


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r significantly when comparing pandemic with seasonal influenza.
2 ck/sepsis, and organ failure than those with seasonal influenza.
3 H1N1pdm09 than persons of the same ages with seasonal influenza.
4 ansmission patterns previously described for seasonal influenza.
5 ss hospitalizations that are attributable to seasonal influenza.
6  increase was not greater than observed with seasonal influenza.
7 spitalization, and high mortality similar to seasonal influenza.
8 ly rigorous system for real-time forecast of seasonal influenza.
9  that likely exceeds excess mortality due to seasonal influenza.
10 tory disease in HCT recipients compared with seasonal influenza.
11 ve activity, and compared characteristics to seasonal influenza.
12 s sensitive for 2009 H1N1 influenza than for seasonal influenza.
13 viduals presented with symptoms atypical for seasonal influenza.
14 ILI) reports to create a weekly forecast for seasonal influenza.
15 ncidence and rates of antigenic evolution of seasonal influenza?
16 serial passage in MDCK cells inoculated with seasonal influenza A (H1N1) viruses at a low multiplicit
17                                              Seasonal influenza A and B outcomes were similar.
18   The strategy was validated on thousands of seasonal influenza A and B virus-positive specimens usin
19 [HA], neuraminidase [NA], and matrix [M]) of seasonal influenza A and B viruses for next-generation s
20                Recent serological studies of seasonal influenza A in humans suggest a striking charac
21 dy responses, individuals vaccinated against seasonal influenza A may still benefit from preexisting
22 o the high morbidity and mortality caused by seasonal influenza A virus (IAV) infections in older ind
23  be school-aged, compared with patients with seasonal influenza A virus infection (prevalence ratio [
24 nd influenza-associated pneumonia similar to seasonal influenza A virus infection and accounts for a
25 ded more school-aged children, compared with seasonal influenza A virus infection and noninfluenza IL
26 )pdm09 infection were compared to those with seasonal influenza A virus infection and those with ILI
27                        Mixed infections with seasonal influenza A virus strains are a common occurren
28 vity between these viruses and current human seasonal influenza A virus strains.
29 valent influenza vaccine (sTIV) containing a seasonal influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (A[H1N1]) compon
30 occurred as a second epidemic peak following seasonal influenza A virus subtype H3N2 cases in 2009 an
31                                              Seasonal influenza A virus subtypes H1N1 and H3N2 and in
32                                          The seasonal influenza A virus undergoes rapid evolution to
33                                              Seasonal influenza A viruses (IAV) originate from pandem
34 ting influenza virus pathogenesis.IMPORTANCE Seasonal influenza A viruses (IAVs) are among the most c
35 proteases are critical for activating HAs of seasonal influenza A viruses (IAVs) in humans.
36                                              Seasonal influenza A viruses cause annual epidemics of r
37 iod, with 20 discrete introductions of human seasonal influenza A viruses showing sustained onward tr
38 regulates IFN production during infection by seasonal influenza A viruses that activate IRF3 and IFN
39 STAT1 activation during infection with other seasonal influenza A viruses that activate IRF3.
40                      We tested specimens for seasonal influenza A viruses, using real-time reverse-tr
41 pdm09 were cross-reactive with M2 protein of seasonal influenza A viruses.
42  human population, specifically two types of seasonal influenza A viruses: (i) H3N2 and H1N1 viruses
43 2) predominated in 14 (56%) of the 25 years, seasonal influenza A(H1N1) in 7 (28%), and influenza B i
44                                    We tested seasonal influenza A(H1N1) viruses collected in 2008-201
45               Two distinct genetic clades of seasonal influenza A(H1N1) viruses have cocirculated in
46 nts compared to immunocompetent controls for seasonal influenza A(H1N1), A(H3N2) and B.
47 aused by individual influenza strains (i.e., seasonal influenza A(H1N1), pandemic A(H1N1), A(H3N2), a
48 ic cross-reactivity among humans primed with seasonal influenza A(H3N2) (sH3N2), using postinfection
49 , in stark contrast to oseltamivir-resistant seasonal influenza A(H3N2) viruses, H7N9 virus replicati
50 0 swine-origin influenza A(H3N2) variant and seasonal influenza A(H3N2).
