


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  ion binding," "BMP signaling pathway," and "ruffle").
2 (also named waves, dorsal rings, or circular ruffles).
3  of AKAP220 suppresses formation of membrane ruffles.
4 with inhibition modulated at protrusions and ruffles.
5 regions such as focal adhesions and membrane ruffles.
6  of dynamic actin structures known as dorsal ruffles.
7 lipodia/filopodia and appearance of membrane ruffles.
8 ding pocket prevent Skap-hom localization to ruffles.
9  not S1P(2), with SphK1 and FLNa at membrane ruffles.
10  with constitutively active Rac1 in membrane ruffles.
11 logy domain mediates recruitment to membrane ruffles.
12 ted with focal adhesions and circular dorsal ruffles.
13 ta-catenin and its presence in cell membrane ruffles.
14 coil domain impaired the formation of dorsal ruffles.
15 ng GPI-anchored proteins and dorsal membrane ruffles.
16 ribution to the cell leading edge and dorsal ruffles.
17  in the recruitment of Arf1 on to dynamic PM ruffles.
18 3) control the rate of disassembly of dorsal ruffles.
19 rowth factors induce the formation of dorsal ruffles.
20 ctivity at the edge of the cell and membrane ruffles.
21 l Survivin DeltaEx3 is localized to membrane ruffles.
22 occasionally interrupted by self-propagating ruffles.
23 a and its substrate beta-catenin in membrane ruffles.
24 induce cellular restructuring in the form of ruffles.
25  levels and accumulation of Rac1 in membrane ruffles.
26 , including the formation of circular dorsal ruffles.
27 esions, and the formation of apical membrane ruffles.
28 n within newly assembled actin-rich membrane ruffles.
29  a functional link between SOCE and membrane ruffling.
30 ctor (PDGF) and growth factor-induced dorsal ruffling.
31 ed, Abi1-KO cells exhibited decreased dorsal ruffling.
32 al organization, and reduced plasma membrane ruffling.
33 nal morphogenesis and in PDGF-induced dorsal ruffling.
34 ve GTP-bound Rac and EGF-stimulated membrane ruffling.
35 ate precisely localized cell protrusions and ruffling.
36 ciated with a combination of heme doming and ruffling.
37 amics, lamellipodia protrusion, and membrane ruffling.
38 evident in podosomes and regions of membrane ruffling.
39 esulting in a substantial increase in dorsal ruffling.
40 ed with enhanced cell spreading and membrane ruffling.
41 no additive effect on the amount of membrane ruffling.
42  cell survival, transformation, and membrane ruffling.
43 0alpha also restored PDGF-dependent membrane ruffling.
44 ith increases in cell spreading and membrane ruffling.
45 NQ2/3 channel currents, and loss of membrane ruffling.
46 g actin polymerization and reducing membrane ruffling.
47 me pocket residue in IsdI implicated in heme ruffling.
48 -alpha causes pronounced defects in membrane ruffling, actin organization, and focal adhesion formati
49 le that maintains leading-edge structure and ruffling activity and that supports the chemoattractant
50 in1 and that contraction depends on cellular ruffling activity, rather than on the protrusion and ret
51 bution from the cytoplasm to dorsal membrane ruffles along with phosphorylation at tyrosine residues
52 n is the formation and disassembly of dorsal ruffles (also named waves, dorsal rings, or circular ruf
53 Y150F mutant fail to regain their ability to ruffle and form microspikes, unlike cells rescued with w
54 iches particularly in filopodia and membrane ruffles and at nascent cell-cell adhesions.
55 G-I and NOD2 not only colocalize to cellular ruffles and cell-cell junctions, but that they also form
56 ls (fswt) were typically mesenchymal, formed ruffles and displayed strong matrix-binding activity.
57  ionomycin, EGFP-cPLA(2)zeta translocated to ruffles and dynamic vesicular structures, whereas EGFP-c
58 ation, with concentrations found in membrane ruffles and early endosomes.
59 gnaling by EDC uniquely enhanced E2-mediated ruffles and filopodia-like structures.
60  Here we show that mAbp1 localizes to dorsal ruffles and is necessary for platelet-derived growth fac
61 ved that galectin-3 is localized in membrane ruffles and lamellipodia in stimulated dendritic cells a
62 n growth factor-stimulated cells in membrane ruffles and lamellipodia.
