


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  water salt concentrations (500 mM, or ~0.3% salinity).
2 was observed with a proportional increase in salinity.
3 2+) under various regimes of temperature and salinity.
4 ) the cell wall during the onset of chloride salinity.
5 vior of pore-water pressure, temperature and salinity.
6 ight intensity and decreased with increasing salinity.
7 ponse to osmotic stress caused by drought or salinity.
8 m/L and, to a certain extent, independent of salinity.
9 y, is a critical mediator of the response to salinity.
10 ance traits and mineral concentrations under salinity.
11 owed differential expression in silico under salinity.
12  Salt_NV_Root App, capture root responses to salinity.
13 ot take into account changes in near-surface salinity.
14 into the functions of plant microbiome under salinity.
15  adopted in S. salsa system to confront soil salinity.
16 lated in Chlamydomonas cells exposed to high salinity.
17 ngly high level under the conditions of high salinity.
18 ed functions enabling them to adjust to full salinity.
19 le-plant ion movement rapidly after onset of salinity.
20 rom damage caused by drought, cold, and high salinity.
21 ctions displayed a positive correlation with salinity.
22 0 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under elevated salinity.
23  function in regulating xylem loading during salinity.
24 ater cycle from changes in three-dimensional salinity.
25 concomitant with an increase in the external salinity.
26 of shale, oxygen, temperature, pressure, and salinity.
27 SA14-1 (G03) accumulated low Na and Cl under salinity.
28 spond to future climate-induced increases in salinity.
29 or Vibrio spp. using remotely sensed SST and salinity.
30 vation and for glycerol synthesis under high salinity.
31 ounds were also dependent on temperature and salinity.
32  Fe, and Cu, while Mn and Zn increased under salinity.
33 s, or actinorhodopsins, were common at lower salinities.
34 tion of plagioclase dissolution at such high salinities.
35 ar-zero and below-zero temperatures and high salinities.
36                 Diversity peaked at brackish salinities 3.5-16 psu, with low N:P ratios.
37  higher temperature ( 28.8 degrees C), lower salinity ( 33.3) and lower potential vorticity (PV) comp
38 n important source of daily sodium intake in salinity-affected areas and is a risk factor for hyperte
39 ovements in MAR and evaluated in "real-life" salinity-affected settings.
40 regulation, we challenged crabs with reduced salinity after microplastic exposure.
41 microcystin decreased 6-fold with increasing salinity along a freshwater-estuarine transect due to th
42 s with large fluctuations in temperature and salinity, among which some are thermo-epilithic biofilm-
43 e consequent ion migration led to high anode salinities and conductivity that favored their dominance
44 . can thrive in the marine system at varying salinities and provides further insight into the diversi
45 on in liver was highly responsive to ambient salinities and PUFA components, factors affecting LC-PUF
46  through silica sand, systematically varying salinity and acidity conditions.
47  batch experiments show a strong coupling of salinity and acidity through chemical interactions at th
48  with pH and temperature and negatively with salinity and ammonia.
49        Herein, the effect of injection fluid salinity and composition on nanomaterial fate is explore
50 ter level and reduced the water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen levels.
51 evel despite increased levels of Na(+) under salinity and drought conditions.
52 ted in improved tolerance to osmotic stress, salinity and drought stress in addition to conferring in
53 nd abrogation of programmed cell death under salinity and genotoxic stress conditions.
54 ent abiotic stresses, such as drought, heat, salinity and high light, result in different ROS signatu
55 s that rehabilitation of NCP soils to reduce salinity and increase crop yields have also served as a
56                   These systems exhibit high salinity and ionic strength that will both alter Hg spec
57 n to abiotic stresses, such as drought, high salinity and low temperature.
58 c nitrification potential rates (NPR) in low-salinity and mesohaline estuarine sediments.
59  with pronounced north to south gradients in salinity and nutrient concentrations.
60 s in the cytosol and flagella in response to salinity and osmotic stress.