51 tal of 161 HCT recipients (18 2009 H1N1, 103 seasonal influenza A, and 40 seasonal influenza B) were
52 , and prolonged viral shedding compared with seasonal influenza A.
53 ryngeal specimen sensitivities were 100% for seasonal influenza A/H1 virus and influenza A/H3 virus,
54 2009, oseltamivir resistance developed among seasonal influenza A/H1N1 (sH1N1) virus isolates at an e
55 ate its performance using historical data on seasonal influenza A/H3N2 virus.
56 mismatch on IAV reassortment using the human seasonal influenza A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2) and pandemic
57 estimate was similar in magnitude to that of seasonal influenza, a marked shift toward mortality amon
58 r a short time afterward with no substantial seasonal influenza activity during that period.
59                                     Peaks of seasonal influenza activity occur annually in many count
60 , a method to identify the period of highest seasonal influenza activity.
61 rs for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seasonal influenza affects 5% to 20% of the U.S. populat
62        The effects of weather variability on seasonal influenza among different age groups remain unc
63 reat due to unpredictable antigenic drift in seasonal influenza and antigenic shifts caused by the em
64 tive as a broadly protective vaccine against seasonal influenza and emerging pandemic threats.IMPORTA
65 ntial for the treatment of both pandemic and seasonal influenza and has a distinct advantage over the
66 o assess human B cell responses to trivalent seasonal influenza and monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccinat
67  level to quantify the relationships between seasonal influenza and monthly minimum temperature (MIT)
68 ission relative to comparable estimates from seasonal influenza and other directly transmitted infect
69 iral tropism and tissue damage compared with seasonal influenza and prompted further investigation.
70                                              Seasonal influenza and the 2009 pandemic strain were cha
71  in order to investigate the epidemiology of seasonal influenza and the characteristics of the circul
72 ntification of known risk factors for severe seasonal influenza and the more protracted clinical cour
73 nsive, and widely available, vaccination for seasonal influenza and the novel H1N1 strain is indicate
74                Given the yearly challenge of seasonal influenza and the potential catastrophic conseq
75 associations between weather variability and seasonal influenza, and growth rates of seasonal influen
76  <5 years of age, the mean annual numbers of seasonal influenza- and RSV-associated all-respiratory d
77                In addition, we estimated the seasonal influenza- and RSV-associated deaths among HIV-
78        There are few longitudinal studies of seasonal influenza associated neurological disease (IAND
79  childbearing age, the majority of estimated seasonal influenza-associated deaths occurred in HIV-inf
80 gnant women experienced an increased risk of seasonal influenza-associated mortality compared with no
81 nonpregnant women, the estimated mean annual seasonal influenza-associated mortality rate was 41.2 (8
82  During 1999-2009, the estimated mean annual seasonal influenza-associated mortality rates were 12.6
83 ng pregnant women, the estimated mean annual seasonal influenza-associated mortality rates were 74.9
84        There are few longitudinal studies of seasonal influenza-associated neurological disease (IAND
85            We estimated that 291 243-645 832 seasonal influenza-associated respiratory deaths (4.0-8.
86 ldren who received TIV had a reduced risk of seasonal influenza B confirmed by RT-PCR, with a vaccine
87  2009 H1N1, 103 seasonal influenza A, and 40 seasonal influenza B) were analyzed.
88 accination is a potential solution to reduce seasonal influenza burden.
89 ss analysis, we used a transmission model of seasonal influenza calibrated to 14 seasons of weekly co
90  suggest that previous exposure of humans to seasonal influenza can poise them to respond to avian H7
91 ain outcome is the percentage of prospective seasonal influenza cases identified by the ALERT algorit
92                                              Seasonal influenza causes >200 000 annual hospitalizatio
93                                              Seasonal influenza causes substantial morbidity and mort
94 when a group-mismatched HA subtype dominates seasonal influenza circulation.
