


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o be upregulated by high light intensity and salt stress.
2 ontent, was greater in gr3 than the WT under salt stress.
3 ascular bundles with altered S:G ratio under salt stress.
4 ing molecule regulating adaptive response to salt stress.
5 ndividual isoforms in seed germination under salt stress.
6 ing and result in altered germination during salt stress.
7 ne 3-hydroxylase (CsF3H) encoding gene under salt stress.
8 growing tissues allowing tomato growth under salt stress.
9 nt and photosystem II activity than WT under salt stress.
10 rs in the control of seed germination during salt stress.
11 tios in shoots of seedlings grown under mild salt stress.
12 acuoles from young leaves is unchanged under salt stress.
13 (35S:ERF1) were more tolerant to drought and salt stress.
14 sis but rather its regulation in response to salt stress.
15 ession of OsGR3 but not OsGR1 was induced by salt stress.
16  moderate low water potential (psi(w)) or to salt stress.
17 ic stress conditions such as dehydration and salt stress.
18 well as leaf photosynthetic efficiency under salt stress.
19 o confer inappropriate activation of Kss1 by salt stress.
20  response to stress and are more tolerant to salt stress.
21 fungus, as well as in the growth response to salt stress.
22 d levels of ROS, and enhanced sensitivity to salt stress.
23 a(+) is accompanied by K(+) deficiency under salt stress.
24 ies accumulation in seedlings in response to salt stress.
25 fungus Botrytis cinerea and less tolerant to salt stress.
26 use of its high capacity to tolerate extreme salt stress.
27 bility and sensitivity of seeds and roots to salt stress.
28 iR398 was first induced upon 3-4 h of ABA or salt stress.
29 te" impairs the ability of cells to overcome salt stress.
30 nosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (APR), by salt stress.
31 ting that the interaction may be enhanced by salt stress.
32 rabidopsis thaliana plants hypersensitive to salt stress.
33 e nucleus in response to alkaline pH but not salt stress.
34 a key role in regulating ion transport under salt stress.
35 , and gpat5 seedlings had lower tolerance to salt stress.
36  increased sensitivity to lower humidity and salt stress.
37 ive oxygen species (ROS), particularly under salt stress.
38 2 and AtDi19-4 increased in response to high-salt stress.
39 nscription regulation in plants subjected to salt stress.
40 can grow under conditions of heat, acid, and salt stress.
41 t length and decreased tolerance to moderate salt stress.
42 ells, and are frequently shed during extreme salt stress.
43  plays a critical role in yeast subjected to salt stress.
44 einase inhibitor accumulation in response to salt stress.
45 compared to control plants under drought and salt stress.
46  to be induced by nutrient starvation and/or salt stress.
47 ificantly to increasing [Ca2+]cyt upon acute salt stress.
48 ncrease [Ca2+]cyt in response to chilling or salt stress.
49 , and this acetylation did not change during salt stress.
50 histone acetylation was observed only during salt stress.
51 pression significantly increases only during salt stress.
52 metabolites and ions conferring tolerance to salt stress.
53  a critical role for OsOTS1 SUMO protease in salt stress.
54  were associated with altered sensitivity to salt stress.
55 nd uncovered a potential role for this TF in salt stress.
56  Pi levels modulate responses of the root to salt stress.
57 s conditions such as nitrogen starvation and salt stress.
58 wer germination capacities under osmotic and salt stress.
59 xpressing miRNVL5 showed hypersensitivity to salt stress.
60 onsible for the cell's ability to respond to salt stress.
61 he downstream responses to fungal attack and salt stress.
62 to investigate and compare their response to salt stress.
63 differential expression of OsBZ8 gene during salt stress.
64  involved in regulation of plant response to salt stress.
65 dynamic nature of physiological responses to salt stress.
66 and negative control of gene expression upon salt stress.
67 ing dwarfism and hypersensitivity to osmotic/salt stress.
