


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ilica, respectively, which are comparable to riverine and atmospheric inputs.
2  ecological phase involves a transition from riverine and deltaic environments to marine ones, concom
3 ation change experiment, and also applied to riverine and marine DOC.
4 radiogenic (Delta(14) C) isotopes that trace riverine and marine organic matter sources as they are p
5 onriverine sites was high in comparison with riverine and mixed geomorphic settings, with sites close
6 ological system, with major implications for riverine and near-shore marine environments.
7 atively high variation in OC storage between riverine and nonriverine geomorphic settings indicates t
8                         Direct comparison of riverine and reservoir reaches, where sedimentation in t
9            Also, wetlands experiencing more (riverine and tidal) hydrologic exchange recovered more r
10 lerae, an autochthonous member of estuarine, riverine, and marine habitats and the causative agent of
11 s and small mammals indicate that a putative riverine barrier (the Jurua River) does not relate to pr
12 ocene marine incursion, Pliocene/Pleistocene riverine barriers and Pleistocene refugia.
13 has systematically evaluated the impact that riverine barriers might have on structuring whole Amazon
14                                          The riverine bicarbonate flux originates mainly from the dis
15 es are a key, but understudied, component of riverine biogeochemical function.
16                                              Riverine biological processes could potentially be respo
17                                              Riverine bluff areas also appeared less heavily occupied
18 f some elements contributed significantly to riverine budgets (e.g., 24% for Zn, 50% for P, and 83% f
19 termediate reservoir, then the importance of riverine carbon in the ocean carbon cycle has been under
20                             Our estimates of riverine carbon storage represent a previously undocumen
21  the implications of temporal changes in the riverine chemical weathering flux for oceanic geochemica
22 ogeographical evidence suggesting that these riverine cichlids are products of a recent adaptive radi
23  conducted between May and July 2015 in four riverine communities in Mazan district.
24  support a "nodal" or heterogeneous model of riverine community organization across a particularly ex
25 in carbon storage; and historical changes in riverine complexity have likely reduced carbon storage.
26 ics, which is reflected in the delta(15)N of riverine consumer tissues.
27 ne deposition rate is overestimated, whereas riverine deposition is underestimated by at least an ord
28 fluents made only a moderate contribution to riverine discharge (21% for PFOA, 6% for PFOS), while at
29 ivity maxima and increased precipitation and riverine discharge from northern South America are close
30 d polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) through riverine discharge into coastal waters.
31                                       Global riverine discharge of organic matter represents a substa
32                                 Inputs (from riverine discharge, atmospheric deposition, coastal wast
33  be equal or larger by a factor of 16 to the riverine discharge.
34 estrial and marine net primary productivity, riverine dissolved and suspended matter fluxes to the oc
35 ssolved carbon and nitrogen, indicating that riverine dissolved components could be used to scale GHG
36                                              Riverine dissolved sulfate (SO4(2-)) flux and sulfur sta
37 ue can be successfully applied to marine and riverine DOC without further sample pretreatment.
38 ic input will drive substantial variation in riverine DOM and, thus, estuarine optics and photochemis
39     Determining the molecular composition of riverine DOM is essential for understanding its source,
40 at the genetic structure would correspond to riverine drainage basins.
41  historic as well as present-day patterns of riverine drainages.
42  underappreciated interannual variability of riverine DSi fluxes.
43  zone biogeochemistry and its influence over riverine ecosystem function.
44 though the importance of these subsidies for riverine ecosystems is increasingly recognized, little i
45 onal forest ecosystems and here in dendritic riverine ecosystems suggests the possible application of
46 namic way to create spatial heterogeneity in riverine ecosystems, and provides a means to detect spat
47               Past shifts in connectivity in riverine environments (for example, sea-level changes) a
48   In general, rotifers were more abundant in riverine environments than lakes and reservoirs.
49                                              Riverine environments, such as streams and rivers, have
50 semiaquatic and lived in freshwater swamp or riverine environments, where they grazed on freshwater v
51 atterns of fish distributions in schools and riverine environments.
