


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  extent have increased drift rates of Arctic sea ice.
2 ina as a potential mercury methylator within sea ice.
3 simultaneous disappearance of continental or sea ice.
4 quatorward transport, conducive to increased sea ice.
5 line in marine mammals reliant on decreasing sea ice.
6 posed as a proxy measure of palaeo Antarctic sea ice.
7  a hiatus in the decline of September Arctic sea ice.
8 l methylation of mercury in Arctic multiyear sea ice.
9 led substantial numbers of whales inside the sea ice.
10 ions in light, temperature and the extent of sea ice.
11 m developed in situ despite the snow-covered sea ice.
12 nkton environment is constrained by seasonal sea ice.
13  greatest sea ice concentration and earliest sea ice advance, while males foraged longer in polynyas
14 ce extent continues to increase, with autumn sea ice advances in the western Ross Sea particularly an
15 e spring, and in turn triggered the positive sea-ice albedo feedback process and accelerated the sea
16                                  Through the sea ice-albedo feedback, models produce a high-latitude
17 se processes: for example, melting of Arctic sea ice allows solar UV radiation to penetrate into the
18 ern Ross Sea dominate increases in Antarctic sea ice and are outside the range simulated by climate m
19       Atmospheric deposition of mercury onto sea ice and circumpolar sea water provides mercury for m
20 ave can also initiate widespread fracture of sea ice and further increase the likelihood of subsequen
21 reakup of melange, a floating aggregation of sea ice and icebergs, has been accompanied by an increas
22           First, given current reductions in sea ice and increases in Arctic killer whale sightings,
23 mining sea level rise, the fate of Antarctic sea ice and its effect on the Earth's albedo, ongoing ch
24 of the Greenland Ice Sheet and reductions in sea ice and permafrost distribution are likely to alter
25  were attributed to increase in temperature, sea ice and phytoplankton.
26 , we present evidence that the microbiota of sea ice and sea ice-influenced ocean are a previously un
27 ty microbial DNA from Antarctic snow, brine, sea ice and sea water to elucidate potential microbially
28 affecting the distribution of mercury within sea ice and snow are poorly understood.
29 ssure over the region arising from decreased sea ice and snow cover.
30  unappreciated link between the expansion of sea ice and the appearance of a voluminous and insulated
31 le component might reflect co-variability of sea ice and tundra productivity due to a common forcing,
32 lowing warm Atlantic Layer water, ice sheet, sea-ice and ice-shelf feedbacks, and sensitivity to high
33 ss major regions around West Antarctica with sea-ice and primary production, from remotely sensed and
34             Mean concentrations in seawater, sea-ice and snow were generally greater at the Arctic si
35 utable to the accelerating decline in Arctic sea ice, and contributes to declining large herbivore re
36         Complementary sampling of air, snow, sea-ice, and seawater for a range of organochlorine pest
37 feedback which subsequently amplifies summer sea ice anomalies.
38  greater Arctic cloud cover, further reduced sea ice area at high CO2, and a stronger increase with C
39               Instead, a reduction in winter sea ice area of 65+/-7% fully explains the 128 ka ice co
40  relationship between monthly-mean September sea-ice area and cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissio
41 loss of 3 +/- 0.3 square meters of September sea-ice area per metric ton of CO2 emission.
42 ynamically linked to the expansion of summer sea ice around Antarctica.
43  harbored the highest quantities, indicating sea ice as a possible transport vehicle.
44       Our finding of a marked retreat of the sea ice at 128 ka demonstrates the sensitivity of Antarc
45 ntarctic, possibly due to full submersion of sea-ice at the former.
46                                    Declining sea ice availability has been linked to negative populat
47      Growth sharply declines with increasing sea-ice blockage of light from the benthic algal habitat
48 Accurate pH measurements in polar waters and sea ice brines require pH indicator dyes characterized a
49  affects the development and distribution of sea ice, but at present the evidence of polar ecosystem
50                    We propose that Antarctic sea ice can harbour a microbial source of methylmercury
51 ion of moisture sourced from the Arctic with sea ice change in the Canadian Arctic and Greenland Sea
52                             Future ocean and sea-ice changes affecting the distribution of such speci
53 lso linked to the fidelity with which future sea-ice changes are simulated.
