


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  wk, 2 wk, 1 mo, 3 mo, and 6 mo (to maximize seasonal variation).
2  calendar date of blood draw (to control for seasonal variation).
3 tability and foaming ability were subject to seasonal variation.
4  trans-18:1 and -18:2 isomers also exhibited seasonal variation.
5 the spring of 2013, indicating a significant seasonal variation.
6 ayed a large cow-to-cow variation as well as seasonal variation.
7 rameters driven by air temperature and their seasonal variation.
8 s gene may hence reflect local adaptation to seasonal variation.
9 of daily variation during the week, and some seasonal variation.
10                     There was no significant seasonal variation.
11 proved to be an efficient way to capture its seasonal variation.
12  spectral analysis were performed to confirm seasonal variation.
13     Milk concentrations showed a significant seasonal variation.
14 ate of diverticulitis admissions and greater seasonal variation.
15 hen the species interactions were exposed to seasonal variation.
16  2012-13, which is mainly related to Titan's seasonal variation.
17 itis has been associated with geographic and seasonal variation.
18 r, with staggered start dates to account for seasonal variation.
19 ensitively on ice and cloud cover as well as seasonal variations.
20 to provide a comprehensive analysis of these seasonal variations.
21  respectively, and may both exhibit distinct seasonal variations.
22 om different vintage years to check possible seasonal variations.
23 ly precipitation rates, day of the week, and seasonal variations.
24 regression models that controlled for shared seasonal variations.
25             While gastroenteritis had little seasonal variation, 91% of primary septicemias and 86% o
26 n was 38.4 +/- 23.3 ng/mL with a substantial seasonal variation (a 6.1-ng/mL lower value during the w
27                                  Despite the seasonal variation, a decline of -0.0066 pH per year was
28 l and laboratory variables were examined for seasonal variations among 1445 patients enrolled in the
29 nt regions or periods due to inter-annual or seasonal variations among remote sensing images should b
30 embrane removed by light-driven shedding has seasonal variation and depends on latitude.
31                                      Fourth, seasonal variation and spatial variation in survival can
32 ortant greenhouse gas to the atmosphere, yet seasonal variations and controls on the magnitude of tre
33                To investigate the effects of seasonal variations and processing on cow milk fat, raw
34                    After adjustment for age, seasonal variation, and race/ethnicity, lower 25(OH)D le
35 c and climatic conditions, their diurnal and seasonal variations, and to support the growth of a mode
36                                              Seasonal variations are rarely considered a contributing
37 AHs with more than four rings showed similar seasonal variation as DOC concentration (peaking in the
38 e DNA was detected in 34% of 132 fleas, with seasonal variation, but without an association between t
39                    This result suggests that seasonal variation contributes to coexistence of A. albo
40 nced by the length of daylight, and that its seasonal variation depends on the latitude, such that fo
41  from flux tower observations shows moderate seasonal variation for most latitude bands, which is in
42 tributed environmental resources with strong seasonal variations frequently employ opportunistic fora
43 s were primarily influenced by cultivar, and seasonal variations had relatively minor effects.
44 Fourier transformation was used to model the seasonal variation in 25(OH)D for early and late pregnan
45 hronic diseases and do not account for known seasonal variation in 25-(OH)D concentration.
46                  Although both groups showed seasonal variation in 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations
47 45 mn m(-1) This indicates up to about 1 MPa seasonal variation in 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity
48 e findings suggest that the chronobiology of seasonal variation in AMI may be affected by variables i
49 late breeding seasons (LBSs), to account for seasonal variation in behaviour associated with changes
50 n outbreaks is most likely tightly linked to seasonal variation in bird movements and behaviour.
51 C. hirsuta We found that petal number showed seasonal variation in C. hirsuta, such that spring flowe
52 on of Pb contaminated soil explains observed seasonal variation in child BLLs.
53 ear-identical seasonal properties that match seasonal variation in children's BLLs.
54                                          The seasonal variation in circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D [2
55 l of this study was to identify the roles of seasonal variation in climate driven environmental direc
56 mperatures, and especially larger degrees of seasonal variation in climate, call for individuals and
57 hool calendar clearly and predictably drives seasonal variation in common cold prevalence, which resu
58  such, seems to be less important to explain seasonal variation in conjunctivitis than the presence o
59 stimates indicate a large (5 6 per thousand) seasonal variation in Delta of the temperate North Ameri
60 5% confidence intervals, were calculated for seasonal variation in diagnosis or incidence of food bol
61 th time are sufficient to model the observed seasonal variation in disease prevalence.
