


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  17-mum polyoxymethylene equilibrium passive samplers).
2 al depletion layer around an in situ passive sampler.
3 d samples obtained employing the high-volume sampler.
4 hich acts as a long-term passive atmospheric sampler.
5 nally collected by means of an electrostatic sampler.
6 ccumulate, resulting in a useful passive air sampler.
7 OM and checked the efficiency of the passive sampler.
8 ecies that are too large to migrate into the sampler.
9 ng a Tekran Model 1110 two port synchronized sampler.
10 ry-February 2012 using a PM(2.5) high-volume sampler.
11 plant inspections, pitfall traps and suction sampler.
12 ent samples collected from a constant volume sampler.
13  inlet up to the ionization and reaching the sampler.
14  migration of the dissolved species into the samplers.
15 n comparison with four commercial bioaerosol samplers.
16 uring the main pulse observed in the passive samplers.
17 with silicone wristbands as personal passive samplers.
18 rough the sediments was monitored using wick samplers.
19 y been measured at Zeppelin with passive air samplers.
20  measurement than reported for other passive samplers.
21 ance reference compounds (PRCs) from passive samplers.
22 st conventional polyurethane foam (PUF) disk samplers.
23 ring which ozone was measured using personal samplers.
24 tes of spin glasses differently than thermal samplers.
25 10 m using passive aeolian airborne sediment samplers.
26 -effective compared to current polar passive samplers.
27 ing over the course of the deployment of the samplers.
28 s riparius bioaccumulation tests and passive samplers.
29 e of equilibrium POPs reached in the passive samplers.
30 oids (<1%) were detected in the deepest wick sampler (2.14 m depth) 2.5 months after application and
31                                     The VAMS sampler absorbs a fixed volume of blood ( approximately
32                             However, passive sampler accumulation factors were lower than BSAFs.
33 ter were measured using polyethylene passive samplers across Lakes Erie and Ontario during summer and
34  an order of magnitude in the static passive sampler after the same deployment time.
35 ties related to model parametrization (e.g., sampler-air partition coefficients, the influence of win
36                                A multi-level sampler allows extraction of soil-gas samples from 20 lo
37                                The new field sampler allows SPME fibers and silicone hollow fibers to
38                  Coalescence-based genealogy samplers also indicated that P. triticina on A. speltoid
39                                   In passive samplers, an increase of PAH concentrations by up to sev
40           It comprised a towed Fish underway sampler and a modified reverse flow injection analysis s
41 A was collected using a particle into liquid sampler and analyzed offline using state-of-the-art mass
42 hip between the sampling rate of the passive sampler and GOM concentrations was used to estimate dry
43 residential bedroom air collected by passive sampler and in sieved vacuum dust (<150 mum).
44 mpounds (PRCs) that are diffusing out of the sampler and into the sediment.
45 lternative methods based on elliptical slice sampler and Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm.
46                       We present a Boltzmann sampler and obtain the a priori probability of specific
47 confirm that equilibrium was reached between sampler and sediment.
48 m, we find evidence for co-variation between sampler and sensor, hinting towards an 'optimization' fo
49 ing system, which is equipped with a syringe sampler and sensors for the measurement of standard para
50  bark makes an excellent passive atmospheric sampler and that spatial analysis of tree bark POPs conc
51  with particles collected by passive aerosol samplers and analyzed by computer-controlled scanning el
52 call for comparative studies between passive samplers and further research on plant bioavailability.
53                             Silicone passive samplers and macroinvertebrates were used to measure tim
54 of 2-4 rings, were found in silicone passive samplers and macroinvertebrates.
55 les that were collected using Bio-VOC breath samplers and subsequently transferred to automatic therm
56  found between PAH concentrations in passive samplers and the amount of rainfall in the study area, i
57     Tests were done to better understand the samplers and the materials used.
58 ents, unaccounted for disequilibrium between samplers and water, or different time scales over which
59 ar subsurface sample where roots act as the "sampler' and are already onsite.