95 variants, as well as viral escape mutants in seasonal influenza, compromise the buildup of herd immun
96                We applied JRFR to human H3N2 seasonal influenza data from 1968 to 2003.
97          Here we present weekly forecasts of seasonal influenza developed and run in real time for 10
98                                              Seasonal influenza does not appear to pose a significant
99      In this large cohort, we also show that seasonal influenza does not result in significant alloan
100                      Adults hospitalized for seasonal influenza during the period were used for compa
101 in hospitalized children aged <18 years with seasonal influenza (during 2003-2009) and 2009 pandemic
102                        Winter holidays delay seasonal influenza epidemic peaks and shift disease risk
103  and seasonal influenza, and growth rates of seasonal influenza epidemics among different age groups
104 of reduced air traffic and the asynchrony of seasonal influenza epidemics among West African countrie
105                                              Seasonal influenza epidemics and occasional pandemics th
106 vention and treatment for management of both seasonal influenza epidemics and pandemics are desirable
107                                              Seasonal influenza epidemics cause consistent, considera
108                                              Seasonal influenza epidemics cause high economic loss, m
109 evelopment of systems capable of forecasting seasonal influenza epidemics in temperate regions in rea
110                                              Seasonal influenza epidemics offer unique opportunities
111                                              Seasonal influenza epidemics recur due to antigenic drif
112                                       During seasonal influenza epidemics, disease burden is shoulder
113 stems that are able to predict irregular non-seasonal influenza epidemics, using either the ensemble
114 ans in defining the community-level onset of seasonal influenza epidemics.
115 igher rates of illness and death than annual seasonal influenza epidemics.
116 's magnitude was similar to that seen during seasonal influenza epidemics.
117 eronegative and experimentally infected with seasonal influenza H1N1 A/Brisbane/59/07 virus.
118             Mice that were inoculated with a seasonal influenza H1N1 virus followed by infection with
119 s strain (A/California/4/09 [CA09]), a human seasonal influenza H1N1 virus isolate (A/New Caledonia/2
120  Asn 177, but not Asn 71 and Asn 104) from a seasonal influenza H1N1 virus, A/Solomon Islands/2006 (S
121  prepared from an antigenically related 1992 seasonal influenza H3N2 (A/Beijing/32/1992) virus failed
122                                              Seasonal influenza has been associated with greater morb
123 ledge, this is the first time predictions of seasonal influenza have been made in real time and with
124          These results support the safety of seasonal influenza immunization during pregnancy and sug
125 xtending the established benefits of current seasonal influenza immunizations.
126 ng oseltamivir with placebo for treatment of seasonal influenza in adults regarding symptom alleviati
127 009 H1N1) leads to more serious disease than seasonal influenza in hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT
128        We aimed to quantify mortality due to seasonal influenza in Thailand, a tropical middle-income
129 arison with a similarly standardized HFR for seasonal influenza in the same setting.
130 when there was essentially no circulation of seasonal influenza in the United States, and 2007/2008,
131 (H1N1)pdm09 were more likely than women with seasonal influenza infection to be hospitalized within 3
132 of cross-reactive CD4 T cells generated from seasonal influenza infection were found to expand earlie
133 on, diagnosis, management, and prevention of seasonal influenza infection.
134 ly with ADCC-Abs to H7N9 NP, suggesting that seasonal influenza infections and vaccinations may induc
135                                              Seasonal influenza infections are associated with substa
136 such as the differences between pandemic and seasonal influenza infections.
137                                              Seasonal influenza infects approximately 5-20% of the U.
138                                              Seasonal influenza is a major cause of mortality worldwi
139                                              Seasonal influenza is a vaccine-preventable disease that
140                                              Seasonal influenza is an important cause of acute neurol
141                                              Seasonal influenza is controlled through vaccination cam
142                                              Seasonal influenza is efficiently transmitted from human
143  showed that the antigenic evolution of H3N2 seasonal influenza is generally S-shaped while the genet
144 unger (median age, 47 years) than those with seasonal influenza (median age, 68 years; P < .01), and
145 opical and temperate zones, but estimates of seasonal influenza mortality in developing countries in
146  diagnosis codes in adults hospitalized with seasonal influenza (n = 5270) or 2009 pandemic influenza
147                  Similarly, vaccines against seasonal influenza need to be updated frequently to prot
148                                              Seasonal influenza outbreaks and recurrent influenza pan
149 perience of gradual or regional closures for seasonal influenza outbreaks demonstrates that logistic
150 ing, peak incidence, and total incidence for seasonal influenza outbreaks in 48 states and 95 cities
151 e thousands of deaths that occur from annual seasonal influenza outbreaks, despite the possibility of
152 work for initializing real-time forecasts of seasonal influenza outbreaks, using a data assimilation
153 produced a number of methods for forecasting seasonal influenza outbreaks.
