


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cts of PM2.5 on mortality vary spatially and seasonally.
2 vary in their responsiveness to sensory cues seasonally.
3 r context or recorded how these effects vary seasonally.
4 been highly heterogeneous both spatially and seasonally.
5 dominate in natural environments that change seasonally.
6 alks, and the cycle of production may change seasonally.
7 eceptors within the song system might change seasonally.
8 esion on walleyes that appears and regresses seasonally.
9 , song behavior and neural morphology change seasonally.
10 lish diseases in areas where host plants are seasonally absent.
11 kers were probably lekking species that were seasonally active at large display arena sites.
12 om permanent monitors and land-use data into seasonally adjusted land-use regression models.
13 isk of ischemic stroke both as a function of seasonally adjusted percentile categories and as a funct
14  outbreak vs nonoutbreak periods, yielding a seasonally adjusted rate ratio (RR) of 1.09 (95% CI, 1.0
15 ome-year in outbreak vs nonoutbreak periods (seasonally adjusted RR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.05-1.18).
16                                       We use seasonally adjusted time series from continuously operat
17 driving at night during a 5-day time period (seasonally adjusted).
18                                        Herds seasonally aggregate and exchange members, thus facilita
19 acting with the East Pacific Rise are formed seasonally and are sensitive to phenomena such as El Nin
20 en and adolescents with type 1 diabetes vary seasonally and are under the same genetic control as in
21 tivators who were shifting their settlements seasonally and engaging in a variety of subsistence purs
22                    We study the influence of seasonally and geographically related daily dynamics of
23 d allelopathy by the microbial assembly vary seasonally and inhibit growth of M. aeruginosa.
24 anthropus robustus individuals often changed seasonally and interannually.
25 ns that are both steep and relatively stable seasonally and over geological time scales, are thus res
26  from rainfall which is highly unpredictable seasonally and spatially, and when there is sufficient w
27 aks, that the risk of large outbreaks varies seasonally and that current vaccination target levels ma
28 atergic inputs to GnRH neurons in sheep vary seasonally and to expand our previous observations of se
29 n weight on a landscape with foods that vary seasonally and year to year.
30  along the redox gradient in Saanich Inlet-a seasonally anoxic fjord with biogeochemistry analogous t
31 on strategies that maximize displacements in seasonally appropriate directions; they appear to have a
32                          The birds exhibited seasonally appropriate migratory orientation when the os
33                                Typically, at seasonally appropriate times, light initiates a cascade
34  Atlantic has shown that basking sharks move seasonally, are often associated with productive frontal
35 lacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant native to seasonally arid coastal environments that has been widel
36 onsequence of evolving in a low nutrient and seasonally arid environment.
37 tients had them at both the 6- and 12-month (seasonally asynchronous) measurements.
38 ative fishes to access spawning habitats and seasonally available refuges.
39 ameters (e.g., an increase of 2 degrees C in seasonally averaged air temperature in combination with
40 , relatively small interannual variations in seasonally averaged air temperature, canopy biomass, and
41 nd soil biogenic sources, appears to require seasonally averaged data from individual sites.
42                            We found that the seasonally averaged gas transfer velocity of CH4 was the
43 atmospheric CO2, and changes in annually and seasonally averaged surface temperature at global and re
44 cts larger than 10 milligrams, which exploit seasonally beneficial tailwinds.
45                                           In seasonally breeding adult male white-crowned sparrows, t
46                                              Seasonally breeding animals undergo numerous physiologic
47                                           In seasonally breeding birds, the vernal growth of the song
48                                           In seasonally breeding male songbirds, the song control sys
49 chanism in the brain governs reproduction in seasonally breeding mammals by triggering refractoriness
50                                              Seasonally breeding mammals such as sheep use photoperio
51                                              Seasonally breeding mammals use the annual change in the
52 ng control nuclei changes seasonally in many seasonally breeding songbird species.
53 ral plasticity in the song control system of seasonally breeding songbirds accompanies seasonal chang
54                                              Seasonally breeding songbirds exhibit pronounced annual
55 he high vocal center (HVC) of adult males in seasonally breeding songbirds such as the canary (Serinu
56                                           In seasonally breeding songbirds, song behavior and neural
57                                           In seasonally breeding songbirds, such as European starling
58 l model system for meeting this challenge is seasonally breeding songbirds.
59 ach that makes use of natural adaptations of seasonally breeding species to investigate the role of p
60                                           In seasonally breeding vertebrates, changes in day length i
61                                          For seasonally breeding vertebrates, reproductive cycling is
62 rs and their underlying neural substrates in seasonally breeding vertebrates.