54                In a two-step teleconnection, sea-ice changes lead to reorganization of tropical conve
55 fication was variable and linked to seasonal sea-ice changes.
56 ukchi seas during two periods with different sea ice characteristics.
57 , we examine how inter-annual variability in sea ice concentration and advance affect the foraging be
58 ed longer in pack ice in years with greatest sea ice concentration and earliest sea ice advance, whil
59 y, we use spatially explicit remotely sensed sea ice concentration and high-resolution terrestrial pr
60 atial patterns of winter Northern Hemisphere sea ice concentration trends over the satellite period b
61 oraged longer in polynyas in years of lowest sea ice concentration.
62 d more cold air to the area, reinforcing the sea-ice concentration anomaly east of Greenland.
63 s evident in recent years, whereas Antarctic sea-ice concentration exhibits a generally increasing tr
64                 A decreasing trend in Arctic sea-ice concentration is evident in recent years, wherea
65 s, the leading mode of variability of global sea-ice concentration is positively correlated with the
66  the opposite trends in Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice concentration may be linked, at least partially,
67 on (MLR) technique with autumn conditions of sea-ice concentration, stratospheric circulation, and se
68 s that contribute to the opposite changes in sea-ice concentration.
69 -term time series of observed and reanalysis sea-ice concentrations data suggest the possibility of t
70       As such, their productivity integrates sea ice conditions and the ecosystem supporting them.
71                      By midcentury, changing sea ice conditions enable expanded September navigabilit
72 the rapid establishment of extreme Antarctic sea ice conditions on synoptic time scales.
73 n spring foraging success of polar bears and sea ice conditions, prey productivity, and general patte
74  South Pacific drive western Ross Sea autumn sea ice conditions.
75 gional atmospheric and ocean temperatures or sea-ice conditions, although the colony population maxim
76 ocked the westward ice drift and hence aided sea ice consolidation on its eastern side.
77 al liver Delta(199)Hg values suggests a mild sea ice control on marine MMHg breakdown, the effect is
78 t proxy records of Arctic Ocean temperature, sea ice cover and circulation.
79                 The results demonstrate that sea ice cover and demographic factors have a greater inf
80                                              Sea ice cover and duration predetermine levels of phytop
81 r atmospheric temperatures lead to increased sea ice cover and formation rate around Antarctica.
82  Ocean in general and the fate of the Arctic sea ice cover in particular.
83 vident, particularly in the rapid decline of sea ice cover in the Arctic.
84                 A spatiotemporal analysis of sea ice cover that accounts for the habitat of ringed se
85 ng relationship between planetary albedo and sea ice cover, quantities inferred from two independent
86 omena, including the evolution of the Arctic sea ice cover, the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO), t
87  oceanic processes, particularly diminishing sea ice cover, upper ocean warming, and increasing and p
88 ose timing is temporally matched to seasonal sea ice cover.
89  origin and that primary production rate and sea-ice cover are major drivers of its concentration in
90                       We find that decreased sea-ice cover during early winter months (November-Decem
91  and 2012 exhibited the lowest Arctic summer sea-ice cover in historic times.
92 ing, thus explaining the recent reduction in sea-ice cover in the eastern Eurasian Basin.
93 sis is constrained by the limitations of the sea-ice cover record, preliminary statistical analyses o
94 ermediate depth water (AIW) temperatures and sea-ice cover spanning the last 1.5 million years (Ma)
95 urvival, then increased temperature, reduced sea-ice cover, and stronger winds are affecting the popu
96 rst high-resolution in situ marine proxy for sea-ice cover.
97      Despite global warming, total Antarctic sea ice coverage increased over 1979-2013.
98                                       Arctic sea ice coverage is shrinking in response to global clim
99 re by changing weather patterns and reducing sea ice coverage.
100 ive ice-sheets, massively increased seasonal sea-ice coverage and southerly extent of cold water woul
101  measurements along with satellite microwave sea ice data to document the Arctic-wide decrease in pla
102  contributions to the observed summer Arctic sea ice decline are not well understood.