63 ein 2 and 3 (Arp2/3) complex in the membrane ruffles and lamellipodia.
64 ate of HDAC6, was also recruited to membrane ruffles and macropinosomes.
65  activity is also associated with peripheral ruffles and pinocytic vesicles, but not with dorsal ruff
66         LeY was highly expressed on membrane ruffles and protrusions during tube formation on Matrige
67 fer throughout the cytoplasm and in membrane ruffles and protrusions, suggesting that annexin 2 may d
68 rated a decreased ability to induce membrane ruffles and spread.
69 pid translocation to actin-enriched membrane ruffles and subsequently became associated with macropin
70 roendosomes are derived from plasma membrane ruffles and subsequently processed to multivesicular bod
71 gements, including the formation of membrane ruffles and the disassembly of actin bundles, typically
72 on, EMR2 is rapidly translocated to membrane ruffles and the leading edge of the cell.
73 with Eps8 promotes the formation of membrane ruffles and tufts of microvilli, whereas expression of e
74 MFG was colocalized with F-actin in membrane ruffles and was associated with F-actin assessed by acti
75         Eklf-deficient EryP exhibit membrane ruffling and a failure to acquire the typical discoidal
76 ction downstream of Arf6 to control membrane ruffling and cell migration, this pathway has not been d
77 bition of Hsp90 activity suppressed membrane ruffling and cell migration, while expression of an acet
78 4-3-3zeta to increase AngII-induced membrane ruffling and cell motility.
79 e-dependent actin reorganization in membrane ruffling and cell motility.
80 of Rac1 activation, actin-dependent membrane ruffling and cell spreading are Rac1-dependent processes
81  Rac1 activation and Rac1-dependent membrane ruffling and cell spreading were restored.
82 mLDL activates macrophages inducing membrane ruffling and cell spreading, activation of ERK1/2 and Ak
83 l structure of haem-bound IsdI in which haem ruffling and constrained binding of oxygen is consistent
84          These data are consistent with heme ruffling and coordination geometry serving to stabilize
85 h signaling when persistent induced membrane ruffling and decreased cell motility.
86 actin-binding domain cause aberrant membrane ruffling and defective actin stress fibre formation in c
87 and produced smooth T cells void of membrane ruffling and filopodia.
88 ystem (T3SS), leading to pronounced membrane ruffling and macropinocytic uptake of attached bacteria.
89 Rac activity and abolishing the constitutive ruffling and macropinocytosis that characterize macropha
90 uptake in a process associated with membrane ruffling and macropinocytosis.
91  activated Rac explains its positive role in ruffling and negative role in cell spreading and migrati
92       Arf6 and its GEFs facilitated membrane ruffling and pathogen invasion via ARNO, and triggered a
93 negative regulator of CSF-1-induced membrane ruffling and positively regulates formation of filopodia
94 le was able to rescue the defect in membrane ruffling and restore the localization of a fluorescent P
95 0-750 cm(-1) region known to be sensitive to ruffling and saddling deformations, as well as increased
96 d PAO effectively inhibit antigen-stimulated ruffling and spreading in these cells, and they inhibit
97  the membrane, which in turn causes membrane ruffling and the formation of cellular protrusions.
98 experiments show that activation of membrane ruffling and transcriptional activation of c-jun, SRF, o
99 cells with 2-10 muM P27 caused cell membrane ruffling and uptake of virus and polymerized forms of th
100 a recruited and activated Arf1 to facilitate ruffling and uptake.
101 mmonly seen porphyrin conformations: planar, ruffled, and saddled.
102 of myosin VI in endocytic vesicles, membrane ruffles, and cytosol migrates to the Golgi complex, peri
103 gocytic cups, actin comet tails, subcortical ruffles, and stress fibers.
104 e assembly of lamellipodia, the formation of ruffles, and the process of macropinocytosis.
105 ormation (within 5 min) of circular membrane ruffles, and these ruffles move along the dorsal side of
106 tivity, disassembly of F-actin, cessation of ruffling, and decay of chemoattractant signals.
107 zed with respect to catalytic activity, heme ruffling, and electrochemical properties.
108 embrane and stimulates GTP loading, membrane ruffling, and filopodia formation.
109 tion with cortical actin filaments, membrane ruffling, and lamellipodia formation, compared with wild
110 ial actin, along with defects in protrusion, ruffling, and macropinocytosis.
111 t for cell polarity, lamellipodial assembly, ruffling, and macropinocytosis.