52 at modifying the supply of organic matter to riverine, estuarine, and coastal food webs need to incor
53 lerae, has been shown to be autochthonous to riverine, estuarine, and coastal waters along with its h
54                                              Riverine export of particulate organic carbon (POC) to t
55 cation has resulted in increased base-cation riverine exports (Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Na(+), K(+)) correlate
56 lthough local and basin-scale differences in riverine fish diversity have been analysed as functions
57      Here, we derive a gridded global map of riverine fisheries and assess its implications for biodi
58 ent, which commonly occurs as contaminant in riverine floodplains and associated wetlands affected by
59 ated by an increase in the Fe:S ratio of the riverine flux after Sturtian glacial removal of a long-l
60                          We contend that the riverine flux obtained from observations of modern river
61 n tons per year, which is ~10% of the global riverine flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC).
62 we quantify the global impact of dams on the riverine fluxes and speciation of the limiting nutrient
63 consideration of the temporal variability in riverine fluxes largely ameliorates long-standing proble
64 tes of terrestrial organic C, which supports riverine food webs and is a source of CO2, are lacking.
65 ncorporation of allochthonous subsidies into riverine food webs.
66 ks, our framework facilitates predictions of riverine [Formula: see text] emissions globally using wi
67 (EEA), reveal centennial-scale variations of riverine freshwater input that are synchronous with nort
68 tion within nonriverine settings, but not in riverine geomorphic settings.
69                       Predicted increases in riverine hypoxia via eutrophication and increased temper
70 erine settings along with those with reduced riverine influence located on tide-dominated sand island
71                                          The riverine input of fine particles played an important rol
72  mercury observed in atmospheric deposition, riverine input, seawater, freshwater lakes, and freshwat
73  sea ice-modified atmospheric deposition and riverine input.
74 spheric deposition while CH is influenced by riverine input.
75                                              Riverine inputs of Hg to the North Atlantic have decreas
76 is, values on the same order of magnitude as riverine inputs of P and N to the MS.
77 e observed in coastal waters receiving major riverine inputs of terrestrial CDOM (0.06-0.5 m(3) (mol
78 hese clones were from sites far removed from riverine inputs, suggesting a wide diffusion of pathogen
79 astal and shelf areas that are influenced by riverine inputs.
80 cosystems, our results clearly indicate that riverine iron fluxes need to be accounted for as the vol
81 mates of global silicate fluxes derived from riverine measurements.
82 Results show a projected 10-fold increase in riverine MeHg levels and a 2.6-fold increase in estuarin
83                                              Riverine mercury export to AO is estimated at 50 Mg yr(-
84            (3) The alloy exhibits an unusual riverine microstructure of martensite not seen in other
85 U.S. watersheds and tested against available riverine N flux estimates.
86                                              Riverine N2 O emission estimates will be further enhance
87     Previous studies may overestimate global riverine N2 O emission rates (300-2100 Gg N2 O-N yr(-1)
88 de the best fit between modeled and observed riverine N2 O emission rates (EF(a): R(2) = 0.92 for bot
89 from published literature to estimate global riverine N2 O emission rates and emission factors.
90                                       Global riverine N2 O emission rates are forecasted to increase
91 ads for 6400 rivers, models estimated global riverine N2 O emission rates of 29.6-35.3 (mean = 32.2)
92                                              Riverine N2 O flux was significantly correlated with NH4
93 ture of [Formula: see text] production along riverine networks, our framework facilitates predictions
94 tions of [Formula: see text] emissions along riverine networks.
95 allows examination of the impact of imposing riverine nitrate-N load limits on the biofuel production
96 a in the northern Gulf of Mexico by reducing riverine nitrate-N loads represent two such cases that o
97 l agricultural activities strongly influence riverine nitrogen (N) dynamics, which is reflected in th
98 ANI has been shown to be a good predictor of riverine nitrogen export.
99 r networks and improving estimates of global riverine nitrogen loads.
