


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d drops precipitously within the germinating seedling.
2 f cell division and organogenesis of the new seedling.
3 nables autotrophic development of developing seedlings.
4 dosperm alpha-cruciferin was delayed in prt6 seedlings.
5 d 173 novel miRNAs (cro-miRNAs) in C. roseus seedlings.
6 cs were made from lupine, peanut and soybean seedlings.
7 A complexes and photoprotection of etiolated seedlings.
8 erves in the seed, the main storage organ in seedlings.
9 lorophyllide to chlorophyllide in developing seedlings.
10 red, especially in early-life stages such as seedlings.
11 ession of key TIA pathway genes in C. roseus seedlings.
12 pmental responses to ethylene in light-grown seedlings.
13  and myrosinase activity in Brussels sprouts seedlings.
14  and full-sibling or nonsibling neighbouring seedlings.
15 -canonical acetylation of H3K23 in etiolated seedlings.
16 pism in photoautotrophic, but not etiolated, seedlings.
17 etiolated Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings.
18 ERO and BEARSKIN1/2, are activated in nlp7-1 seedlings.
19 e rapid germination and earlier vigor of the seedlings.
20 lt stress was also investigated in 8 day-old seedlings.
21 e baits screened for in callus tissue and T1 seedlings.
22 ary factor leading to low recruitment of oak seedlings.
23 crease risk of freezing damage in P. strobus seedlings.
24 otropism in green (de-etiolated) Arabidopsis seedlings.
25 r of lateral roots of Arabidopsis Columbia-0 seedlings.
26 f Pi-deficient wild-type rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings.
27 ity from etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings.
28  virus-free transgenic papaya tissue culture seedlings.
29 mybs1 seedlings, but were decreased in mybs2 seedlings.
30 gnaling in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange seedlings.
31 cting the starvation situation of the albino seedlings.
32 egetative Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings.
33  of ABA signaling in roots of flooded citrus seedlings.
34 ower seedling survival compared to wild-type seedlings.
35 nts still respond to ethylene in light-grown seedlings.
36 y we use either Arabidopsis or tobacco plant seedlings): a Petri dish containing two compartments (BI
37                                           In seedlings, ablating or overexpressing PGX3 affects both
38 ical condition (e.g. sward height, palatable seedling abundance) and a single threshold for ecosystem
39                                   Developing seedlings acquire photosynthetic competence through the
40                                              Seedlings acquire the EMF community of their seed source
41                              Dark-grown laf6 seedlings also showed an increase in protoporphyrin IX (
42 known environmental niches of 64 species, at seedling and adult life stages, in a Chinese tropical fo
43 e 9 acetylation (H3K9ac) enrichment in young seedling and husk tissue.
44 antify contemporary patterns of shrub, shrub seedling and mammal abundances, and use structural equat
45  are highly phylogenetically labile for both seedlings and adult trees, with closely related species
46  inoculum influences the performance of pine seedlings and composition of their root-associated EM fu
47 s containing Picea abies or Pinus sylvestris seedlings and each saprotrophic fungus.
48            PGX2 is widely expressed in young seedlings and in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and sili
49 c rates (Asat ) were high in +4 degrees C/EC seedlings and lowest in +8 degrees C spruce, implying th
50 , and divergent transcription in Arabidopsis seedlings and maize, which are commonly present in yeast
51 15 resulted in reduced fatty acid content in seedlings and mature seeds, whereas MED15 overexpression
52  seed germination or increasing mortality of seedlings and resprouting individuals.
53 al, and germination shape the populations of seedlings and saplings on which current perspectives reg
54 ocused primarily on spatial distributions of seedlings and saplings, leaving major knowledge gaps reg
55 ns caused increased free BCAA levels in both seedlings and seeds.
56 HLH068-overexpressing transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings and the Atbhlh112 mutant display a late-flower
57     Here we examined fixation by Douglas-fir seedlings and transfer to associated ectomycorrhizal fun
58  GLV E-2-hexenal inhibits root elongation in seedlings and, using this phenotype, we isolated E-2-hex
59 zation among two N2 - and two non-N2 -fixing seedlings, and grew them alone and in competition with d
60 notypes, which are readily apparent when the seedlings are grown in dim white light, were attenuated
61 hird life-stage transition when establishing seedlings are physically removed by winter storms.
