


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                In June 2015, sea surface temperature (SST) of the South China Sea (SC
2 s in tidal range while reconstructing MIS 5e sea level histories, and we remark that it is possible t
3            This class of records, allowing a sea surface region to be retrieved, is appropriate for t
4 giving rise to the catalytic production of a sea of clusters of sizes between 2 and 11 particles.
5                                    We show a sea-bed landform imprint of a shelf-wide last glacial ad
6 s biogeochemical simulations, we show that a sea level fall in this interval caused enhanced pressure
7  degrees S and as high as 1,300 metres above sea level.
8 a global estimate of microbial loads and air-sea exchanges over the tropical and subtropical oceans b
9      This has important implications for air-sea interaction and implies that oceanic mean and mesosc
10  argument that the westward shift of the air-sea coupling region will cause an increase of ENSO frequ
11             In this work, we studied the air-sea interaction over the tropical central eastern Pacifi
12 on the surface wind stress modulates the air-sea transfer of momentum by providing a sink of mesoscal
13      In the Labrador Sea, intense winter air-sea heat exchange drives the formation of deep waters an
14 ely identify aerosolized microbes in ambient sea spray aersosol.
15 ice-sheet (AIS) dynamics, climate change and sea level.
16  variations in oceanic chlorophyll (CHL) and sea surface temperature (SST), which is then incorporate
17 ic region for deciphering global climate and sea-level changes.
18  rate, Fennoscandian ice sheet dynamics, and sea level changes is proposed.
19 tand their relations to island evolution and sea-level fluctuations.
20         For two key marine species (kelp and sea urchins), we use oceanographic modelling to predict
21 paleothermometry of the ostracode Krithe and sea-ice planktic and benthic indicator species, we sugge
22 f human activities due to increased land and sea use.
23                   We use a dynamic land- and sea-scape model to determine whether limited funds shoul
24                             Future ocean and sea-ice changes affecting the distribution of such speci
25  influenced by both oceanic productivity and sea surface temperature.
26 l season, rainfall, sea surface salinity and sea surface temperature (SST).
27 ion, with a dependence on water salinity and sea-surface temperature only.
28 x, we processed brain sections from seal and sea lion pups for Nissl substance, cytochrome oxidase, a
29 icroscopic examination of fixed seawater and sea ice samples revealed chytrids parasitizing diatoms c
30 he distribution profile between seawater and sea-ice showed a compound-dependency for Arctic samples
31                                Sea stars and sea urchins are model systems for interrogating the type
32 d fundamental changes in AIW temperature and sea-ice variability.
33 ermediate depth water (AIW) temperatures and sea-ice cover spanning the last 1.5 million years (Ma)
34 Myr ago, demanding explanation by uplift and sea-level changes.
35 Accurate pH measurements in polar waters and sea ice brines require pH indicator dyes characterized a
36 ndances of large animals, such as whales and sea turtles, is well known.
37 ern Ross Sea dominate increases in Antarctic sea ice and are outside the range simulated by climate m
38 rends in climate model simulations.Antarctic sea ice extent continues to increase, with autumn sea ic
39 s evident in recent years, whereas Antarctic sea-ice concentration exhibits a generally increasing tr
40                                       Arctic sea-ice loss is a leading indicator of climate change an
41 warm Atlantic Ocean water to melt all Arctic sea ice within a few years, a cold halocline limits upwa
42 nal-scale NAO- events are affected by Arctic sea ice loss.
43              The effects of declining Arctic sea ice on local ecosystem productivity are not well und
44  The consequences of rapid changes in Arctic sea ice have the potential to affect migrations of a num
45                         Reductions in Arctic sea ice may promote the negative phase of the North Atla
46                 A decreasing trend in Arctic sea-ice concentration is evident in recent years, wherea
47 as analogue to predict the effects of Arctic sea ice loss on mid-latitude weather.