62  seasonality, explaining 90% of the average seasonal variation in eddy covariance-derived CO2 assimi
63      The aim of this study was to assess the seasonal variation in emergency general surgery (EGS) ad
64                                              Seasonal variation in ferritin, hemoglobin, and hematocr
65 gbird bill and plant corolla matching during seasonal variation in flower availability and morphology
66                                   The lowest seasonal variation in fruit quality was observed in 'RU0
67 ospital, Oxford 2001-2012 and determined the seasonal variation in GBS incidence and length of stay.
68                   Within locations, however, seasonal variation in growth did not directly correlate
69  didinus) may reflect sexual segregation and seasonal variation in habitat use, respectively.
70                                              Seasonal variation in human mobility is globally ubiquit
71                                              Seasonal variation in impacts and dominant HI components
72                                 Evidence for seasonal variation in incidence and subtype of Guillain-
73 tious diseases, however, there is pronounced seasonal variation in incidence.
74                  We describe the diurnal and seasonal variation in isoprene, monoterpene, and methano
75                                    Nonlinear seasonal variation in longitudinal measures (symptoms, p
76                                              Seasonal variation in medical conditions is well establi
77                                  There was a seasonal variation in mitotic activity, with higher MIs
78                                              Seasonal variation in mycoplasmal conjunctivitis prevale
79  analysis revealed no significant monthly or seasonal variation in operative mortality rates.
80 versity of migratory species, including: the seasonal variation in overall species diversity due to m
81  (I(2)=77%, p<0.0001), including significant seasonal variation in Oxford (n=140; p=0.037) for winter
82 ging patterns and resource availability, and seasonal variation in parasite infections may further al
83       We show that photoperiod explains more seasonal variation in photosynthetic activity across 23
84                         The authors examined seasonal variation in physical activity in longitudinal
85 ng in a seasonal environment displays marked seasonal variation in predation because of changes in pr
86                      Despite its importance, seasonal variation in predation is poorly understood.
87                                  We assessed seasonal variation in prey composition and kill rate for
88 ted the influence of thermal acclimation on: seasonal variation in R; spatial variation in mean annua
89 populations and the response of predators to seasonal variation in rates of biomass acquisition.
90            Here, we test the hypothesis that seasonal variation in reproductive state affects the neu
91 nfluence of social rank, predation risk, and seasonal variation in resource abundance on periodic pro
92 action between landscape characteristics and seasonal variation in resources resulted in season-speci
93  data, we used inverse modeling to partition seasonal variation in Saprolegnia disease progression in
94                                   Reciprocal seasonal variation in serum 25(OH)D concentration and TB
95      It is often assumed that this is due to seasonal variation in stroke incidence and several patho
96 H)D) concentrations may fluctuate because of seasonal variation in sun exposure.
97                                   Reciprocal seasonal variation in TB notifications was observed: The
98 at lower temperatures and especially greater seasonal variation in temperature call for individuals a
99 ing of otoliths, however, we can resolve the seasonal variation in temperature, recorded as the otoli
100                             We conclude that seasonal variation in the average age of first infection
101                               The reports of seasonal variation in the births of people who later dev
102 hodology was elaborated in order to obtain a seasonal variation in the chemical composition of leaf e
103 We utilized DNA metabarcoding to reconstruct seasonal variation in the diet of North American bison (
104 while climatic variables are associated with seasonal variation in the incidence of avian influenza o
105                                  Evidence of seasonal variation in the incidence of stroke is inconsi
106                                  We analyzed seasonal variation in the MC content of primary and seco
107       Some songbird species exhibit dramatic seasonal variation in the number of detectable GnRH-I im
108                                              Seasonal variation in the number of suicides has long be
109 ls decreased with increasing root order, and seasonal variation in the phenolic profile was more evid
110                                     However, seasonal variation in the prevalence of rhinitis in Japa
111 Northeast (with a peak in summer) and little seasonal variation in the southern regions of the countr
112                    Migratory species exhibit seasonal variation in their geographic ranges, often inh
113 ants to scarcity of water and the consequent seasonal variation in their growth and metabolic rate.