154                                  Compared to seasonal influenza, patients with pandemic 2009 influenz
155 bial prescribing for FRI during pandemic and seasonal influenza periods.
156  such as a pandemic strain versus a previous seasonal influenza, plays a crucial role in the monitori
157 nts reported assessing need for and stocking seasonal influenza; pneumococcal; tetanus and diphtheria
158                     Recently, we developed a seasonal influenza prediction system that uses an advanc
159                                        For a seasonal influenza product, manufacturing, distribution,
160                           In the models with seasonal influenza rates included, observed IPP rates du
161 lts aged 65 years and older account for most seasonal influenza-related hospital admissions and death
162       Vaccine effectiveness was variable for seasonal influenza: six (35%) of 17 analyses in nine stu
163 4, H1N1pdm09 became North America's dominant seasonal influenza strain.
164 ults indicate prior infection with different seasonal influenza strains leads to radically different
165                           By comparing human seasonal influenza strains to avian influenza viruses, w
166 LAIV) are safe for use in protection against seasonal influenza strains, concerns regarding their pot
167 al-time risk assessments hinging on reliable seasonal influenza surveillance and precise estimates of
168 ate data involving 269 ferrets infected with seasonal influenza, swine influenza, and highly pathogen
169                              Conversely, for seasonal influenza the detection rate was highest in chi
170 zation could slow the antigenic evolution of seasonal influenza; these effects have profound implicat
171 lutinin (HA)-specific CD4 T-cell memory with seasonal influenza to facilitate antibody production to
172 n this study, we quantified the potential of seasonal influenza to provide memory CD4 T cells that ca
173 ariability appears to be more influential on seasonal influenza transmission in younger (0-14) age gr
174 e to our knowledge in children, tonsils from seasonal influenza-vaccinated children.
175                              The efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccination against 2009 pandemic inf
176                            Recent receipt of seasonal influenza vaccination and older age were associ
177      Similarly, the serological responses to seasonal influenza vaccination are also determined large
178         In a randomized, controlled trial of seasonal influenza vaccination in 773 children aged 6-17
179                                  The role of seasonal influenza vaccination in pandemic influenza A H
180            Safety and immunogenicity data of seasonal influenza vaccination in transplanted patients
181 t this hypothesis, we examined the effect of seasonal influenza vaccination on NK cell function and p
182 3N2)v] highlights the need to assess whether seasonal influenza vaccination provides cross-protection
183 ic H1N1 vaccination, as well as pre-pandemic seasonal influenza vaccination to elucidate the effect o
184  ages frequently underperform in response to seasonal influenza vaccination, despite virologic contro
185            After 21 d, subjects received the seasonal influenza vaccination.
186 ansplant recipients before and 1 month after seasonal influenza vaccination.
187 B-cell responses get boosted in humans after seasonal influenza vaccination.
188 ith previous estimates of the disorder after seasonal influenza vaccination.
189 munization and memory B cells isolated after seasonal influenza vaccination.
190 tested this by examining the ability of live seasonal influenza vaccine (FluMist) to mediate protecti
191 antibody response to a trivalent inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) and a large number of i
192                 Prior receipt of a trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) can affect hemagglutina
193 l investigation of 274 children who received seasonal influenza vaccine (trivalent inactivated vaccin
194 y, and diabetic subjects vaccinated with the seasonal influenza vaccine across five consecutive seaso
195 determine the effectiveness of the 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine against laboratory-confirmed
196 hildren previously vaccinated with 2009-2010 seasonal influenza vaccine also showed greater expansion
197 eiving one dose of the nonadjuvant 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine and determined the immunologi
198 e effectiveness (VE) estimates for 2015-2016 seasonal influenza vaccine are reported from Canada's Se
199 nd adaptive response to vaccination with the seasonal influenza vaccine during early childhood, and i
200                                              Seasonal influenza vaccine formulas change almost every
201                                              Seasonal influenza vaccine formulation efforts struggle
202 s were stratified by documented receipt of a seasonal influenza vaccine in each Medicare beneficiary.