48 omena, including the evolution of the Arctic sea ice cover, the El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO), t
49                                           As sea ice retreats and dissolved organic carbon inputs to
50                                           As sea-level increases, the depth-limitation of waves relax
51 thy lowlanders, resting HR was determined at sea level (SL) and after 15-18 days of exposure to 3454
52 tion would be reduced to a greater extent at sea level compared to high altitude after maximal exerci
53 fornia sea lion spend most of their lives at sea, but each also spends time on land to breed and give
54 seven lowlanders, heart rate was measured at sea level and after 2 weeks at high altitude after indiv
55  was lower (P > 0.05) compared with those at sea level.
56 oraging have focused on predator activity at-sea, with some birds and marine mammals demonstrating co
57  potentially affecting light availability at-sea, such as percentage of cloud cover, did not confound
58 tical distribution and predation-dynamics at-sea.
59                        The U.S. mid-Atlantic sea-level record is sensitive to the history of the Laur
60                   An index of North Atlantic sea-surface temperatures in March-April can predict the
61                                       Autumn sea ice trends in the western Ross Sea dominate increase
62 ce extent continues to increase, with autumn sea ice advances in the western Ross Sea particularly an
63 no ad hoc parameterization of the background sea-surface temperature (SST) gradient and a mean easter
64  hypoxic conditions across the entire Baltic sea as revealed by multiple sedimentary records and supp
65 AIS is marine-terminating and grounded below sea level within the Aurora subglacial basin, indicating
66 e later in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering seas.
67 ollowing moderate-intensity exercise at both sea level and high altitude are mediated via an alpha1 -
68 ed to study the haemodynamic changes at both sea level and high altitude.
69 on of arsenic-bearing mineral oxides in both sea and river water inundations, with less arsenic relea
70 s significantly amplifies the risk caused by sea-level rise.
71 e against the increased flood risk caused by sea-level rise.
72       The large amounts of waste produced by sea food industries capitulate, recoverable nutraceutica
73 ernates between being primarily regulated by sea ice or glacial discharge from the surrounding ground
74 eal (Mirounga angustirostris) and California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) are members of a diver
75 th the northern elephant seal and California sea lion spend most of their lives at sea, but each also
76 of adult females in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas during two periods with different sea ice character
77 g on location) from the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.
78 effects of OA on the skeleton of "classical" sea urchins (euechinoids), but the impact of etching on
79 fluxes are controlled by changes in climate, sea level, and drainage networks.
80 -deficient zone in the oceanic water column, sea ice or polar snow.
81  Here we use extreme value theory to combine sea-level projections with wave, tide, and storm surge m
82                                   Continuous sea-air gas flux data collected over a shallow ebullitiv
83 tes driven by glacio-eustatically controlled sea-level fall is required to produce the observed drops
84 dinium and its cnidarian hosts (e.g. corals, sea anemones) are the foundation of coral-reef ecosystem
85                            The corresponding sea surface temperature at which community abundance pea
86 m developed in situ despite the snow-covered sea ice.
87 es are a marine resource considered for deep sea mining.
88  much as four times more than in low OC deep sea sediments.
89                   This corroborates the deep sea as a major sink for microplastics and the presence o
90                               While the deep sea is low in energy, it also can be highly turbulent, s
91                                  In the deep sea, the sense of time is dependent on geophysical fluct
92 POC "Particulate Organic Carbon" to the deep sea.
93 el chemosynthesizing bacterium from the deep sea.
94 rbon dioxide by 'pumping' carbon to the deep sea.
95                                         Deep-sea scleractinian coral reefs are protected ecologically
96 strate their usefulness as sensors in a deep-sea environment.
97 tegrate the biogeography of coastal and deep-sea, pelagic and benthic environments, and show how land
98 e suitable ecotoxicological proxies for deep-sea species, dependent on adaptation to habitats with si
99 o environmental sequences obtained from deep-sea environments based on 16S rRNA gene similarity and B
100  on the first observations of the giant deep-sea octopus Haliphron atlanticus with prey.
101 e record displays major oscillations in deep-sea temperature and Antarctic ice volume in response to
102          The absence of observations of deep-sea scleractinian reefs in the Central and Northeast Pac
103   Here we analyze a new high-resolution deep-sea oxygen isotope (delta(18)O) record from the South At
104 ecilosclerid sponges from asphalt-rich, deep-sea oil seeps at Campeche Knolls in the southern Gulf of
105 ister clade among current vent and seep deep-sea Ampharetinae.