112 owth factor-mediated proliferation, membrane ruffling, and migration.
113 ted G-actin accumulation and plasma membrane ruffling, and Myo1c knockdown confirmed its contribution
114  hepatocyte autophagosomes, nuclear membrane ruffling, and porphyrin-containing vacuoles with endopla
115 signaling induces motility, peripheral actin ruffling, and RhoA activation in MDA-MB-231 human breast
116 rvation of ORAI1-CTTN co-localization during ruffling, and the inhibition of membrane ruffling by the
117  in localized actin polymerization, membrane ruffling, and, ultimately, pathogen entry.
118 tle is known of the mechanism by which these ruffles are disassembled.
119                                       Dorsal ruffles are involved in physiological functions includin
120  a regulator of the cytoskeleton at membrane ruffling areas.
121 phagocytosis process was required to inhibit ruffling as BMM from Fc gamma (-/-) mice that bound C. n
122 dria to the ER and the cell membrane becomes ruffled, as was also seen with PE STBEVs.
123 AQP1-expressing cells had prominent membrane ruffles at the leading edge with polarization of AQP1 pr
124 nhances the formation of actin-rich membrane ruffles at the periphery of HEK 293 cells.
125 the actin-binding protein Lasp-1 in membrane ruffles at the tips of pseudopodia, where both proteins
126  of RalA or Sec5 results in reduced membrane ruffling at sites of attachment and impairs bacterial en
127 ts demonstrated that SOCE regulates membrane ruffling at the leading edge of cells.
128 on of the PI(4,5)P(2) biosensor and membrane ruffling at the opposite side of the cells.
129                          We have developed a ruffling-based translocation reporter system that uses t
130 g bone digestion, membrane components of the ruffled border also need to be recycled after macropinoc
131 tory lysosomes are directed to fuse with the ruffled border are enigmatic.
132 ption, CatK and C4-S are co-localized at the ruffled border between osteoclast bone interface, suppor
133 ed for osteoclast function, localizes to the ruffled border in an Atg5-dependent manner.
134 s cathepsin K secretion and formation of the ruffled border in osteoclasts and bone matrix protein de
135 d, and these osteoclasts present an abnormal ruffled border over the bone surface.
136  are important for generating the osteoclast ruffled border, the secretory function of osteoclasts, a
137              Osteoclasts resorb bone via the ruffled border, whose complex folds are generated by sec
138 owever these osteoclasts exhibited defective ruffled borders and were unable to resorb bone in vitro.
139 om A(1)R-knockout mice showed the absence of ruffled borders of osteoclasts and osteoclast bone resor
140 ely) were less typically mesenchymal, lacked ruffles but formed abundant cell-cell contacts.
141 MA prevents filamin localization to membrane ruffles but not to stress fiber.
142  recruited to the plasma membrane and dorsal ruffles, but it is retained during collapse of ruffles t
143 well as Rac1-dependent dorsal and peripheral ruffles by inhibiting Rab5-mediated endocytotic/exocytot
144  control membrane protrusion, retraction and ruffling by local illumination in both COS7 cells and in
145 )-induced chemotaxis was to promote membrane ruffling by regulating phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisph
146 STIM1 and ORAI1 in the promotion of membrane ruffling by showing that phospho-STIM1 localizes at the
147 ing ruffling, and the inhibition of membrane ruffling by the Ca(2+)-channel inhibitor SKF96365, furth
148                              Circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs) are actin-rich structures that form on th
149                              Circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs) are transient actin-rich ringlike structu
150 on of transient, actin-rich, circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs), cell migration, and fibronectin fibrillo
151 ng focal adhesions (FAs) and circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs), cell spreading and migration.
152 in Rac1 signalling, trigger optimal membrane ruffling, cell migration and invasion.
153 eading, lamellipodia formation, and membrane ruffling, cell morphologies generated by active Rac1.
154  also induces actin reorganization, membrane ruffling, cell spreading, polarization, and migration.
155 ggested to contain a large component of heme ruffling, consistent with the imidazole-bound ferrous he
156 lated and co-localizes with CD36 to membrane ruffles contemporaneous with F-actin polymerization.
157 ious assignments of gammaa as having a large ruffling content.
158  out-of-plane deformations, mainly along the ruffling coordinate.