103 n through Arctic amplification suggests that sea ice decline has the potential to influence ecologica
104 ce a high-latitude surface ocean warming and sea ice decline, contrasting the observed net cooling an
105  substantially to the observed summer Arctic sea ice decline.
106 -2013) and the recent period of rapid Arctic sea-ice decline (1990-2013).
107             Additionally, in contrast to the sea-ice decline over the Arctic, Antarctic sea ice has n
108 ocesses are implicated in Arctic warming and sea-ice decline.
109 ents in the study of ecological responses to sea-ice decline.
110 he average concentration of total mercury in sea ice decreased from winter (9.7 ng L(-1)) to spring (
111 ad formation due to thinner and more dynamic sea ice despite projected increases in high-Arctic snowf
112 reinforced late Pliocene Pacific freshening, sea-ice development and ice volume increase, culminating
113 25 in three (or four) relatively minor (<5%) sea ice diatoms isolated from mixed assemblages collecte
114  infer the future evolution of Arctic summer sea ice directly from the observational record.
115 y have been caused by the progressive summer sea ice disappearance between 1988 and 2002.
116 sed land than for bears that remained on the sea ice during summer and fall, while mean concentration
117 xtensive phytoplankton blooms beneath ponded sea ice during summer, indicating that satellite-based A
118 h the degree to which large-scale changes in sea-ice dynamics across the Arctic alter ozone chemistry
119 stal depletion events are directly linked to sea-ice dynamics.
120                        At the Southern Ocean sea ice edge in coastal McMurdo Sound, we observed simul
121 otal mercury concentrations in the Antarctic sea ice environment covering data from measurements in a
122                    This study shows that the sea ice environment is a significant interphase between
123 al variation of mercury species in the polar sea ice environment probably due to varying factors such
124 ast 150 y instead have been characterized by sea ice exhibiting multidecadal variability with a long-
125 itions prevailed in the early Pliocene until sea ice expanded from the central Arctic Ocean for the f
126 and enhanced freshening of the Arctic Ocean, sea ice expanded progressively in response to positive i
127 exceptional wintertime conditions arose from sea ice expansion and reduced ocean heat losses in the N
128 ate response was prolonged by NH glacier and sea ice expansion, increased NH albedo, AMOC weakening,
129 continental shelves, and associated seasonal sea-ice expansion across the Southern Ocean.
130 uggest that Arctic warming, through thinning sea ice, extension of the seasonal sea ice zone, intensi
131 ance in years coinciding with periods of low sea ice extent (2008 and 2010).
132 y in causing the observed Barents Sea winter sea ice extent (SIE) decline since 1979.
133 ut the downward cross-decade trend in Arctic sea ice extent and elicit inferences consistent with the
134 potentially positive feedbacks (increases in sea ice extent and enhanced primary productivity) and ne
135 rends in climate model simulations.Antarctic sea ice extent continues to increase, with autumn sea ic
136 s showing moss bank initiation and decreased sea ice extent during this time period.
137  quantitative link between precipitation and sea ice extent is poorly constrained.
138 al a substantial decline in September Arctic sea ice extent since 1979, which has played a leading ro
139 ka demonstrates the sensitivity of Antarctic sea ice extent to climate warming.
140            The key players for summer Arctic sea ice extent variability at multidecadal/centennial ti
141                                Winter Arctic sea ice extent will remain low but with a general increa
142  for changes and variations of summer Arctic sea ice extent, and many are based on short observationa
143 ine a non-dimensional seasonality number for sea ice extent, area, and volume from satellite data and
144 l low-frequency variability of Summer Arctic sea ice extent, using a 3,600-y-long control climate mod
145 cross a full decade was anti-correlated with sea ice extent.
146  of northwestern Europe and in winter Arctic sea ice extent.
147 eratures likely reflects changes in regional sea ice extent.
148 creased the probability of record-low Arctic sea ice extent.
149 itions via a local positive atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice feedback in the North Atlantic.
150 duce the initial hydroclimate dipole through sea-ice feedbacks in the Nordic Seas.
151 nd/or solar forcing, and associated regional sea-ice feedbacks.
152 es: cumulative ocean surface heat fluxes and sea ice formation close to PIIS; and interannual reversa
153  of cold water, originating in polynyas upon sea ice formation, reaching the sub-ice-shelf cavity.