61 -water formation conditions, both increasing salinity and reducing temperature on multi-decadal time
62  Mode, austral season, rainfall, sea surface salinity and sea surface temperature (SST).
63 le concentration, with a dependence on water salinity and sea-surface temperature only.
64               Such convection can occur when salinity and temperature gradients share the same sign,
65  experiment that investigates the effects of salinity and temperature on the sensitivity of the suban
66                   Hydrodynamic dispersion of salinity and temperature, and the thermal conductivity g
67 iving MGII showed positive correlations with salinity and temperature, suggesting the different physi
68 s and its high tolerance for broad ranges of salinity and temperature.
69 uitous in marine waters with low to moderate salinity and thrive with elevated sea surface temperatur
70  uncompromised system performance under high salinity and thus has highlighted the potential of MDCs
71 th methods similarly demonstrated geography, salinity and, to a lesser extent, nitrogen, to be strong
72  200 degrees C, pressures above 10 MPa, high salinities, and a pH range from 5-8.
73             The soybean is sensitive to soil salinity, and a dominant gene, Glyma03g32900 is primaril
74 or traits including oil and protein content, salinity, and domestication traits resulted in the disco
75  experiments carried out over a range of pH, salinity, and temperature we found that in all cases pyr
76 hese surface treatments lower alkalinity and salinity, and thus produce a substrate more suitable for
77 chemical stressors such as dissolved oxygen, salinity, and upwelling; and (4) adaptive responses of m
78 files for light, water density, temperature, salinity, and viscosity.
79 ter simulations shows that Antarctic-sourced salinity anomalies can generate climate changes that are
80 creased interest in studying the sea surface salinity anomaly (SSSA) of the tropical Indian Ocean dur
81 lacial lake drainage suggest that a negative salinity anomaly was advected south around Cape Horn, re
82 ination brine is a seemingly attractive high salinity anthropogenic stream that is otherwise wasted,
83                              10 per thousand salinity appeared to be a threshold value for these MGII
84                                 We show that salinity application to the root apex arrests root growt
85                                  Drought and salinity are the major abiotic stresses which adversely
86           Nonetheless, the potential role of salinity as a driver of ecological carry-over effects re
87 ance of our technique was demonstrated using salinity as a known inducer of peroxisome proliferation.
88 rcoming abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity as well as new emerging diseases.
89 n temperature, nutrients, precipitation, and salinity, as driven by the Westerlies and summer Monsoon
90   These two blocks differed significantly in salinity (average 17,500 vs 40,900 mg/L).
91 c promoter fusions to gfp revealed that high salinity blocks entry into the sporulation pathway at a
92 self-heating membranes to directly heat high-salinity brines at the water/vapour interface of the mem
93 es for coastal and inland regions, with high-salinity brines presenting a particularly challenging pr
94 ation in ionizable environments such as high-salinity brines.
95  degradation was independent of pressure and salinity but increased significantly at high temperature
96                                              Salinity, but not ballast-water age or temperature, cont
97 ter infiltration always increases pore-water salinity by seawater-groundwater mixing dynamics.
98 s conditions such as wounding or exposure to salinity, cadmium, and low temperature, thus validating
99  that an exoplanetary ocean with a different salinity can circulate in the opposite direction: an equ
100 a window onto the processes by which wetland salinity can induce carry-over effects and can help pred
101 aturally mediated changes in temperature and salinity can modulate toxicity of chemical contaminants
102       In the present study, we performed low salinity challenge with two Crassostrea species (C. giga
103 s affected by many abiotic stresses, such as salinity, cold, heat, and drought.
104                              High alkalinity/salinity conditions especially bias Mg/Ca temperatures i
105 the shoot apex and reproductive organs under salinity conditions.
106 nes under non-stress and stress (drought and salinity) conditions resulted in increased protection th
107  dissolution in acidic brine containing high salinity content, the catalytic effect of Ni NPs was inv
108 xamine how future changes in temperature and salinity could affect the distribution and density of C.