159 , local PI(3,4,5)P(3) synthesis and membrane ruffling could be induced, with corresponding loss of ru
160 the electron transfer rates and suggest that ruffling could play an important role in redox control.
161 that was characterized by a loss of membrane ruffles, decreased migration toward EGF, and disruption
162                                         This ruffling defect was quantified using a newly developed m
163  of p85alpha or p85beta rescues the membrane ruffling defect.
164 n the F7A mutant, which has nearly twice the ruffling deformation as the WT.
165 e (EPR) g-tensor at several points along the ruffling deformation coordinate.
166                       Consequently, the heme ruffling deformation decreases the electronic coupling o
167                                          The ruffling deformation of its heme cofactor has been sugge
168 could be induced, with corresponding loss of ruffling distally to the illuminated region.
169 atives of NP4 with different degrees of heme ruffling distortion are also investigated.
170 epends quadratically on the magnitude of the ruffling distortion.
171  the partitioning of Rac-GTP to favor dorsal ruffles during cell spreading.
172 e inhibitory effect on growth factor-induced ruffling dynamics.
173 transporter (potentially NaPi-2b) located in ruffle-ended ameloblasts operate in a coordinated way wi
174  This was associated with decreased membrane ruffling, failure to establish cell polarity, and loss o
175 tosis was associated with decreased membrane ruffle formation and attenuated Rac1 plasma membrane rec
176 er, we show that SNX9 is critical for dorsal ruffle formation and for clathrin-independent, actin-dep
177 p1 and WIP is important in regulating dorsal ruffle formation and that WIP-mediated effects on dorsal
178  in T cells and PDGF-induced dorsal circular ruffle formation in fibroblasts.
179 ponsive lamellipodia and subsequent membrane ruffle formation in HeLa cells presumably through its in
180 tion and that WIP-mediated effects on dorsal ruffle formation require mAbp1.
181 le for mAbp1 in growth factor-induced dorsal ruffle formation through its interaction with WIP.
182 nescence and electron microscopy, results in ruffle formation when adhesion strength is low.
183 ely, elevated HDAC6 levels promoted membrane ruffle formation with a concomitant increase in macropin
184 e importance of these associations, membrane ruffle formation, macropinocytosis, and cell migration w
185 terminal mAbp1 fragment that inhibits dorsal ruffle formation.
186 undant functions in the regulation of dorsal ruffle formation.
187 derived growth factor (PDGF)-mediated dorsal ruffle formation.
188  acetylation-resistant Hsp90 mutant promoted ruffle formation.
189 d extensive blebbing, but no lamellipodia or ruffle formation.
190 the electronic structure and its response to ruffling has been established.
191 is protein uses the ferric state of a highly ruffled heme to bind NO tightly at low pH and release it
192 ut did not ingest it retained the ability to ruffle in response to chemoattractants.
193 ular localization, both localize to membrane ruffles in non-polarized epithelial cells and both exhib
194 zes predominantly to actin-enriched membrane ruffles in non-polarized epithelial cells.
195 ruitment of AP-1B into Arf6-induced membrane ruffles in nonpolarized cells.
196 n of a fluorescent PIP(3) marker to membrane ruffles in PKA-inhibited cells, even in the absence of P
197  stimulates F-actin microspikes and membrane ruffles in response to adhesion and growth factor signal
198 tion of these neutrophils displayed membrane ruffles in response to chemoattractant stimulation.
199  attenuated formation of peripheral membrane ruffles in response to PDGF.
200  the number and size of PIP(3)-rich membrane ruffles in response to uniform stimulation and to gradie
201     In view of the participation of membrane ruffles in signal transduction and cell motility, we con
202  both the endoplasmic reticulum and to actin ruffles in the cytoplasm.
203 omplex with NHERF and PDGF-Rbeta at membrane ruffles in the highly invasive fibrosarcoma cell line HT
204 hat FKN or CSF-1 stimulated strong transient ruffling in both LR5 cells and BMM.
205                   A major relaxation of heme ruffling in cytochrome c, upon binding to the mitochondr
206 lculations presented here show that the heme ruffling in NP2 is a consequence of the interaction with
207 ekin leads to loss of Rho-dependent membrane ruffling in response to epidermal growth factor, an incr
208                                The degree of ruffling in the heme cofactor of Hydrogenobacter thermop
209                             As the degree of ruffling increases, the heme methyl (1)H resonances move
210 -/-)Galpha(13)(-/-) fibroblast cells, dorsal ruffles induced by growth factor treatment remain visibl
211 ocalize in phosphotyrosine-enriched membrane ruffles induced by PDGF-B in NIH 3T3 cells.