154  Atlantic Deep Water formation and enhancing sea ice formation.
155 d release of oceanic heat has reduced winter sea-ice formation at a rate now comparable to losses fro
156 ration timing as related to delayed regional sea ice freeze-up since the 1990s, using two independent
157 ing occurred significantly later as regional sea ice freeze-up timing became later in the Beaufort, C
158           The ongoing regime shift of Arctic sea ice from perennial to seasonal ice is associated wit
159 n Beaufort Sea (SB) population where loss in sea ice habitat has been associated with declines in bod
160                            Recent decline of sea ice habitat has coincided with increased use of land
161 tial changes in the seasonal availability of sea ice habitat in parts of their range, including the B
162 terrestrial food, and as the availability of sea ice habitat increased.
163 s (1986-1994 and 2008-2011) when declines in sea ice habitat occurred.
164  SB, and a shorter recent history of reduced sea ice habitat, may explain the maintenance of conditio
165                          Northern Hemisphere sea ice has been declining sharply over the past decades
166                        The decline of Arctic sea ice has been documented in over 30 y of satellite pa
167 e sea-ice decline over the Arctic, Antarctic sea ice has not declined, but has instead undergone a pe
168    Accelerated warming and melting of Arctic sea-ice has been associated with significant increases i
169 ntrasting regional changes in Southern Ocean sea ice have occurred over the last 30 years with distin
170                 Climate-driven reductions in sea ice have recently created ice-free conditions in the
171  The consequences of rapid changes in Arctic sea ice have the potential to affect migrations of a num
172 us potentially contributed to the melting of sea ice, icebergs, and terminal ice-sheet margins.
173  0 degrees C per year, freshwater runoff and sea ice in the 1980s) rather than by local changes in th
174 hokalskiy and Xuelong, were trapped by thick sea ice in the Antarctic coastal region just to the west
175                          Accelerated loss of sea ice in the Arctic is opening routes connecting the A
176 ived from the relatively long persistence of sea ice in the autumn.
177 ard longwave radiation, as well as a loss of sea ice in the Barents and Kara seas, were observed.
178  crucial for reproducing the recent observed sea ice increase.
179 ne, contrasting the observed net cooling and sea ice increase.
180 xplain an important fraction of the observed sea ice increase.
181 tially sensitive proxy indicator of landfast sea ice influenced by meltwater discharge from nearby gl
182  evidence that the microbiota of sea ice and sea ice-influenced ocean are a previously unknown signif
183 derstanding ocean mixing processes and ocean-sea ice interactions.
184                           The loss of Arctic sea ice is a conspicuous example of climate change.
185                                              Sea ice is an important component of the global climate
186 t that penetrates the halocline to reach the sea ice is not well known, but vertical heat transport t
187                                       Arctic sea ice is retreating rapidly, raising prospects of a fu
188                         The Antarctic summer sea ice is undergoing rapid regional change in annual ex
189     Projected Arctic warming, with more open sea ice leads providing halogen sources that promote AMD
190 more dynamic patterns of opening and closing sea-ice leads (large transient channels of open water in
191 oncentrations in the upwind presence of open sea-ice leads.
192              Until recent declines in Arctic sea ice levels, narwhals (Monodon monoceros) have lived
193 eriments indicate that the warming effect of sea ice loss and associated upward turbulent heat fluxes
194 the past few decades, especially in terms of sea ice loss and ocean warming.
195 , reflected by more prevalent easterly flow, sea ice loss does not lead to Northern European winter c
196 nged seals, and bearded seals despite recent sea ice loss in this region.
197 as analogue to predict the effects of Arctic sea ice loss on mid-latitude weather.
198 n proposed as a dynamical pathway for Arctic sea ice loss to cause Northern European cooling.
199 nal-scale NAO- events are affected by Arctic sea ice loss.
