


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1              The porphyrin H(2)2 is severely ruffled, and its absorption spectrum is red-shifted and
2 mmonly seen porphyrin conformations: planar, ruffled, and saddled.
3 d with each other, giving the cell surface a ruffled appearance.
4 ain planarity instead of being significantly ruffled, as in WT NP2.
5 dria to the ER and the cell membrane becomes ruffled, as was also seen with PE STBEVs.
6 g bone digestion, membrane components of the ruffled border also need to be recycled after macropinoc
7 tory lysosomes are directed to fuse with the ruffled border are enigmatic.
8 ption, CatK and C4-S are co-localized at the ruffled border between osteoclast bone interface, suppor
9                        Membranes enriched in ruffled border by differential centrifugation following
10                      In planar bilayers, the ruffled border channel is a stilbene sulfonate-inhibitab
11  critical role for regulated expression of a ruffled border chloride channel as the cells become comp
12 ed for osteoclast function, localizes to the ruffled border in an Atg5-dependent manner.
13 s cathepsin K secretion and formation of the ruffled border in osteoclasts and bone matrix protein de
14 ficient osteoclast acid secretion across the ruffled border lacunar membrane, the result of mutations
15 ocalized to the basolateral, clear zone, and ruffled border membranes, and deposited in the resorptio
16 d, and these osteoclasts present an abnormal ruffled border over the bone surface.
17  type I collagen, were endocytosed along the ruffled border within the resorption compartment and tra
18  are important for generating the osteoclast ruffled border, the secretory function of osteoclasts, a
19              Osteoclasts resorb bone via the ruffled border, whose complex folds are generated by sec
20 ump and a chloride channel in the osteoclast ruffled border.
21 owever these osteoclasts exhibited defective ruffled borders and were unable to resorb bone in vitro.
22 om A(1)R-knockout mice showed the absence of ruffled borders of osteoclasts and osteoclast bone resor
23 planar and has the highest contribution of a ruffled component in the overall saddled structure compa
24 saddled conformation, but with a significant ruffled component.
25 imated numerical contribution of saddled and ruffled components is 0.68:0.32, respectively.
26 type ferrochelatase, whereas both planar and ruffled conformations are present for the H207N-bound po
27 0,15,20-tetramethylporphyrin in a variety of ruffled conformations are reported.
28 ation, [Fe(OEP)(2-MeHIm)(NO)](+)(ruf), has a ruffled core: Fe-N(p) = 2.003(7) A, Fe-N(NO) = 1.648(2)
29          The dynamic equilibrium between the ruffled (d(xy)) and planar (d(pi)) conformers observed i
30 ectral decompositions indicate a homogeneous ruffled deformation for the nickel protoporphyrin bound
31 de backbone are important in maintaining the ruffled deformation of the macrocycle.
32 atches of CXCR4 that formed naturally at the ruffled edges of adherent cells.
33 30b resulted in high fever, weight loss, and ruffled fur, inoculation with NU216R did not elicit any
34 mplexes 25-27 are chiral due to their highly ruffled geometry.
35 is protein uses the ferric state of a highly ruffled heme to bind NO tightly at low pH and release it
36 idation state that is stabilized by a highly ruffled heme.
37 esulfuricans strains, consistent with a more ruffled heme.
38 tion of their porphyrinoid chromophores, the ruffled macrocycles possess a stable inherent element of
39 interference RNA abrogates integrin-mediated ruffled membrane formation and, furthermore, prevents ac
40 dosomal belts that segregate the bone-facing ruffled membrane from other membrane domains.
41 2-D diffusivity was then calculated when the ruffled membrane is projected onto a plane.
42 m intracellular membrane compartments to the ruffled membrane, a specialized domain of the plasma mem
43 component of the polarized osteoclast is its ruffled membrane, probably reflecting insertion of intra
44 a chloride channel located in the osteoclast ruffled membrane.
45 random-walk diffusion of a molecule within a ruffled membrane.
46 sealing zone, and formation of the polarized ruffled membrane.
47 rmation of the sealing zone, and a polarized ruffled membrane.
48 self is a vesicular protein that targets the ruffled membrane.
49 g vesicles reconstituted from the osteoclast ruffled membrane.
50 ibution from perinuclear compartments to the ruffled membranes following activation of resorption.
51  form actin rings ex vivo, or to form normal ruffled membranes in vivo.
52 lasts in c-src-/- osteopetrotic mice to form ruffled membranes indicates pp60(c-src) (c-src) is essen
53 cteriochlorins to morpholine moieties yields ruffled mono- and bismorpholinobacteriochlorins with bro
54 ntly in early prophase with a characteristic ruffled morphology of the nuclear envelope and no signs
55 ct in vivo phenotypes (round, elongated, and ruffled) of graft-infiltrating effector T cells with var
56                                          The ruffled phenotype was characteristic of activated effect
57 can be transformed into species that adopt a ruffled planar structure or a figure-eight shape dependi
58 orylation provoke merlin to aggregate in the ruffled plasma membrane and promote cell migration.
59 -PAS domains were similar, except for a more ruffled porphyrin ring in R206A BjFixL and a relaxation
60 th a d(xy) electron configuration that has a ruffled porphyrin ring.
61                                          The ruffled porphyrinate ring would aid the attack of the te
62 blish the origins of the red shifts in these ruffled porphyrins.
63  are associated with an "ironing out" of the ruffled ribbon-like architecture of the alpha-phase, so
64 e bis(benzimidazole) core retains its highly ruffled shape, with the two phenyl rings of the macrocyc
65  It is likely that the influence of a highly ruffled structure of heme d(1) on its electronic propert
66                      An unusually nonplanar, ruffled structure that had been suspected for the previo
67 here it induces the formation of villous and ruffled structures from the surface of transfected cells
68 that the surface of these particles contains ruffled structures with a highly dense surface area.
69   Heme bound by these enzymes is extensively ruffled such that the meso-carbons at the sites of oxida
70 eases their surface area, including a highly ruffled surface in the case of leukocytes.
71 re a consequence of hemes 2 and 4 being more ruffled than is typical of the other proteins.
72 (II) complexes were all found to be severely ruffled whereas the free-base chromophores are more plan

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