109 roximately 6.2-5.5 Ma and with the Messinian Salinity Crisis from approximately 6.0-5.3 Ma.
110 ese extended conditions, the temperature and salinity dependence of the molar absorptivity ratios and
111 ic environments, and show how land-barriers, salinity, depth, and environmental heterogeneity relate
112 eristics such as redox potential and surface salinity developed later in the process.
113 roach for efficiently harvesting energy from salinity differences.
114 notypes that were selected for biomass under salinity, differences in Na and Cl concentrations in sho
115 evaporation and tide and waves on subsurface salinity distribution on a beach face.
116  saltwater landward, but creates a different salinity distribution that would have implications on in
117 Waltherian facies change, host availability, salinity, diversity, turnover, or community structure.
118 ugh factors, such as geographic location and salinity, do drive some differences within the populatio
119 mations of Brachypodium dystachion to single salinity, drought, and heat stresses, as well as their d
120 ic stress conditions individually: high soil salinity, drought, chilling exposure, and light saturati
121 stering was utilized to investigate the soil salinity effect, as a cultivation parameter, on saffron
122 e of salt concentrations (0.05-4 M), and the salinity effects were comprehensively examined.
123 he applicability of such materials in a high-salinity environment emphasizing zero-liquid-discharge b
124  mechanisms of membrane biofouling in a high salinity environment.
125 btilis blocks entry into sporulation in high-salinity environments preventing commitment to a develop
126 he first endosymbiotic event occurred in low-salinity environments.
127 e use Mg/Ca-derived seawater temperature and salinity estimates determined from temperature-corrected
128  K/Na ratio were evaluated in this long-term salinity experiment.
129                     Across all three groups, salinity explained most of the community variability.
130 he 1980s and 2010s, environmental (i.e. soil salinity/fertility) and societal (i.e. policy/techniques
131 ng the stabilizing temperature gradient, the salinity flux first increases, even though the velocity
132 se results highlight the importance of ocean salinity for exoplanetary climate and consequent habitab
133                         But the influence of salinity for the MEOR recovery was slightly.
134 e quite different, and some indicators (soil salinity, foraminifera) appeared to migrate more easily
135                       Trichodesmium grows in salinities from 27 to 43 parts per thousand (ppt), yet i
136 Growth assays revealed capacities to grow in salinities from zero to 60 g/L and to grow heterotrophic
137 ies of factors such as water temperature and salinity, gametogenic cycle, food availability, and envi
138 ies responded to environmental factors (e.g. salinity, geographic distance) in lake surface sediments
139 two horizontal plates, driven by an unstable salinity gradient and stabilized by a temperature gradie
140  can help steer the strategic advancement of salinity gradient as a sustainable energy source.
141 ing of 97 samples collected along the entire salinity gradient at two-month intervals in 2014.
142 qually important to reduce levelized cost of salinity gradient energy production and, thus, boost PRO
143   Reverse electrodialysis is used to harvest salinity gradient energy; a rather unknown renewable ene
144 nd capacitive deionization, respectively) in salinity gradient flow batteries for energy storage in c
145 groundwater and seawater DOM samples along a salinity gradient from a shallow STE on Spiekeroog Islan
146  cytchrome-cd1 nitrite reductase), along the salinity gradient of San Francisco Bay over the course o
147 esent an overview of the current progress in salinity gradient power generation, discuss the prospect
148 ) and provide perspectives on the outlook of salinity gradient power generation.
149 etatranscriptomic datasets collected along a salinity gradient spanning from approximately 0 to 35 PS
150 s have been made in technical development of salinity gradient technologies and field demonstrations
151 t abundant clade along the entire Baltic Sea salinity gradient.
152 with growing terrestrial influence along the salinity gradient.
153  electrochemical potential difference from a salinity gradient.
154  increase in dissolved silica across a fjord salinity gradient.