68 n the control wheat plants under drought and salt stresses.
69 o demonstrated more tolerance to drought and salt stresses.
70 e and promote plant tolerance to drought and salt stresses.
71 ally regulated by ABA, cold, dehydration and salt stresses.
72 ze plants subjected to prolonged drought and salt stresses.
73 ees C over 5 min and in response to an acute salt stress (0.333 m NaCl).
74 anges in gene expression due to a non-lethal salt stress (100 mm NaCl) in the nhx1 plants were signif
75                        However, under severe salt stress (100 mM NaCl), sos1 mutant plants accumulate
76                           Exposure to a high salt stress (150 mM NaCl) triggered a rapid repression o
77                                   Under mild salt stress (25 mM NaCl), sos1 mutant shoot accumulated
78  harvested at control (0 mM NaCl) and severe salt stress (300 mM NaCl) in P. indica-colonized and non
79                                However, mild salt stress (50 mm NaCl) strongly inhibited root-cell K(
80                                        Under salt stress (50-400 mM NaCl), miRNVL5 expression was rep
81 ow Pi dampened the inhibiting effect of mild salt stress (75 mm) on all measured RSA components.
82 1 is unable to accumulate anthocyanins under salt stress, a key phenotype of sos3-1 under high NaCl l
83 alsa to be enriched in genes contributing to salt stress acclimatization, nutrient solubilization and
84 h rapid and gradual increases of ethanol and salt stress across the genome.
85 n important role for metabolic adjustment in salt stress adaptation in S. oneidensis.
86  Together, these results indicate that plant salt stress adaptation involves ER stress signal regulat
87 ecotype Columbia-0 accession of Arabidopsis, salt stress affected MR elongation more severely than LR
88 of both RNA and DNA helicases suggested that salt stress affected the stability of nucleic acid base
89                                              Salt stress also alters plant ion homeostasis, and under
90 ution and regulation of AtNHX1 expression by salt stress and abscisic acid (ABA).
91 gh levels of SUMO-conjugated proteins during salt stress and are highly salt sensitive; however, in n
92 ut the possible roles of functional OsGR3 in salt stress and biotic stress tolerance.
93 ealed the involvement of WxL operons in bile salt stress and endocarditis pathogenesis.
94 quired for a fast MT disassembly response to salt stress and for salt stress tolerance.
95 verexpression of CsF3H provided tolerance to salt stress and fungus A. solani infection to transgenic
96 -3-ols in tobacco and conferred tolerance to salt stress and fungus Alternaria solani infection.
97                                              Salt stress and high light intensity accelerated biosynt
98 coordinating changes in ion transport during salt stress and in promoting salt tolerance.
99  alters plant development and improves plant salt stress and nitrogen (N) deficiency tolerance.
100          sos6-1 plants are hypersensitive to salt stress and osmotic stress imposed by mannitol or po
101 analysis indicates a role for PIAL1 and 2 in salt stress and osmotic stress responses, whereas under
102 s stability is substantially increased under salt stress and other ionic and dehydration stresses.
103 as putative factors integrating responses to salt stress and Pi starvation.
104 nCaK does not impair growth under osmotic or salt stress and that SynCaK is not involved in the regul
105 pes, the expression of OsPCF2 in roots under salt stress and the OsNIN-like4 in roots subjected to PE
106 K cascade signal during the initial phase of salt stress and translates the salt-induced signal into
107 ction of the two pigmented antibiotics under salt-stressed and normal conditions in submerged cultiva
108 hosts, stimulating their growth, alleviating salt stress, and inducing local and systemic resistance
109 tion, more severe water loss in shoots under salt stress, and slower removal of Na(+) from the root a
110  its representative target, CSD1, by ABA and salt stresses, and raise the possibility that regulation
111 on, we undertook a transcriptional screen of salt stressed Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) roots.