60 dissolved fraction (measured using a passive sampler) and the total PAH concentration (which includes
61 chlordane concentration in polyethylene (PE) samplers, and contaminant extractability by Arenicola br
62 mpling (GAPS) Network to develop passive air samplers applicable to a wide-range of compounds, sorben
63                         Prior to the passive sampler application, sorption of the chemicals to the fi
64 iffusive gradient in thin-film (DGT) passive samplers are frequently used to monitor the concentratio
65                         Single-phase passive samplers are gaining acceptance as a method to measure h
66                                 Most passive samplers are nonideal for sampling such systems because
67  To measure EPFRs in PM samples, high volume samplers are required and measurements are less represen
68  column experiment of uptake in polyethylene samplers are within a factor of 2 for parent- and alkyla
69                  We present a "capillary gap sampler" as a platform for directly connecting microflui
70                       The use of NTs as spot samplers, as well as a passive sampler under controlled
71 cted using a wind direction-actuated ChemVol sampler at a single site 100 m from Interstate-96 in Det
72 nd colocated with a federal reference method sampler at three sites and for 5 weeks in summer 2009 an
73 86 by gravitational pollen sampler, Durham's sampler, at more than 20 locations in the Japanese Islan
74 taneously collected using passive and active samplers: at sites in Chicago, Lancaster, UK, and Toront
75 s also sampled with a conventional automatic sampler (Auto) and by grab (Grab) sampling.
76 ter, or different time scales over which the samplers average.
77                          Unfortunately, most samplers being used for environmental assessment and mon
78  the speciation of the Hg accumulated on the sampler binding layer, and the results indicated that Hg
79 al area in Germany, collected by the passive sampler Blue Rayon.
80 ectors (IVs) from a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler by conditioning on genotypes from a sparse set o
81      This significantly reduces the need for sampler calibration, making o-DGT more widely applicable
82 re comparable with those for another passive sampler called POCIS.
83           In this study, a passive diffusion sampler, called "peeper", was combined with Compound Spe
84                                      Passive samplers can be used in the field (i.e., in situ) to mea
85                                      Passive samplers can be useful tools for determining truly disso
86 particles (smaller than the pore size of DGT samplers) can be abundant in certain environments, yet t
87                   The suitability of passive samplers (Chemcatcher) as an alternative to grab samplin
88 es decreased 30% when comparing results from samplers closest to active wells to those farthest from
89 es decreased 30% when comparing results from samplers closest to active wells to those farthest.
90 e for Occupational Safety and Health aerosol samplers collected size-fractionated aerosols for 60 min
91 es a higher transport efficiency through the sampler cone.
92         Investigated here is a novel passive sampler configuration, the Chemcatcher containing an Atl
93 ake periods, some current passive and active sampler configurations may underestimate certain SVOCs b
94 on (WSOC) and BrC using particle-into-liquid sampler coupled with a liquid waveguide capillary cell a
95 ny advantages compared with other bioaerosol samplers currently on the market: a potential for long s
96 ntire exhaust sampled into a constant volume sampler (CVS).
97 t two sites was calculated using the passive sampler data and a multiple-resistance model.
98             The consequence was that the DGT sampler data underestimated the dissolved metal concentr
99 ing, given the uncertainty in the active air sampler data used as input and other uncertainties relat
100  disrupting the depletion layer in a passive sampler deployed in sediments.
