


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erstanding of ampullary organ development is rudimentary.
2 elonging to the same chemical class, is very rudimentary.
3 the underlying molecular mechanisms is still rudimentary.
4  the pathogenesis of this infection is still rudimentary.
5  the rumen of pre-ruminant calves may not be rudimentary.
6 these different components interact is still rudimentary.
7 ever, knowledge of systemic effects is still rudimentary.
8  into a bioactive tertiary structure remains rudimentary.
9 echanisms underlying their emergence remains rudimentary.
10 ng Ca(2+) with vesicle coats and function is rudimentary.
11 ese processes in monkeys and humans is still rudimentary.
12 elopment in both MOER and ERalphaKO mice was rudimentary.
13 eta1 loop may do so) and the B(2) subsite is rudimentary.
14 f metastasis at the molecular level is still rudimentary.
15 te the functional expression of KCC2 remains rudimentary.
16 hanisms for macrostructural brain changes is rudimentary.
17 dendrites attain their mature state is still rudimentary.
18 ation are absent, and the ones that form are rudimentary.
19 expression is itself controlled has remained rudimentary.
20 al properties of chromatin complexes remains rudimentary.
21 of the molecular mechanisms involved remains rudimentary.
22 ion and progression of renal disease remains rudimentary.
23 cularly in communities where medical care is rudimentary.
24  the genetic determinants of tumor burden is rudimentary.
25 us extracellular matrix deficient and remain rudimentary.
26 m throughout the course of infection remains rudimentary.
27 ur knowledge of human gene variation remains rudimentary.
28 rocessing, stability and translation remains rudimentary.
29  significance of these interactions is still rudimentary.
30 unctions of the proteins they encode remains rudimentary.
31 derstanding of the physiology of collagen is rudimentary.
32  highly complex microbiome 'traits' is still rudimentary.
33 ty of pathogen co-occurrences in wildlife is rudimentary.
34  and stabilization at inhibitory synapses is rudimentary.
35 g of how the cortex represents space remains rudimentary.
36 mbrane and storage lipid homeostasis is only rudimentary.
37 precise roles of these neurohormones remains rudimentary.
38 and why microorganisms oxidize AsIII remains rudimentary.
39 nderstanding of pediatric melanomas is still rudimentary.
40 particularly at the molecular level, remains rudimentary.
41 ria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, remains rudimentary.
42 e mechanistic basis of these changes remains rudimentary.
43 our understanding of these processes remains rudimentary.
44 transcriptome changes in the microvessels is rudimentary.
45 ects the response to cancer therapy is still rudimentary.
46 (Pan troglodytes) have been known to exhibit rudimentary abilities in analogical reasoning.
47 ce of cooperation among agents who have only rudimentary ability to detect environmental signals and,
48 y in the nonablated hosts, however, do these rudimentary acini undergo a further proliferative growth
49 pen and close a prosthetic hand, and perform rudimentary actions with a multi-jointed robotic arm.
50                                        These rudimentary active sites show emerging enzymatic activit
51      However, recent work suggests that the 'rudimentary' amastigote flagellum may serve indispensabl
52 TOR nutrient-sensing pathway and have only a rudimentary amino acid starvation-sensing eukaryotic ini
53 lagen at the DEJ and formation of additional rudimentary anchoring fibrils.
54                   Ureteric bud branches were rudimentary and the acuteness of their tips, the site of
55                                              Rudimentary and uncontrolled processing methods often re
56 arkinsonism in patients, current methods are rudimentary, and a reliable donor cell source is lacking
57                By birth, nuclei pulposi were rudimentary, and its cells poorly swelled and still expr
58 ur understanding of alignment biases remains rudimentary, and sequence alignment procedures continue
59  with malignant lesions, ipsilateral IMA was rudimentary, and the lesion was feeding from the contral
60  plane of bilateral symmetry by establishing rudimentary anteroposterior and dorsoventral (DV) axes.
61 into the granule cell layer and extend their rudimentary apical dendritic processes upon a radial gli
62 synaptic differentiation (e.g., formation of rudimentary arbors and vesicle clustering at terminals)
63 ing cellular and tissue electrophysiology is rudimentary, as the existing theories rely on geometrica
64 : uncovered asci with unicellular growth, or rudimentary ascoma with hyphal growth.
65 ATP work, and of their role in pathology, is rudimentary at best.
66 uch interactions under in situ conditions is rudimentary at best.
67 t is often involved in GBM recurrence remain rudimentary at best.
68  our understanding of their effects is quite rudimentary at present.