203        Antibody responses to the inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine in patients with atopic derma
204 bserved during 2009/2010, when any effect of seasonal influenza vaccine observed during all time peri
205 would be difficult to capture during routine seasonal influenza vaccine programmes, which have extens
206 campaign and was comparable to some previous seasonal influenza vaccine risk assessments.
207 of the antibodies induced by the inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine toward the 2009 pandemic H1N1
208                   The unadjuvanted 2012-2013 seasonal influenza vaccine was administered to 81 kidney
209                     Receipt of the 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine was associated with a 42% (95
210                                The 2016-2017 seasonal influenza vaccine was updated to include a clad
211    Influenza C is not included in the annual seasonal influenza vaccine, and has historically been re
212 ple, we analyse CD4+ T-cell responses to the seasonal influenza vaccine, establishing a frequency hie
213 and the limited cross-protective effect from seasonal influenza vaccine, the majority of children are
214 es, are selected for inclusion in the annual seasonal influenza vaccine.
215 tional, and immunologic data in humans given seasonal influenza vaccine.
216 of young and elderly adults with inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine.
217 1 strain is being incorporated into the 2010 seasonal influenza vaccine.
218 infected children who received the 2012-2013 seasonal influenza vaccine.
219  before and after vaccination with trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine.
220 ited range of protection provided by current seasonal influenza vaccines and towards a future with a
221                        Antibody responses to seasonal influenza vaccines are defective during older a
222 riable epitopes in the HA head; (ii) current seasonal influenza vaccines are efficient in inducing B-
223                                              Seasonal influenza vaccines are transitioning to quadriv
224  Our data indicate that vaccination with the seasonal influenza vaccines did not confer complete prot
225 from adults ages 48-64 who received multiple seasonal influenza vaccines from 2004 to 2009 for cross-
226                       Two different types of seasonal influenza vaccines have been used on the market
227 d for both nonadjuvanted and MF59-adjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccines in elderly recipients.
228                             Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccines mainly depends upon how well
229                   The impact of contemporary seasonal influenza vaccines on establishing immunity to
230 d States, including subjects vaccinated with seasonal influenza vaccines or with confirmed seasonal v
231  of the consistency of protection induced by seasonal influenza vaccines over the duration of a full
232 lar to that observed after administration of seasonal influenza vaccines over the past several years.
233                              Although annual seasonal influenza vaccines provide some protection agai
234 vent profiles induced by these two groups of seasonal influenza vaccines were studied based on the da
235 lts provide evidence that supplementation of seasonal influenza vaccines with M2 VLPs is a promising
236 he inclusion of both influenza B lineages in seasonal influenza vaccines.
237 s from studies with the yellow fever and the seasonal influenza vaccines.
238 slightly higher than that seen with previous seasonal influenza vaccines; however, additional results
239 nogenic influenza A epitopes as putative non-seasonal influenza vaccines; one specifically targets th
240  against cell culture-confirmed infection by seasonal influenza virus and significantly reduces the d
241              We applied this model into H3N2 seasonal influenza virus data.
242                                              Seasonal influenza virus epidemics represent a significa
243 tential of D1-8 for therapeutic treatment of seasonal influenza virus H3 infection.
244       The antigenic distance between current seasonal influenza virus H3 strains in humans and those
245 nza A virus is less stable than other recent seasonal influenza virus HAs, but the molecular interact
246 The global burden of disease attributable to seasonal influenza virus in children is unknown.
247 nogenicity to provide better protection from seasonal influenza virus infection and improve pandemic
248                                 Mothers with seasonal influenza virus infection had an increased risk
249                                              Seasonal influenza virus infection presents a major stra
250                                              Seasonal influenza virus infection was found to be assoc
251  vaccine platform used for the prevention of seasonal influenza virus infection.