62 ible in that gravitropic growth resumes when seedlings are returned to normoxic conditions.
63 of these organs, the sense transcriptomes of seedlings are the evolutionarily oldest across all acces
64                                              Seedlings are very sensitive to cold stress and this har
65            The photosynthetic performance of seedlings, assessed by fluorescence, improved under incr
66 affinity-purified from etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings before and after red-light irradiation, we ide
67 d pex26 mutants by screening for inefficient seedling beta-oxidation phenotypes.
68 liferative activity, the extract of broccoli seedlings biofortified with selenium stood out, presenti
69                                In dark-grown seedlings, both YFP-COP1 and endogenous COP1 accumulated
70 re increased upon glucose treatment of mybs1 seedlings, but were decreased in mybs2 seedlings.
71    Overall, prenylated phenolics from legume seedlings can serve multiple purposes, e.g. as phytoestr
72 e growth-survival trade-off and tolerance of seedling CNDD strongly correlated with regeneration succ
73 sms containing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings colonized by different ECM fungal isolates, in
74 n greater N uptake by the next generation of seedlings compared with litter produced by sibling group
75 oes not degrade in dark-grown rice and Athy5 seedlings complemented with OsbZIP48, which is in striki
76 When this complex is isolated from etiolated seedlings consisting of primarily interphase cells in Ar
77                                              Seedlings cultured with inducer were chlorotic with aber
78 ies do not seek to track changes in the peak seedling curve over time, thus limiting our ability to l
79 isD for many species, and find that the peak seedling curve shifts away from conspecific adults over
80 is one of the major abiotic stresses causing seedling death and yield reduction in winter pea.
81                                  Remarkably, seedlings defective in AGO1 slicer activity produce abun
82                                        Since seedlings deficient in PHOSPHOLIPID:DIACYLGLYCEROL ACYLT
83 itions, corresponding to significantly lower seedling densities and increased regeneration failure.
84          Our results document shifts in peak seedling densities over time, thus providing evidence fo
85  fire) was needed to support a given conifer seedling density, which implies that projected future in
86                      MtMATE55 is involved in seedling development and iron homeostasis, as well as ho
87 eed mass is generally regarded to be key for seedling development but is mostly approximated by using
88 bodies is essential for seed germination and seedling development in Arabidopsis.
89                                 During early seedling development, the shoot apical meristem is prote
90 1/2) function as photomorphogenic E3s during seedling development.
91 rabidopsis during seed germination and early seedling development.
92 egrate environmental information to regulate seedling development.
93 rabidopsis during seed germination and early seedling development.
94 nce of mesh barriers (0.5 or 35 mum) between seedlings did not restrict (13) C transfer.
95 ively control EIN3 protein levels to promote seedling emergence from the soil.
96  and that effects on seed viability preceded seedling emergence.
97 ion factor in ethylene pathway that mediates seedling emergence.
98 cal meristem is protected from damage as the seedling emerges from soil by the formation of apical ho
99                                        Plant seedlings emerging from darkness into the light environm
100           During the transition from seed to seedling, emerging embryos strategically balance availab
101 d a positive relationship between periods of seedling establishment and GDD, suggesting that longer s
102 tive carbonyl species during germination and seedling establishment depends on the activity of the cy
103 ich transitions were critical for successful seedling establishment during the first year of seed rec
104 g gradients in physical disturbance limiting seedling establishment for the marine angiosperm, Posido
105  in seven successive developmental stages of seedling establishment in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thali
106                        The 2 yr required for seedling establishment is an apomorphic feature of Austr
107 onship between growing degree days (GDD) and seedling establishment over a period of three decades us
108           We found that selection during the seedling establishment phase contributed strongly to the
109 lso limited with warming, which could hamper seedling establishment success.
