


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                         Here we performed a screen to identify H2-T6SS and H3-T6SS regulatory elements an
2                                              We performed a screen to identify small-molecule compounds that are active a
3                                        Here, we performed a screen to identify TME cytokines and growth factors that prom
4 ate CL deficiency, we carried out a synthetic genetic array screen to identify synthetic lethal interactions with the yea
5                 Here, we report a confocal microscopy-based screen to identify mutants with altered localization of PEN3-
6                   In this study, we conducted an RNAi-based screen to identify druggable chromatin regulator-based target
7 nding SCN ligands, we devised a biophysical protein binding screen to identify SCN ligands through direct analysis of hum
8                        The structure guided a bioinformatic screen to identify potential sites in other proteins that may
9    In this work, we used a high-throughput chemical biology screen to identify a small-molecule probe, SBI-477, that coor
10 d gene expression profiling with a genome-wide chemogenomic screen to identify the mitochondria as an important downstrea
11 gs demonstrate the feasibility of this flow-based cytometry screen to identify both small molecule compounds and druggabl
12                                   We performed a functional screen to identify NPYR-1 as the cognate receptor for NPY-8,
13 ive trait and completed a gene expression-guided functional screen to identify factors that regulate diverse aspects of n
14                                           We used a genetic screen to identify factors critical to the Ire1-mediated UPR
15                                      We performed a genetic screen to identify factors responsible for glucose addiction
16 e Drosophila homolog of SLC25A39 and SLC25A40, in a genetic screen to identify genes involved in neuronal function.
17                                 We have developed a genetic screen to identify mutants defective in placement of oriC dur
18 idopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) root tip, allowing a genetic screen to identify mutants impaired in RDR6-dependent systemi
19                                             Using a genetic screen to identify novel regulators of fimE and fimX in the c
20 gy based on a two-step Sleeping Beauty (SB) forward genetic screen to identify and validate new tumor suppressors (TS) in
21 o gain insight into this process, we used a forward genetic screen to identify the regulatory components governing expres
22                                   We used a reverse genetic screen to identify Recognition of XopQ 1 (Roq1), a nucleotide
23       In this study, we performed a high-throughput genetic screen to identify kinases that enable tumor formation by and
24                             Here we use an unbiased genetic screen to identify proteins essential for AAV serotype 2 (AAV
25         A 256-compound library was evaluated in an anti-HIV screen to identify structural "mimics" of the fused tetracycl
26                                       We used an innovative screen to identify actinonin as having a novel mechanism-of-a
27                    We performed a genome-wide Cas9-mediated screen to identify factors that are protective during RC inhi
28                               We developed a small molecule screen to identify compounds that inactivate human HSC myofib
29 used it to perform a Sleeping Beauty transposon mutagenesis screen to identify genes that cooperate with mutant APC in dr
30                We used a genome-wide transposon mutagenesis screen to identify where mutations were tolerated in replicat
31                                  Here we performed a mutant screen to identify suppressors of agb1-2 (sgb) that restore s
32  and unbiased manner, we performed a genetic overexpression screen to identify genes that affect larval zebrafish arousal
33 RNA) combinations and then perform a high-throughput pooled screen to identify gene pairs that inhibited ovarian cancer c
34                                     Here we use a proteomic screen to identify the oncoprotein SET as a major cellular fa
35 se of B-ALL to GCs with a next-generation short hairpin RNA screen to identify GC-regulated "effector" genes that contrib
36 e use a high-content confocal image-based short hairpin RNA screen to identify tumour suppressors that regulate breast ce
37                            In an unbiased, genome-wide RNAi screen to identify genes involved in ligand-dependent signali
38 nogaster HP1a interactors, and performed a genome-wide RNAi screen to identify genes that impact HP1a levels or localizat
39 e targets for metastatic disease, we performed an in silico screen to identify drugs that can inhibit a gene expression s
40                  In this study, we used a kinome-wide siRNA screen to identify kinases that, when downregulated, yield se
41                                    Here we use a suppressor screen to identify factors downstream of eud-1 in mouth-form
42                              We performed a high-throughput screen to identify Food and Drug Administration-approved drug
43             Recently, we used a yeast-based high-throughput screen to identify inhibitors of the P. falciparum ENT1 (PfEN
44    Here, we report a nanotechnology-enabled high-throughput screen to identify small-molecule agonists of TFEB and discov
45                    We have performed a systematic, unbiased screen to identify OA receptor-expressing neurons (OARNs) tha
46                 Here we describe a high-throughput in vitro screen to identify inhibitors of Acinetobacter baumannii biof
47 in-related cardiomyopathy were used for a total genome-wide screen to identify gene products that affected aggregate form
48                                  We performed a genome-wide screen to identify genes required for KRAS4B membrane associa
49                          Here, we carried out a genome-wide screen to identify Rab pathways affecting WPB exocytosis.
50 of the rpoB mutations are unknown, we used an organism-wide screen to identify the number and types of lipids changed aft

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