200 es and model experiments, we show how Arctic sea-ice loss and cold winters in extra-polar regions are
201 , amplified warming in Arctic regions due to sea-ice loss and other processes, relative to global mea
202   Here we identify a new link between Arctic sea-ice loss and the North Pacific geopotential ridge de
203     Because climate-model simulations of the sea-ice loss differ substantially, we used a robust line
204                                       Arctic sea-ice loss is a leading indicator of climate change an
205                             We conclude that sea-ice loss of the magnitude expected in the next decad
206  of Arctic sea-ice, the mechanism that links sea-ice loss to cold winters remains a subject of debate
207                                         Most sea-ice loss to date has occurred over polar continental
208 cluding stratospheric ozone depletion, local sea-ice loss, an increase in westerly winds, and changes
209                                              Sea ice losses are projected to continue, and population
210 rive considerable carbon immobilization, but sea-ice losses across West Antarctica mean that signific
211 owth responses of Antarctic shelf benthos to sea-ice losses and phytoplankton increases were investig
212                           Climate forcing of sea-ice losses from the Arctic and West Antarctic are bl
213                                To date, most sea-ice losses have been Arctic, so, if hyperboreal bent
214 d a key area of both sea surface warming and sea-ice losses.
215 h has shown increased blooms coincident with sea-ice losses.
216 8.2 +/- 4.6% and 10.8 +/- 3.6%/100,000 km(2) sea ice lost for each region, respectively, correspondin
217                         Reductions in Arctic sea ice may promote the negative phase of the North Atla
218 ting a marine biosphere-climate link through sea ice melt and low altitude clouds that may have contr
219 d over the Arctic Ocean due to the effect of sea ice melt and/or runoff.
220                                     Seasonal sea-ice melt processes may alter the exchange rates of s
221  albedo feedback process and accelerated the sea ice melting in the summer.
222 hrough the early stages of respective spring sea-ice melting at coastal sites in northeast Greenland
223 are likely to increase in number and size as sea ice melts and abundant Arctic natural resources beco
224 tions of all analytes in Arctic seawater and sea-ice meltwater samples (224-253 and 34.7-48.2 pg.L(-1
225 o methylate mercury were notably absent from sea-ice metagenomes.
226 fter a decade with nine of the lowest arctic sea-ice minima on record, including the historically low
227 ic blocking, in combination with a sensitive sea-ice model, are able to simulate this kind of abrupt
228 tic-Subarctic, i.e. the northern hemisphere, sea ice now exhibits similar levels of seasonality to th
229 me shift to 20(th) century unprecedented low sea-ice occurrence in the East Greenland Current and con
230 tmospheric circulation, reductions in Arctic sea ice, ocean warming, and changes in evaporation and t
231 At Ryder Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) sea ice, oceanography, phytoplankton and encrusting zoob
232                        Findings suggest that sea-ice OCP burdens originate from both snow and seawate
233 rence in far-IR emissivity between ocean and sea ice of between 0.1 and 0.2, suggests the potential f
234              The effects of declining Arctic sea ice on local ecosystem productivity are not well und
235  find that the independent, direct effect of sea ice on the increase of the percentage of Arctic sour
236 ernates between being primarily regulated by sea ice or glacial discharge from the surrounding ground
237 -deficient zone in the oceanic water column, sea ice or polar snow.
238  Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) summer on the sea ice or, where it melts, on shore.
239 e test predictions on the interactions among sea ice phenology and production timing of ice algae and
240 paleothermometry of the ostracode Krithe and sea-ice planktic and benthic indicator species, we sugge
241                  The rapid decline in Arctic sea ice poses urgent questions concerning its ecological
242 asonal lag relationship has implications for sea ice prediction.
243  show that melange laden with thick landfast sea ice produces enough resistance to shut down calving
244 early 21st centuries, likely due to changing sea ice productivity and reduced delivery of organic mat
245 ine long-term trends in foraging ecology and sea ice productivity.
246 e analyze seven climate model projections of sea ice properties, assuming two different climate chang
247  poleward migratory predator through varying sea ice property and dynamic anomalies.
248                                              Sea ice reached its modern winter maximum extension for
249 cability of the IP25 proxy for palaeo Arctic sea ice reconstruction.
250 n established method for carrying out palaeo sea ice reconstructions for the Arctic.
251  and contributes to the observed dipole-like sea-ice redistribution between the Ross and Amundsen-Bel
252  observed Antarctic Peninsula warming or the sea-ice redistribution in austral winter.
