


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to approximately 1.5 higher at low sugar and salt concentrations).
2 s solutions can be directed by modifying the salt concentration.
3 s and enzymes controlling blood pressure and salt concentration.
4 hibiting aggregation of AuNPs at an elevated salt concentration.
5 y constant over three orders of magnitude in salt concentration.
6 ation fairly well and simulate the change of salt concentration.
7 ially with temperature and is independent of salt concentration.
8 rting on expected interfaces with increasing salt concentration.
9  their permeability and response to external salt concentration.
10 tematically varying the peptide sequence and salt concentration.
11 ngth, the opposite trend in ion release with salt concentration.
12 nd multiconnected structures with increasing salt concentration.
13 rticle functionality, pH of the solution and salt concentration.
14 ound solution properties, such as the pH and salt concentration.
15 ons liberated increases with increasing bulk salt concentration.
16 nce of urea but did not respond to increased salt concentration.
17 in-DNA aptamer interactions at physiological salt concentration.
18 naffected by peptide charge or physiological salt concentration.
19 gram for adhesion as a function of force and salt concentration.
20             Unfolding is dependent on pH and salt concentration.
21 raction with DNA is inhibited by an elevated salt concentration.
22 sion by acidification, heating, and elevated salt concentration.
23  complexes were formed, and to decrease with salt concentration.
24 odal binding behavior depends sensitively on salt concentration.
25 t can significantly differ at any individual salt concentration.
26 ity fluctuations and reduced fluctuations of salt concentration.
27 ination crossover site, torsional stress and salt concentration.
28 n, but not dissociation, is sensitive to the salt concentration.
29  effects determine the conformations at high salt concentration.
30 ments and shows a linear dependence with the salt concentration.
31 nity, but this does increase with increasing salt concentration.
32 s variation as a function of tail length and salt concentration.
33 lipping may become rate-limiting at very low salt concentrations.
34 l gustatory organs for the detection of high-salt concentrations.
35 lso eliminated the cellular response to high-salt concentrations.
36 by approximately 1 kcal/mol at physiological salt concentrations.
37 nt salt solutions at small enough polyvalent salt concentrations.
38 able in solution over a wide range of pH and salt concentrations.
39 (DLVO) colloid theory accurate at much lower salt concentrations.
40 ir native state and at or near physiological salt concentrations.
41 atios, total protein concentrations, pH, and salt concentrations.
42  function in the absence of high cytoplasmic salt concentrations.
43  NCBD undergoes a charge reversal under high salt concentrations.
44 ution and was facilitated in media with high salt concentrations.
45  duplex stability with DNA or RNA at varying salt concentrations.
46 lyoxal uptake is kinetically limited at high salt concentrations.
47 es with the electroselectivity series at all salt concentrations.
48 strains cultured in media containing varying salt concentrations.
49 ect periportal hepatocytes from harmful bile salt concentrations.
50  same drying method decreased with increased salt concentrations.
51 t increase in expression in response to high salt concentrations.
52 al stimulus set by exposure of cells to high salt concentrations.
53 absence of NaCl, but stable at physiological salt concentrations.
54 ed with 2.7-pN force or in 200 mM monovalent salt concentrations.
55  TAR RNA ensemble changes shape at different salt concentrations.
56 ion, the mutant was more sensitive to higher salt concentrations.
57 ution but forms dimers and tetramers at high salt concentrations.
58 d higher NaCl levels, i.e. for physiological salt concentrations.
59 optimally at pH 8 and approximately 50-80 mM salt concentrations.
60 rget DNA is incubated with the plate in high salt concentrations.
61  stability of the interface at physiological salt concentrations.
62 th junctions are stable over a wide range of salt concentrations.
63  favored the uncollapsed conformation at all salt concentrations.
64 factors, under conditions of high HBc and/or salt concentrations.
65 t tissues and was diminished with increasing salt concentrations.
66 r conditions of nonphysiological protein and salt concentrations.
67 betaFP that forms beta-sheet fibrils at high salt concentrations.
