


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iotic variables (temperature, precipitation, seasonality).
2 ronmental stress is high (low rainfall, high seasonality).
3  mobile hosts inhabiting regions with strong seasonality.
4 e document a latitudinal gradient in polio's seasonality.
5  tropical countries with irregular influenza seasonality.
6 r of the observed changes in atmospheric CO2 seasonality.
7 easing in HM patients, with prominent summer seasonality.
8 ons were analyzed for evidence of reciprocal seasonality.
9 elapse onset and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) seasonality.
10 the basis of available moisture and rainfall seasonality.
11 erial taxa exhibited significant patterns of seasonality.
12 ion is possible and may thus drive influenza seasonality.
13 ntrol period, with additional adjustment for seasonality.
14 rong annual and multiyear cycles, as well as seasonality.
15 on, nest quality, parasitism, predation, and seasonality.
16 ponent exposure of variety, light quality or seasonality.
17 ions arising from the experimentally induced seasonality.
18 t of all trait relationships was mediated by seasonality.
19 sourced water inflow combined with amplified seasonality.
20 ess are associated with a higher temperature seasonality.
21 ined by annual burned area and precipitation seasonality.
22  exposure, and other risk factors, including seasonality.
23 ity are driving the long-term changes in ice seasonality.
24 G-specific T cell responses as a function of seasonality.
25 s, including spatial and temporal trends and seasonalities.
26  the mole shrews because of a high degree of seasonality; A. squamipes survived in isolated interglac
27 onth below 20.5 degrees C, and a temperature seasonality above 7,800 units.
28 ility to capture disease dynamics, including seasonality, abrupt peaks and troughs.
29                                              Seasonality accounted for 11.4% (95% confidence interval
30                                              Seasonality affected the life history but not the immune
31 solated from the surrounding environment and seasonality affects microbial ecology.
32 ariability indicates a possible reduction in seasonality after Deccan eruptions began, continuing thr
33                  Effects of trend over time, seasonality, age and gender on overall and within catego
34      Dengue fever diagnoses displayed marked seasonality, although cases were seen throughout the yea
35                                    Increased seasonality among young children and clustered cases sug
36                                              Seasonality analysis was performed on actual and simulat
37                                              Seasonality analysis was performed using autocorrelation
38 t) at both stations, and features pronounced seasonality and a general absence of pollution events du
39 g by birthdate to control for age, year, and seasonality and adjusting for sex, chronic diseases, pri
40 ibited changing incidence and differences in seasonality and antibiotic resistance phenotype.
41 nual climate cycles, and outbreaks show less seasonality and are more difficult to explain with envir
42 (HH) among the elderly in presence of strong seasonality and by assessing the effects caused by the f
43 her sites, can be used to infer syn-eruption seasonality and climatic conditions.
44                         After adjustment for seasonality and clustering, California shows were not as
45 ted, FEV1/FVC ratio, and PC20, adjusting for seasonality and confounders.
46                      The association between seasonality and diagnosis and/or recrudescence of eosino
47 tions either related or unrelated to asthma, seasonality and distance to medical facilities were used
48 ated to the impact of initial conditions and seasonality and emphasize the need to focus on appropria
49 ld continue in order to fully understand the seasonality and epidemiology of influenza in Tanzania.
50 veillance are necessary to better define the seasonality and epidemiology of influenza in the country
51 pe TSIR with cross-protection, capturing the seasonality and geographic heterogeneity of province-lev
52 location strategies in response to ontogeny, seasonality and habitat quality can emerge from a simple
53 re best-predicted by pig density and climate seasonality and included Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakot
54 regional changes in precipitation source and seasonality and local changes in warm-season duration an
55 perate countries with more regular influenza seasonality and lowest in tropical regions.
