


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in wild-type A. thaliana conferred increased salt tolerance.
2 inase activity of SOS2 is limiting for plant salt tolerance.
3 S1 to bring about sodium ion homeostasis and salt tolerance.
4 for the SOS2 C-terminal regulatory domain in salt tolerance.
5 motif resulted in more dramatic increases in salt tolerance.
6 ity of engineering crop plants with improved salt tolerance.
7 dium can partially rescue the sos4 defect in salt tolerance.
8 uolar Na+/H+ antiporter that is important in salt tolerance.
9 rin signaling to mediate ion homeostasis and salt tolerance.
10 SOS2 protein kinase activity is required for salt tolerance.
11 ding are required for SOS3 function in plant salt tolerance.
12 that are critical for SOS1 function in plant salt tolerance.
13    Moreover, it enhances the sensitivity and salt tolerance.
14 , were considered to play important roles in salt tolerance.
15 es the beneficial effect of calcium on plant salt tolerance.
16 t K+ nutrition that in turn is essential for salt tolerance.
17 nt deSUMOylation activity in rice nuclei for salt tolerance.
18 e members improve non-host plants growth and salt tolerance.
19 sfer with the xylem or have a direct role in salt tolerance.
20 rs (CCCs) have been implicated in conferring salt tolerance.
21 PRMT7 has unusual temperature dependence and salt tolerance.
22 wth, respiration-dependent ATP synthesis, or salt tolerance.
23 propriate expressional response resulting in salt tolerance.
24 achinery in the transgenic plants to provide salt tolerance.
25 +) homeostasis, endosomal pH regulation, and salt tolerance.
26 or obtaining transgenic plants with improved salt tolerance.
27 ponses were correlated with increased barley salt tolerance.
28           Passage through the plant restored salt tolerance.
29 ichoplusia ni (cabbage looper) and increased salt tolerance.
30 ediates a novel Ca(2+)-signaling pathway for salt tolerance.
31 ase, SOS2, play critical regulatory roles in salt tolerance.
32 ransport during salt stress and in promoting salt tolerance.
33 ss detoxification pathways involved in plant salt tolerance.
34 i and M103) rice subspecies with contrasting salt tolerance.
35  Na(+) from cells and is essential for plant salt tolerance.
36 , Glyma03g32900 is primarily responsible for salt-tolerance.
37         We used natural genetic variation in salt tolerance among different Arabidopsis accessions to
38             Reducing EMF1 activity increases salt tolerance, an effect that is diminished by introduc
39  plants overexpressing OsOTS1 have increased salt tolerance and a concomitant reduction in the levels
40 p a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for salt tolerance and abscisic acid (ABA) sensitivity durin
41        The rcd1mutation causes a decrease in salt tolerance and enhances the salt-stress sensitivity
42  binding caused by Hp55 is the basis for the salt tolerance and high processivity characteristic of D
43 her factors could be required to restore the salt tolerance and highly processive DNA synthesis typic
44 turgidum) L. subsp. durum known to differ in salt tolerance and Na(+) accumulation; the relatively sa
45  to two different sequences, designated STO (salt tolerance) and STZ (salt tolerance zinc finger), we
46  to 30% decrease in foliar phytate, enhanced salt tolerance, and decreased abscisic acid sensitivity.
47                 Potassium (K+) nutrition and salt tolerance are key factors controlling plant product
48 ms by which plants regulate K+ nutrition and salt tolerance are poorly understood.
49 titutive or inducible promoter led to higher salt tolerance as compared to equivalent untransformed c
50 l changes and exhibited enhanced drought and salt tolerance associated with increased leaf wax conten
51  impose low water potential stress, assay of salt tolerance based on root elongation, quantification
52 ress transcripts involved in ion balance and salt tolerance besides photosynthesis.
53 es associated with repairing UV-damaged DNA, salt tolerance, biofilm formation, heavy metal transport
54 e findings will create new opportunities for salt tolerance breeding programs.
55 l halves of CAX variants with CAX1 conferred salt tolerance but no apparent Ca(2+) transport.
56 in DhPpz1p that is essential for its role in salt tolerance but not in other physiological processes.
57 ine (Vitis vinifera [Vvi]) CCC has a role in salt tolerance by cloning and functionally characterizin
58 est that SR1 acts as a negative regulator of salt tolerance by directly repressing the expression of
59 n kinase that regulates different aspects of salt tolerance by interacting with distinct CBL calcium
60 s a signal regulatory molecule that mediates salt tolerance by modulating Na+ homeostasis.