68 ation is almost completely entropic over all salt concentrations.
69  characterized by extremely low pHs and high salt concentrations.
70 rces which remained largely invariant at all salt concentrations.
71 ed for neuronal activity in response to high-salt concentrations.
72 odies at an increasing pH (3, 7.4 and 9) and salt concentration (0, 10, 50 and 100 mM) across all fou
73                               The effects of salt concentrations (0-15.0%) and drying methods on the
74 bular MDC was operated under a wide range of salt concentrations (0.05-4 M), and the salinity effects
75                                       At low salt concentrations (0.1 M NaCl), affinity-purified telo
76  regimes (16-18; 18-20; 20-22 degrees C) and salt concentrations 1, 1.5 and 2%.
77 verse Hofmeister series over a wide range of salt concentrations (1 mM to 2 M) and with several physi
78 ation time of 10h with variable pH (5-7) and salt concentrations (1-5%).
79 ontaneously along ssDNA over a wide range of salt concentrations (20-500 mM NaCl), and that TthSSB di
80 ure process: high pH (>12), nearly saturated salt concentrations (45% K2CO3) and elevated temperature
81 , or 0.06% salinity) to 0.52% in ocean water salt concentrations (500 mM, or ~0.3% salinity).
82  were typically conducted at pH7.4 at modest salt concentrations (90 mM NaCl).
83 cient proportional to the square root of the salt concentration, a prediction that agrees quantitativ
84 quid interface in the full range of possible salt concentrations: (a) in a dilute salt solution, PE c
85  upon mutation of the salt bridge or at high salt concentration, an additional kinetic phase was dete
86 ffinity of ODN:RNA duplex increased at lower salt concentration and approached that of a native DNA:R
87 odies was studied at pH 3.5 as a function of salt concentration and buffer type.
88 B) site that is, by definition, sensitive to salt concentration and critical to the conformational ch
89                      The kinetics depends on salt concentration and DNA-histone interactions but not
90 nd analyte loss was evaluated with different salt concentration and flow rate combinations under diff
91                                   Increasing salt concentration and introduction of divalent cations
92 forces on flipping efficiency, we varied the salt concentration and macromolecular crowding condition
93  in tryptophan fluorescence as a function of salt concentration and pH.
94                      Because (i) varying the salt concentration and removing the histone tails influe
95 ith the binding mode preference regulated by salt concentration and SSB binding density.
96 getics of SecA dimerization as a function of salt concentration and temperature and defined the linka
97 process is directly and sensitively tuned by salt concentration and temperature, implying it is modul
98 sponses of these two types of polymer NPs to salt concentration and temperature.
99 olyelectrolytic contribution was weak at all salt concentrations and accounted for only 6-18% of the
100 hrough denaturation induced by physiological salt concentrations and degradation mediated by nuclease
101 e crystals can be obtained at extremely high salt concentrations and in a divalent salt environment.
102 ormal physiological buffers and at different salt concentrations and pH values.
103 xes containing siRNA in the presence of high salt concentrations and serum proteins.
104 ansference number t(+)) over a wide range of salt concentrations and temperatures.
105 dicted HD growth rates depend on tension and salt concentration, and agree quantitatively with experi
106 of the stacked conformers are independent of salt concentration, and directly observe proposed tetrah
107 eous solutions as a function of temperature, salt concentration, and ligand concentration.
108 ssible combinations of acetonitrile content, salt concentration, and mobile-phase pH with R(2) > 0.95
109 article mobility was greatly affected by the salt concentration, and particle retention was almost ir
110 ned gate shape, sensitive response to pH and salt concentration, and selectivity in cargo transport c
111 of media and operating conditions (i.e., pH, salt concentration, and so on.) in parallel and is a nov
112 tivity remain unchanged, or increase at high salt concentration, and that the L. quadripunctata GH mi
113 e relative populations of conformers at high salt concentration, and the inter-duplex angle (IDA) bet
114  (I(1) to I(2)) are only weakly dependent on salt concentration, and the opening rate constant is ins
115 mics of these binding modes as a function of salt concentration, and we deduce that DNA in the 34-bp
116 netics as a function of DNA surface density, salt concentrations, and applied voltages.