56                                Adjusting for seasonality and number of beds did not materially affect
57 eight at the individual level, adjusting for seasonality and potential confounders at individual, cli
58                                    Given the seasonality and pulsed nature of subsidies, alterations
59 e and comorbidity group, with predictors for seasonality and secular changes, ILI activity, and serot
60 mental determinants of transmission, such as seasonality and small-scale geographical variation or ef
61                           Moreover, we noted seasonality and spatial differences in particle size dis
62 Both the model assuming a linear decrease in seasonality and the model assuming a change at a specifi
63 sources driven by cyclical processes such as seasonality and tidal hydrology.
64 predictability and the subsequent changes on seasonality and variability are equally, if not more, im
65                 Characterizing precipitation seasonality and variability in the face of future uncert
66  residual spraying added second depending on seasonality and vector species.
67 ion, owing to a shift in rainfall amount and seasonality (and thus vegetation flammability).
68  models accounted for long-term time trends, seasonality, and day of week and holiday effects.
69 eric and oceanic circulation, the magnitude, seasonality, and geographical footprint of YDS cooling r
70 nvironmental factors, medication compliance, seasonality, and medical history on (1) pollutant concen
71 l, extreme weather events (floods/droughts), seasonality, and temperature, and childhood stunting at
72 staple plant foods, environmental knowledge, seasonality, and the use of fire in food processing.
73  All metabolic biomarkers showed significant seasonality, and vitamin B-6 and folate had the highest
74 t, magnitude, and controls on photosynthetic seasonality are poorly resolved and inadequately represe
75  Suwa and Torne, the general patterns of ice seasonality are similar for both systems, suggesting tha
76                   This study reveals age and seasonality as major factors driving the composition of
77                   This may be intensified by seasonality, as wet season conditions can alter resource
78                    Correctly simulating flux seasonality at tropical forests requires a greater under
79 ria incidence data and define a predictor of seasonality based on rainfall.
80              Levels of 25(OH)D showed marked seasonality, but no reciprocal seasonality was seen in C
81  easterly air mass origins), has significant seasonality, but overall has declined steadily since 199
82 n was demonstrated between FLA isolation and seasonality, but the presence of intracellular bacteria
83           The three pathogens shared similar seasonality, but time-shifts differed slightly by countr
84 d across all European countries, but allergy seasonality can be compared across Europe providing the
85                            Stochasticity and seasonality can modulate or create cyclic behaviour in n
86            Our results provide evidence that seasonality can set the conditions for life-history trad
87        We quantify meteotsunamis in terms of seasonality, causes, and occurrence frequency through th
88                                           As seasonality changes in the Arctic, plants will advance t
89 l pattern, showing that they may result from seasonality, climate history, erosion and mineralogy.
90             Simulated changes in temperature seasonality closely track changes in the Atlantic overtu
91  analysis successfully indicated contrasting seasonality, connectivity and source availability and is
92 ode Trichostrongylus tenuis we highlight how seasonality could be an important factor in explaining t
93  The global latitudinal patterns in outbreak seasonality could direct future studies of environmental
94           In addition, current precipitation seasonality, current temperature of the warmest month, p
95                           Lake and river ice seasonality (dates of ice freeze and breakup) responds s
96 ,000 suicides in total) to establish whether seasonality decreased over time.
97    Different terms were found to demonstrate seasonality depending on the country - namely 'hay fever
98                             The magnitude of seasonality did not vary with latitude.
99 stics such as incidence, sex ratio, CFR, and seasonality differ substantially across the affected pro
100                            Moreover, disease seasonality differs substantially between these regions,
101                     There was a reduction in seasonality during the period.
102  to occur where human impact and temperature seasonality exceed critical thresholds, such as in the m
103 the presence or intensity of dust events, or seasonality, except for TMAO, which showed higher concen
104 ponents, was able to simulate photosynthetic seasonality, explaining 90% of the average seasonal var
105 lculated mean temperature, precipitation and seasonality for each site to determine whether environme
106       We propose a new tool to quantify such seasonality from tooth microwear patterns in a dataset o
107 all public access water sources to ascertain seasonality, function, and geospatial coordinates.
