


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ercial saffron samples (stigmas, powders and seasonings).
2  digested fractions compared with undigested seasonings.
3 ot induce very severe TAC decreases in these seasonings.
4 s is used in ethnobotany as food, beverages, seasoning and antiseptic remedies, among others.
5  the potential antioxidant capacities of the seasonings and of the probable beneficial effects of the
6 chemical profile and they are widely used as seasonings and traditional medicine.
7                                      Natural seasonings as salt alternatives are more appreciated tha
8 RWPS presented an interesting potential as a seasoning in meat products, enabling salt reduction with
9 ngested, the antioxidants contained in these seasonings may exert protective effects against oxidativ
10 but questions have been raised as to whether seasonings offset the benefits of peanuts alone.
11 ption sweet creamy, floral odour and Chinese seasoning powder).
12 ctions derived from the seedless wine pomace seasoning presented generally the highest antioxidant pr
13                                 New powdered seasonings, rich in natural antioxidant compounds, have
14 udies the potential of a new red wine pomace seasoning (RWPS), derived from wine pomace, to inhibit s
15 t capacity (TAC) of powdered red wine pomace seasonings (RWPSs) obtained from different sources (seed
16 reated with oil marinade, emulsion marinade, seasoning salt as well as breadcrumbs, only very little
17 er panel ranked the meat protein hydrolysate seasoning saltier than the salty standard seasoning solu
18 te seasoning saltier than the salty standard seasoning solution (p<0.05) regardless of GlcN glycation
19 ta vs. Campo) in Extremadura (Spain) and ham seasoning time (mid vs. end) in Emilia (Italy).
20 ct was evaluated by submitting the different seasonings under study to simulated digestion followed b
21                        This type of chemical seasoning was an unusual practice, unknown to later gene
22 tudy, a flavour enhancer formulation (liquid seasoning) was produced using enzymatically hydrolysed p

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