117 ing in systems with different DNA sequences, salt concentrations, and densities of DNA linkers on the
118 ists denaturation in strong detergents, high-salt concentrations, and ionic liquids.
119 approximately 1-5 mum at pH approximately 4 (salt concentration approximately 15 mM).
120 provide an attractive stimulus, whereas high-salt concentrations are avoided.
121 on constant of the dimeric clamp varies with salt concentration as predicted by simple charge-screeni
122 self-assemble at approximately physiological salt concentrations, as analyzed by sedimentation veloci
123 ed attenuated antimicrobial activity at high salt concentrations, as well as lower membrane disruptio
124 r the conditions studied) but completely for salt concentrations at or above 100 mM NaCl; the lifetim
125                         We predict that, for salt concentrations at physiological and higher levels,
126 ory neurons led to the specific loss of high-salt concentration avoidance in larvae, whereas the dete
127 ulties measuring the correct lipid charge at salt concentrations below 5 mM, where electroosmotic for
128 urement of spatially and temporally resolved salt concentration between the CDI electrodes.
129 of ssDNA lattice length, gp32 concentration, salt concentration, binding cooperativity and binding po
130  salt sensitive and weak under physiological salt concentrations but might be relevant in contexts wh
131 ontrollable not just by the DNA sequence and salt concentration, but also by the lipid composition wi
132 similar when examined across a wide range of salt concentration, but can significantly differ at any
133  nucleosome persists within a broad range of salt concentrations, but vanishes under high magnesium c
134 l samples, except two, prepared with various salt concentrations by different drying methods were les
135 n can be significantly minimized by reducing salt concentrations, by circular dichroism and NMR spect
136 pression often observed in samples with high salt concentrations can be overcome by preparing samples
137 inities with changes in lipid composition or salt concentration, can differentially affect the retent
138 ships between site diffusion coefficient and salt concentration, conditions were identified that allo
139    Atomistic, equilibrium simulations at two salt concentrations confirm the close packing of lipid a
140 SB)65/(SSB)56 binding modes at physiological salt concentrations containing either glutamate or aceta
141  FERM domain of Ezrin is sensitive to buffer salt concentration, correlating with the excited nanosca
142 nge of mechanical forces (fs) and monovalent salt concentrations (Cs).
143                               Namely, at low salt concentration, CTD condenses, but LH only interacts
144 e Na(+) concentration, with the same log-log salt concentration dependence for both anions.
145                 A careful examination of the salt concentration dependence of the dissociation rate,
146 he lifetime of RP(o) and greatly reduces its salt concentration dependence.
147 eutron spin echo spectroscopy (NSE), we show salt-concentration-dependent excitation of nanoscale mot
148 al that all three modes have similar log-log salt concentration derivatives of the binding constants
149 ientation time ceases to scale linearly with salt concentration due to overlapping hydration shells a
150 the peptide increases with decreasing pH and salt concentration, due to Coulomb repulsion by charged
151  the 6-bp mode is modestly exothermic at all salt concentrations examined.
152 The proteins are active over a wide range of salt concentrations, exhibit slight lipid headgroup depe
153 s occurs gradually over an extended range of salt concentration following homopolymer formalism.
154 tantial acidification of pI and require high salt concentrations for cooperative folding.