63 latitude of the tropical rainbelt oscillates seasonally but has also varied on millennial time-scales
64 onally from -15 to +18 centimeters per year, seasonally by +/-15 centimeters, and interannually by +/
65 s that methane cloud formation is controlled seasonally by small variations in surface temperature, a
66                               RSV circulates seasonally, causing acute lower respiratory disease.
67  is a strategy some animals use to survive a seasonally changing environment.
68 re, we report a close correspondence between seasonally changing foliar pigment levels, expressed as
69 ms, cold hardiness is influenced by complex, seasonally changing interactions among physiological fac
70 nt was documented in species able to grow in seasonally cold and/or dry climates, possibly indicating
71                    Angiosperm adaptations to seasonally cold climates have occurred multiple times in
72 ow a circadian clock in Drosophila adapts to seasonally cold days (low temperatures and short day len
73 -- its notable PAH degradation capability in seasonally cold tidal flat might be reflected in elevate
74 nge-induced stressor: camouflage mismatch in seasonally colour molting species confronting decreasing
75 igh-resolution (individually tagged, sampled seasonally) data set of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinal
76                                              Seasonally dependant effects of eCO2 were seen for conce
77 xistence of an M-SOB effect that may reflect seasonally dependent developmental differences in adapti
78 n pathway delayed the onset of foraging in a seasonally dependent manner.
79 d elevation constrain the average density of seasonally deposited carbon dioxide to be 910 +/- 230 ki
80 river-floodplain settings characterized by a seasonally dry climate.
81 ortant for understanding how these and other seasonally dry coastal ecosystems will respond to predic
82 stent resident lineages adapted to a stable, seasonally dry ecology.
83 iginated in humid habitats and colonized dry/seasonally dry environments in Africa and Madagascar.
84 biomass resilience is naturally low (such as seasonally dry forest regions) and promote forest regene
85 ed environments such as semi-arid deserts or seasonally dry forests.
86 f other desert marsupials, and thus occupied seasonally dry heterogenous habitats long before the ons
87                                           In seasonally dry locations, most ecosystems display a more
88  spiciformis, a dominant tree species in the seasonally dry miombo woodland of southern Africa.
89 ees at and above current alpine treelines as seasonally dry subalpine and alpine ecosystems continue
90  in G and Pcanopy across nine data sets from seasonally dry tropical forest and pinon-juniper woodlan
91 ancestor of maize is presently native to the seasonally dry tropical forest of the Central Balsas wat
92  different, older diversification history in seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) occupying rain-sh
93                                           In seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs), phylogenies are
94 ersity in plant responses to water stress in seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs).
95                                              Seasonally dry tropical forests are distributed across L
96                                   In several seasonally dry tropical forests, this trend is reversed,
97   We tested these predictions among trees in seasonally dry tropical forests, where leaf shedding is
98 ssment model to relate land and water use in seasonally dry, semiarid, and arid regions where precipi
99 deciduous and evergreen), and middle Eocene (seasonally dry, subtropical, mixed deciduous and thick-l
100 sition is greater over high-elevation sites, seasonally during summer, and in convective precipitatio
101 x day(-1), and is greatest during periods of seasonally elevated temperature.
102 are year-round in 'landlocked lakes' and are seasonally eliminated from the water column in 'anadromo
103 e 5a, indicated that a 1.8 kb transcript was seasonally expressed in sibling deciduous and evergreen
104                  Phenological changes in key seasonally expressed life-history traits occurring acros
105  radar, we showed that the ability to select seasonally favorable, high-altitude winds is widespread
106 s that guide their migratory flight paths in seasonally-favorable directions.
107 er--dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), which seasonally flock, and eastern towhees (Pipilo erythropth
108 ale field sparrows (Spizella pusilla), which seasonally flock, and male song sparrows (Melospiza melo
109                               In particular, seasonally flooded forest habitats of both regions compr
110 , including terra firme clay, white-sand and seasonally flooded forests in Peru and French Guiana.
111 record indicates that extensive fires in the seasonally flooded savannas of French Guiana are a post-
112 to preserve a reliable historic record under seasonally fluctuating redox conditions.
113                                              Seasonally fluctuating selection could potentially make
114 more general class of models with multilocus seasonally fluctuating selection in diploids.
115 ircadian patterns of habitat use that varied seasonally for a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginian
116                                     We use a seasonally forced age-structured SIR model to explore th
117 reasingly variable major outbreaks in highly seasonally forced contexts.
118 Here I describe a novel approach to modeling seasonally forced food webs, called "successional state
119 e the approach with numerical solutions of a seasonally forced predator-prey model.
120 Complex dynamic behaviour is observed in the seasonally forced spatial model, along with the coexiste
121  most land ice-covered and much of the ocean seasonally freezing.
