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction, and the core was
137 de and monoaryloxide complexes promote enyne ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reactions, affording the c
138              A tandem cross metathesis (CM)--ring-closing metathesis (RCM) sequence to form cyclic si
139 bond formations, one etherification, and one ring-closing metathesis (RCM) step, using readily availa
140  C1-C21 bond and the second approach using a ring-closing metathesis (RCM) strategy to form the C10-C
141 ied out through the use of an esterification-ring-closing metathesis (RCM) strategy.
142                  A phosphate tether-mediated ring-closing metathesis (RCM) study to the synthesis of
143  centerpiece of the strategy is a sequential ring-closing metathesis (RCM) that forms an unsaturated
144 lyldiphenylphosphonate esters and subsequent ring-closing metathesis (RCM) to access P-chiral P-heter
145 ntheses involve cobalt-complexation-promoted ring-closing metathesis (RCM) to generate ynolides, foll
146 F3.Et2O-mediated Et3SiH reduction and olefin ring-closing metathesis (RCM) using Ru(II) catalysts.
147                                              Ring-closing metathesis (RCM) was employed to join carbo
148 struction of the central macrolide employing ring-closing metathesis (RCM), followed by selective pro
149 nocrystal were globally cross-linked through ring-closing metathesis (RCM).
150 ghly efficient and selective for macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis (RCM).
151          A tandem ruthenium-catalyzed olefin ring-closing metathesis (RCM)/Kharasch addition allows f
152  addition were observed to undergo efficient ring-closing-metathesis (RCM) reaction in the presence o
153 ermally mediated Overman rearrangement and a ring closing metathesis reaction of allylic trichloroace
154                                    A Grubbs' ring closing metathesis reaction was utilized to close t
155 ctrophilic alpha-chloro sulfide, and last by ring-closing metathesis reaction as the key steps.
156 rbon bond is enabled by a microwave-assisted ring-closing metathesis reaction between two terminal ol
157 c approach highlights a remarkably efficient ring-closing metathesis reaction catalyzed by Nolan ruth
158  constraint is incorporated using either the ring-closing metathesis reaction catalyzed by the first
159 d-generation approach, a tandem ring-opening/ring-closing metathesis reaction effected an overall [2.
160 icient molybdenum-catalyzed enantioselective ring-closing metathesis reaction for the desymmetrizatio
161 yclic nucleosides, have been developed via a ring-closing metathesis reaction from d-ribose in eight
162 Overman rearrangement and a Ru(II)-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis reaction has been developed for
163  discovery of an efficient and selective bis ring-closing metathesis reaction leading to peptides bea
164 ombination of Ichikawa's rearrangement and a ring-closing metathesis reaction of allyl carbamates is
165 e we demonstrate a catalytic carbonyl-olefin ring-closing metathesis reaction that uses iron, an Eart
166 e key intermediates, as well as Ru-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis reaction to construct the key tr
167  centers adjacent to the ether linkage and a ring-closing metathesis reaction to construct the nine-m
168            A key step in the synthesis was a ring-closing metathesis reaction to prepare the macrocyc
169 ved from D-glucose, followed by a sequential ring-closing metathesis reaction using Grubbs catalysts,
170 and octadendron macromolecules underwent the ring-closing metathesis reaction using Grubbs' Type I ca
171               NMR studies confirmed that the ring-closing metathesis reaction yielded a single produc
172 action, an Overman rearrangement reaction, a ring-closing metathesis reaction, and an amination react
173         The synthesis features a challenging ring-closing metathesis reaction, followed by eliminatio
174 actical approach based on esterification and ring-closing metathesis reaction.
175 laced by a carbon-carbon bond derived from a ring-closing metathesis reaction.
176 ficant influence on the E:Z ratio during the ring-closing metathesis reaction.
177 aldols, Yamaguchi esterification, and Grubbs ring-closing metathesis reaction.
178  which is advantageously synthesized using a ring-closing metathesis reaction.
179 is are surveyed, with particular emphasis on ring-closing metathesis reactions and annulation reactio
180 yclizations of bis(vinyl boronate esters) or ring-closing metathesis reactions followed by complexati
181        We describe how our investigations of ring-closing metathesis reactions in epothilone settings
182 lass pellets used in a sequence of catalytic ring-closing metathesis reactions mediated by various su
183                               A study of the ring-closing metathesis reactions of two bis(enynes) is
184                            Olefin cross- and ring-closing metathesis reactions run in the presence of
185 alyst-controlled stereoselective macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis reactions that generate Z-enoate
186                                          Two ring-closing metathesis reactions were then used to form
187 hesis include diastereoselective Nazarov and ring-closing metathesis reactions, and a highly efficien
188  catalyst modification necessary) to perform ring-closing metathesis reactions, generating 14- to 21-
189 ctrocyclization sequence and others based on ring-closing metathesis reactions.
190 metathesis and enyne tandem cross-metathesis-ring-closing metathesis reactions.
191 trategy using intramolecular Diels-Alder and ring-closing metathesis reactions.