155  At pH 7.4, physiological pH, the changes in salt concentration from 10 to 100 mM reduce the zeta pot
156 st, salty taste is unique in that increasing salt concentration fundamentally transforms an innately
157                         Intriguingly, at low salt concentrations, Gnd(+) was also found to stabilize
158 ic concentrations are typically different, a salt concentration gradient through a charged nanopore i
159           K- channels regulate transmembrane salt concentration gradients by transporting K(+) ions s
160 l with experiment with slight deviations for salt concentrations >200 mM and capture the observed tre
161                                    At higher salt concentrations (>1.5 M), GndSCN switched to stabili
162 lity over a wide pH range (4-12) and at high salt concentrations (>100 mM Na(+) or Mg(2+)), bright fl
163 olymer thickness by changing the polymer and salt concentration had a great influence on protein reso
164                            For example, high salt concentrations hamper disulfide bond reduction, nec
165 nearly with temperature and do not depend on salt concentration, i.e. duplex formation results in a c
166 ore, the response of the transition force to salt concentration implies that the two DNA strands are
167 greement between our dynamic measurements of salt concentration in a charging, millimeter-scale CDI s
168 npolymerized tubulin and is sensitive to the salt concentration in the binding buffer.
169 ndence of the binding affinity on monovalent salt concentration in the presence of force.
170 A polymerase (RNAP) with DNA is sensitive to salt concentration in vitro.
171 on of large factory fragments under isotonic salt concentrations in <72 h.
172 s observed in Arabidopsis occurred at higher salt concentrations in E. salsugineum.
173 us, under the influence of certain salts and salt concentrations in solution, cationic polymers, and
174 n of CagA synthesis in response to increased salt concentrations in the bacterial culture medium, and
175 The MDC generated higher current with higher salt concentrations in the desalination chamber.
176 e assessed uncertainty arising from elevated salt concentrations in water analyzed on a CRDS instrume
177 zeta potential falls from 0 to -50 mV as the salt concentration increases with the largest reduction
178 n-DNA interaction (i.e., enhanced binding as salt concentration increases).
179 otential is approximately +30 mV, but as the salt concentration increases, the zeta potential rises a
180 htest binding of the three structures as the salt concentration increases.
181      This inhibitory effect decreases as the salt concentration increases.
182 transmembrane field, long-range Coulomb, and salt-concentration-independent, short-range forces, we f
183 en, and the affinity is greatly dependent on salt concentration, indicating that electrostatic intera
184 cantly across all layers such that increased salt concentrations induce negative potentials.
185       We show here that a modest increase in salt concentration induces SGK1 expression, promotes IL-
186  analyses suggest that both polymer type and salt concentration influenced the morphology and microme
187 ariant in dilute solution but increasing the salt concentration inside E. coli does not fold the prot
188 he electrolyte, NPs pairs at high monovalent salt concentrations interact via remarkably strong long-
189                     Plant adaptation to high salt concentrations involves integrated functions, inclu
190       Site diffusion strongly depends on the salt concentration (ionic strength) of the environment,
191 ate (HAuCl43H2O) is reported, where the gold salt concentration is adjustable on demand from zero to
192  the influence of temperature, pressure, and salt concentration is essential for understanding protei
193 nnel is salted-out more efficiently when the salt concentration is higher at the trans side of the po
194 al dependence of Henry's Law coefficients on salt concentration, is of particular importance to predi
195                                       At low salt concentrations, it binds high-affinity cognate DNA
196 ctric double layer (EDL) is altered in a low salt concentration (LC) electrolyte (e.g., river water).
197          Neither temperature nor protein and salt concentration lead to marked changes in the pressur
198  salt solutions (KCl, NaCl and CaCl2) at low salt concentrations (&lt;10(-4) M) showed several orders of
199                     Remarkably, while at low salt concentrations (&lt;10mM) precipitation temperatures (
200 l), with respect to the logarithm of the 1:1 salt concentration, [M(+)], for 33 cationic minor groove
201   Microorganisms for biomining with seawater salt concentrations obviously exist in nature.
202 ithmic dependences of proton affinity versus salt concentration of -0.96 +/- 0.03 and -0.52 +/- 0.01
203                                Maintaining a salt concentration of 0.2 M NaCl or 18 mM MgCl(2) is suf
204 2%, at 18 degrees C, and for hybrid "Bravo": salt concentration of 1%, at 20 degrees C.
