コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 pecies of bacteria from one environment (the rumen).
2 id microbiome fractions from the same bovine rumens).
3 , the animal gastrointestinal tract, and the rumen.
4 s to the degradation of hemicellulose in the rumen.
5 hemicellulose utilization within the bovine rumen.
6 ive bacillus originally isolated from bovine rumen.
7 chemical defaunation of the bovine or ovine rumen.
8 within protozoa originating from the bovine rumen.
9 he P. levii type strain isolated from bovine rumen.
10 olytic bacteria originally isolated from the rumen.
11 ive and dominant cellulolytic members of the rumen.
12 he growth of nonmethanogenic bacteria in the rumen.
13 onization of the RAJ, but unnecessary in the rumen.
14 y minimal impact due to the treatment in the rumen.
15 bes adherent to plant fiber incubated in cow rumen.
16 ) responds to AHLs extracted from the bovine rumen.
17 ccus albus 8, a common inhabitant of the cow rumen, alludes to a bacterium well-endowed with genes th
18 cohesin, was identified in the cellulolytic rumen anaerobe Ruminococcus flavefaciens 17 as part of a
19 anaerobic bacterium naturally colonising the rumen and cecum of herbivores where it utilizes an enigm
23 r ecological success in habitats such as the rumen and human colon where nitrogen is rarely limiting
24 olecular mechanisms for xylan degradation by rumen and human commensal members of the Bacteroidetes p
26 ciens to degrade carbohydrates in the bovine rumen and provides a basis for constructing efficient na
27 of lignocellulose by microbes in the bovine rumen and the human colon is critical to gut health and
31 implicate larval cultivation of an external rumen as a possible mechanism for environmental modifica
32 dle of first lactation (>2 years) as well as rumen-associated communities from weaning (8 weeks) to f
33 plasmidome contigs aligned with plasmids of rumen bacteria isolated from different locations and at
36 ion, cultivation and characterization of the rumen bacterium Anaerovibrio lipolyticus in the 1960s, i
43 tain dietary conditions, typical pathways of rumen biohydrogenation are altered to produce unique fat
44 Rather, the basis involves alterations in rumen biohydrogenation of dietary polyunsaturated fatty
46 s not required for bacterial survival in the rumen but is necessary for efficient colonization at the
48 he most predominant bacteria detected in the rumen, but their presence has also been related to healt
49 herbivorous animals, specialized organs (the rumen, cecum, and colon) have evolved that allow highly
52 study of MFD and its regulation by specific rumen-derived bioactive FAs represents a successful exam
54 tive relationship between lignin content and rumen digestibility, but no relationship between lignin
55 des for functions, which are enriched in the rumen ecological niche and could confer advantages to th
65 d metagenomes (viromes) isolated from bovine rumen fluid and analysed the resulting data using compar
67 to differences in average daily gain (ADG), rumen fluid metabolomic analysis by LC-MS and multivaria
69 As a result of the metabolomics analysis of rumen fluid, 33 metabolites differed between the ADG gro
70 ew recent progress in tracking the spread of rumen fluke infection in Europe, and propose some resear
71 associated risks for food security posed by rumen fluke infection, it is imperative that we develop
73 pear to be diet driven for either the bovine rumen (forages and legumes) or the termite hindgut (wood
82 Our study outlines CAZyme profile of buffalo rumen metagenome and provides a scope to study the role
83 degrading and debranching enzymes in buffalo rumen metagenome and that of cellulases and hemicellulas
85 glycoside hydrolase (GH) profile of buffalo rumen metagenome with cow rumen, termite hindgut and chi
86 On the other hand, the two GH43 ABNs from rumen metagenome, ARN2 and ARN3, presented a calcium-ind
87 plasmid databases and two recently published rumen metagenomes, it became apparent that the rumen pla
89 These results identify a discrete set of rumen methanogens whose methanogenesis pathway transcrip
92 markably similar assignment, suggesting that rumen microbial communities of pre-ruminant calves maint
93 rrelations between methane emissions and the rumen microbial community, as measured by qPCR of 16S or
94 his is evidenced by a profound difference in rumen microbial composition between the two age groups.
98 Here, we addressed these questions in the rumen microbiome ecosystem - a complex microbial communi
100 losome functional genes revealed that in the rumen microbiome, initial colonization of fiber appears
103 teroidetes was the predominant phylum in the rumen microbiota of 42-day-old calves, representing 74.8
106 The dazzling functional diversity of the rumen microbiota was reflected by identification of 8298
109 , E. coli O157:H7 was not recovered from the rumen of any of the six animals treated with probiotic b
111 rectally to steers or administered into the rumen of cattle dually cannulated at the rumen and duode
113 der of plant structural carbohydrates in the rumen of mammals, uses a portfolio of more than 220 diff
114 es of rumen microorganisms suggests that the rumen of pre-ruminant calves may not be rudimentary.
116 l sequence of microbial establishment in the rumen of the neonatal ruminant has important ecological
118 p, and goats, predominantly ferment in their rumen plant material to acetate, propionate, butyrate, C
119 loped a procedure for the isolation of total rumen plasmid DNA, termed rumen plasmidome, and subjecte
120 men metagenomes, it became apparent that the rumen plasmidome codes for functions, which are enriched
122 en we compared the functional profile of the rumen plasmidome to two plasmid databases and two recent
123 isolation of total rumen plasmid DNA, termed rumen plasmidome, and subjected it to deep sequencing us
124 demonstrated DT104 hyperinvasion mediated by rumen protozoa (RPz) that are normal flora of cattle.
125 Ionophore dietary supplements that inhibit rumen protozoa may provide such a selective advantage fo
126 i O157:H7 was detected intermittently in the rumen samples from all control animals throughout 3 week
127 gigabase sequences of metagenomic data from rumen samples of Mehsani buffaloes fed on different prop
129 profile of buffalo rumen metagenome with cow rumen, termite hindgut and chicken caecum metagenome.
130 that have a specialized digestive organ, the rumen, that carries out the initial digestion of plant m
131 cyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) in the bovine rumen to activate expression of the glutamate acid resis
132 nes (AHLs) produced by the microbiota in the rumen to activate the gad acid resistance genes necessar
133 robial origin, respectively, from silage and rumen, was determined by GC-MS and confirmed by (1)H NMR
134 d phylotype, and metabolic potentials in the rumen were markedly different with respect to nutrient u
135 population in the environment of the bovine rumen, which houses a complex and dense microbiota that
137 chlorate was metabolized, most likely in the rumen, which would provide cattle with a degree of refra
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