61   Thus, it is proposed that SlCBL10 mediates salt tolerance by regulating Na(+) and Ca(2+) fluxes in
62 er-expression of HvHKT2;1 leads to increased salt tolerance by reinforcing the salt-including behavio
63                                  It provides salt tolerance by removing excess intracellular sodium (
64                       Here, we use a pair of salt tolerance-conferring transcription factors, DWARF A
65             These results show that improved salt tolerance could be achieved by limiting Na+ accumul
66          Expression of NTAP-SOS2 rescued the salt tolerance defect of sos2-2 plants, indicating that
67 he observation that E. salsugineum maintains salt tolerance despite growth platform-specific phenotyp
68 brane Na+/H+ antiporter in Arabidopsis, is a salt tolerance determinant crucial for the maintenance o
69 demonstrate that pyridoxal kinase is a novel salt tolerance determinant important for the regulation
70      These results indicate that AtHKT1 is a salt tolerance determinant that controls Na(+) entry and
71 liana vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter AtNHX1 is a salt tolerance determinant.
72 ut experimentation in yeast confirms it as a salt tolerance determinant.
73                                  To identify salt tolerance determinants, a genetic screen for salt o
74 icate AtNHX2 and 5, together with AtNHX1, as salt tolerance determinants, and indicate that AtNHX2 ha
75                                  To identify salt tolerance determinants, we screened for double muta
76                                      Besides salt tolerance, DhPPZ1 also had role in cell wall integr
77 at RAS1 functions as a negative regulator of salt tolerance during seed germination and early seedlin
78  CBL10 protein physically interacts with the salt-tolerance factor CIPK24 (SOS2), and the CBL10-CIPK2
79                       To further investigate salt tolerance factors regulated by the SOS pathway, we
80  analysis in rice varieties with contrasting salt tolerance further suggests that OsEREBP2 is involve
81                                          The salt tolerance gene SOS3 (for salt overly sensitive3) of
82                      Identification of major salt tolerance genes and marker assisted selection (MAS)
83 of the unfolded protein response and reduces salt tolerance, highlighting the role of OS9 during ER s
84 fied a B-BOX (BBX)-containing protein, BBX25/SALT TOLERANCE HOMOLOG, as an interacting partner of HY5
85    We further show that BBX32 interacts with SALT TOLERANCE HOMOLOG2/BBX21, another B-box protein pre
86 ignal pathway to mediate ion homeostasis and salt tolerance implicates AD06C08/unknown, VSP2, SAMT, 6
87 a membrane Na+/H+ antiporter, improves plant salt tolerance in A. thaliana.
88 he Salt-Overly-Sensitive pathway (SOS1-3) to salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and demonstrated
89 serine/threonine protein kinase required for salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.
90 he salt overly sensitive pathway (SOS1-3) to salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.
91 for sodium and potassium ion homeostasis and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis.
92 in CBL10 functions as a crucial regulator of salt tolerance in Arabidopsis.
93  C. albicans genomic sequences that increase salt tolerance in C. dubliniensis.
94 inform our understanding of the evolution of salt tolerance in crop plants.
95 lthough they are an important determinant of salt tolerance in fungi, their physiological role remain
96    To identify the genetic loci that control salt tolerance in higher plants, a large-scale screen wa
97 al for K+ nutrition, K+/Na+ selectivity, and salt tolerance in higher plants.
98 and metabolic regulatory networks conferring salt tolerance in P. indica-colonized barley plants.
99 control of intracellular ion homeostasis and salt tolerance in plants.
100 ers provide a potent mechanism for mediating salt tolerance in plants.
101           We demonstrate that OsOTS1 confers salt tolerance in rice by increasing root biomass.
102                    The genetic resources for salt tolerance in rice germplasm exist but are underutil
103  by others as a major source of variation in salt tolerance in rice.
104 g alanine scanning mutagenesis and examining salt tolerance in sod2-deficient S. pombe.
105 ng transcriptional variation associated with salt tolerance in the resulting populations.
106 ribution of SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE1 (SOS1) to salt tolerance in Thellungiella halophila, we sequenced
107 of MsPRP2 in alfalfa roots and contribute to salt tolerance in these plants.
108 inity tolerance, which provide evidence that salt tolerance in this halophyte can be significantly af
109 gesting adaptive geographical divergence for salt tolerance in this species.
110  tobacco gene NtHSF-1, to the improvement of salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants.
111 ly sufficient for activation of SOS1 and for salt tolerance in vivo and in planta and that the kinase
112 sing both CAX1 and CAX3 mediated lithium and salt tolerance in yeast, and these phenotypes could not
113 thesis pathway might play a role in systemic salt-tolerance in leaf tissue induced by the root-coloni
114 ements for acid tolerance, and partially for salt tolerance, in S. mutans lacking yidC2 and that S. m
115 r of Arabidopsis, plays an important role in salt tolerance, ion homeostasis and development.