212  and pinocytic vesicles, but not with dorsal ruffles induced by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
213  internalisation, HOS cells produce membrane ruffles interacting with external mitochondria during up
214 ynamics of mitochondria, filopodia, membrane ruffles, intracellular vesicles and mitotic chromosomes
215                                   Since cell ruffling is a prelude to chemotaxis, this observation li
216 ements on cytochrome c demonstrate that heme ruffling is correlated exponentially with the electron t
217 the modestly nonplanar porphyrins, porphyrin ruffling is found to cause a decrease in binding affinit
218 llular fluid and material by plasma membrane ruffles, is critical for antigen presentation, cell meta
219 bly nucleated by the Arp2/3 complex, forming ruffling lamellipodia.
220 he Rho-family GTPases that promotes membrane ruffling, leading edge extension, and cell spreading.
221 tion of their porphyrinoid chromophores, the ruffled macrocycles possess a stable inherent element of
222 l polarity, lamellipodial assembly, membrane ruffling, macropinocytosis, and collective cell migratio
223 rophages concentrated in actin-rich membrane ruffles, making possible that Grb2 serves as a docking o
224 t that Ocrl1, but not Inpp5b, is involved in ruffle-mediated membrane remodeling.
225 interference RNA abrogates integrin-mediated ruffled membrane formation and, furthermore, prevents ac
226 dosomal belts that segregate the bone-facing ruffled membrane from other membrane domains.
227 a chloride channel located in the osteoclast ruffled membrane.
228 I isoform that concentrates on endosomal and ruffling membranes and is thought to play roles in membr
229 I isoform that concentrates on endosomal and ruffling membranes and is thought to play roles in membr
230 67phox or Noxa1) colocalize with Rac1 within ruffling membranes, independently of their ability to bi
231 cteriochlorins to morpholine moieties yields ruffled mono- and bismorpholinobacteriochlorins with bro
232 ntly in early prophase with a characteristic ruffled morphology of the nuclear envelope and no signs
233 min) of circular membrane ruffles, and these ruffles move along the dorsal side of the cells, constri
234 ivity of this variant to the diminished heme ruffling observed for heme bound to this enzyme and conc
235 moted the formation of F-actin-rich membrane ruffles of COS-7 cells and of dendritic branches of neur
236          Furthermore, Myo1c-induced membrane ruffling of 3T3-L1 adipocytes is also compromised follow
237 ) stimulation, regulates PDGF-induced dorsal ruffling of fibroblasts and axonal morphogenesis, and co
238       About half of the modulation is due to ruffling of the bacteriochlorin chromophore.
239 adhesion stability that appears in increased ruffling of the cell edge, reduced adhesion size, transi
240  10.5 have a neural-tube closure defect with ruffling of the neural fold ridges, a yolk sac erythropo
241  lipid droplets, and the rapid and transient ruffling of the nuclear periphery.
242 t of extraembryonic malformations, including ruffling of the yolk sac membrane, defective extraembryo
243 ct in vivo phenotypes (round, elongated, and ruffled) of graft-infiltrating effector T cells with var
244                  Finally, we determined that ruffles on gal3(-/-) cells contained structures with low
245 lin led to actin polymerization and membrane ruffling on cells, with the specific co-localization of
246 h DFT retain the characteristic saddling and ruffling only if the protein matrix is taken into accoun
247 lthough Trk and EGFR each stimulate membrane ruffling, only Trk undergoes both selective and specific
248 We demonstrate correlations between the heme ruffling OOP deformation and the (13)C and (1)H nuclear
249 c membrane structures termed circular dorsal ruffles or "dorsal waves" have been reported to selectiv
250        Cells form transient, circular dorsal ruffles or "waves" in response to stimulation of recepto
251                  LPS did not induce membrane ruffling or macropinocytosis in enterocytes, excluding t
252 ndocytosis, macropinocytosis, circular doral ruffles, phagocytosis, and trans-endocytosis.
253                                          The ruffled phenotype was characteristic of activated effect
254 ncreasing cytosolic Ca(2+) enhances membrane ruffling, PI3K activity, and F-actin accumulation.