106               Here, the response of the deep-sea aerobic methanotroph Methyloprofundus sedimenti to m
107 cological trait from the surface to the deep-sea.
108                        Comparisons with deep-sea data from the same region suggest little exchange of
109 ukchi seas during two periods with different sea ice characteristics.
110 ately 1,900 times greater than the diffusive sea-air methane efflux (17.3 +/- 4.8 mumol m(-2)d(-1)).
111                 Global climate change drives sea-level rise, increasing the frequency of coastal floo
112  greatest sea ice concentration and earliest sea ice advance, while males foraged longer in polynyas
113 water methane seeps and/or strongly elevated sea-air methane flux always increase the global atmosphe
114 itive habitat already threatened by eustatic sea level rise.
115 ivity in riverine environments (for example, sea-level changes) and the properties of current drainag
116 melanism - a biological means used by extant sea turtle hatchlings to elevate metabolic and growth ra
117 se in the intensity and frequency of extreme sea levels (ESL).
118                            Drying up a Fermi sea by magnetic field in the Brillouin zone leads to a m
119 , reflected by more prevalent easterly flow, sea ice loss does not lead to Northern European winter c
120  and weaker than previously demonstrated for sea bass post-larvae.
121 we characterized the proteomes of cilia from sea urchins, sea anemones, and choanoflagellates.
122 patial scales needed to mitigate losses from sea-level rise.
123                 Our preliminary results from sea surface tows show a power-law increase in small micr
124 ed that the ice sheet contribution to future sea level rise could have been underestimated in the lat
125 h-resolution hindcast of hurricane-generated sea states and wave simulations are combined with novel
126 ence of complex interactions between glacial sea level changes, volcanic degassing and atmospheric CO
127 d carbonate weathering during glacioeustatic sea-level regression has been proposed to account for th
128 l periodic undulation in regional and global sea level.
129 ined in the ocean and can manifest as global sea level variations.
130  that the EAIS contribution to future global sea-level projections may be under-estimated.
131 s, the leading mode of variability of global sea-ice concentration is positively correlated with the
132 ng ice-sheet evolution and projecting global sea-level rise from ice-sheet loss.
133 s will be seriously endangered as the global sea level rises.
134                        However, even gradual sea-level rise can rapidly increase the frequency and se
135 ed longer in pack ice in years with greatest sea ice concentration and earliest sea ice advance, whil
136                            Dugongs and green sea turtle populations within this region can disperse >
137 t time that dugongs (Dugong dugon) and green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) assist seagrass dispersal.
138 tropical seagrass seeds by dugongs and green sea turtles provides a large-scale mechanism that enhanc
139 atural products isolated from the New Guinea sea sponge Xestospongia exigua.
140 tic-Subarctic, i.e. the northern hemisphere, sea ice now exhibits similar levels of seasonality to th
141           To assess the impact of historical sea level changes, we conducted an extensive genetic div
142 st position) is a classical problem in human sea navigation.
143 s that contribute to the opposite changes in sea-ice concentration.
144 risk factors associated with gas embolism in sea turtles captured in trawls and gillnets.
145    We discovered the first FXYD homologue in sea lamprey, a basal jawless vertebrate, which suggests
146                   The projected increases in sea levels are expected to affect coastal ecosystems.
147 r study clarifies the range of mechanisms in sea ice/terrestrial productivity coupling, allowing the
148  on the degradation of the phytochemicals in sea buckthorn extract was investigated using chromatogra
149 imental results suggest that ions present in sea water, also called smart water, have a significant i
150           First, given current reductions in sea ice and increases in Arctic killer whale sightings,
151 s >95% of this flux and is highly soluble in sea water, as indicated by a significant increase in dis
152 n temporarily obscure the long-term trend in sea level rise, in addition to modulating the impacts of
153 , we examine how inter-annual variability in sea ice concentration and advance affect the foraging be
154                               Variability in sea surface temperature (SST) is correlated with hurrica
155 scillation (ENSO) has increased variation in sea level.