69  speech fluency scale, diadochokinetic rate, rudimentary auditory language comprehension, and executi
70 mfort that the protagonist experienced and a rudimentary autopsy performed by local physicians.
71 (also known as social phobia) has moved from rudimentary awareness that it is not merely shyness to a
72 most invariably unipolar and extended only a rudimentary axon.
73 latively complete set of RNAP subunits and a rudimentary basal initiation apparatus for each transcri
74 nicellular organisms such as E. coli exhibit rudimentary behaviors that can be loosely described in t
75 portance, our understanding of plant RBPs is rudimentary, being mainly derived via bioinformatic extr
76  it could have been readily catalyzed by the rudimentary biocatalysts available at an early stage in
77 ogenic-molecular concordance suggests that a rudimentary brain endocrine axis was present in the comm
78 y but did restore basic axonal extension and rudimentary branching.
79                          Instead, they had a rudimentary bronchial tree associated with an abnormal e
80 ons of lipid biosynthetic pathways are still rudimentary, but it appears once again that the viruses
81       Although previous research has shown a rudimentary capability to combine meaningful calls in pr
82 ed that endothelial cells are present inside rudimentary cartilage (mesenchymal condensation) prior t
83 l behavior from a common ancestor that had a rudimentary caste-containing social system.
84 led staining for CM, FB and EC markers, with rudimentary CD31+ blood vessel formation.
85                  Another recently recognized rudimentary cellular response to injury is autophagy.
86 lated to the C2 Flaveria species, would show rudimentary characteristics of C2 physiology.
87                                              Rudimentary chromatography was carried out using an 8-m
88 he acetate and contributed to preserving the rudimentary Cit(+) trait from extinction when it first e
89                                   However, a rudimentary cochlea is always present in all Pax2 knocko
90       This distributed sensing requires only rudimentary cognition and thus could be widespread acros
91 peared by 36 weeks of gestation but remained rudimentary compared with that of adult valves.
92 ress this ambiguity and provide evidence for rudimentary compositionality in the discrete vocal syste
93 ble for chemists who may otherwise have only rudimentary computational experience.
94  knowledge graphs from medical records using rudimentary concept extraction is feasible.
95 proaches relying solely on stoichiometry and rudimentary constraint-based regulation overlook the eff
96                                     The most rudimentary core is formed at pH(*) 3.0 and up to 60 mM
97 te filament interactions and a proportion of rudimentary desmosomal structures.
98  properly formed and often produces an extra rudimentary digit.
99 thin cells have inspired the construction of rudimentary DNA walkers that run along self-assembled tr
100                                         This rudimentary donor substrate selection mechanism has been
101  that the determination of the anlage of the rudimentary Drosophila larval eye is homologous to the e
102 gh the fat pad and bifurcate to lay down the rudimentary ductal tree.
103 f terminal end buds (TEBs) at the end of the rudimentary ducts.
104 us (AES)] and found that these processes are rudimentary during early postnatal life and develop only
105 hina), which are long-established centers of rudimentary "e-waste" recycling.
106 f a new potential target of SXL, enhancer of rudimentary (e(r)), reveals that SXL regulates e(r) by a
107 The Drosophila melanogaster gene enhancer of rudimentary, e(r), encodes a conserved protein, ER.
108 fer described here resembles the events in a rudimentary electron-transport chain.
109              We present two examples of such rudimentary electron-transport chains.
110 tructures, recapitulating the formation of a rudimentary epithelial organ.
111 illary incisor development was arrested as a rudimentary epithelial thickening.
112                              In this method, rudimentary ESI spectrum interpretation is required to r
113                                    The first rudimentary evidence that the human body harbors a micro
114 tion in HOXD13, all mutation carriers have a rudimentary extra digit between the first and second met
115 of furrow progression and the formation of a rudimentary eye.
116 al stroma, the sclera, and the stroma in the rudimentary eyelid folds, whereas the long form was pres
117 affold proteins for assembly and delivery of rudimentary Fe-S clusters to target proteins.
118                                              Rudimentary fecal transplants are also being trialed as
119                         In water, where only rudimentary filaments remain, the CD was consistent with
120 Also, actopaxin colocalizes with paxillin to rudimentary focal complexes at the leading edge of migra
121 ally, refinement of an emergent trait from a rudimentary form may be crucial to its evolutionary succ
122 rom an origins of life perspective because a rudimentary form of cell-level selection emerges.
123 e of odontocetes, leading us to infer that a rudimentary form of echolocation evolved in the early Ol
124 ng infant's brain is already capable of some rudimentary form of expectation-based feedback.