112 ory responses to different carbon sources or salt stresses are more moderate, but we find numerous di
113 ous stress treatments, including drought and salt stress, are able to induce stromule formation in th
114 biomass production and increased yield under salt stress as compared to wild type plants.
115 LH112 that is up-regulated under drought and salt stresses, as indicated by previous microarray data
116 HsfB2b function is important during heat and salt stress because HsfB2b overexpression sustains circa
117 ect in anthocyanin production in response to salt stress but not to other stresses such as high light
118 OI expression was enhanced by B. cinerea and salt stress but repressed by the plant hormone gibberell
119 n ompU deletion mutant was sensitive to bile salt stress but resistant to polymyxin B stress, indicat
120 n of ion homeostasis or cell expansion under salt stress, but do not play a major role in plant toler
121 eloped fewer and shorter lateral roots under salt stress, but not in control conditions.
122 me cellular responses are common to heat and salt stresses, but pretreatment with mild heat did not p
123 an the stomata of Arabidopsis and respond to salt stress by closing more tightly.
124 on of reactive oxygen species resulting from salt stress by participating in a new salt tolerance pat
125 tGSTU17 in adaptive responses to drought and salt stresses by functioning as a negative component of
126 ise mechanism, our findings demonstrate that salt stress can regulate the phage lysis-lysogeny switch
127                      We have discovered that salt stress causes the accumulation of proteinase inhibi
128  differentially regulated by plant hormones, salt stress, cold stress, and light/dark treatment.
129 ts deficient for SERF1 are more sensitive to salt stress compared with the wild type, while constitut
130 ed, plants were more tolerant to drought and salt stresses compared with wild-type plants.
131 hannel internalization act in concert during salt stress conditions to modulate aquaporin activity, t
132 t Arabidopsis accessions in control and mild salt stress conditions, different strategies for regulat
133                                        Under salt stress conditions, miRNA161 and miRNA173 were stabi
134                                        Under salt stress conditions, the N-terminal fragment of AtbZI
135 ranscription factors grown under control and salt stress conditions, we experimentally validated 141
136 c efficiency and lower membrane damage under salt stress conditions.
137 ion and electrolyte leakage under drought or salt stress conditions.
138 gs were grown on agar plates under different salt stress conditions.
139 to a substantial recovery in LR growth under salt stress conditions.
140 ynthetic genes such as F3H, F3'H and LDOX in salt stress conditions.
141 e for dynamic instability in the response to salt stress conditions.
142 plasma membrane during cold, dehydration and salt stress conditions.
143 n levels of many miRNAs were regulated under salt stress conditions.
144 -3-ols on pectin methyl esterification under salt stressed conditions was further validated through i
145 ity in roots and leaves under unstressed and salt stressed conditions.
146 eum vegetative development under control and salt-stress conditions, and then compared the metabolic
147                        Under both normal and salt-stress conditions, total GR activity was decreased
148 isrupted mitochondrial stress response under salt-stress conditions.
149 r HDA19 levels led to increased tolerance to salt stress corresponding to the increased ABA sensitivi
150 etr1 and etr2 loss-of-function mutants under salt stress could not be explained by differences in the
151                                              Salt-stress damage, a common occurrence in delta and coa
152 ut [Ca2+]cyt elevations in response to acute salt stress do not.
153 regulation by drought but down-regulation by salt stress, documenting how precisely transcript profil
154 ABA in root growth and survival tests and to salt stress during germination and at the vegetative sta
155     In the Deltafgk3 mutant, cold, heat, and salt stresses failed to induce the expression of the str
156                                       During salt stress, for instance, Na(+) and Cl(-) are sequester
157                   Earlier studies found that salt stress from increased tidal flooding prevented tree
158 ation to the nucleus and the upregulation of salt stress genes.
159 at in dual transgenics, ROS generated during salt stress gets converted into H2O2 by SOD and its opti
160 ulation of anthocyanins in plants exposed to salt stress has been largely documented.