156 medicine to wildlife conservation, including sea turtles, amphibians and Tasmanian devils.
157  harbored the highest quantities, indicating sea ice as a possible transport vehicle.
158 gnposts and the maximum rate of WAIS-induced sea-level changes.
159 to represent the hygroscopicity of inorganic sea salt particles in numerical models.
160 vary the hygroscopic growth of the inorganic sea salt within a general circulation model and show tha
161 , and are in phase with glacial-interglacial sea level and temperature changes.
162                 Feeney and Brooker introduce sea-anemone associated fish.
163 ew to estimate PFAS mass budgets at the land-sea interface.
164 t bridging knowledge gaps regarding the land-sea transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PF
165 emissions (29%) moderate the wintertime land-sea surface air temperature difference and further decre
166  of predator and prey sizes, although larger sea urchins were consumed only by large starfishes.
167 ousands of square kilometers to areas of low sea surface temperatures (14.5 degrees C-17.5 degrees C)
168 Bay were coincident with periods of very low sea level, which were associated with increased soil sal
169 oraged longer in polynyas in years of lowest sea ice concentration.
170 nd ice sheet mass loss ( approximately 1.4 m sea-level equivalent) during the last deglaciation, both
171                 The Baltic Sea is a marginal sea characterized by stagnation periods of several years
172 ponse to climate change can be in a marginal sea like the Mediterranean Sea compared to the global oc
173 Mediterranean Sea is a mid-latitude marginal sea, particularly responsive to climate change as report
174 ine groups in the northwest Pacific marginal seas.
175 int effects of non-stationary tides and mean sea level (MSL) at multiple time scales.
176 ent time in Earth's history when global mean sea level was substantially higher than it is at present
177         One of the main consequences of mean sea level rise (SLR) on human settlements is an increase
178 t also accurately quantifying how meridional sea-surface temperature patterns will change (structural
179 nthozoan species, and show that in the model sea anemone Aiptasia pallida the TSR domain promotes col
180 bivalve host Abra segmentum through multiple sea-level fluctuations preserved in brackish Holocene de
181 an annually resolved reconstruction of NINO4 sea-surface temperature, located in the central equatori
182 ruction indicates that relatively warm Nino4 sea-surface temperature values over the late twentieth c
183        However, 35% of the variability in NZ sea lion pup production is explained by latent by-catch,
184       In most coastal regions, the amount of sea-level rise occurring over years to decades is signif
185 e performed a structure-function analysis of sea urchin Alx1 using a rescue assay and identified a no
186 terrestrial food, and as the availability of sea ice habitat increased.
187                           The 10 to 20 cm of sea-level rise expected no later than 2050 will more tha
188      Knowledge of the surface composition of sea spray aerosols (SSA) is critical for understanding a
189                            Recent decline of sea ice habitat has coincided with increased use of land
190 ions in light, temperature and the extent of sea ice.
191                      The tested fractions of sea buckthorn inhibited lipid peroxidation induced by H2
192 ave can also initiate widespread fracture of sea ice and further increase the likelihood of subsequen
193  A search for vwf sequences in the genome of sea squirts, the closest invertebrate relatives of hagfi
194 se, in addition to modulating the impacts of sea level rise through natural periodic undulation in re
195 ts are typically based on simple measures of sea level that do not capture its inherent complexity, e
196 ts suggest a long duration for the period of sea-level rise (533 +/- 2 through 498 +/- 2 ka) encompas
197 ived from the relatively long persistence of sea ice in the autumn.
198 s of less than 350 years at current rates of sea-level rise and sediment availability.
199 s to both observational and proxy records of sea-ice variability, and show persistent patterns of co-
200 addition, this work provides a clear sign of sea level-driven glacial/interglacial oscillations in bi
201  interest because two carnivorous species of sea turtles-hawksbills, Eretmochelys imbricata, and logg
202 ntarctic, possibly due to full submersion of sea-ice at the former.