252                                              Seasonal influenza virus infections continue to cause si
253 ens contributing to a significant portion of seasonal influenza virus infections worldwide.
254                               In contrast to seasonal influenza virus infections, which typically cau
255 ual vaccinations, there are few remedies for seasonal influenza virus infections.
256 or without CLDC, and challenged with a human seasonal influenza virus isolate, A/Memphis/7/2001(H1N1)
257 gnosis of influenza during a period in which seasonal influenza virus or A(H1N1)pdm09 was the predomi
258           In summary, prior infection with a seasonal influenza virus or s-LAIV primed mice for a rob
259 tions about the makeup of the future A(H3N2) seasonal influenza virus population, and we compare pred
260 ragine or threonine in over 99% of all human seasonal influenza virus pre-2009 H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2 s
261 ich prior infection with specific strains of seasonal influenza virus protect from lethal H5N1 challe
262   Thus, in primate cells, MxA inhibits human seasonal influenza virus replication at a step prior to
263                                              Seasonal influenza virus routinely causes epidemic infec
264 satory effect of E214D is applicable in both seasonal influenza virus strain A/New Caledonia/20/1999
265 sed to determine when sequence variations in seasonal influenza virus strains have affected regions r
266 cross-reactivity between strains in pigs and seasonal influenza virus strains in humans is also impor
267 d issue is how infection or vaccination with seasonal influenza virus strains influences the ability
268 h or without prior exposure to either of two seasonal influenza virus strains, H1N1 and H3N2.
269 dm09] is less stable than the HAs from other seasonal influenza virus strains.
270 o observations from outside of Africa and to seasonal influenza virus strains.
271 mans following infection or vaccination with seasonal influenza virus strains.
272 thesized that it is possible to make a human seasonal influenza virus that is specifically attenuated
273 orating NA, including PIV5-NA, could improve seasonal influenza virus vaccine efficacy and provide pr
274 ns of emergence and circulation of new human seasonal influenza virus variants is a key scientific an
275 us with that of mice infected by a nonlethal seasonal influenza virus, A/Texas/36/91.
276 .1%) and 131 (5.7%) yielded A(H1N1)pdm09 and seasonal influenza virus, respectively.
277 es of H1N1 pandemic, H1N1 seasonal, and H3N2 seasonal influenza virus.
278                                              Seasonal influenza viruses are a common cause of acute r
279              Continual and rapid mutation of seasonal influenza viruses by antigenic drift necessitat
280 nza and emerging pandemic threats.IMPORTANCE Seasonal influenza viruses cause considerable morbidity
281                                              Seasonal influenza viruses continuously drift, which all
282                                              Seasonal influenza viruses evolve rapidly, allowing them
283                                        Human seasonal influenza viruses evolve rapidly, enabling the
284 s of 9,604 haemagglutinin sequences of human seasonal influenza viruses from 2000 to 2012.
285  in the proteolytic activation and spread of seasonal influenza viruses in humans.IMPORTANCE Influenz
286               Antigenic drift of circulating seasonal influenza viruses necessitates an international
287                             In comparison to seasonal influenza viruses of lesser virulence, the 1918
288              Increased antibody diversity to seasonal influenza viruses was associated with low-level
289 owever, the specific proteases that activate seasonal influenza viruses, especially H3N2 viruses, in
290 way epithelial cells was on par with that of seasonal influenza viruses, mild-to-moderate disease was
291                                          For seasonal influenza viruses, protection is correlated wit
292  A(H3N2)v viruses transmit as efficiently as seasonal influenza viruses, raising concern over the pan
293                                  Compared to seasonal influenza viruses, the 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N
294 role of H5N1 PA in altering the virulence of seasonal influenza viruses, we generated a recombinant s
295 nces in the immune responses to pandemic and seasonal influenza viruses.
296  its introduction into currently circulating seasonal influenza viruses.
297 ng by previous vaccination or infection with seasonal influenza viruses.
298                       In a year with minimal seasonal influenza, we found no evidence that confoundin
299                                   Those with seasonal influenza were younger (median 4.4 vs 8.7 years
300 volution allows the continual circulation of seasonal influenza, while novel influenza viruses invade

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