125  suggest that phonemic contrasts represent a rudimentary form of phoneme structure and a potential ea
126 e-effect of regulation, but rather acts as a rudimentary form of regulation that facilitates the evol
127                                            A rudimentary form of this ability may be seen in great ap
128     We conclude that mice can, at least in a rudimentary form, use second-order stimuli to guide visu
129 omimetic functions is paving the way towards rudimentary forms of artificial cell-like entities (prot
130           However, the discovery of at least rudimentary forms of certain features, such as Golgi and
131 ontrolled interactions offers a step towards rudimentary forms of collective behaviour in communities
132 ous strategies are now available to generate rudimentary forms of synthetic cell-like entities, minim
133                                              Rudimentary forms of various attentional functions are p
134                              The enhancer of rudimentary gene, e(r), in Drosophila melanogaster encod
135  nature and the product of an integration of rudimentary general processes such as attention allocati
136 gressed rapidly in recent years, moving from rudimentary genome maps to trait maps to gene discovery.
137 equently develops a patent lumen producing a rudimentary glandular acini.
138  and NanK polypeptides, all of which possess rudimentary glucokinase activities.
139 he NanK, YajF, and YcfX proteins function as rudimentary glucokinases with ambiguous substrate specif
140 mozygous mutations in hairless gene manifest rudimentary hair follicles (HFs), epidermal cysts, hairl
141 ly absent, despite the continued presence of rudimentary hair follicles.
142 a-embryonic mesoderm, including allantois, a rudimentary heart and middle primitive streak derivative
143 ns in the atrioventricular (AV) canal of the rudimentary heart requires epithelial-to-mesenchymal cel
144 matode Caenorhabditis elegans has retained a rudimentary Hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway; Hh and Smo
145 inflammatory infiltrate was found around the rudimentary HFs and epidermal cysts.
146 ngs provide evidence that PFC is involved in rudimentary hierarchical rule learning in 8-month-old in
147                    Although Holmes' work was rudimentary, his basic supposition may have been correct
148 previously demonstrated that the enhancer of rudimentary homolog (ERH) gene is required for the expre
149 nd that interacts with the human enhancer of rudimentary homolog (ERH) protein.
150                    We identified Enhancer of Rudimentary Homolog (ERH) using a whole-genome RNA inter
151 he evolutionarily conserved gene enhancer of rudimentary homolog (ERH), in which depletion causes gre
152                             erh (enhancer of rudimentary homolog) is a ubiquitously expressed transcr
153 , indicate that auditory processing is still rudimentary in larvae.
154                   Each of these features was rudimentary in N-N neointestine.
155  harvested 10 weeks postoperatively and only rudimentary in NA cysts, even those harvested 20 weeks p
156 ting pharmacovigilance activities tend to be rudimentary in these settings.
157 oxins such as fungal gamma-toxin underlies a rudimentary innate immune system.
158 ding affective and motivational reactions to rudimentary inputs, and the guiding role of such reactio
159 sor to synthetic analogues of the chemically rudimentary iron-only hydrogenase enzyme active site.
160 h1, the fission yeast homolog of Enhancer of rudimentary, is implicated in meiotic mRNA elimination d
161 iruses interact with miRNAs remains somewhat rudimentary, it is nevertheless already clear that these
162 undant Hoxa 11/Hoxd 11 genes gives absent or rudimentary kidneys resulting from a dramatic reduction
163  in understanding cell differentiation, only rudimentary knowledge exists concerning how differentiat
164 t is the long natural history of PTC and our rudimentary knowledge of its genetic composition.
165                                    Given the rudimentary knowledge of mechanisms underlying this rest
166                   Physicians need at least a rudimentary knowledge of the array of options and the im
167 scle differentiation, yet we still have only rudimentary knowledge of the mechanisms that dictate whe
168           This is due, in large part, to our rudimentary knowledge of the molecular events that dicta
169                                              Rudimentary kranz structure (KS) is apparent in the firs
170 of XOR then results in a reversion to a more rudimentary, less efficient, apocrine secretion mechanis
171 rtex has not yet been characterized beyond a rudimentary level of detail.
172                            In contrast, only rudimentary levels of orientation selectivity were obser
173  comprises >/=35 kb between the Atpalpha and rudimentary-like genes in chromosomal region 93B.
174                                 However, the rudimentary limbs are incomplete and nonpolarized in tha
175 eated prospective limb explants give rise to rudimentary limbs containing identifiable skeletal eleme
176 de can induce the formation of supernumerary rudimentary limbs from the non-limb-forming flank region
177                                          The rudimentary limbs that form from the flank in response t
178 on the development of robots able to acquire rudimentary linguistic skills.