114                            There is a strong seasonal variation in trends over northern midlatitudes
115                                     Although seasonal variation in tuberculosis incidence has been de
116                            There is a strong seasonal variation in unperturbed regions of between 4%
117 erved in data, we find that a combination of seasonal variation in vector demography and, crucially,
118  vitamin D concentrations and adjustment for seasonal variation in vitamin D concentrations.
119  is greatest among those most likely to have seasonal variation in vitamin D during infancy (Caucasia
120 o investigated whether there was evidence of seasonal variation in vitamin D status and TB notificati
121               We investigated the effects of seasonal variation in water availability on leaf physiol
122 landscape scale is associated with a greater seasonal variation in water table depth.
123 Ice-cap mass changes can be deduced from the seasonal variations in air pressure and the odd gravity
124 xplain the observed increase in amplitude of seasonal variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration.
125 , given that turbulent mixing, combined with seasonal variations in atmospheric heating, determines S
126 s) is a semi-desert rodent displaying strong seasonal variations in biological functions in order to
127 m 2 continents, we assessed the evidence for seasonal variations in birth rate and tested the extent
128 13), yielding a robust dataset that captures seasonal variations in both abundance and movement patte
129                                              Seasonal variations in BP among chronic hemodialysis pat
130                                 In contrast, seasonal variations in carriage prevalence were associat
131      Regression models were used to quantify seasonal variations in carriage prevalence, carriage den
132       Here we use meta-analyses to show that seasonal variations in CH4 emissions from a wide range o
133  were also differentiated by PCA, reflecting seasonal variations in chemical profiles and in the micr
134  a variety of environmental factors, such as seasonal variations in climate or abiotic conditions in
135 t allows perennial plants to survive extreme seasonal variations in climate.
136    Here, we aim to quantify the influence of seasonal variations in climatic factors on the spectacul
137                                              Seasonal variations in clinical and laboratory variables
138 at one Narragansett Bay site revealed annual seasonal variations in community composition, driven by
139 nent during the winter in north China due to seasonal variations in energy usage, trade wind movement
140  to October 2013 illustrate both diurnal and seasonal variations in ET.
141 in space use during the breeding season) and seasonal variations in food-caching behavior (spatial me
142 e results do not support the hypothesis that seasonal variations in food-caching behavior might corre
143                          Naturally occurring seasonal variations in food-consumption patterns have a
144               However, little is known about seasonal variations in human brain physiology.
145 ion is driven by earth's elastic response to seasonal variations in ice mass and air mass (i.e., atmo
146                                              Seasonal variations in incidence and mortality after a H
147                                      Similar seasonal variations in lipid classes and fatty acid comp
148                     We show that significant seasonal variations in methyl-donor nutrient intake of m
149 olecular-level carbon chemistry, we analyzed seasonal variations in monomeric yields of the free, bou
150  this study was to estimate the frequency of seasonal variations in mood and behavior among Chinese m
151                   These results suggest that seasonal variations in mood and behavior are common in C
152 nin levels, whose production is modulated by seasonal variations in night length, negatively correlat
153    This study demonstrates implementation of seasonal variations in parameters better enables models
154 n D status and on observed values to prevent seasonal variations in parathyroid hormone concentration
155                                    Daily and seasonal variations in physiological characteristics of
156 mortality, but uncertainty remains about the seasonal variations in PM2.5-related effects and the rel
157 The purpose of this study was to investigate seasonal variations in population monthly hemoglobin A(1
158 r weakly respond to or are not correlated to seasonal variations in precipitation or insolation, but
159 ild climate of Los Angeles County, there are seasonal variations in the development of coronary arter
160                                              Seasonal variations in the incidence of pneumonia and in
161 rogeneous coma that has diurnal and possibly seasonal variations in the major outgassing species: wat
162                                     Although seasonal variations in the measured nitrous oxide emissi
163                                              Seasonal variations in the other two variables, i.e., pr
164 all tropical forests studied to date display seasonal variations in the presence of new leaves, flowe
165             There were no sex differences or seasonal variations in the relative volume or the number
166 with competition for scarce resources due to seasonal variations in the resource, especially for self
167                                   Systematic seasonal variations in the stable carbon isotopic signat
168                                              Seasonal variations in viral respiratory infections para
169 entration and TB notifications suggests that seasonal variations in vitamin D status and TB incidence
170  Our analysis showed sex differences, but no seasonal variations, in the volume of CA1 stratum oriens
171 ferent strategies to minimize bias from such seasonal variation, including adjusting for date of samp
172                                     (3) SITW seasonal variations indicate clearly regional patterns b
173 r freeze tolerance exhibited latitudinal and seasonal variation indicative of natural genotypic varia
174                                              Seasonal variation is an aspect of the environment that
175                                              Seasonal variation is confirmed in EGS (F = 159.12, P <
176 te a complex coma-nucleus relationship where seasonal variations may be driven by temperature differe
177                                              Seasonal variation observed in HMTD mass spectra suggest
178 Bayesian approach also captures the expected seasonal variation of biomass burning and secondary impa
179                                Data from the Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Study (1994-1998
180 (n = 580) from Worcester, Massachusetts (the Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Study, 1994-1998
181 hy adults from Worcester, Massachusetts (the Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Study, 1994-1998
182 eters might be important contributors to the seasonal variation of coliphage decay.