253 vidence for the response of precipitation to sea ice reduction and assess the sensitivity of the resp
254 ge warming because of feedbacks that include sea-ice reduction and other dynamical and radiative feed
255                     Rapid Arctic warming and sea-ice reduction in the Arctic Ocean are widely attribu
256 of ice melting in mid-May through inhibiting sea-ice refreezing in the winter and accelerating the pr
257 recursors released by open water and melting sea ice regions.
258          The strong link points to a peak in sea-ice-related feedbacks that occurs long before the Ar
259 ion between whales and the dynamic, changing sea ice requires reexamination of the power to detect tr
260  water and ice is a major factor in seasonal sea ice retreat, and has received increasing attention w
261 easonal and interannual variations in Arctic sea ice retreat.
262                                           As sea ice retreats and dissolved organic carbon inputs to
263 icroscopic examination of fixed seawater and sea ice samples revealed chytrids parasitizing diatoms c
264 ment covering data from measurements in air, sea ice, seawater, snow, frost flowers, and brine.
265 he distribution profile between seawater and sea-ice showed a compound-dependency for Arctic samples
266 he speeds of both Arctic surface warming and sea-ice shrinking have accelerated over recent decades.
267                   Here we identify an Arctic sea ice signal in the annual timing of vegetation emerge
268 forced regional abrupt changes in the ocean, sea ice, snow cover, permafrost, and terrestrial biosphe
269 tic Ocean temperatures influence ecosystems, sea ice, species diversity, biogeochemical cycling, seaf
270 ncreased seasonality in the Arctic-Subarctic sea ice system, we define a non-dimensional seasonality
271 r study clarifies the range of mechanisms in sea ice/terrestrial productivity coupling, allowing the
272 l/sub-regional and large-scale components of sea ice/terrestrial productivity coupling.
273                            However, reported sea ice/terrestrial productivity linkages have seldom be
274 warming within the WAP will cause changes in sea ice that will influence viruses and their microbial
275 tic Multidecadal Oscillation, loss of Arctic sea ice, the fluctuating jet stream, and regular incursi
276 e partly driven by dramatic losses of Arctic sea-ice, the mechanism that links sea-ice loss to cold w
277 logic cycle, which is, in part, regulated by sea ice through its control on evaporation and precipita
278 sition is attributed to the export of excess sea ice to the subpolar North Atlantic and a subsequent
279         The contribution of declining Arctic sea ice to warming in the region through Arctic amplific
280 5 include its strict association with Arctic sea ice together with its ubiquity and stability in unde
281 changes have also increased the advection of sea ice towards the east coast of the peninsula, amplify
282        This contributes to weak western Ross Sea ice trends in climate model simulations.Antarctic se
283                                       Autumn sea ice trends in the western Ross Sea dominate increase
284 and coherent response to air temperature and sea-ice trends, linked through the dominant mode of atmo
285          Westward and northward drift of the sea ice used by polar bears in both regions increased be
286 cord of Labrador Sea productivity related to sea-ice variability in Labrador, Canada that extends wel
287 s to both observational and proxy records of sea-ice variability, and show persistent patterns of co-
288 d fundamental changes in AIW temperature and sea-ice variability.
289 ic indicates that during the Little Ice Age, sea ice was extensive but highly variable on subdecadal
290 lla frigidimarina (an isolate from Antarctic Sea ice) was used within miniature microbial fuel cells
291 nce of the ice-albedo feedback on summertime sea ice, we find that during some time interval of the s
292 ales are frequently sighted within Antarctic sea ice where navigational safety concerns prevent ships
293 e deep waters only came to the surface under sea ice, which insulated them from atmospheric forcing,
294 out mercury dynamics within Arctic multiyear sea ice, which is being rapidly replaced with first-year
295     On the basis of this sensitivity, Arctic sea ice will be lost throughout September for an additio
296 warm Atlantic Ocean water to melt all Arctic sea ice within a few years, a cold halocline limits upwa
297                                         When sea ice within melange thins, the buttressing force on t
298  tHg and MeHg concentrations in the marginal sea ice zone (81-85 degrees N).
299  thinning sea ice, extension of the seasonal sea ice zone, intensified surface ocean stratification a
300  export regimes turning the glacial seasonal sea-ice zone into a carbon sink.

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