205 cetate flow rate of 0.8 mL.min(-1), influent salt concentration of 15 g.L(-1) and salt solution flow
206 lyamines content, for "Futoski" cabbage was: salt concentration of 2%, at 18 degrees C, and for hybri
207 ositive or negative chemotaxis) to reach the salt concentration of previous growth (the set point).
208                               An increase in salt concentration of the adsorption solutions for films
209  the intrinsic properties of the DBP and the salt concentration of the medium, but also by the in viv
210 is a nonmonotonic function of the monovalent salt concentration of the solution, contrary to predicti
211                    Given the relatively high salt concentration of urine, marine bacteria would be pa
212 d follistatin was much more sensitive to all salt concentrations of >150 mM.
213                     However, in the elevated salt concentrations of the DNA detection assay, the targ
214  the effects of flow, lipid composition, and salt concentration on Min patterning.
215 of the nanopore shape, solution pH, and bulk salt concentration on the associated ion current rectifi
216 vestigate and quantify the effects of pH and salt concentration on the charge regulation of the bacte
217               We find that by decreasing the salt concentration or increasing the total charge on the
218 omplished using alkaline solutions with high salt concentrations or deionized (DI) water.
219 rength, but can be sidestepped by increasing salt concentrations or diluting the components.
220 y either removal of the histone tails at low salt concentrations or disruption of the interaction of
221 nditions that allow DNA breathing, i.e., low salt concentrations or negatively supercoiled DNA templa
222          Phase separation is promoted by low salt concentrations or RNA.
223 H operating range, limited tolerance to high salt concentrations, or/and high cost.
224 ze, and tolerance to a wide pH range or high salt concentration over time.
225 tal variables: temperature, incubation time, salt concentration, pH, lipid composition and liposome m
226                                       At low salt concentrations, positively charged PNA binds more s
227 hich is attributed to the high acid and bile salt concentrations present.
228 ay weaker binding affinities with increasing salt concentrations primarily reflected by changes in th
229 nsity at the membrane surface, and increased salt concentration promote the speed and yield of vesicl
230    It is well established that physiological salt concentrations promote actin assembly and alter the
231 of NaCl induces two different behaviors: low-salt concentrations provide an attractive stimulus, wher
232 ge 304-433 K, pressure range 74-500 bar, and salt concentration range 0-7 m (NaCl equivalent), using
233 ivity and Li(+) transference number over the salt concentration range 0.78-1.27 M from a pseudo-3D co
234 al standard molar Gibbs energy change in the salt concentration range 10-50mM.
235 bed 2D-equilibrated coils; (b) in a moderate salt concentration range, the polymer coil shrinks and a
236                 Across the relatively narrow salt concentration ranges often used to obtain salt link
237 t photochemical processes, yet the impact of salt concentrations relevant to estuarine and marine env
238 godeoxynucleotides and find that at moderate salt concentration, removal of the acidic C-terminal end
239  is fully entropic and its dependence on the salt concentration represents the number of ionic contac
240                                   Increasing salt concentration results in decreased dimer stability
241                           Near physiological salt concentrations, RNA conformation is sensitive to bo
242     When purified from E. coli at a moderate salt concentration, Sen1-HD was associated with short RN
243 ion of the histone tails with 601 DNA at low salt concentrations shifts the guanine damage spectrum t
244    Comparison of SAXS curves at high and low salt concentration shows that R10 self-associates, while
245  Particle size distribution at increasing pH salt concentration shows the average size distribution o
246                                       Higher salt concentration significantly reduced the amount of n
247                                           At salt concentrations smaller than 1.5 M, the second mode
248  on free volume, such as number of bilayers, salt concentration, solution pH, and molecular weight, h
249                               Increasing the salt concentrations still further, however, does not mak
250 uble species in atmospheric waters with high salt concentrations, such as aerosols.