183                  Our results also imply that seasonal variation of competition and allelopathy of the
184                       Our results indicate a seasonal variation of mercury species in the polar sea i
185                      This work describes the seasonal variation of metabolites of polar extracts of c
186                          We investigated the seasonal variation of methylmercury levels in the Balbin
187                                              Seasonal variation of MRSA infections in hospital settin
188                    The implication of such a seasonal variation of polar lipids in the nutritional an
189  a DHR model resulted in a better fit to the seasonal variation of prescribing than was obtained with
190                   Previous studies assessing seasonal variation of relapse onset in multiple sclerosi
191                       A systematic survey on seasonal variation of six classes of polar lipids was co
192                               The annual and seasonal variation of the elemental content and correlat
193 asin-wide median value of 16%, compared with seasonal variations of 46%.
194 r the same terms could be used to report the seasonal variations of allergic diseases.
195                                              Seasonal variations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)
196 ve samplers for concentrations, sources, and seasonal variations of atmospheric concentrations of pol
197 y, which may account for the latitudinal and seasonal variations of BP and CVD.
198       Our findings contrast other studies of seasonal variations of EDC removal and accentuate the im
199      Our results show that ChlF captured the seasonal variations of photosynthesis with significant l
200  fit the data better, capturing not only the seasonal variations of the atmospheric concentrations bu
201  is driven by increased light gaps caused by seasonal variations of the canopy.
202                                          The seasonal variations of the content and diversity of phen
203                                   To monitor seasonal variation, organisms have developed the capacit
204  north-south gradient in mainland France and seasonal variations (peak in winter and nadir in summer)
205         PM10 Se concentrations showed strong seasonal variations, suggesting a seasonal cycle of Se v
206 ases, including respiratory disease, exhibit seasonal variation together with residual correlation be
207 There were significant seasonal effects; the seasonal variation was consistent across different subpo
208                               No significant seasonal variation was evident for total S, but S specia
209                          In the subanalysis, seasonal variation was found in acute appendicitis (F =
210                              In contrast, no seasonal variation was identified in rates of BSI due to
211                                              Seasonal variation was observed in shedding of EBV and J
212 ct adaptive evolution in novel climates with seasonal variation, we grew a diverse panel of the annua
213                                    Daily and seasonal variations were not addressed during the limite
214 nimal seasonal variations, while substantial seasonal variations were observed in Betula pubescens.
215                                              Seasonal variations were observed, with the highest conc
216                                              Seasonal variations were specific to autistic spectrum d
217  tunnel does not have significant diurnal or seasonal variations, which indicate that a single volati
218 ies, with Alnus glutinosa displaying minimal seasonal variations, while substantial seasonal variatio
219  the question of whether natural ligands and seasonal variation will mitigate ENM impacts.
220 ute to the etiology of PBC, we have analyzed seasonal variation with respect to month of diagnosis us
221        Across all studies, there was greater seasonal variation with respiratory prodrome (IRR=3.06,
222                   Water and P budgets showed seasonal variations with high correlation between rainfa
223  city center from 2011 to 2013 showed strong seasonal variations with high SCCP concentrations in sum
224                 We also observed significant seasonal variation, with a lower rate of diverticulitis

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