203 nexpected findings from the immune system of sea urchin larvae potentially provide insights into immu
204 le component might reflect co-variability of sea ice and tundra productivity due to a common forcing,
205 ing range revealed that an abrupt warming of sea-surface temperature in the 1990s coincided with stee
206           A reduction in top-down control on sea urchins, combined with other expected impacts of cli
207 cation were compared with clicks detected on sea-surface towed hydrophone arrays in the presence of v
208 ce and predation rate of P. helianthoides on sea urchins will likely decrease with future warming.
209     Projected Arctic warming, with more open sea ice leads providing halogen sources that promote AMD
210 l forcing such as gradual climate warming or sea-level rise.
211 1) according to a structure similar to other sea anemone peptides belonging to structural group 9a.
212 t the instrumental record of central Pacific sea-surface temperatures is too short to detect potentia
213 tropical Atlantic and cold northeast Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs), as well as positive sea
214                               However, paleo sea-level markers on the present-day shoreline of Virgin
215 encies might have their origin in periodical sea surface temperature anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean
216                          In regions of polar seas, where surface water is particularly cold and dense
217 xtensive phytoplankton blooms beneath ponded sea ice during summer, indicating that satellite-based A
218 ace temperatures (SSTs), as well as positive sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies over Hawaii and negat
219 e use island isolation following postglacial sea-level rise, ca. 2.5 ka, to characterize long-term ch
220 an land-bridge islands by rising postglacial sea levels to estimate rates of change in hemosporidian
221 bine modeled storm surges with probabilistic sea-level rise projections to assess future coastal inun
222 s provides insights into physical processes: sea-level rise is often assumed to follow air temperatur
223                           However, projected sea-level rise causes overall flood heights associated w
224 erraces are interpreted to record punctuated sea-level rise events over timescales of decades to cent
225 hern Annular Mode, austral season, rainfall, sea surface salinity and sea surface temperature (SST).
226 -term time series of observed and reanalysis sea-ice concentrations data suggest the possibility of t
227 ing occurred significantly later as regional sea ice freeze-up timing became later in the Beaufort, C
228 ration timing as related to delayed regional sea ice freeze-up since the 1990s, using two independent
229 r of hatching success, more so than regional sea surface temperatures (breeding season or winter) and
230 ffects of tides, surges, waves, and relative sea-level rise (SLR), neglecting non-linear feedbacks be
231 eate accurate projections of future relative sea level rise upon which to base planning efforts.
232 esults suggest that with the higher relative sea level (RSL) estimated for the Bahamas during MIS 5e,
233                        This rate of relative sea level rise results from a combination of land subsid
234                 Here we used high-resolution sea-surface temperature records (1982 to 2016) and tempe
235 t on the stability of the WAIS and resulting sea level rise.
236 onnected and separated by falling and rising sea levels associated with the advance and retreat of Pl
237  to the impacts of climate change and rising sea levels, with evidence of global shifts in the distri
238 e of the largest potential sources of rising sea levels.
239 nown to be present in the region, and rising seas associated with global warming on long timescales a
240                           Furthermore, river/sea-spiked environmental samples and samples from a bior
241 nds suggest that snow deposition, scavenging sea-salt aerosol bound PFAS, plays a role as a significa
242                                     Seasonal sea-ice melt processes may alter the exchange rates of s
243 ose timing is temporally matched to seasonal sea ice cover.
244             Mean concentrations in seawater, sea-ice and snow were generally greater at the Arctic si
245 nd eastward and are characterized by a sharp sea surface temperature (SST) front on the poleward edge
246 f bacterial isolates acquired from a sponge, sea slug, and coral to examine the functional landscape
247  SST anomaly further develops due to the SST-sea level pressure-cloud-longwave radiation positive fee
248 nce of the ice-albedo feedback on summertime sea ice, we find that during some time interval of the s
249 ion of multiple forcings, such as tectonics, sea-level fall and long-term decline in greenhouse gas c
250 t proxy records of Arctic Ocean temperature, sea ice cover and circulation.