108 ernet search behavior and differences in the seasonality, geographical heterogeneity and age-distribu
109                                              Seasonality had a more marked impact on the fatty acid c
110              It has been suggested that this seasonality has declined in recent years, but studies ha
111           We documented influenza incidence, seasonality, health-system utilization with influenza il
112 ying interventions increases with increasing seasonality, if carried out at the optimal time of year.
113                                  Elderflower seasonality implies proper handling and storage conditio
114 d an ecological analysis of this paradoxical seasonality in a Peruvian shantytown over 4 years.
115  several potential mechanisms for explaining seasonality in birth outcomes that have generally been d
116                              We confirm that seasonality in birth rate is ubiquitous and subject to h
117 si (East Siberian Arctic) establish a strong seasonality in both BC concentrations (8 ngm(-3) to 302
118  regression model controlling for background seasonality in both outcomes.
119                                          The seasonality in chemical persistence contributed to chang
120 e we characterize the diversity of influenza seasonality in China and make recommendations to guide f
121           Actual notifications showed strong seasonality in clustered TB and clustered extrapulmonary
122 bally differ between elevation and latitude (seasonality in day length and temperature) seems more pl
123                 Further understanding of RSV seasonality in developing countries and various climate
124 n unprecedented view that reveals a distinct seasonality in division rates.
125 s made using aggregate-level data to compare seasonality in EoE diagnosis and recrudescence.
126 ted by low oxygen isotope values with strong seasonality in gastropod shells and mammal teeth from My
127 al previously unappreciated process-specific seasonality in human cognitive brain function that could
128 ectious diseases, but the ability to measure seasonality in human movement has been limited by data a
129 ission scenarios, reflecting the increase in seasonality in ice cover.
130                    We also noted significant seasonality in incidence, particularly in children, with
131               ARGO not only incorporates the seasonality in influenza epidemics but also captures cha
132 s observed in this study, contributes to the seasonality in iron-phosphorus cycling in aquatic sedime
133 tor of 10), and this was attributable to the seasonality in its persistence.
134                               Here we assess seasonality in malaria incidence data and define a predi
135 by providing a viable mechanism for observed seasonality in microseismicity at Parkfield and potentia
136 face and deep ocean temperature and enhanced seasonality in middle and high latitudes.
137                    Dilution bioassays showed seasonality in nutrient limitation, with P-availability
138                                              Seasonality in outbreaks is most likely tightly linked t
139 lled system with strong physical forcing and seasonality in primary-production regimes.
140 se effects vary with climatic context (here, seasonality in rainfall); and (iii) the extent to which
141 estimates of patterns of malaria endemicity, seasonality in rainfall, and mosquito composition to map
142 enerally been dismissed in the literature on seasonality in rich countries, notably disease prevalenc
143 e hypothesis that riparian flow-pathways and seasonality in riparian soil concentrations are the majo
144 y adding two to four parameters to represent seasonality in riparian soil water THg and MeHg concentr
145 cs of cable bacteria, can also induce strong seasonality in sedimentary iron-phosphorus dynamics.
146          (H3) Exotic grasslands have greater seasonality in soil NO3 (-) vs. secondary forests, due t
147 he United States and to describe patterns of seasonality in specific populations.
148 gies at both poles points to the key role of seasonality in structuring the highest latitude marine a
149 tatistical testing that the magnitude of the seasonality in suicides has diminished.
150 ing tropical evergreen forest photosynthetic seasonality in TBMs that utilize the FvCB model of CO2 a
151 e consider area, temperature, precipitation, seasonality in temperature and precipitation, past clima
152                    To quantify the increased seasonality in the Arctic-Subarctic sea ice system, we d
153 ere we show that the role played by tropical seasonality in the evolution of the El Nino is changing
154                              The key role of seasonality in the formation of polar marine faunas has
155 pancies in ss-sl calcifying depth habitat or seasonality in the Gulf of Mexico.