101 ing that short periodic shaking of a passive sampler deployed in static sediment enhances the rate of
102 thods included polyurethane foam passive air samplers deployed outdoors and indoors and polypropylene
103 paper reports test of a flow-through passive sampler, deployed in stormwater runoff at the outlet of
104 tions are currently used (active and passive samplers, different deployment times, different sorbents
105                        A novel passive water sampler (diffusive gradients in thin-films for organics,
106 ound since July 1986 by gravitational pollen sampler, Durham's sampler, at more than 20 locations in
107 iodic vibration of polyethylene (PE) passive samplers during exposure has been previously shown to en
108 e contaminant uptake in polyethylene passive samplers embedded in the columns was reduced by 95-99% f
109 d pesticides were measured using passive air samplers equipped with polyurethane foam disks to find s
110 ir concentrations using films and vegetation samplers (especially for low KOA chemicals) generally re
111  diffusing through the sediment and into the sampler exhibit the same diffusive retardation factors a
112 assively on that measured with the reference sampler exhibited an intercept not statistically differe
113 s were observed: breakthrough of high-volume sampler filters for penta- and hexachlorobenzene and sem
114 raphy fractionation of extracts from passive samplers, followed by effect assessment using the pulse
115 ble and readily deployable penlike diffusive sampler for needle traps (PDS-NT) was built and tested.
116 ion of the diffusive gradients in thin films sampler for polar organics (o-DGT) without a poly(ether
117                We provide an efficient Gibbs sampler for posterior computation along with simple proc
118 e a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler for protein multiple sequence alignment (MSA) th
119 Western US, data were collected with passive samplers for ambient GOM concentrations and dry depositi
120  prepared on plastic as potential single-use samplers for bioanalysis.
121 dog may benefit the next-generation of vapor samplers for explosives, narcotics, pathogens, or even c
122 rimester expectant mothers wore personal air samplers for measurement of 8 nonvolatile PAHs and the s
123  guide future development and use of passive samplers for measuring atmospheric particulate matter.
124 one wristbands have been used as passive air samplers for quantifying exposure in the general populat
125 e Theta via the sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) samplers for static models.
126                   The uptake in polyethylene samplers for total PAHs in a well-mixed sediment slurry
127 ce, namely, their ability to serve as useful samplers from the ground-state manifolds of combinatoria
128  fraction (Phi') using the diffusion denuder sampler generally followed the trend FTACs (0%) < FTOHs
129                         In contrast, passive samplers generally predicted PAH concentrations in earth
130                     The application of these samplers generally presumes that they quantify only the
131 s constant irrespective of parameters of the sampler geometry.
132 ons of air velocities within the cylindrical sampler housing.
133 ensitivity of direct coupling of a headspace sampler (HS) with a mass spectrometer (MS), here we prop
134 year in parallel with high volume active air samplers (HV-AAS) and low volume active air samplers (LV
135 isks in parallel with high volume active air samplers (HV-AAS).
136 sampling complemented deployments of passive samplers in a tropical waterway in Queensland, Australia
137 henyl congeners at a network of Harner model samplers in Chicago, IL, during 2008, finding simulated
138  findings suggest that the deployment of DGT samplers in settings where nanoparticles are relevant (e
139                 Two types of TF-SPME passive samplers, including a retracted thin film device using a
140               In this study, a medium volume sampler incorporating quartz fiber filters (QFFs) and a
141 r with a metabolite-corrected arterial blood sampler input function (BSIF).
142 side the sampler on the solute flux into the sampler is a nonlinear function of the diffusion layer t
143                                    The o-DGT sampler is a promising monitoring tool that is largely i
144  to determine how the performance of the DGT sampler is affected by the presence of nanoparticulate s
145                                          The sampler is applicable in a multitude of aquatic environm
146                                          The sampler is based on a modified Polar Organic Chemical In
147 n the HOC concentration in water and passive sampler is linear at equilibrium, mass transfer models a
148 e the method is compatible with standard air-samplers, it can be employed with minimal modification i
149 on coefficients between water and PE passive samplers (KPEw) were measured for 41 PAHs both at ambien
150 sulted in noticeable improvements in passive sampler load estimates.
151  samplers (HV-AAS) and low volume active air samplers (LV-AAS).
152 m, in full automation under the control of a sampler manager.
153             Models for metal uptake into the sampler may need to be reconsidered.
154  of PCDD/F deposition flux between those two samplers measurement is lower than 0.05.