100                          Estimates of global riverine nitrous oxide (N2 O) emissions contain great un
101 trations on the shelf in response to varying riverine nutrient and organic carbon loads, boundary flu
102              Sea surface warming and reduced riverine nutrient inputs are found to be likely contribu
103 dsummer hypoxic areas were most sensitive to riverine nutrient loads and sediment oxygen demand from
104 kes up much of the DOC and particulate OC of riverine OC (along with soil OC), why do we not see more
105 enzymatic processes in the mineralization of riverine OM: (i) the role of phenol oxidase activity in
106                                 For example, riverine organic matter assimilation by the glacier-nest
107 r runoff, but the influence of the influx of riverine organic matter on the trophodynamics of coastal
108 issues of marine consumers, estimates of the riverine organic matter source contribution to upper tro
109       We quantified the ecological impact of riverine organic matter subsidies to glacier-marine habi
110                                              Riverine organic matter supports of the order of one-fif
111 found in the open lake is not simply diluted riverine organic matter.
112 ed geomorphic settings, with sites closer to riverine outflow from the east and south of Moreton Bay
113  to calculate PFAA atmospheric inputs to and riverine outputs from the catchments.
114 ogeneity in controlling processes, including riverine particulate material loads, historically changi
115 tional genes also showed clear backwater and riverine patterns.
116                                         This riverine population of approximately 5000 individuals is
117 netic structure and demographic processes in riverine population of fishes.
118  understanding of basal resources supporting riverine productivity.
119 thin paleodrainages can be explained by past riverine properties (i.e., area and number of rivers in
120 Our findings extend the influence of current riverine properties on genetic diversity to those associ
121 the order of hours, days, and a week for the riverine, river-impacted, and open lake waters, respecti
122 based on their absorbance properties (a300): riverine, river-impacted, or open lake sites.
123                   Atmospheric deposition and riverine runoff have been traditionally considered the m
124 t worldwide coastal eutrophication fueled by riverine runoff of fertilizers and the burning of fossil
125  Shanghai and Jiangsu areas, which differ in riverine sediment supply and tidal flat management patte
126 t geomorphological settings (wetlands within riverine settings along with those with reduced riverine
127 indicators of N loading might be accurate in riverine settings, but could be inaccurate when consider
128 ) groups involved in nitrogen cycling in the riverine sites, suggesting a higher level of bacterial a
129 functionally different between backwater and riverine sites, which represent communities with and wit
130  pristine preindustrial natural baselines of riverine SO4(2-) flux and delta(34)S cannot be directly
131 lable dissolved organic carbon from external riverine sources supports a large component of ecosystem
132 MeHg in two riparian spiders is derived from riverine sources while approximately 45% of MeHg origina
133 , Lake Victoria), and Astatotilapia burtoni (riverine species around Lake Tanganyika).
134 palis gambiensis (Diptera: Glossinidae) is a riverine species that is still present as an isolated me
135 fy coastal evacuations by otherwise resident riverine striped bass in the Hudson River Estuary, New Y
136                                              Riverine sul1 correlated with upstream capacities of ani
137    However, the direction of range shifts in riverine systems is less clear.
138             Cores collected from large-scale riverine systems with many wastewater sources recorded i
139 hin grid cells and the potential C export to riverine systems, in a way to be conservative in a mass
140                                              Riverine systems, where groundwater mixes with surface w
141 large-scale spatial biodiversity patterns in riverine systems.
142 one will substantially increase (19 +/- 14%) riverine total nitrogen loading within the continental U
143                                              Riverine transport of iron (Fe) and arsenic (As) is affe
144 e focused on Glossina palpalis gambiensis, a riverine tsetse species representing the main vector of
145 , and appeared similar to small terrigenous (riverine) UDOM even in marine water.
146  rates were relatively high when compared to riverine uptake, especially during the spring and summer
147  and plant CO2 fertilization to increases in riverine water and carbon export from this large region
148 sis of certified reference materials (SLRS-4 Riverine water and NIST SRM 1515 Apple leaves).
149 ngs highlight the degree to which changes in riverine water and sediment discharge can be related wit
150 h-to-north advection and dilution with fresh riverine water enroute, and/or lower production in the n

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