


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mediated analgesia, tremor, hypothermia, and salivation.
2 nausea, anorexia, weight loss, and increased salivation.
3  3b induced a brief "serotonin syndrome" and salivation, an indication of 5-HT1A receptor activation.
4 ve motor activity, sensorimotor integration, salivation, and visceral regulation.
5  neostigmine included abdominal pain, excess salivation, and vomiting.
6 ore, prolonged host plant phloem exposure to salivation by RSV-infected adults should further enhance
7 eated with clozapine experienced more excess salivation, dizziness, and sweating and less dry mouth a
8                 P2 receptor agonists induced salivation in an ex vivo submandibular gland preparation
9 elivery of CA12 to salivary glands increases salivation in mice and of the human mutation CA12(E143K)
10                                              Salivation in response to pilocarpine stimulation was re
11 pe, aphids displayed a different duration of salivation in the phloem.
12 inently inhibited ductal fluid secretion and salivation in vivo.
13                              In summary, the salivation kinetics of the 3 major glands are distinct,
14 ion within the salivary glands cause reduced salivation leading to xerostomia.
15                                Consequently, salivation occurs in response to agonists that generate
16 ctivated pharyngeal swallowing (PS), profuse salivation, or physiological correlates of emesis.
17 the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter NKCC1 in hearing, salivation, pain perception, spermatogenesis, and the co
18 5 mg/kg, s.c.) or unchanged (15 mg/kg, s.c.) salivation responses, respectively, in M(1) and M(3) rec
19 to a muscarinic agonist, the primary in situ salivation signal.
20 g, was characterized for pilocarpine-induced salivation, the presence of serum autoantibodies, sialoa
21 r episodes), dilated pupils (four episodes), salivation (two episodes), dryness of mouth (two episode
22 ntly, purinergic receptor agonist-stimulated salivation was suppressed by more than 70% in submandibu
23 ch as hypothermia, hypoactivity, tremor, and salivation were enhanced in GRK5-KO animals.
24 o-M-induced hypothermia, hypolocomotion, and salivation were markedly reduced in these animals, while

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