161 r conditions of light stress, osmotic shock, salt stress, heat stress, and recovery from heat stress.
162  under multiple stress conditions, including salt stress; however, factors regulating this process ar
163 s transcriptionally regulated in response to salt stress in a salt-tolerant rice genotype (Hasawi), a
164 R isoforms, showing that APR is regulated by salt stress in an ABA-independent manner.
165                              The analysis of salt stress in another tomato mutant, spr-1, which carri
166 ion of HSFA4A results in hypersensitivity to salt stress in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).
167 hibition of endoreplication and tolerance to salt stress in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).
168 psdmt could enhance tolerance to drought and salt stress in Arabidopsis.
169 llular modifications are common responses to salt stress in both yeast and plants, we propose that pr
170 en shown to be involved in tolerance to mild salt stress in glycophytes such as Arabidopsis, wheat an
171 sis indicated a whole system response during salt stress in I. imperati, which included four metaboli
172 nic (wild) tobacco seedlings were exposed to salt stress in presence of flavan-3-ols, epicatechin and
173               AKT1 is apparently a target of salt stress in sos1 plants, resulting in poor growth due
174 22920, and AT3G49200), which were induced by salt stress in wild-type but repressed in miRNVL5-expres
175 al conditions and in response to drought and salt stresses in the staple plant Oryza sativa.
176                    The immediate response to salt stress included up-regulation of chemotaxis genes,
177 number of genes not previously implicated in salt stress, including ALD6, which encodes an NADP(+)-de
178 nsive alterations in the transcriptome under salt stress, including several genes such as ASCORBATE P
179  accumulation of proteinase inhibitors under salt stress, indicating that salt stress-induced accumul
180                                      ABA and salt stress induce AtHVA22b expression, but cold stress
181                                We found that salt stress induced a single Ca(2+) elevation that was m
182                            In the wild type, salt stress induced the snRNA-to-snR-DPG switch, which w
183 nhibitors under salt stress, indicating that salt stress-induced accumulation of proteinase inhibitor
184         Transcriptome analysis revealed that salt stress-induced genes are highly correlated with chi
185 d protein SPIRAL1 (SPR1) plays a key role in salt stress-induced MT disassembly.
186 in a salt-tolerant rice genotype (Hasawi), a salt-stress-induced cDNA expression library was construc
187                                        Thus, salt stress induces a signaling cascade involving the pr
188                               We report that salt stress induces an extended quiescent phase in poste
189          Instead, our evidence suggests that salt stress induces this lysogenic bacteriophage by inte
190 lt 1 (RAS1), revealed that it is an ABA- and salt stress-inducible gene and encodes a previously unde
191                                          The salt stress induction required both JA and ET signaling
192                                              Salt stress inhibited microsporogenesis and stamen filam
193                                              Salt stress is a major environmental factor influencing
194 he finely tuned transcriptional control upon salt stress is dependent on physiological functions of t
195 eased SUMO conjugation in rice plants during salt stress is in part achieved by down-regulation of OT
196 tion through V1-V(o) assembly in response to salt stress is strongly dependent on PI(3,5)P2 synthesis
197                           Early detection of salt stress is vital for plant survival and growth.
198 previously that acquired osmotolerance after salt stress is widespread among Arabidopsis thaliana acc
199                               In response to salt stress, it was found that myc-tagged AtbZIP17 was c
200 re expression profiles among the control and salt stressed leaf tissues.
201 increase in quaternary ammonium compounds in salt-stressed leaves of G lines, presumably due to the a
202                    Wild-type plants survived salt stress levels that were lethal to sos1 plants becau
203 ein is lacking in growth-inhibited leaves of salt-stressed maize.
204  acidification by feeding detached leaves of salt-stressed mutants with glucose or sucrose supported
205 mperature, exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), or salt stress (NaCl).