156 oxidation pathways was the dominant cause of seasonality in the isotopic composition of sulfate relat
157 data clearly show that there is a pronounced seasonality in the morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi, the
158                                              Seasonality in the numbers of conceptions in different m
159 nd seasonal variability was explained by the seasonality in the OH radical concentrations.
160 , PRRS viruses were characterized by typical seasonality in their population size.
161 vers, is the primary cause of photosynthetic seasonality in these forests.
162  of susceptibles, was the dominant driver of seasonality in this system, and both seasonal factors ha
163 nting for variations in baseline endemicity, seasonality in transmission, vector species, and existin
164 ia where calcium intakes are low with little seasonality in UVB-exposure.
165                The introduction of realistic seasonality in vector population dynamics facilitates ge
166 s were the strongest predictors of influenza seasonality, including minimum temperature, hours of sun
167                                Dampened flow seasonality, increased longevity (i.e., delayed reproduc
168 complex temporal nature of influenza illness seasonality, influenza immunization schedules, and gesta
169 ntolerant palms imply low Eocene temperature seasonality into high latitudes, constraining average wi
170 utility of a local calendar in communicating seasonality is also presented.
171                         Additionally, annual seasonality is found to be an important environmental fa
172 harply decrease in the future and the runoff seasonality is sensitive to projected climatic changes.
173           A distinct latitudinal gradient in seasonality is temperature-invariant and would have oper
174                                     Although seasonality is widespread and can cause fluctuations in
175                  While some factors, such as seasonality, led to consistent differences in the struct
176 ce of cellulitis is highly seasonal and this seasonality may be explained by changes in the weather,
177 ialists to thrive, even a moderate change in seasonality may outstrip the capacity of greater bamboo
178 eratures and winter temperatures-temperature seasonality-may be an important factor in this dynamic.
179 month of life among children <1 year of age, seasonality, method of diagnosis, treatment, and case-fa
180 eld sites could not be explained by parasite seasonality, nor by bonobo population structure, diet or
181  sea ice system, we define a non-dimensional seasonality number for sea ice extent, area, and volume
182 otification date probably contributes to the seasonality observed in TB notifications.
183 ronment due to climate change will alter the seasonality of arctic and alpine ecosystems.
184                         We also measured the seasonality of canopy structural (leaf area index, LAI)
185 (IBIS, ED2, JULES, and CLM3.5) simulated the seasonality of carbon exchanges in Amazonian tropical fo
186  for temperature, the estimated amplitude of seasonality of cellulitis decreased by approximately 71%
187                                     Frequent seasonality of cholera incidence appears driven by the r
188 we show that aggregate canopy phenology, not seasonality of climate drivers, is the primary cause of
189 on of "Fava Santorinis", probably reflecting seasonality of climate.
190 1), but did not significantly correlate with seasonality of clinical diagnoses of allergic conjunctiv
191                                              Seasonality of clinical diagnoses of allergic conjunctiv
192                                              Seasonality of clinical diagnoses of nonallergic conjunc
193 ncidence data is desirable to understand the seasonality of community acquired (CA)-MRSA infections a
194 trypsin concentrations partially mediate the seasonality of cytokine responses, whereas the effect of
195  better understanding of the true burden and seasonality of disease that is essential to plan the opt
196 en presented as a key factor influencing the seasonality of diseases, the importance of anthropogenic
197          The objective was to understand the seasonality of DNA methylation patterns in rural Gambian
198   Arctic organisms are adapted to the strong seasonality of environmental forcing.
199 ence of climatic and economic factors on the seasonality of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in
200                      This paper analyzes the seasonality of health at birth using a large sample of 6
201                                          The seasonality of human occupations in archaeological sites
202 onal-hazards models were employed to analyze seasonality of incidence and mortality, respectively.
203                            Understanding the seasonality of influenza can help inform prevention and
204 mperatures, providing an explanation for the seasonality of influenza epidemics in temperate climates
205 led characterization of the epidemiology and seasonality of influenza in Rwanda for the first time.