179 well as its ability to keep it packaged as a rudimentary lipoprotein, dependent on its size being lar
180                                       A more rudimentary literature also suggests deficits in intelli
181 ls, and this mutation has been mapped to the rudimentary locus.
182                    They were smaller and had rudimentary lung bud branches, collapsed conducting airw
183 e, CCBE1DeltaEGF knock-in embryos still form rudimentary lymphatics.
184 s suggests that this ATP synthase might be a rudimentary machine.
185 port the idea that, in developing axons, the rudimentary machinery for quantal neurotransmitter secre
186 le for transforming the mammary bud into the rudimentary mammary duct system.
187                  Further examination shows a rudimentary mammary epithelial tree with completely abse
188 ale mice have hypoplastic uterine tissue and rudimentary mammary glands similar to ERalpha-KO mice.
189 herin-nucleoporin interactions and provide a rudimentary map of the routes that karyopherins take as
190 and mechanosensory motor centre, providing a rudimentary map of wind direction in the brain.
191 ilt with finished materials (e.g., metal) or rudimentary materials (e.g., thatch).
192  cells and their failure to form clusters in rudimentary mesenteric LNs.
193 inetic data (in the absence of tension), and rudimentary models are used to describe the dependence o
194 antum communication networks by solving some rudimentary models including broadcast and multiple-acce
195          They embarked on their journey with rudimentary molecular tools (by today's standards) and l
196               It is still not known how the 'rudimentary' movements of fetuses and infants are transf
197               Together, these data show that rudimentary multicellularity is deeply rooted in the Asc
198 behavioral studies of the fly, will identify rudimentary neural circuits that underly multisensory le
199               A previous study suggests that rudimentary neural crest cells existed in ancestral chor
200 -OVs have the capacity to self-assemble into rudimentary neuroretinal structures and express markers
201           The simulated structures allow the rudimentary NMR data to be fleshed out.
202     These results show that autapses are not rudimentary nonfunctional structures, but rather they pr
203 t human infants and nonhuman primates have a rudimentary numerical system that enables them to count
204 immunohistochemistry reveals the presence of rudimentary ommatidial lenses, crystalline cones, and as
205 errada I amber (Spain) possess four pairs of rudimentary oostegites, indicating formation of a marsup
206  lumen used rigid instruments that relied on rudimentary optical systems.
207  (BDB) is characterized by nail aplasia with rudimentary or absent distal and middle phalanges.
208 have normal kidneys, but double mutants have rudimentary, or in extreme cases, absent kidneys.
209 hicken inner ear arises independently in the rudimentary otocyst based on Bone morphogenetic protein
210 itially in a narrow ventromedial band of the rudimentary otocyst, extending between its rostral and c
211 istence of a sensory-competent region in the rudimentary otocyst.
212 ecause hearts in lower vertebrates contain a rudimentary outflow tract but not a right ventricle, the
213 ) [1], and piwi mutants exhibit dramatically rudimentary ovaries [2].
214  The molecular biology of lymphatics is only rudimentary owing to the long-standing absence of specif
215 presenting the large whiskers segregate into rudimentary patches, but barrels as cellular modules do
216 mechanisms of normal breathing (eupnea) to a rudimentary pattern of inspiratory movements (gasping).
217       In some transgenic lines, flowers have rudimentary petals and stamens and are male sterile.
218                             Roots with their rudimentary plastids accumulated large amounts of DGDG a
219    Transmission electron microscopy revealed rudimentary, poorly developed hemidesmosomes.
220 points (4 and 12 h after BrdU injections), a rudimentary process can be observed to emanate from BrdU
221 ived from one of two embryos formed during a rudimentary process of "double fertilization" that evolv
222 lomerase-associated nuclease could provide a rudimentary proofreading function in telomere synthesis
223 nal domains may be mapped according to early rudimentary properties of the visual system.
224                                              Rudimentary prostatic buds were occasionally observed in
225 rient transporters in bacteria also serve as rudimentary protein import systems, which, in the case o
226  nucleotidyltransferases and the Enhancer of rudimentary proteins.
227 which have been released into the medium via rudimentary protrusions which do not interconnect epithe
228 ile our understanding of sleep still remains rudimentary, rapid progress is expected from these recen
229 he quality of the resulting nest with rather rudimentary rating scales; e.g., 0, no nest; 1, flat nes
230 osure to PBDEs in areas of China involved in rudimentary recycling of electronic waste (e-waste), die
231  (e-waste) in landfills, incinerators, or at rudimentary recycling sites can lead to the release of t
232 g regulation of target genes may represent a rudimentary relationship that manifests as out-of-phase
233              Introduction of a 17-nucleotide rudimentary replicase recognition signal in the acceptor
234 ts interior architecture has been relatively rudimentary, restricted to simple qualitative expression
235 ral column, with loss of vertebral identity, rudimentary ribs, and rostral hindlimb shifts.