110  examined the contribution of differences in seedling establishment to adaptive differentiation and t
111 ceptors are known to play a critical role in seedling establishment, and are among the best-character
112 evelopmental stages from seed germination to seedling establishment, i.e. between imbibition of the m
113 tabolic preparation for seed germination and seedling establishment, respectively.
114 eparation for seed germination and efficient seedling establishment, respectively.
115 e embryo, requiring 12 additional months for seedling establishment.
116 ule indicate biological functions related to seedling establishment.
117 ts the functions of uncharacterized genes in seedling establishment.
118 ce of nutrition for humans and essential for seedling establishment.
119 ht - direct root growth into the soil to aid seedling establishment.
120 pening of the cotyledons, the final stage of seedling establishment.
121 zal networks improved growth and survival of seedlings, evaluated whether ectomycorrhizal fungi promo
122  (TPB) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings, exerting biogenic control of chloroplast func
123 diation on survival were more pronounced for seedlings existing at high understory light levels.
124 the predominantly exploited P sources in the seedling experiment: the N2 fixer with high N2 fixation
125     Mathematical analysis of stem growth for seedlings expressing wild-type phyB or thermally stable
126 sed on the strand-specific RNA-seq data from seedling, floral bud, and root of 19 Arabidopsis thalian
127 parent-offspring analysis of 1311 greenhouse seedlings from 71 crosses involving 72 adults to estimat
128 genetic variation in growth and phenology of seedlings from 77 to 92 native populations of each speci
129 owever, little is known of seed ontogeny and seedling germination in Austrobaileya scandens, sister t
130 d sterile EMF inoculum, but drought-tolerant seedlings grew 25% larger than drought-intolerant seedli
131                                We found that seedlings grew similarly when inoculated with local vs f
132      Drought-tolerant and drought-intolerant seedlings grew similarly when provided sterile EMF inocu
133                                              Seedlings grow initially through elongation of the hypoc
134                                           As seedlings grow toward the surface, the depth of soil ove
135             Using a 3D imaging approach with seedlings grown for various times under a variety of lig
136         Under non-infested conditions, maize seedlings grown in soils preceded by sunflower or pea ha
137                    Hypocotyls of SOB3 mutant seedlings grown in white light with a higher fluence rat
138             Gene expression profiles in rice seedlings grown under copper excess show an altered expr
139 rization of Arabidopsis CTL1, which controls seedling growth and apical hook development by regulatin
140 ocations in a fully reciprocal design, using seedling growth as a proxy for fitness.
141 hromatin remodeler subunit, BAF60, represses seedling growth by modulating DNA accessibility of hypoc
142 cantly suppressed defects in cytokinesis and seedling growth caused by map65-3 because of restoring M
143  dampen the inhibitory effect of NAE 12:0 on seedling growth indicating that MDPD is a specific synth
144 trations >/=25 muM As, reflected in stronger seedling growth inhibition on agar plates.
145          During and after germination, early seedling growth is supported by catabolism of stored res
146 cisic acid (ABA) in the seed germination and seedling growth stages, while mybs2 showed reduced respo
147 that are essential for germination and early seedling growth under anoxic conditions.
148 luated whether ectomycorrhizal fungi promote seedling growth via positive plant-soil feedback, and me
149 anolamine (NAE 12:0) on Arabidopsis thaliana seedling growth, we identified 6-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1,3-d
150 ation of endosperm reserves to support early seedling growth.
151 ing a population of mitochondria tailored to seedling growth.
152 ions may be used to optionally support rapid seedling growth.
153                             koc1 Arabidopsis seedlings had reduced survival rates after transfer from
154 r the period 2061-2090 were found for spruce seedling height (0.64), and for beech bud break and leaf
155 ot branch angles and gravitropic behavior of seedling hypocotyls and primary roots.
156 ild, traits that were also observed in their seedlings in a common garden.
157 cape P gradient, and manipulated P and Mo to seedlings in a shadehouse.
158 underlie the performance and survivorship of seedlings in deeply shaded tropical forests.