206 lel purification of samples from control and salt-stressed NTAP-SOS2/sos2-2 plants demonstrated that
207 a model system to investigate the effects of salt stress on allantoin metabolism and to know whether
208                    The anatomical effects of salt stress on maternal organs were distinct from those
209 ng plants showed higher tolerance to ABA and salt stress on plates and in soil, accumulating lower le
210                In Arabidopsis, the effect of salt stress on reproduction was examined using plants gr
211 e Pi deprivation response prevailed over the salt stress only for lateral root elongation.
212 ld provide the needed ion homeostasis during salt stress, opens the possibility of engineering crop p
213 noid pathway flux is required, such as under salt stress or upon sudden light intensity changes.
214 erance to environmental challenges including salt stress, osmotic stress and water deficit.
215 d are more resistant to hyperosmotic stress, salt stress, oxidative stress, freezing and desiccation.
216 l, the molecular processes controlling early salt stress perception and signaling are not fully under
217 2-12-fold in cDNA libraries constructed from salt stressed plants.
218 bundant in NTAP-SOS2 complexes isolated from salt-stressed plants, suggesting that the interaction ma
219             Changes in CYP79B2 expression in salt stress positively correlated with lateral root deve
220 d appears to have protective effects against salt stress potentially linked to its sodium transport a
221                   Ups5 knockout plants under salt stress presented a susceptible phenotype and altere
222                                              Salt stress reduced shoot fresh weight, dry weight, plan
223 cted 89 candidates out of the 1784 predicted salt stress-related genes with available SALK T-DNA muta
224      The mechanism by which plants cope with salt stress remains poorly understood.
225                                     Improved salt stress resistance is associated with increased wate
226 d CATs reveals a point of cross talk between salt stress response and other signaling factors includi
227 ase, has emerged as an important mediator of salt stress response and stress signaling through its in
228 redundant functions in the regulation of the salt stress response but opposite functions to control f
229 rectly upregulated the expression of several salt stress response genes, including the homeodomain tr
230                                          The salt stress response in Arabidopsis requires a subtilisi
231 wed us to develop a conceptual model for the salt stress response in D. vulgaris that can be compared
232 t of transporters putatively involved in the salt stress response in Picochlorum SE3.
233 urther suggests that OsEREBP2 is involved in salt stress response in rice.
234                                          The salt stress response includes a rapid depolymerization o
235 e suggests that ERF1 might be related to the salt stress response through ethylene signaling.
236 alization of SYP61, which is involved in the salt stress response, was disrupted in the tno1 mutant.
237 a previously uncharacterized role for SR1 in salt stress response.
238 by abscisic acid signaling compared with the salt stress response.
239 tion pathways and is itself regulated by the salt-stress response signalling machinery.
240 e describe a signaling pathway that mediates salt stress responses in Arabidopsis.
241  kinase described as a negative regulator of salt stress responses in rice.
242                   Previously, we showed that salt-stress-responsive GR3 is a functional protein local
243                                              Salt-stressed seedlings showed decreased uptake and tran
244  expression as a factor that may distinguish salt stress-sensitive and stress-tolerant lines.
245  decrease in salt tolerance and enhances the salt-stress sensitivity of sos1 mutant plants.
246 sults suggest that MusaPIP2;6 is involved in salt stress signaling and tolerance in banana.
247 aporin gene, MusaPIP2;6 which is involved in salt stress signaling in banana.
248 been shown to be a critical component of the salt stress signaling pathway.
249 ng TFIIIA transgenic lines under osmotic and salt stress, strong accordance between phenotypic and mo
250  did not hyperaccumulate H2O2 in response to salt stress, suggesting that it is altered signaling rat
251 s showed that SR1 mutant is more tolerant to salt stress than the wild type and complemented line.