255 imaging morphogenesis of filopodia, membrane ruffles, pit formation, and endocytosis in COS-7, HeLa c
256 can be transformed into species that adopt a ruffled planar structure or a figure-eight shape dependi
257 orylation provoke merlin to aggregate in the ruffled plasma membrane and promote cell migration.
258 -PAS domains were similar, except for a more ruffled porphyrin ring in R206A BjFixL and a relaxation
259 sma membrane and its mobilization to dynamic ruffling protrusions at the cell front.
260 he elastic moduli of the C domain and T zone ruffling region ranged between 3-7 and 7-23 kPa, respect
261 pha in the leading lamellipodia and membrane ruffles, respectively, of migrating Ajuba(-/-) MEFs was
262 ion by sucrose treatment did not inhibit the ruffling response.
263  are associated with an "ironing out" of the ruffled ribbon-like architecture of the alpha-phase, so
264 nts also indicate significant differences in ruffling-sensitive modes, particularly the low-frequency
265                                         Cell ruffling, spreading, and cell adhesion were dependent on
266 mulated by bradykinin and in dorsal membrane ruffling stimulated by PDGF, whereas the Cdc42GAP(-/-) c
267                      An unusually nonplanar, ruffled structure that had been suspected for the previo
268 that the surface of these particles contains ruffled structures with a highly dense surface area.
269   Heme bound by these enzymes is extensively ruffled such that the meso-carbons at the sites of oxida
270 a membrane extensions with the appearance of ruffles, supporting the concept that DARC provides a hig
271 hat heme binds to this enzyme with less heme ruffling than observed for wild-type IsdI.
272  Notably, the Hj variant induced substantial ruffles that were not fully dependent on the GTPases tha
273 tion of Big2 from the Golgi toward the lipid ruffles, thereby activating Big2-dependent Arf1 at the c
274 ffles, but it is retained during collapse of ruffles to form macropinosomes enriched for phosphatidyl
275 tion from stress fiber formation to membrane ruffling to confer an invasive phenotype.
276 irulence effectors elicit host cell membrane ruffling to facilitate pathogen invasion.
277 r roles in actin rearrangements and membrane ruffling, translocated effectors also affect host cell p
278 onal phagocytosis, coiling phagocytosis, and ruffling/triggered macropinocytosis.
279 eletal reorganization such as dynamic dorsal ruffle turnover and cell migration.
280 tion is critical for Galpha13-induced dorsal ruffle turnover, endothelial cell remodeling, and cell m
281 ha(12)/Galpha(13) critically regulate dorsal ruffle turnover.
282 , however it translocates to plasma membrane ruffles upon cell stimulation with growth factors.
283 ells, whereas the rate of formation of these ruffles was the same with or without Galpha(12) and Galp
284  inhibition of FKN- or CSF-1-stimulated cell ruffling was a direct consequence of the phagocytosis pr
285                         This stimulated cell ruffling was inhibited by phagocytosis in an intracellul
286                            The inhibition of ruffling was not simply a result of reduced membrane ava
287 distribution of Rac1, and IQGAP1 to membrane ruffles, was attenuated by PLD1 or PLD2 small interferen
288 e cell surface, particularly at the membrane ruffles where active Rac1 is positioned.
289 hey abruptly redistribute to dorsal circular ruffles, where they are internalized through macropinocy
290 (II) complexes were all found to be severely ruffled whereas the free-base chromophores are more plan
291 endophilin to EFA6A-positive plasma membrane ruffles, whereas expression of endophilin rescues the EF
292 e Mtss1-GFP promoted the PDGF-induced dorsal ruffling, whereas overexpression of a mutant deficient i
293 1 is necessary for the formation of membrane ruffles which typify late closure stages, whereas Cdc42
294 on of F-actin-enriched membrane protrusions (ruffles), which showed that FKN or CSF-1 stimulated stro
295 x FLAG-tagged GBP-5 is localized to membrane ruffles, which contact invasive Salmonella, and is found
296 h selective and specific macroendocytosis at ruffles, which uniquely requires the Rho-GTPase, Rac, an
297 phenotypes did not correlate with peripheral ruffling, which was unaffected, Abi1-KO cells exhibited
298  induced lamellipodia formation and membrane ruffling, which was unrelated to the substrate domain ph
299 ymerization-dependent spreading and membrane ruffling while Rac1-independent BCR capping remains inta
300  showed that NRG4A1 is localized to membrane ruffles, while NRG4A2 has a more punctate membrane distr

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