159 d differently shoot and root length of cress seedlings in germination tests highlighting its complex
160 sal to spatial patterns of diversity of tree seedlings in treefall gaps.
161  of auxin to transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in vivo was monitored in real time via dynamic
162 creased N-terminal peptide abundance in prt6 seedlings, including cruciferins, major seed storage pro
163 W), whereas application of Rhizopus onto the seedlings increased the isoflavonoid content considerabl
164 alyses of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings indicated that during heat stress, polyunsatur
165 , LRE was biallelically expressed in 8-d-old seedlings, indicating that the patrigenic allele does no
166 ivity and AM colonization in field-collected seedlings, indicative of a trade-off in P acquisition st
167             We planted Pseudotsuga menziesii seedlings into soils that were either a homogenized mix
168 (dry seed) to the active state of a vigorous seedling is crucial in the plant's life cycle.
169 utrients - particularly N - always regulated seedling leaf production (and to a lesser extent herbivo
170              We performed circRNA-Seq on B73 seedling leaves and uncovered 2804 high-confidence maize
171  RNA interference and artificial microRNA in seedlings led to altered distribution patterns of the ph
172    Null ppr53 alleles condition a chlorotic, seedling-lethal phenotype and a reduction in plastid rib
173  T-DNA insertional mutant of OsbZIP48 showed seedling-lethal phenotypes despite the fact that roots w
174                        The pdk1- mutation is seedling-lethal, indicating that C4 photosynthesis is es
175 m formation, altered sugar accumulation, and seedling lethality.
176                                              Seedlings may be particularly vulnerable to climatic str
177 o new areas, the successful establishment of seedlings may depend critically on the balance between t
178                                              Seedling mortality varied strongly among habitats, consi
179                                  Conspecific seedling neighbour effects prevailed over the effects of
180 ed leaf production, retention and damage for seedlings nested within a replicated 15-yr factorial nut
181                                 Axenic wheat seedlings obtained with this method were subsequently us
182 asin, we reciprocally transplanted 4638 tree seedlings of 41 habitat-specialist species from seven ph
183                Finally, we track the fate of seedlings of an encroaching shrub, hopbush (Dodonaea vis
184 oped for optimizing polyphenol production in seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana).
185                                              Seedlings of Brussels sprouts were used as a model, whic
186 uencing was performed using 14-day-old maize seedlings of inbreds B73, Mo17, Oh43, PH207 and B37 unde
187  isoflavanones were mainly found in elicited seedlings of Phaseolus, Vigna and Lablab, whereas pteroc
188 logy (i.e., plant-herbivore interactions) of seedlings of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica.
189 Experimental manipulation of boron supply to seedlings of three tropical tree species revealed no evi
190 fect range shifts by transplanting seeds and seedlings of western North American conifers of differen
191 ped that entailed growing Populus tremulodes seedlings on a thin, nutrient-enriched Phytagel matrix t
192 tial gene-expression analyses in Arabidopsis seedlings overexpressing LEC1 and in developing Arabidop
193   To evaluate crop rotation effects on maize seedling performance and its associated microbiome, maiz
194                           This suggests that seedling performance is a primary determinant of the hab
195 nt level, while substantially improving pine seedling performance.
196 pendent differences are coupled with altered seedling phenotypes grown on iron-limited soil.
197                           In red-light-grown seedlings PIF4 ubiquitination was reduced in the bop2 mu
198           To date, the effects of warming on seedling recruitment have received little attention, in
199 imate change experiment in which we measured seedling recruitment of lodgepole pine, a widespread Nor
200 differed across the environmental gradients; seedling recruitment was affected by grazing and bioturb
201 eneration, ignoring climate requirements for seedling recruitment, a potential demographic bottleneck
202 a angustissima), during a period optimal for seedling recruitment, and quantify removal rates of hopb
203  relatively stronger for rare species during seedling recruitment, but stronger for common species du
204 reesnake may have caused a 61-92% decline in seedling recruitment.