251 roteins on membranes are insensitive to high salt concentrations, suggesting a nonelectrostatic compo
252 C4BP was unaffected by increasing heparin or salt concentrations, suggesting primarily nonionic inter
253 nexpectedly, the extension is independent of salt concentration, suggestive of a nonelectrostatic ori
254 ental transfer are strongly dependent on the salt concentration, supporting a jumping mechanism that
255 ation (i.e., high temperature, pressure, and salt concentration (T-P-X)) is crucial when this technol
256 gonal lysozyme crystals as a function of pH, salt concentration, temperature, and protein concentrati
257                                 Variation of salt concentration, temperature, polymer concentration,
258 at d-AuNPs are stable in a five-fold greater salt concentration than citrate-capped AuNPs and the d-A
259 molecule varies significantly more weakly on salt concentration than mean-field predictions.
260 more susceptible to the environmental pH and salt concentrations than BR.
261 sing NMR chemical-shift mapping at different salt concentrations, that the tail has a higher affinity
262 ing the temperature dependence of melting on salt concentration, the bias between open and stacked co
263                              With increasing salt concentration, the retention of diacetyl was decrea
264                                    At higher salt concentration, the simultaneous unfolding of the ab
265                                      At high salt concentrations, the AmPrbetaCD blockage of the chan
266              At physiologically relevant low salt concentrations, the conductance of the tubulin-bloc
267                                 For moderate salt concentrations, the negative derivative, SK(pred),
268                       At physiologically low salt concentrations, the on-rate is decreased by the cha
269                                    At higher salt concentrations, the Pi deprivation response prevail
270  as adsorbed 3D-projected coils; (c) at high salt concentrations, the polymer coils reexpand and the
271                          We show that at low salt concentrations there is a sharp increase in long-ra
272                   However, at medium to high salt concentrations, this trend is reversed, and negativ
273 DNA as a function of sequence and monovalent salt concentration to examine the effects of base-stacki
274 n interactions-and systematically varied the salt concentration to study the effective interactions i
275 s on DNA; however, a systematic variation of salt concentrations to explore these effects has not bee
276                                         High salt concentrations together with anaerobic conditions c
277                Remarkably, especially at low salt concentrations, trehalose considerably elevates the
278 hat are stable to changes in temperature and salt concentration, undergo pH-induced cycles of growth
279 TP-FtsZ polymers previously observed at high salt concentration was maintained in all KCl concentrati
280 on of the genes encoding the pathway by high salt concentrations was established by transcriptomics,
281  response to dynamically modifying the local salt concentration, we report two salt-induced transitio
282 aracteristics of the two proteins at varying salt concentrations, we show that the ionic strength mak
283                       As expected, increased salt concentrations weaken the binding of RT to DNA whil
284 es as a result of variations in pH value and salt concentration were determined for purified vicilin,
285 ation solvent, ultrasonic applying time, and salt concentration were optimised by using a half-fracti
286 toichiometry of the complex, surfactant, and salt concentrations were evaluated.
287 e extraction medium pH, CM concentration and salt concentrations were found to have different influen
288                                         High salt concentrations were used to establish the electrost
289  conditions of acid pH or high environmental salt concentrations, when general transcription of vacA
290 lactoglobulin was most complete at 100mM KCl salt concentration, where the droplets were large enough
291 in-excess complexes can exist at these lower salt concentrations, where the distribution of complexes
292 c repulsion between helices dominates at low salt concentration, whereas junction sequence effects de
293 h the on- and off-rates are functions of the salt concentration, whereas the applied voltage affects
294 e x-ray radius of gyration Rg increased with salt concentration, whereas the neutron Rg values remain
295 ctive potential well at intermediate-to-high salt concentrations, which demonstrates that electrolyte
296 FAC also predicted a dependence of KS on the salt concentrations, which is not observed in the experi
297 e significantly diminished by an increase in salt concentration while only slightly decreased with an
298 ally does not depend on the lipid charge and salt concentration with the effective gating charge stay
299 re Al2O3 generally decreased with increasing salt concentration, with the exception of the polyacryli
300 d long-term stability in solutions with high salt concentrations without aggregation or silver etchin

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