192                                    Of these, ring-closing metathesis represented by the conversion of
193          Iron(III)-catalyzed carbonyl-olefin ring-closing metathesis represents a new approach toward
194             After protection of the amine, a ring-closing metathesis results in a multifunctional eig
195 ring-closing metathesis [ROM/RCM] cascade vs ring-closing metathesis/ring-opening metathesis [RCM/ROM
196 metathesis involving ring-opening metathesis-ring-closing metathesis (ROM-RCM) of a bicyclo[2.2.2]oct
197 n reaction pathways (ring-opening metathesis/ring-closing metathesis [ROM/RCM] cascade vs ring-closin
198 d dihydropyran rings was constructed via the ring-closing metathesis route.
199 l 2-allyl-4-fluorophenyl auxiliary for relay ring-closing metathesis (RRCM) was developed, which incr
200 an ambitious one-pot alkyne cross-metathesis/ring-closing metathesis self-assembly process.
201 re the result of a tandem cycloisomerization-ring closing metathesis sequence.
202         The synthesis relied on an acylation-ring closing metathesis sequence.
203 ates by a Suzuki coupling-Wittig olefination-ring-closing metathesis sequence allowed a convergent an
204 ield, respectively, via a novel ketalization/ring-closing metathesis sequence.
205                                            A ring-closing metathesis served for construction of the s
206 is diene unit was accomplished with a tandem ring-closing metathesis/silicon-assisted intramolecular
207  catalysts initiate the key enantioselective ring-closing metathesis step in the total synthesis of q
208  The synthesis hinges on an asymmetric aldol-ring closing metathesis strategy to construct the five-m
209                                 A convergent ring-closing metathesis strategy has been employed for t
210 t the piperidine core and a silicon-tethered ring-closing metathesis strategy to install the Z exocyc
211              A highly efficient, Z-selective ring-closing metathesis system for the formation of macr
212 yclic core of Vaniprevir (MK-7009) utilizing ring-closing metathesis technology.
213 de pyrrolide (MAP) complex and a macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis that affords a trisubstituted al
214 d-catalyzed Suzuki coupling and Ru-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis, thus representing a practical m
215 ogram directed to the possible adaptation of ring closing metathesis to a total synthesis of vinigrol
216 ed a cascade Takai-Utimoto ester olefination/ring closing metathesis to construct ring Y, a hydroxydi
217 used benzofuran and 2) a cascade ene-yne-ene ring closing metathesis to forge the tetracyclic morphin
218 that ultimately was subjected to diene-diene ring closing metathesis to form the macrocycle.
219 h the Grb7-SH2 domain, both before and after ring closing metathesis to show that the closed staple i
220 d a relatively rare application of catalytic ring-closing metathesis to access an 11-membered ring st
221  and 10 (obtained from D-ribose) followed by ring-closing metathesis to afford enol ether 8, whose el
222       The isomerization can be combined with ring-closing metathesis to afford the synthesis of exocy
223                         Use was also made of ring-closing metathesis to bring about the conversion of
224 trategically forge the C1-C2 bond, and (3) a ring-closing metathesis to build the bridging bicyclo[4.
225 o alcohol functionality of conduramine E and ring-closing metathesis to construct its carbocyclic cor
226 d assemble the diazatricycloundecane core, a ring-closing metathesis to construct the 13-membered rin
227 absolute configuration of the pseudosugar, a ring-closing metathesis to construct the pseudosugar rin
228 riate allyl bromide provides a precursor for ring-closing metathesis to deliver the oxepinochromone r
229 e aldol reaction provided a diene useful for ring-closing metathesis to form an oxonene, which was ul
230 y substituted cyclobutanols; (ii) the use of ring-closing metathesis to form the pendant five-membere
231 hylvinylsilane and subjected to Mo-catalyzed ring-closing metathesis to form unsaturated siloxanes.
232 terically encumbered tetrahydropyran ring, a ring-closing metathesis to generate the C(4a-13-20a) mac
233 glycinol derivatives was followed by Grubbs' ring-closing metathesis to generate the key lactam inter
234 e previously reported that the employment of ring-closing metathesis to introduce a single all-hydroc
235 lin I (2), highlighted by the application of ring-closing metathesis to macrolide formation.
236                 Additional key steps include ring-closing metathesis to prepare the D-ring and Bosch-
237  functionalized aminodienes, which underwent ring-closing metathesis to provide chiral C5-C6 disubsti
238                                              Ring closing metathesis using difluorinated 1,7-enyne ca
239 turally occurring monoterpene myrcene (1) by ring-closing metathesis using Grubbs second generation c
240                                              Ring-closing metathesis using the Schrock inverted quest
241                                              Ring-closing metathesis was a key reaction used to form
242                               An E-selective ring-closing metathesis was used to access the 10-member
243                                              Ring-closing metathesis was used to construct the strain
244 tereoselective Grignard reaction followed by ring-closing metathesis was used.
245 phosphonate derived from (S)-lactic acid and ring-closing metathesis were the key reactions during th
246 1]tridecenes were synthesized by E-selective ring-closing metathesis where their absolute stereochemi
247 is inclusion complex was subjected to olefin ring-closing metathesis, which was observed to proceed u
248 lidinones 15 and 51, respectively, underwent ring-closing metathesis with Grubbs's catalyst to give a
249                               In particular, ring-closing metathesis with the Hoveyda-Grubbs catalyst

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