155 interhemispheric sea surface temperature and salinity gradients (deduced from foraminiferal Mg/Ca and
156 emonstrations with natural and anthropogenic salinity gradients (for example, seawater-river water an
157  advances needed to fully exploit the larger salinity gradients are identified.
158 ontrol the mixing, chemical energy stored in salinity gradients can be harnessed for useful work.
159 oration is an important driver of subsurface salinity gradients in marsh systems.
160  the speciation of Fe affects stability over salinity gradients.
161 ergy technology that can harvest energy from salinity gradients.
162            Correlation functions showed that salinity had a relatively short memory of the tidal sign
163                               Increased soil salinity has a direct impact on the reduction of plant g
164 ow temperatures, dry conditions, and varying salinity have spanned the ecological to the genomic, rev
165 cycled water for agricultural irrigation are salinity, heavy metals, and pathogens, which cause adver
166 r, conservative distribution with increasing salinity, illustrating the high stability of peatland-de
167 mong wetlands and were only important in low salinity impounded wetlands, possibly reflecting more di
168 g higher sensitivity of apical root cells to salinity in barley (Hordeum vulgare).
169 ufficiently alleviate the negative impact of salinity in brine.
170 ys a critical role in buffering pH; (3) high salinity in general hinders As release from minerals; an
171 lity, the sensors were used to determine the salinity in the seawater and brackish water of the Balti
172 males and females were segregated by wetland salinity in West Africa, with females mostly occupying f
173                                              Salinity increase resulted in significant changes of mac
174                               Interestingly, salinity increased chlorophyll and antioxidant capacity
175 y endangered H. fomes abundances declined as salinity increased.
176 of serpentinization of olivine slows down as salinity increases and H2O activity decreases.
177            Fe speciation of river waters and salinity-induced aggregates was determined by synchrotro
178 is Fe has shown relatively high stability to salinity-induced aggregation in estuaries.
179          In this study, we have compared the salinity-induced changes in chromatin modifications at t
180 inization of the leaf apoplast is related to salinity-induced growth reduction.
181                                     Although salinity-induced transient net Na(+) uptake was about 4-
182 stratification, consistent with high abyssal salinities inferred for the last glacial maximum.
183                                         High salinity inhibited the cell growth rate but increased th
184  correlated (r = 0.631, P < 0.001) with lake salinity instead of geographic distance.
185                                         Soil salinity is a limiting factor of crop yield.
186  century projections, the positive effect of salinity is about half of the negative effect of ocean t
187                                              Salinity is an increasingly prescient issue in reactive
188 ost studies suggested that adaptation to low salinity is key to divergence, here we show that the off
189                      This suggests that lake salinity is more important than geographic distance in s
190 plant organ transcriptional response to high salinity is regulated by a core set of pCREs and provide
191 /attraction is strongly influenced by eluent salinity: k(IAM) values for cations differ by more than
192  insensitivity of signal responses to pH and salinity, less consumption of proteins and better sensit
193 voirs, one reservoir having relatively lower salinity level and a narrow salinity range had higher ba
194  bacterial community in the reservoir with a salinity level of 17,500 mg/L did not show significant h
195                                   Therefore, salinity levels affected the bacterial diversities in th
196 /Arabian Gulf (PAG) withstand unusually high salinity levels and regular summer temperature maxima of
197                           Global increase in salinity levels has made it imperative to identify novel
198 to show that interannual variation in winter salinity levels in San Francisco Bay controls the mechan
199 eneficially affected by mid-to-high and high salinity levels.
200 h (236)U concentrations were observed at low-salinity locations of the Baltic Sea.
201 statistically into three groups: freshwater (salinity &lt; 0.5 per thousand), oligohaline and mesohaline
202 igohaline and mesohaline (0.5 per thousand < salinity &lt; 18 per thousand), and polyhaline and euhaline
203 d polyhaline and euhaline (18 per thousand < salinity &lt; 40 per thousand).
