


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 odopsin is the photosensitive pigment in the rod photoreceptor cell.
2 t-sensitive outer segment compartment of the rod photoreceptor cell.
3 r termination of photoactivated rhodopsin in rod photoreceptor cells.
4 pressing exclusively the mutant rhodopsin in rod photoreceptor cells.
5  transcriptional regulator of homeostasis in rod photoreceptor cells.
6 TN3 associate in the outer segments of mouse rod photoreceptor cells.
7 hoinositide 3-kinase/Akt survival pathway in rod photoreceptor cells.
8 membranes rather than to plasma membranes of rod photoreceptor cells.
9 rhodopsin and protects IR phosphorylation in rod photoreceptor cells.
10 enger cGMP in the outer segments of cone and rod photoreceptor cells.
11 eonine protein kinase B) survival pathway in rod photoreceptor cells.
12 phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Akt pathway in rod photoreceptor cells.
13 all-trans-retinal and all-trans-retinol from rod photoreceptor cells.
14 hat all three Akt isoforms were expressed in rod photoreceptor cells.
15 nts led to an almost exclusive production of rod photoreceptor cells.
16  improved tool for studying gene ablation in rod photoreceptor cells.
17 ly, as a repressor of cone-specific genes in rod photoreceptor cells.
18  region of several rod and cone genes in the rod photoreceptor cells.
19 ism for light-dependent arrestin movement in rod photoreceptor cells.
20 prolonged transgene expression and rescue of rod photoreceptor cells.
21 in), is implicated in the differentiation of rod photoreceptor cells.
22  player in prenylated protein trafficking in rod photoreceptor cells and establishes the potential ro
23 e Phlp1 gene in mouse (Mus musculus) retinal rod photoreceptor cells and measured the effects on G-pr
24 genic strategy to express cone Talpha within rod photoreceptor cells, and the location of the cone Ta
25 nduced tyrosine phosphorylation of the IR in rod photoreceptor cells, and we hypothesized that IR act
26 known about the function of DICER1 in mature rod photoreceptor cells, another retinal cell type that
27 in the rhodopsin gene, which is expressed in rod photoreceptor cells, are a major cause of the heredi
28 n the retinal pigment epithelium and not the rod photoreceptor cell because 11- cis-retinol can act a
29                                       Mature rod photoreceptor cells contain very small nuclei with t
30 y a large number of mutations that result in rod photoreceptor cell death followed by gradual death o
31 rochemistry were observed after the onset of rod photoreceptor cell death.
32 tors and TUNEL labeling of fragmented DNA in rod photoreceptor cells, demonstrating that the damage o
33                                              Rod photoreceptor cells depend completely on the output
34 er, the P23H protein failed to accumulate in rod photoreceptor cell endoplasmic reticulum but instead
35 ne zipper (Nrl) is a critical determinant of rod photoreceptor cell fate and a key regulator of rod d
36 e AIPL1 staining pattern extended within the rod photoreceptor cells from the inner segments, through
37                                      Retinal rod photoreceptor cells have double membrane discs locat
38 sis, herein we report the novel finding that rod photoreceptor cells in Akt2 knock-out mice exhibited
39          It has been generally accepted that rod photoreceptor cells in the mammalian retina make syn
40 ts indicate that reduced expression of IR in rod photoreceptor cells increases their susceptibility t
41                 The functional role of IR in rod photoreceptor cells is not known.
42 binding, has been studied extensively in the rod photoreceptor cell of the mammalian retina.
43 o drive expression of mouse cone arrestin in rod photoreceptor cells of rod arrestin knockout (arr1-/
44 n the retina, AIPL1 was detected only in the rod photoreceptor cells of the peripheral and central hu
45                The cGMP phosphodiesterase of rod photoreceptor cells, PDE6, is the key effector enzym
46 iated protein complex, and that apoptosis of rod photoreceptor cells triggered by protein mislocaliza
47                          Vertebrate cone and rod photoreceptor cells use similar mechanisms to transd
48 in these cilia, as well as in cilia of mouse rod photoreceptor cells, was reduced significantly when
49       To determine the importance of ARL3 in rod photoreceptor cells, we generated transgenic mice ex
50 in regulating G-protein signaling in retinal rod photoreceptor cells, we have measured the abundance
51 ine whether IR has a neuroprotective role on rod photoreceptor cells, we used the Cre/lox system to s
52                                              Rod photoreceptor cells were more sensitive to loss of i
53 he regulation or function of these lipids in rod photoreceptor cells, which have highly active membra

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