155                              Lidar and point sampler measurements show that, as long as the intervent
156 ransfer results in underequilibrated passive sampler measurements that need to be corrected for equil
157               Sampling rates and the passive sampler medium (PSM)-air partition coefficient (KPSM-A)
158 s the air-side boundary layer and within the sampler medium, which is segmented into a user-defined n
159 anoparticles deposited on the surface of the samplers might have acted as sorbents, slowing the migra
160  TWA concentrations underestimated mean grab sampler (n = 258) derived concentrations of atrazine, di
161             Concentrations in the PE passive samplers, normalized by their polyethylene-water partiti
162 components are integrated with a high-volume sampler of conventional construction to reduce analysis
163 DET) gels as high-spatial-resolution passive-samplers of delta(15)NNO3 and delta(18)ONO3 to investiga
164                                              Samplers of different thickness were used to determine t
165                      Flow responsive passive samplers offer considerable potential in nutrient monito
166                           We set up a Durham sampler on the roof (30 m from the ground) of the Oita U
167                           We set up a Durham sampler on the rooftop of the three-story building in It
168 t the effect of lateral diffusion inside the sampler on the solute flux into the sampler is a nonline
169 d using both active and passive polyethylene samplers on an east-west transect across the tropical At
170 e awake; we used a high-volume small-surface sampler or we took dust from the home vacuum.
171 copper species fluxes at the position of the sampler orifice and the exhausts of the torch are provid
172                              Two passive air sampler (PAS) media were characterized under field condi
173 Air samples were collected using passive air samplers (PAS) consisting of sorbent-impregnated polyure
174                                  Passive air samplers (PAS) including polyurethane foam (PUF) are wid
175                                  Passive air samplers (PASs) operate in different types of environmen
176                 Soil samples and passive air samplers (PASs) were exposed to atmospheric pollution by
177  sediment-water flux, biouptake, and passive sampler (PE) uptake in microcosm experiments with a fres
178 mpatibility of a passive sediment pore water sampler ("peeper") to collect 40 mL samples for CSIA of
179                         Polyethylene passive samplers (PEs) were deployed in air and water during win
180          In this study, polyethylene passive samplers (PEs) were deployed throughout the lower Great
181                         Polyethylene passive samplers (PEs) were simultaneously deployed in surface w
182                         Polyethylene passive samplers (PEs) were used to measure concentrations of ga
183            The considered biotic and passive sampler phases include membrane and storage lipids, seru
184 icients for diverse biotic media and passive sampler phases; aquatic baseline toxicity; and relevant
185 ntation consists of one particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS) coupled with a 250 cm path length liquid
186 osol (OA) by coupling a Particle Into Liquid Sampler (PILS) to a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aeros
187 and after tent setup and by using active air samplers placed inside assembled tents, respectively.
188 iction of polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) sampling rates (Rs) for 73 compounds usi
189  modified Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) with a weak anion exchange sorbent as a
190  By using polar organic compound integrative samplers (POCIS) at upstream and downstream sites, biolo
191 o that of polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) deployed simultaneously.
192 ing using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS).
193                                  The passive sampler polyoxymethylene (POM) was used to measure the e
194 e reference compounds (PRC) dosed to passive samplers prior to exposure was used to monitor the excha
195       Results show that (i) the GAPS passive samplers (PUF disk type) and analytical methodology are
196 ut pairs using polyurethane foam passive air samplers (PUF-PAS) from January 2012 to November 2015.
197 captured using polyurethane foam passive air samplers (PUF-PAS).
198  implement our approach using existing Gibbs samplers redesigned for parallel hardware.
199 in the ratios of load estimates from passive samplers relative to grab samples that ranged between 0.
200 bon-rich sediment bed in the laboratory with samplers removed every 30 days for 4 months.
201                The water level in the trench-sampler responds quickly to rainfall and intermittently
202 uring runoff events created flow through the sampler resulting in velocity dependent sampling.
203  effective diffusion coefficient D) into the sampler's diffusion layer were calculated and compared f
204 and passive samplers using largely differing sampler-sediment ratios.