122 lues more than 100 kilometers away, varying seasonally from 4.4 to 6.1 parts per million.
123                         Risk correlates with seasonally high numbers of V. vulnificus bacteria during
124  irrigated cropland, fertilizer application, seasonally high water table, and soil properties that af
125 astes than local residents, which results in seasonally higher blaNDM-1 levels in the river.
126  middle site in the central bay dominated by seasonally hypoxic bottom water, and (iii) a South site
127                      Field observations in a seasonally hypoxic coastal basin demonstrate that the lo
128    Here we present field observations from a seasonally hypoxic marine basin (Grevelingen, The Nether
129        As cable bacteria are present in many seasonally hypoxic systems, this euxinia-preventing fire
130 keletal structural proteins tended to differ seasonally, i.e., between summer homeothermy and winter
131 tions leads to much uncertainty as to when a seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean might be realized, this
132 from current perennial sea-ice conditions to seasonally ice-free conditions.
133 ts and mortality would not vary spatially or seasonally if variation in chemical composition contribu
134 they can cause mortality, obstruct access to seasonally important resources, and reduce effective pop
135  across cities, neighborhoods, diurnally and seasonally, important for more fine grained air pollutio
136                            CO2 fluxes varied seasonally in 2007, being greatest in drier periods (300
137 for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) varies seasonally in a large, prospective U.S. registry.
138 udy, we plot how this limit varies daily and seasonally in a location in Oklahoma.
139 owever, this sexual dimorphism does not vary seasonally in adulthood and is likely to result from dev
140 lpha and ERbeta mRNA expression did not vary seasonally in any brain region examined, suggesting that
141 ehavioral and physiological traits that vary seasonally in mammals.
142  size of several song control nuclei changes seasonally in many seasonally breeding songbird species.
143  the contextual cues that elicit song change seasonally in parallel with testosterone (T) concentrati
144   The body condition of ruminants fluctuates seasonally in response to changes in energy requirements
145                             Influenza recurs seasonally in temperate regions of the world; however, o
146  heating; in the tropics, however, SSTs vary seasonally in the absence of similar variations in solar
147                           The new pathway is seasonally induced in summer as a heat adaptation that u
148 re to (i) quantify effects of elevated Ca on seasonally integrated CO2 assimilation (NEE(net) = NEE(d
149 an average CO2 stimulation of 32% and 13% of seasonally integrated NEE(net) for the C3 - and C4 -domi
150 isotope data show that tropical wetlands and seasonally inundated floodplains are most likely the con
151 ere may be other benefits to the tree from a seasonally larger and deeper fine-root system.
152 pulations comprise a mixture of resident and seasonally migrant individuals, constitutes a dimension
153        The reasons that lead some animals to seasonally migrate, and others to remain in the same are
154  and migration across a sufficient number of seasonally mobile males and females.
155  and the difference between the measured and seasonally modeled 25(OH)D was calculated to generate a
156 timing and span of temporal occurrence in 11 seasonally occurring animal taxon groups from 329 local
157                                            A seasonally occurring summer hypoxic (low oxygen) zone in
158 erica and midlatitude Eurasia, equivalent to seasonally offsetting approximately one-fifth of regiona
159 by 40% and decrease the degree of drift from seasonally optimal directions.
160 NRZs and that their internal portions can be seasonally oxidized.
161                  Few studies have considered seasonally paired events spanning spring and autumn or t
162 n (C) to root respiratory fluxes also varied seasonally, partially decoupling the proportion of photo
163 n diversity and productivity in a narrow but seasonally persistent transition zone at the intersectio
164                                           By seasonally planning pregnancy, this aspect of pathogen e
165                                        These seasonally plastic telencephalic structures are implicat
166 ncinna which lives in the most variable, but seasonally predictable microhabitat, generally had the h
167              Understanding the importance of seasonally pulsed resources to predators is critical to
168         We randomised mothers 1:1 to receive seasonally recommended trivalent inactivated influenza v
169     Recruitment of new neurons in the HVC is seasonally regulated and depends upon testosterone level
170 c and climatic change that may be common for seasonally regulated life history traits.
171 ing, and migration are dependent on daily or seasonally reoccurring, external stimuli.
172 n of male and female reproductive systems in seasonally reproducing animals.
173                            Here we present a seasonally resolved Cretaceous sedimentary record from t
174            Our study also provides the first seasonally resolved emission rates of POPs, which were d
175 ent the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas (MADA), a seasonally resolved gridded spatial reconstruction of As
176                              Here we analyze seasonally resolved measurements of dissolved CH4 and CO
177                                              Seasonally resolved Sr/Ca in coral without symbionts ref
178             Here, we use precisely dated and seasonally-resolved stalagmite oxygen isotope (delta(18)
179     At previous levels, gray whales may have seasonally resuspended 700 million cubic meters of sedim
180 savannas through hydrological changes to the seasonally saturated grasslands downslope of seeplines.