205 interactions affected first-year survival of seedling recruits of 175 species in a tropical forest, a
206 ungal taxon dominated the roots of most pine seedlings, reducing the diversity of EM fungi at the tre
207           WCR root damage was equivalent for seedlings regardless of soil provenance; whereas F. gram
208                                        Since seedlings represent a key bottleneck in the demographic
209     Here we use data for ca. 50,000 tropical seedlings representing 25 woody species to assess (i) th
210              Developing Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings require the natural resistance-associated macr
211                                     Emerging seedlings respond to environmental conditions such as li
212                                     However, seedlings responded differently to wet and dry phases de
213  Re-oxygenation of 3-day anaerobically grown seedlings resulted in rapid transcriptomic changes in DN
214 ed abundance of consumers of shrub seeds and seedlings, rodents and rabbits respectively.
215 y-state poly(A)(+) transcript populations of seedling root tips confirmed the capture of pre-messenge
216                                  We measured seedling root traits across three moisture levels in 18
217 e are sensitive to CHC1 and CHC2 function in seedling roots and that chc mutants have physiological d
218 showed that [(64)Cu]-NPs entered the lettuce seedling roots and were rapidly transported to the cotyl
219 n soil around the roots is dislodged or when seedling roots are touched, an odor is detected.
220  we investigated the colonization of conifer seedling roots in vitro using an array of 201 basidiomyc
221           The growth of Arabidopsis thaliana seedling roots is more sensitive to inhibition by A2C th
222                   Our results indicated that seedling, sapling, and tree abundance were positively co
223 ngitude was mixed, with earlier life stages (seedlings, saplings) most abundant at the western end of
224                 We used total counts of live seedlings, saplings, and trees, representing five life s
225                       In SCY2 down-regulated seedlings, several thylakoid membrane proteins, includin
226                        KEY MESSAGE: In maize seedlings, severe cold results in dysregulation of circa
227 ng RNAs across three tissue types (siliques, seedling shoots, and roots) and validated a number of th
228 sponse factor (ERFVII) RAP2.12, as rap2.12-1 seedlings show exaggerated primary root bending.
229                                  Mutant gpt2 seedlings showed no stimulation of cell proliferation an
230 iating with naturally occurring trees at the seedling source populations.
231 rhizosphere microbial communities by growing seedlings sourced from multiple locations with soil micr
232            In contrast, in white light-grown seedlings, spaQn mutants failed to relocalize COP1 from
233 ebrate seed dispersers approximately doubled seedling species richness within canopy gaps and halved
234 nt thus confirmed that straw mulching at the seedling stage may lead to yield reduction and this effe
235 ations were screened for phenotypes from the seedling stage through senescence.
236 rc-trxx mutants showed high mortality at the seedling stage, which was overcome by the addition of an
237 erbivory will have on ultimately determining seedling success.
238 ound persisting oil bodies in pex6 and pex26 seedlings, suggesting a role for peroxisomal retrotransl
239 tronger for adult trees than for saplings or seedlings, suggesting that the environmental filters exe
240 ted by results showing that rates of hopbush seedling survival and seed removal were 1.7 times greate
241  of the maximum efficiency of PSII and lower seedling survival compared to wild-type seedlings.
242 heterogeneity is not only the main driver of seedling survival in this forest but also plays a centra
243 and solar radiation between 2007 and 2016 on seedling survival over 9 years in a subtropical forest;
244                               Community-wide seedling survival was not sensitive to interannual rainf
245 e predominant and most consistent drivers of seedling survival, with the majority of species exhibiti
246 s a key process underpinning germination and seedling survival.
247 survival was much lower for newly germinated seedlings that were surrounded by more conspecific adult
248                               In light-grown seedlings, the root of the atlazy2,3,4 mutant was also a
249                                           In seedlings, these proteins repress hypocotyl elongation i
250 that warming will negatively affect seagrass seedlings through multiple direct and indirect pathways:
251 ders of magnitude as plants develop from the seedling to juvenile to mature and senescent stages.