236 o not separate properly and the lungs form a rudimentary sac due to failure of branching and growth a
237                                            A rudimentary sample selection system allowed calibration
238 h Ca(2+) influx and efflux, as there is only rudimentary sarcoplasmic reticulum in these hearts.
239                                        These rudimentary self-propelling devices can emit light or re
240 ion in a specific context through the use of rudimentary sequence recognition coupled with cooperativ
241                           We then employed a rudimentary series of RDC data sets, collected in media
242 imensional ion lattices, long ion lifetimes, rudimentary shuttling between lattice sites and the abil
243 These findings reveal for the first time the rudimentary signaling pattern delivered by initial engag
244 eased central gain supported the recovery of rudimentary sound features encoded by firing rate, but n
245 uts, thereby restoring firing rate codes for rudimentary sound features.
246                   These results suggest that rudimentary spatio-temporal processing of tactile stimul
247 ism of action for most RING E3s remains at a rudimentary stage.
248 connections with the neocortex, reached only rudimentary stages of development by 22 weeks of gestati
249 ate obtained after this reaction, one of the rudimentary steps of brain targeting (i.e., trapping in
250 or linking multisensory interactions between rudimentary stimuli with higher-order signals used for c
251 imentally testable predictions regarding the rudimentary structure and function of respiratory rhythm
252 ved early during eukaryotic evolution from a rudimentary structure composed of several identical copi
253          Cardiac valve leaflets develop from rudimentary structures termed endocardial cushions.
254                                         This rudimentary symbolic capacity may be one of the roots of
255 emerging techniques for allocation but still rudimentary techniques for relocation.
256  function in T-cell differentiation is still rudimentary, the available evidence leaves no doubt that
257  of these putative cancer stem cells remains rudimentary, the existence of such cells has implication
258 ynechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells contain only rudimentary thylakoid membranes but still a relatively h
259                      On transplantation, the rudimentary thymus of the adult tgepsilon26 mouse repopu
260 mbryonic day 17 (E17), so that by E18 only a rudimentary tissue remains.
261 ranous particles in treated cells resembling rudimentary TJ assemblies.
262                             However, it uses rudimentary tongue clicks rather than laryngeally produc
263  move out from the epithelial sacs, and only rudimentary tracheal branches form.
264                We also demonstrate that this rudimentary tree reforms TEBs and resumes branching upon
265 lings show disorganized apical meristems and rudimentary true leaves with clustered stomata and abnor
266                        Currently, there is a rudimentary understanding about factors regulating the c
267 ng natural communities, yet we have a rather rudimentary understanding of its role in modulating meta
268 f such agents are multifactorial and include rudimentary understanding of the biological genesis of h
269                However, we still have only a rudimentary understanding of the connectional principles
270 pheral membrane protein localization, only a rudimentary understanding of the interactions of protein
271                                  Despite our rudimentary understanding of the mechanisms by which thi
272 n vivo, an anergic phenotype in vitro, and a rudimentary understanding of the molecular basis for the
273 roach, provides new information to the still rudimentary understanding of the process of anesthetic i
274 f experimental evidence, but there is only a rudimentary understanding of the structural features whi
275                                       Even a rudimentary understanding of the structures and dynamics
276 t their biological roles are obscured by our rudimentary understanding of their cellular substrates.
277 longate at the onset of puberty and remained rudimentary until approximately 9 weeks of age, early bl
278                The resulting grafts produced rudimentary urine in vitro when perfused through their i
279                                              Rudimentary uteri are common in patients with MRKH syndr
280                                              Rudimentary uteri were found in 61 patients (92%); 54 we
281 s with this mutation had vaginal aplasia and rudimentary uterus (Mullerian aplasia).
282  mouse embryos results in the development of rudimentary valve leaflets characterized by disorganized
283 ch are insensitive to changes in a number of rudimentary visual attributes, may modulate positional r
284 e present an example of a gorilla that shows rudimentary voluntary control over vocalization, indicat
285  densities in layer IV, corresponding to the rudimentary whisker-specific patches.
286 ile thalamocortical afferents (TCAs) develop rudimentary whisker-specific patterns in the primary som
287 istinct performance categories, ranging from rudimentary (with scores close to zero) to satisfactory
288 iation to mucous and chief cell lineages was rudimentary, with no expression of several early cytodif
289  of Sry expression is a size increase of the rudimentary XY gonad relative to the XX gonad.

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