251                    Moreover, we confirm that sea-level fluctuations and seamount location play a crit
252                    Our results indicate that sea buckthorn fruits are a rich source of different seco
253                        Findings suggest that sea-ice OCP burdens originate from both snow and seawate
254                   It has been suggested that sea-salt-induced chemical cycling of Hg (through 'atmosp
255                                          The sea anemone Nematostella vectensis is a useful cnidarian
256 r uplifting of the plateau summits above the sea level.
257    When a whale kept its upper jaw above the sea surface, many anchovies in the targeted shoal appear
258 d and natural gas became entrapped below the sea surface, but the quantity entrapped and the sequestr
259 bison first entered North America during the sea level lowstand accompanying marine isotope stage 6,
260                           ShK toxin from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus is a 35-residue pro
261 ture of organic aerosols is emitted from the sea surface.
262 tudied the rate of oil biodegradation in the sea over many years, but with no consensus on results.
263  mass of petroleum fluids dissolved into the sea during ascent from the pared wellhead (1,505 m depth
264 ortionately higher fraction of MMPW into the sea.
265 attenuated total reflectance analysis of the sea buckthorn extract revealed a satisfactory thermostab
266          Westward and northward drift of the sea ice used by polar bears in both regions increased be
267 at can occur at any time and location of the sea surface.
268 y in the primordial germ cells (PGCs) of the sea urchin embryo (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) is qui
269 sis is constrained by the limitations of the sea-ice cover record, preliminary statistical analyses o
270 the rogue wave profile and likelihood on the sea state conditions is also investigated.
271 e species found are thought not to reach the sea-surface.
272 lls provide episodic fluxes of energy to the sea floor that are degraded by a species-rich benthic fa
273       Upwelling of global deep waters to the sea surface in the Southern Ocean closes the global over
274 om the pared wellhead (1,505 m depth) to the sea surface, thereby matching observed volatile organic
275 r the supply of DOM from groundwaters to the sea, and that the STE has the potential to act as a temp
276            We conclude that the PGCs of this sea urchin institute parallel pathways to quiesce transl
277                                   Thus, this sea is an especially important region to better understa
278 mic costs but sufficiently connected through sea currents to seed the most exploited fisheries and en
279 ting a marine biosphere-climate link through sea ice melt and low altitude clouds that may have contr
280 ocal/sub-regional component is attributed to sea breeze (cold air advection from ice-covered ocean on
281 uld be impaired at high altitude compared to sea level, (2) endothelial function would be reduced to
282 d in the retreat and growing contribution to sea level rise of PIG and nearby glaciers.
283 ride exhibited a dominant coarse mode due to sea salt influence, with substantially diminished concen
284 , amplified warming in Arctic regions due to sea-ice loss and other processes, relative to global mea
285 timates of increased coastal flooding due to sea-level rise have not considered elevated water levels
286 le to increases in flooding frequency due to sea-level rise.
287 hina, to test the robustness of mangroves to sea level changes in relation to their genetic diversity
288 cord of Labrador Sea productivity related to sea-ice variability in Labrador, Canada that extends wel
289 g salt marsh, wetland capacity to respond to sea-level rise may change.
290 ey in Rome that was deposited in response to sea-level rise during Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 13.
291 to increase surface elevation in response to sea-level rise, for most services there has been no dire
292 ication highlight the non-linear response to sea-level variations, with the potential to amplify or m
293                                   Similar to sea spray aerosol, organic carbon markers were most freq
294 he potential responses of coastal species to sea-level rise, especially for species that rely on coas
295 d map the contribution of TWS variability to sea level variability on decadal timescales.
296                                  BAs undergo sea-air exchange and are transported over the oceans.
297 sitive to the emissions scenarios underlying sea-level projections, as most of the population decline
298 zed the proteomes of cilia from sea urchins, sea anemones, and choanoflagellates.
299                                  Here, using sea-floor geophysical data and marine sediment cores, we
300  and a naturally occurring condition in wild sea lions and simultaneously advance general knowledge o
301 dal Oscillation (PDO) years, as well as with sea-level-rise and surface warming, caused primarily by

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