252 sms that will drive the capacity of seagrass seedlings to adapt and survive to warming, highlighting
253 of autotrophic development allows developing seedlings to cope with the heat-absorbing soil surface l
254 ed (800 mumol mol(-1)) CO2, and then shifted seedlings to growth conditions with short photoperiod (8
255 nvestigated transcriptomic response of maize seedlings to low temperature in the context of diurnal g
256                    Improved tolerance of sr1 seedlings to salt is accompanied with the induction of s
257 t signaling, is a key component required for seedlings to sense the depth of soil overlay.
258  thermal reversion upon exposing Arabidopsis seedlings to warm environments reduce both the abundance
259 ions between known regulators of the seed-to-seedling transition and predicts the functions of unchar
260 nal and metabolic changes during the seed-to-seedling transition in Arabidopsis opens up new perspect
261 ll expansion mechanisms underlie the seed to seedling transition in Arabidopsis.
262 ediated cell expansion initiates the seed-to-seedling transition in plants and is repressed by DELLA
263 thways which are significant for the seed-to-seedling transition, and metabolite contents that appear
264 hrough metabolic pathways during the seed-to-seedling transition.
265 oluble P contents in Pi-deficient transgenic seedlings treated with phytate as a restricted Pi source
266 ant seedlings under dry conditions when each seedling type developed its distinct EMF community.
267 tome and methylome from germination to young seedlings under aerobic and anaerobic conditions reveale
268 ings grew 25% larger than drought-intolerant seedlings under dry conditions when each seedling type d
269                 We grew Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings under the same mean soil moisture, but with di
270           Upon exposure to light, developing seedlings undergo photomorphogenesis, as illustrated by
271 of mature plants and arthropod deterrence of seedlings undergoing skotomorphogenesis and greening.
272 omoter increased oil contents in Arabidopsis seedlings up to 6% of dry weight; more than 50-fold over
273 dy-state transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings using global nuclear run-on sequencing (GRO-se
274  mobilisation in the transition from seed to seedling via control of ERFVII action.
275 CYP78A1), results in increased organ growth, seedling vigour, stover biomass and seed yield.
276 of myrosinase activity compared to untreated seedlings was after HP at 100MPa, 30 degrees C, 3min and
277 cation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings was developed and used to screen a 10-k librar
278                Total survival probability of seedlings was low (0.001), however, transition probabili
279 15)NH4NO3 labeling with hydroponically grown seedlings was used to quantify the relative distribution
280 nd rule pathway on the proteome of etiolated seedlings, we used terminal amine isotopic labelling of
281      We designed an experiment where control seedlings were acclimated to long photoperiod (day/night
282  than the wild type under Al(3+) stress, and seedlings were chlorotic under Fe-deficient conditions.
283                                              Seedlings were exposed to different day/night temperatur
284 athione (GSH), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were exposed to HT with or without GSH treatme
285 enome-wide H3K9/14ac profiles in Arabidopsis seedlings were generated by chromatin immunoprecipitatio
286           Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) seedlings were grown in an enriched (13) C and (15) N en
287 surface charge on NP uptake by plants, wheat seedlings were hydroponically exposed to 20 mg/L of appr
288 d hypersensitivity to glucose, whereas mybs2 seedlings were hyposensitive to it.
289 resistance, since nonacclimated pdat1 mutant seedlings were more sensitive to severe heat stress, as
290                                         When seedlings were not supplied with N, the level of the N-c
291 sown in seed trays containing peat and young seedlings were transplanted in 2L pots containing peat a
292       In contrast to studies with dark-grown seedlings, where the canonical ethylene response transcr
293 p) mutants, occurred particularly in younger seedlings, whereas the increase during the night continu
294 ain unexplored for early life stages such as seedlings, which allow plant dispersal and provide the p
295 ght-grown Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings, which were overlaid on time-matched developme
296 ividually in a tube to obtain a total of 370 seedlings, whose shoot and taproot lengths were measured
297         In addition, treatment of transgenic seedlings with a proteasome inhibitor results in the acc
298 results in decreased germination rates, weak seedlings with reduced survival rates, and eventually lo
299 lity of different isoflavonoid subclasses in seedlings with Rhizopus varied per species.
300 tion from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings without exogenous growth regulators or stress

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