204          We found the increase in pore-water salinity mainly depends on air temperature and relative
205 stly increase sporulation efficiency at high salinity map to the coding region of sigH and in the reg
206 s silver colloids from agglomeration in high salinity marine waters by electrosteric repulsion for lo
207                           Elevated in-stream salinity may also result from seasonal storage and disch
208            However, the extent to which lake salinity may be changing at broad spatial scales remains
209 ogical challenges associated with increasing salinity may disrupt self-maintenance processes in these
210 ts and/or water columns with a wide range of salinities, moderate to high temperatures, and pH varyin
211 B transcription are upregulated by increased salinity, nitrogen limitation and lower temperatures in
212 otic stresses, such as drought, temperature, salinity, nutrient deprivation, bacteria, virus and othe
213                                Surface ocean salinity observations have suggested the water cycle has
214                             Using full depth salinity observations we infer a water cycle amplificati
215               For freshwater (with a typical salinity of 10 mM and circumneutral pH), the binding of
216 s modelling to demonstrate that the site and salinity of a sample could be predicted from its nirS se
217  2.4 M sodium chloride (NaCl), equivalent to salinity of seawater, brine at 50% and 75% water recover
218   The energy intensive step of restoring the salinity of the DS was eliminated; the diluted DS would
219 wning enables flounders to thrive in the low salinity of the Northern Baltic, where eggs cannot achie
220                    Nutrient availability and salinity of the soil affect the growth and development o
221                                              Salinity of the soil is highly detrimental to plant grow
222   The results indicated that in the two high salinity oil reservoirs, one reservoir having relatively
223  and significant effects of pH, buffers, and salinity on k(IAM) have been reported.
224          Of primary concern is the effect of salinity on surface chemistry.
225 fundamental problems, such as the effects of salinity on system performance and the role of microbial
226          This study evaluated the effects of salinity on the physiological characteristics of Vibrio
227 etlands are increasingly exposed to elevated salinity on their nonbreeding grounds.
228 stigated combined effects of temperature and salinity on toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NP
229 d in this study to identify key factors (pH, salinity, organic carbon supply) controlling the rates a
230 b, a class A HSF, extensively increased with salinity, osmotic, and cold stresses, but not heat.
231 ive variants of CaARP conferred tolerance to salinity, oxidative stress or cytotoxic aldehydes.
232 the model reproduced the general patterns of salinity, pH, Al, and Fe during an uncontrolled river br
233 s following exposure to extreme temperature, salinity, pH, pressure, UV, X-ray and heavy metals as a
234 d wave actions dilute a fraction of the high salinity plume, resulting in a complex process.
235 eric trends derived from in situ temperature/salinity profiles and models which range from 0.66 +/- 0
236 ering the likely increasing trend in coastal salinity, prompt action is required.
237 relatively lower salinity level and a narrow salinity range had higher bacterial and phylogenetic div
238 n particulate electrodes and covers the full salinity range required of a CDI system with a total oce
239                  Within this temperature and salinity range, using purified mCP and a novel thermosta
240                                              Salinity reduced foliar area and stomatal conductance; w
241 ensity stratification, i.e., temperature and salinity, remain scarce.
242      RNA-seq analysis of almt9 mutants under salinity revealed specific expression profiles of transp
243  and conservative seawater-derived brines at salinities (S) between 35 and 100 and temperatures (T) b
244 ements (pCREs) that are associated with high-salinity (salt) up-regulated genes in the root or the sh
245 ignificantly decreased NPR by 20-fold in low-salinity sediments and by twofold in mesohaline sediment
246 hide) but not all (density, food limitation, salinity) selective agents.
247 , indicating that GRIKs are also involved in salinity signalling pathways.
248                               Initial pH and salinity significantly influenced microbial community su
249 spatial resolution to produce a high-quality salinity simulation during the period from 1982 to 2014,
250 onas group B phylotypes were absent from low salinity sites.
251              Enhanced oil recovery using low-salinity solutions to sweep sandstone reservoirs is a wi
252  the appropriate pairing with a suitable low salinity stream.