206  long-awaited explanation for the wintertime seasonality of influenza in these locales.
207               To assess the epidemiology and seasonality of influenza in Uganda, we established a sen
208                                          The seasonality of influenza is thought to vary according to
209 n this region have documented the burden and seasonality of influenza viruses and have informed influ
210 ed to better understand the epidemiology and seasonality of influenza viruses in Nigeria.
211               We sought to determine whether seasonality of invasive pneumococcal disease is caused b
212                                          The seasonality of invasive pneumococcal pneumonia could be
213       Our model was driven by the prescribed seasonality of leaf quantity and quality derived from gr
214 s that were probably due to specific causes; seasonality of model residuals was analyzed to estimate
215          The findings here indicate that the seasonality of mortality exhibits strong spatial variati
216 us study has used harmonic models to compare seasonality of mosquito-borne diseases on a continent-wi
217                                          The seasonality of MS births was evaluated using the Walter
218 ekly observation to compare demographics and seasonality of nonallergic conjunctivitis with allergic
219 ection triggered by viral pathogens, whereas seasonality of other invasive pneumococcal infections mi
220                                The impact of seasonality of persistence was compared with the impact
221 e new insights into the steps underlying the seasonality of poplar trees.
222 n manipulating the frequency, intensity, and seasonality of precipitation with an aim to improving ou
223 ogle Trend 5-year graph, an annual and clear seasonality of queries was found in all countries apart
224                                              Seasonality of rainfall can exert a strong influence on
225 nsolation-driven variation in the amount and seasonality of rainfall during the past 25 000 years alt
226  direct data on organic technology, economy, seasonality of residential occupations, and infant/child
227                    In the United States, the seasonality of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has tra
228 SV testing and its impact on determining the seasonality of RSV.
229 ant for RSV surveillance and determining the seasonality of RSV.
230 of reducing uncertainty in the magnitude and seasonality of seafloor POC fluxes, as well as the impor
231  in Arctic Alaska since the 1960s, including seasonality of stream flow, air temperature, floodplain
232                                          The seasonality of sunlight and rainfall regulates net prima
233 ASE, and SCOPUS databases for studies on the seasonality of the initial diagnosis or recrudescence (i
234                    Hunter, the magnitude and seasonality of the precipitation change indicate a long-
235                             In contrast, the seasonality of the temperate region causes the community
236  timing (PPT) could substantially change the seasonality of the terrestrial carbon cycle.
237                                          The seasonality of these interactions correlates with change
238 d longevity all influence the photosynthetic seasonality of tropical evergreen forests.
239                                              Seasonality of tuberculosis disease may indicate the pre
240      We found a rich array of changes in ice seasonality of two inland waters from geographically dis
241                              We assessed the seasonality of viral lower respiratory tract infections
242 Climate change will affect the abundance and seasonality of West Nile virus (WNV) vectors, altering t
243 f extreme events, precipitation regimes, and seasonality on diseases are still poorly studied.
244 d adjusted for any potential effect of birth seasonality on our outcomes.
245 his paper aimed to evaluate the influence of seasonality on the chemical composition of oysters (Cras
246 es the important role of climate warming and seasonality on the dynamics of free-living stages in soi
247 en wet and dry seasons to test the effect of seasonality on these relationships.
248 ed notifications revealed barely significant seasonality only in extrapulmonary TB cases.
249  ecosystems, other factors, such as rainfall seasonality or ecological interactions among plants and
250 mal testing of a possible linear decrease in seasonality, or a reduction at a specific point in time,
251 phenotype/T cell plasticity as a function of seasonality, or as a result of specific immunotherapy tr
252                                          The seasonality patterns presented here provide epidemiologi
253  across states arises from interplay between seasonality patterns, population demography, vaccination
254 d at geographical locations with disparaging seasonality patterns.