205  was faster in dense suspensions and at high sampler/sediment ratios when compared to low sampler/sed
206  the sediment phase) and incubations at high sampler/sediment ratios yield the accessible concentrati
207 sed on the principle that incubations at low sampler/sediment ratios yield the concentration in the p
208 sampler/sediment ratios when compared to low sampler/sediment ratios.
209 alt occupational settings, silicone personal samplers sequestered 25 PAHs during 8- and 40-h exposure
210 rations of bacteria, an effective bioaerosol sampler should have a high sampling efficiency and a hig
211 t the two ends of the transect, flow-through samplers simultaneously sampled air at monthly resolutio
212                      We used 123 passive NO2 samplers sited to capture within-city and near-road vari
213                                      Passive samplers (solid phase adsorption toxin tracking: SPATT)
214                                          The samplers spanned roadside, urban near traffic (</=100 m
215         Our results suggest that (1) surface samplers such as manta trawls underestimate total buoyan
216 ions were collected using the Tsai diffusion sampler (TDS) for characterization and further analysis.
217 t plastic is more likely to act as a passive sampler than as a vector of POPs, thus reflecting the PO
218 PMLs are estimated with a multivariate Gibbs sampler; the liability-scale phenotypic covariance matri
219  not vary by transport direction through the sampler thickness.
220  and PRC were shown to be good indicators of sampler-tissue equilibration status.
221                                          The sampler-tissue exchange was isotropic, and PRC were show
222    Chamber air was sampled using a biofilter sampler to determine the potential for resuspension of s
223                    We used a high-volume air sampler to determine whether EBOV could be detected duri
224               As such, tree bark is an ideal sampler to find POPs sources globally, regionally, or lo
225  inside the torch, i.e., close enough to the sampler to increase the fraction that can enter the mass
226 the water phase and as a passive equilibrium sampler to monitor the dechlorination product.
227 lts were grouped based on distance from each sampler to the nearest active well.
228 lts were grouped based on distance from each sampler to the nearest active well.
229 t silicone wristbands as noninvasive passive samplers to assess cumulative 5-day exposure of 30 indiv
230 on experiments with polyoxymethylene passive samplers to determine the partition coefficients at 37 d
231                                Using passive samplers to measure the concentration of dissolved PCBs
232 se results indicate the potential of passive samplers to predict PAH bioaccumulation, yet call for co
233  approach, we use passive, personal-type air samplers to provide site-specific measurements of nitrog
234  wristbands could serve as sensitive passive samplers to screen population-wide cumulative dietary an
235      In a flood-specific deployment, passive sampler TWA concentrations underestimated mean grab samp
236 mend future study design, appropriateness of sampler types for different study goals, and finally, ho
237 f NTs as spot samplers, as well as a passive sampler under controlled conditions in the laboratoryyie
238 correlating bioaccumulation (CL) and passive sampler uptake (CPS) were used to assess the strength of
239 -seven studies were found where both passive sampler uptake and organism bioaccumulation were measure
240 provided direct comparisons relating passive sampler uptake and organism bioaccumulation.
241        This Critcal Review evaluates passive sampler uptake of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs
242 through, degradation, particle fractions and sampler uptake periods, some current passive and active
243                           An in situ robotic sampler using a Lagrangian sampling strategy enabled con
244 librating contaminated sediments and passive samplers using largely differing sampler-sediment ratios
245 asurements were made with passive and active samplers using membranes, and at one location, a Tekran
246                                          The sampler was designed to be robust, light and compact, an
247 rease caused by lateral diffusion inside the sampler was determined to be approximately 8.8% for stan
248                                          The sampler was developed for environmental monitoring as fo
249             A commercially available passive sampler was evaluated in a number of river systems encap
250                             A micro reaction sampler was used to simultaneously achieve the pyrolyis
251 h), implying that the supply of SAs to o-DGT samplers was limited by the desorption release rate.