253 important cereal crop is highly sensitive to salinity stress causing growth retardation and loss in p
254 kkali show a high level of tolerance towards salinity stress compared to IR64 variety.
255 ntial response of tolerant varieties towards salinity stress may be a cumulative effect of genetic an
256 mportant regulatory roles in response to low salinity stress, providing insights into molecular mecha
257 KatB was susceptible to oxidative effects of salinity stress.
258 ion of the protein within 4 h of exposure to salinity stress.
259 g into the xylem of Arabidopsis roots during salinity stress.
260    The potential of biofilm formation by the salinity-stressed bacteria has not been reported.
261                        This study shows that salinity-stressed bacteria have a high potential to caus
262 addition, protein and eDNA concentrations of salinity-stressed bacteria were increased at 1.2 and 2.4
263 without permeation flux) was observed by the salinity-stressed bacteria; however, the production of e
264 ted (r = 0.427 and 0.783, respectively) with salinity, suggesting rare taxa might be more sensitive t
265 that fundamental oceanic properties, such as salinity, temperature, and depth, are similar to Earth.
266 greater for nPbO2(s) solution with increased salinity than dissolved organic matter.
267 gesting rare taxa might be more sensitive to salinity than their abundant counterparts, thus cautions
268         CNTPs block anion transport, even at salinities that exceed seawater levels, and their ion se
269  the mechanisms of osmoregulation under high salinities that may further inform our understanding of
270                        Above 10 per thousand salinity, the abundance of MGII on the particles was pos
271                              During chloride salinity, the pH of the leaf apoplast (pHapo) transientl
272 tion causes upper intertidal zone pore-water salinity to be double that of seawater.
273 and basic conditions and different levels of salinity to reveal how effectively the Ni NPs behave und
274 rom fresh to brackish water (10 mM, or 0.06% salinity) to 0.52% in ocean water salt concentrations (5
275  molecular mechanisms that are essential for salinity tolerance in marine bivalves.
276  of sweet potato with the capability of high salinity tolerance.
277 inc ions (Zn(2+)) at greater temperature and salinity, toxicity of ZnO-NPs to T. pseudonana was less
278                                 The enhanced salinity transport is traced back to a transition in the
279                                              Salinity treatment increased (2- to 5-fold) the content
280  Channel, showing increasing temperature and salinity trends much stronger than those observed at int
281                                         High salinity triggers OsOTS1 degradation, indicating that in
282 al desalination is shown here to treat brine salinity up to 100,000 ppm of Total Dissolved Solids (TD
283 he use of these wetlands along a gradient of salinities was associated with differences in immune res
284 on of CO2 bubbles at different pH levels and salinities was studied to understand the effects that th
285                               Interestingly, salinity was found to significantly inhibit GA transform
286 scient issue in reactive transport, from low salinity water flooding to fracking brine leakage.
287 s solution successfully drew water from high-salinity water up to 3.0 M through FO.
288 ring recovery in a process termed controlled salinity water-flooding (CSW).
289 t absorption and excellent stability in high-salinity water.
290 rpentinization is strongly controlled by the salinity (water activity) of the reacting fluid and demo
291 MT was likely caused by accumulation of high salinity waters in the Levantine and enhanced heat loss
292                                   These high-salinity waters require the use of thermally driven trea
293 ticus and Vibrio cholerae, grow in warm, low-salinity waters, and their abundance in the natural envi
294 take and whole-plant ion distribution during salinity, we used mutants of the only vacuolar Cl(-) cha
295 pper, Sulphur and Boron concentrations under salinity were also mapped.
296 ntegrate the signals from Pi deprivation and salinity were identified.
297 in mesohaline waters (possibly due to higher salinity), which may have reduced toxicity.
298 l, sea surface temperatures, and sea surface salinities, which are linked to the ENSO system, influen
299 (oxy)hydroxides by aggregation at increasing salinity, while organically complexed Fe was less affect
300 other morphological traits were dominated by salinity, while some physiological traits were shaped by

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