255  Both bacteremic and nonbacteremic pneumonia seasonality peaked in winter, coinciding with V-LRI seas
256           Future studies focusing on climate seasonality, placental malaria and HIV are needed to cha
257          Across all countries, adjusting for seasonality, PM2.5 was not associated with preterm birth
258  explicit data on transmission intensity and seasonality, population density, treatment access and ou
259 lant-pollinator networks and the temperature seasonality present in their locations.
260        Recent studies in an animal model for seasonality provide data consistent with this model.
261 role for climate in shaping the transmission seasonality rather than intensity.
262 hind the observed changes in atmospheric CO2 seasonality remain unclear.
263 ted for 1, 33 and 66% of FLiES-simulated EVI seasonality, respectively.
264 nied by higher Beck Depression Inventory and seasonality scores.
265 es for satellite-observed canopy reflectance seasonality: seasonal changes in leaf area index, in can
266           Yet the characteristics of drought seasonality, severity, and duration that trigger mortali
267   These results demonstrate clear effects of seasonality, spatial structure, and transport pathway on
268     The combined effects of tree species and seasonality suggest that predicted losses of tropical tr
269                 The latitude independence of seasonality suggests that reduced winter sunlight exposu
270  We used Poisson regression, controlling for seasonality, temperature, and influenza, to investigate
271 e North Atlantic Ocean resulted in amplified seasonality that, paradoxically, stimulated a severe win
272 intervention, importation of infections, and seasonality, the sensitivity of the diagnostic can play
273 e both superior to a model assuming constant seasonality, thus confirming by formal statistical testi
274                        There was no discrete seasonality to M. pneumoniae infections.
275                           There was a strong seasonality to responses, particularly for phosphate, re
276 here, sea ice now exhibits similar levels of seasonality to the Antarctic, which is in a seasonal reg
277 sm, an altered diurnal activity profile, and seasonality to the suite of interesting dispositional ph
278 relationship stratified by age, transmission seasonality, treatment level and exposure history, from
279 oral patterns in spontaneous abortion (e.g., seasonality, trend) and changes in the population of pre
280      (3) Grasslands had greater soil NO3 (-) seasonality vs. forests, but this was not strongly linke
281                                 A persistent seasonality was detected in 49 (96%) of the 51 time-seri
282                               Moisture index seasonality was identified as a key factor distinguishin
283 rminants of the NEE in the HW site; however, seasonality was less important in the PP site, where sig
284                                              Seasonality was minor for CO2 emissions, whereas CH4 and
285                       Modeled photosynthetic seasonality was not sensitive to leaf quantity, but was
286                         Distinct summer-fall seasonality was observed, with June-October accounting f
287      The equations for the discrimination of seasonality was obtained using the partial least squares
288 showed marked seasonality, but no reciprocal seasonality was seen in CM notifications.
289 hether a 12 month periodic component (annual seasonality) was detected in time-series that had at lea
290                 (mol)FOI showed a pronounced seasonality, was strongly reduced in children using ITNs
291 articularly mean temperature and temperature seasonality, were important predictors of PCS at larger
292 nding period 12 months prior, to control for seasonality, were stratified by trimester and asthma tre
293 lity peaked in winter, coinciding with V-LRI seasonality, whereas non-pneumonia IPD peaked in autumn
294 c dynamics, and stronger correlations of ice seasonality with atmospheric CO2 concentration and air t
295                        MX demonstrated clear seasonality with concentrations peaking in late summer/e
296 lower molecular weight PAHs exhibited strong seasonality with higher levels during the warmer months.
297         The Red Sea Chl-a depicts a distinct seasonality with maximum concentrations seen during the
298                        Comparison of modeled seasonality with observations shows the TMI-catalyzed ox
299 e) and extrinsic factors (e.g. precipitation seasonality within a species geographic range) to predic
300 he T4-like virus community at SPOT exhibited seasonality, yet the somewhat unexpected persistence of

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