


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  an ultrasound evaluation of the abdomen and scrotum.
2 ges (DWI) to routine MRI examinations of the scrotum.
3 conventional MRI and DWI examinations of the scrotum.
4  by pain, swelling and hyperemia of the hemi-scrotum.
5 nsposition of a 4-cm small bowel loop to the scrotum.
6 ng modality of choice for examination of the scrotum.
7 al communication between the urethra and the scrotum.
8 d enlarged testicle and discoloration of the scrotum.
9 PV type was 18.5% at the penis, 17.1% at the scrotum, 33.0% at the perineal/perianal region, 42.4% in
10 s penis/coronal sulcus (35.8% and 32.8%) and scrotum (34.2% and 32.8%).
11 5%, respectively, P = 0.96), followed by the scrotum (41.2% and 46.2%, P = 0.43), the glans/coronal s
12 bated patient showed a hard, swollen, bluish scrotum and an externally rotated and slightly shortened
13 garette smoking and infection site(s) (shaft/scrotum and glans/urine vs shaft/scrotum or glans/urine
14 ideration in differential diagnosis of acute scrotum and should be confirmed or ruled out at first di
15        This review covers the anatomy of the scrotum and the scanning protocol for scrotal US, as wel
16 e glans, 28% from the foreskin, 17% from the scrotum, and 6% in urine.
17 lent sinusitis, a chronic fungal rash of the scrotum, and chronic pelvic pain.
18 ital examinations and sampling of the penis, scrotum, and perineal/perianal regions.
19  history, physical examination of the warmed scrotum, and results of one or multiple semen analyses m
20 he failure of the testis to descend into the scrotum at birth, has been well documented, the detailed
21  penis: beta = 0.50, P = 0.002; AGD, anus to scrotum: beta = 0.29, P = 0.02) but not female infants.
22 y was inversely associated with AGD (anus to scrotum; beta = -1.68, P = 0.03) in male infants.
23                                     An acute scrotum concerns endoscrotal organs (testicles, spermati
24      At birth, the 46,XY proband had a bifid scrotum, hypospadias, and micropenis consistent with cli
25            Ultrasonographic picture of acute scrotum in young boys may be confused.
26 Doppler ultrasound of the acute testicle and scrotum is for the diagnosis of spermatic cord torsion o
27                         Infection sites were scrotum (n = 6), a lower extremity (n = 4), perineum (n
28           Testicular descent from abdomen to scrotum occurs in two distinct phases: the trans-abdomin
29  genital site (i.e., glans, penile shaft, or scrotum) of initial detection (P=.86).
30 e(s) (shaft/scrotum and glans/urine vs shaft/scrotum or glans/urine only) were positively associated
31 to obtain penile shaft, glans, foreskin, and scrotum samples from 318 male university students.
32 .0 but not statistically significant for the scrotum, semen, anal canal, and perianal area.
33 lans penis and coronal sulcus, penile shaft, scrotum, semen, and urine was compared by circumcision s
34 ognized were the sooty warts (cancers of the scrotum) suffered by chimney sweeps in 18th century Engl
35 a variety of disease processes involving the scrotum that have similar clinical manifestations (eg, p
36  torsion is the most frequent cause of acute scrotum, the possibility of a persistent idiopathic scro
37            After the passage of urine to the scrotum through the fistula, painless scrotal swelling d
38 lignancies arising from genital skin (penis, scrotum, vulva) were higher in women (0.54) than in men
39  fistula between the bulbous urethra and the scrotum was discovered by MDCT.
40 sound examination of the abdomen, pelvis and scrotum was performed together with routine laboratory t
41                  Ultrasonography (US) of the scrotum was performed.
42 ileostomy, proximal to the bowel loop in the scrotum, was created.
43  the coronal sulcus, glans penis, shaft, and scrotum were obtained for the assessment of the status o

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