252 matic hydrocarbons into polyethylene passive samplers was measured after 7, 14, 28, and 56 days of ex
253 e effects of temperature and salinity on the sampler-water partition coefficients of PAHs and PCBs fo
254              Crucial to the measurements are sampler-water partition coefficients, which are generall
255                        Setting up a Durham's sampler, we measured airborne pollen identified and clas
256 side diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) samplers, we show that the effect of lateral diffusion i
257 e) on concentrations in polyethylene passive samplers well, in most cases within 25% of experimental
258                         The TD unit and auto sampler were coupled to a GC-MS using electron ionizatio
259    Gas-phase concentrations based on passive samplers were 1-8 pg m(-3) for BDE 47 and </= 4 pg m(-3)
260 ates a modeling exercise showed that passive samplers were a viable alternative to grab sampling sinc
261                                              Samplers were analyzed for 62 polycyclic aromatic hydroc
262                                              Samplers were analyzed for 62 polycyclic aromatic hydroc
263  Truly dissolved concentrations from passive samplers were approximately 0.5 pg L(-1) for BDE 47 and
264                 PAH levels were highest when samplers were closest to active wells.
265 ic potency of PAH mixtures were highest when samplers were closest to active wells.
266 ent-impregnated polyurethane foam (SIP) disk samplers were codeployed and tested against conventional
267                                              Samplers were deployed around the greater Chicago area f
268                                  Passive air samplers were deployed at 23 sites across the city of Zu
269                                              Samplers were deployed at five depths covering 26-2535 m
270                         Polyethylene passive samplers were deployed during summer and fall of 2011 in
271     Polyurethane foam (PUF) disk passive air samplers were deployed for consecutive 2-month periods f
272                                      Passive samplers were deployed for week-long intervals in tripli
273                  XAD-resin-based passive air samplers were deployed from May to September 2011 at six
274 ddress potential health impacts, passive air samplers were deployed in a rural community heavily affe
275 ddress potential health impacts, passive air samplers were deployed in a rural community heavily affe
276                                  Here, o-DGT samplers were deployed in the influent and effluent of a
277                        The developed passive samplers were deployed in wastewater-dominated reaches o
278                        Concurrently, passive samplers were deployed to assess porewater and overlying
279                                      Passive samplers were deployed to the seafloor at a marine Super
280      Rewarding results were found when these samplers were employed for the quantitative analysis of
281 hin-film polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) passive samplers were exposed statically to intact fillet and fi
282                                          DGT samplers were exposed to solutions containing known amou
283 t this assumption, polyethylene (PE) passive samplers were placed in an organic- and black- carbon-ri
284                          The herein proposed samplers were prepared by applying a hydrophilic-lipophi
285 mounts of Hg and Zn accumulated onto the DGT samplers were quantified over hours to days, and the rat
286                             The modified DGT samplers were then deployed alongside ferrihydrite DGT d
287 s (Clip) and porewater measured with passive samplers were used to derive lipid-normalized bioaccumul
288                         Polyethylene passive samplers were used to detect the vertical distribution o
289                            Polyethylene (PE) samplers were validated for measuring polycyclic aromati
290                     Results from the passive samplers were variable and largely underestimated the FW
291            Genetics 156:1393-1401, 2000a), a sampler which uses the full model.
292 rmined to be approximately 8.8% for standard samplers, which is considerably lower than the previous
293 d is based on direct coupling of a headspace sampler with a mass spectrometer.
294  can be obviated by equilibrating a silicone sampler with chemicals in sediment, measuring chemical c
295  injected material are located closer to the sampler with less radial diffusion.
296  and spiked samples should be considered for samplers with short expiration times and labile analytes
297 u contamination has occurred near the trench-sampler within this added layer.
298 lbenzene copolymeric resin-based passive air sampler (XAD-PAS) for VMS.
299 of a fugacity-based model of XAD passive air samplers (XAD-PAS) designed to simulate the uptake of ne
300 ion compounds and calibration against active samplers, yielding an average congener specific concentr

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