116 s that one of the factors that limits barley salt tolerance is the capacity to translocate Na+ to the
117 found that the use of Parafilm increased the salt tolerance limits for the 17-, 41-, and 85mers studi
118                                          The salt tolerance locus SOS1 from Arabidopsis has been show
119 ified locus, SOS2, and one allele of a third salt tolerance locus, SOS3.
120       Pyramiding different components of the salt tolerance mechanism may lead to superior salt-toler
121 lity to regulate different components of the salt tolerance mechanism.
122  Based on these results, a genetic model for salt tolerance mechanisms in Arabidopsis is presented in
123 sponse to salt shock and elucidate the early salt tolerance mechanisms in P. euphratica.
124 -activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade and salt tolerance-mediating TFs.
125 lant, as a guide to efforts toward improving salt tolerance of plants for increasing the production o
126 oss of function contributes to the increased salt tolerance of Sha.
127                                          The salt tolerance of sos1, sos2, and sos3 mutants correlate
128                                          The salt tolerance of sos2 was restored to normal levels by
129 ble to reduce Na(+) accumulation and improve salt tolerance of the mutant cells.
130 (yeast) and in A. thaliana and evaluated the salt tolerance of the transgenic organisms.
131 portant role of PaSOD and RaAPX in enhancing salt tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis via increased a
132 on (Na(+)) efflux transporters and increased salt tolerance of wild-type Arabidopsis.
133 human anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 increased salt tolerance of wild-type yeast strain and calcineurin
134              Truncated NtSLT1 also increased salt tolerance of wild-type yeast, indicating functional
135 SlZF2 delayed senescence and improved tomato salt tolerance, particularly by maintaining photosynthes
136 g from salt stress by participating in a new salt tolerance pathway that may involve SOS2 but not SOS
137 t CBL10 and CIPK24 (SOS2) constitute a novel salt-tolerance pathway that regulates the sequestration/
138 ansport, whereas the C-terminal half defines salt tolerance phenotypes.
139 TNO1 is involved in vacuolar trafficking and salt tolerance, potentially via roles in vesicle fusion
140                    Our approach to raise the salt tolerance, processivity, and thermostability of Taq
141                                              Salt tolerance produced by STZ appeared to be partially
142                The expression levels of some salt tolerance related genes (BoiProH, BoiPIP2;2, BoiPIP
143 of NaCl (up to 400 mm), the highest level of salt tolerance reported so far among genetically modifie
144                                    This high salt tolerance resembles the activity of halobacterial e
145 A, which contributed 11.23 and 18.79% of the salt tolerance respectively.
146 cus tauri, a species with a limited range of salt tolerance, reveals the enrichment of transporters p
147        To understand the role of glycerol in salt tolerance, salt-tolerant suppressor mutants were is
148                                              Salt tolerance (ST) index of the genotypes ranged from 0
149  bisphosphorylated nucleotides in regulating salt tolerance, sulfur assimilation, detoxification, and
150  resulted in Arabidopsis lines with enhanced salt tolerance than wild type plants, as indicated by re
151 y thought to have an important role in plant salt tolerance, the sos1 mutant and the wild type were c
152 a vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase (AVP1) confers salt tolerance to the salt-sensitive ena1 mutant of Sacc
153 or quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping for salt tolerance traits and mineral concentrations under s
154 nome-wide association studies (GWAS) for six salt tolerance traits identify 11 significant loci, 4 of
155 and provided good reproducibility and a high salt tolerance, underscoring the potential application o
156 ubsequently shown to be sufficient to confer salt tolerance upon C. dubliniensis.
157 fflux in yeast, whereas the effect of STO on salt tolerance was independent of ENA1/PMR2.
158 -associated molecular pattern) have improved salt tolerance, was observed in Arabidopsis, but is not
159           To investigate the role of LCT1 in salt tolerance we have used the yeast strain G19, which
160  transgenic plants exhibiting high levels of salt tolerance were regenerated from bombarded cell cult
161 ed in defective proteins that did not confer salt tolerance when reintroduced into S. pombe.
162 n and VSP2 are postulated to be effectors of salt tolerance whereas CCR1, SAMT, COR6.6/KIN2, and STZ
163  with AtPMT1 essential for normal growth and salt tolerance, whereas AtPMT2 and AtPMT3 overlap functi
164 cies, has considerable genetic variation for salt tolerance within the cultivated gene pool.
165  regulated 6.6/inducible2 [COR6.6/KIN2], and salt tolerance zinc finger [STZ]) was induced and the ab
166 es, designated STO (salt tolerance) and STZ (salt tolerance zinc finger), were found to increased tol

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