181 ic incubation of stimulated nPP release with seasonally saturated soils released more nPP and Fe(2+)(
182 olve between a target locus that codes for a seasonally selected trait and a plasticity modifier locu
183  woody lineages had an evolutionary shift to seasonally shedding their leaves only after exposure to
184 polimnetic) scales reveals depth-independent seasonally significant differences in floc Fe biomineral
185 iable: in juveniles during song learning, in seasonally singing adults during peaks in plasticity tha
186                                              Seasonally stratified analyses by poultry type provide s
187 xpression along defined redox gradients in a seasonally stratified fjord to better understand microbi
188 e a mathematical model and field data from a seasonally stratified lake to show that gradual environm
189 ions are consistent with observations from a seasonally stratified lake, which shows hysteresis in th
190             Results suggest that most of the seasonally suitable areas are non-overlapping, and China
191 uces mitochondrial DNA damage in the skin of seasonally sympatric fin, sperm, and blue whales and tha
192 different states of thaw: intact permafrost, seasonally thawed active layer and thermokarst bog.
193 th increased as TNC concentrations increased seasonally; these relationships appeared to arise from s
194        The Fe concentrations in streams vary seasonally: they are higher in winter than in summer, du
195 ring and other developmental responses to be seasonally timed.
196                  Here we present a 1200-year seasonally- to annually-resolved ice core record of snow
197 ge marine ecosystem, several predator guilds seasonally undertake north-south migrations that may be
198 C. tramoserica, which live in a variable and seasonally unpredictable microhabitat, had the lowest TS
199 s chromatography, two groups were discerned: seasonally variable (n=17) and non-seasonal (n=7).
200 nd persistence in the sediment depend on the seasonally variable availability of organic carbon and d
201 ent methods showed a previously undescribed, seasonally variable AVP-lir cell group in the anterior t
202 ble and cost-effective method, which derives seasonally variable concentrations of semivolatile organ
203  g(-1) of faeces, creating a substantial and seasonally variable environmental reservoir.
204            Coastal WH8020, from the dynamic, seasonally variable New England shelf, displayed a multi
205 restoration is complicated by temporally and seasonally variable nutrient sources and complex interac
206 heterotrophi crespiration is influenced by a seasonally variable supply of recent photosynthetic prod
207                        The Chesapeake Bay, a seasonally variable temperate estuary, provides a natura
208 onditions become colder and drier, with more seasonally variable temperatures.
209 nown, as levels of this biomarker are highly seasonally variable.
210 e Migratory Flow Network (MFN), in which the seasonally varying attractiveness of breeding, winter an
211                                The resulting seasonally varying complex expression and metabolite pat
212 OD and PM2.5 considerably varied by day, and seasonally varying effects of GIS predictors on PM2.5 su
213 de further evidence for the involvement of a seasonally varying environmental agent in the etiology o
214                 To further examine whether a seasonally varying environmental agent may contribute to
215 ified suite of atmospheric physics forced by seasonally varying insolation.
216  in the hearing organ of a fish explains its seasonally varying sensitivity to acoustic frequencies i
217 per case averted, except in areas with high, seasonally varying transmission where the impact is part
218 veloped for calculating R0 for diseases with seasonally varying transmission.
219  the taxa within the Hadza that are the most seasonally volatile similarly differentiate industrializ
220                   Ultimately, this may shift seasonally water limited ecosystems into less desirable
221 ng atmospheric water demand; (2) annually or seasonally water-logged soils; and (3) a geomorphologica
222 stosols (peat soils), which exhibit at least seasonally water-saturated conditions, have re-emitted u
223 ude Antarctic notothenioid fishes could melt seasonally, we measured its melting point and obtained a
224 center (HVC) in male canaries did not change seasonally when its borders were defined by histological
225  surface waters (0.31-1.60 mug L(-1)) varied seasonally with highest concentrations in late fall and
226 own that female auditory sensitivity changes seasonally with reproductive state; summer reproductive
227  T4-like myoviral community structure varied seasonally with some OTUs peaking repeatedly in spring-s
228         However, 25(OH)D concentrations vary seasonally with varying exposure to sunlight, so single
229                        NO3(-) removal varied seasonally, with approximately two-thirds of the NO3(-)
230                       The expression changes seasonally, with higher expression during hibernation co
231  carriage prevalence and density also varied seasonally, with peak prevalence occurring in late autum
232 but Cuvier's beaked whales were present only seasonally, with periods of low density during the summe
233                            The impact varies seasonally, with weather having a particularly important

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