252 ss treatment; under sub-lethal conditions of salt stress, the ratios of their seed germination and se
253                                        Under salt stress, the root tips of sos5 mutant plants swell a
254    Although roots are the primary targets of salt stress, the signaling networks that facilitate meta
255                                    Under the salt stress, the T3 of RNAi plants showed significant hi
256  response is essential for the adaptation to salt stress, the underlying molecular mechanism has rema
257  stark differences in adaptations to extreme salt stresses, the genomes of S. parvula and Arabidopsis
258 ry phase, and this level can be increased by salt stress through induction of sigma 38-dependent expr
259 es cerevisiae cells treated with and without salt stress to explore population variation and identify
260                         In the case of local salt stress to the Arabidopsis thaliana root, Ca(2+) wav
261 ensitive (SOS) pathway is critical for plant salt stress tolerance and has a key role in regulating i
262 echanisms that can aid in plant breeding for salt stress tolerance are therefore of great importance
263 expression of GhCHR in Arabidopsis conferred salt stress tolerance by reducing Na(+) accumulation in
264 s reveal that GR3 plays an important role in salt stress tolerance by regulating the GSH redox state
265 ent of these different metabolic pathways in salt stress tolerance is discussed.
266 ed as an important regulator of ABA-mediated salt stress tolerance.
267 we show that ATI1 is involved in Arabidopsis salt stress tolerance.
268 t a negative role of AtGSTU17 in drought and salt stress tolerance.
269  disassembly response to salt stress and for salt stress tolerance.
270 new insights into the function of SlCBL10 in salt stress tolerance.
271 that allantoin accumulation is essential for salt stress tolerance.
272       To learn more about the role of GR3 in salt-stress tolerance, we investigated the response to 1
273 ng an appropriate defense response to confer salt-stress tolerance.
274 ctors binding to the promoter of OsNHX1 in a salt stress tolerant rice genotype (Hasawi).
275 ctors binding to the promoter of OsNHX1 in a salt stress tolerant rice genotype (Hasawi).
276 and that the Na+ : K+ ratios were reduced in salt-stressed transgenic tissue when compared with the c
277 reased the tolerance of transgenic plants to salt stress treatment; under sub-lethal conditions of sa
278                                              Salt stress triggers a simultaneous transcriptional repr
279  this cassette, were not improved in cold or salt stress under the conditions tested.
280 dance of those proteins was analyzed against salt stress using gel-based two-dimensional proteomics a
281 ared the transcriptomes of I. imperati under salt stress vs. control to identify candidate genes and
282                                              Salt stress was also found to enhance the plant's respon
283                                  Response to salt stress was also investigated in 8 day-old seedlings
284               Upregulation of these genes by salt stress was blocked by T-DNA insertion mutations in
285 lation and cell specificity of OsAKT1 during salt stress was compared in rice lines showing different
286 ast, such dynamic regulation of miR398 under salt stress was completely absent in Arabidopsis, in whi
287 n of OsHKT1 in the two rice varieties during salt stress was different in various cell types with mai
288  regulation of miR398 in response to ABA and salt stress was more dynamic in plants than previously r
289 xpression analysis of genes expressed during salt stress was performed using a novel multiplexed quan
290  response of the transcriptome to sub-lethal salt stress was rapid and transient, leading to a burst
291 ticular gene families related to response to salt stress, water transport, growth, and defense respon
292 n, which is known to be highly induced under salt stress, we have used a Y1H system to screen a salt
293 blish which RSA parameters are responsive to salt stress, we performed a detailed time course experim
294  plants exposed to repetitive heat, cold, or salt stress were more resistant to virulent bacteria tha
295 d in Nonabokra plants even in the absence of salt stress, whereas in IR64, the expression significant
296 transgenic plants were also more tolerant of salt stress, which was correlated with reduced Na+ conte
297 ncrease in the ability to survive drought or salt stresses, which are similar to freezing in their in
298 ted resistance to necrotrophic infection and salt stress, while the pad2-1 mutant was sensitive.
299 ibited enhanced tolerance to dehydration and salt stresses, while the knockdown lines were susceptibl
300 comparison of plants grown in the absence of salt stress yielded many transcripts that were affected

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