


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 proteins in the form of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine.
2 nslational recoding of the UGA stop codon as selenocysteine.
3 ctors in the late amino acids tryptophan and selenocysteine.
4 nslational recoding of the UGA stop codon to selenocysteine.
5 doxin reductase contains the rare amino acid selenocysteine.
6 , whereas related sensitive moths accumulate selenocysteine.
7 G418 caused a substitution of l-arginine for selenocysteine.
8 ronine deiodinases containing an active site selenocysteine.
9 athway amino acids selenohomocysteine and/or selenocysteine.
10 more stable than the corresponding alkylated selenocysteine.
11 orelevant functional groups and is unique to selenocysteine.
12 selenoproteins are known to contain multiple selenocysteines.
13 are recoded to cotranslationally incorporate selenocysteine, a rare selenium-containing amino acid.
14                                          The selenocysteine allows SelS to rapidly re-form its selene
15 hat of atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin and that selenocysteine allows SelS to sustain activity under oxi
16 that encoding of pyrrolysine, unlike that of selenocysteine, also shares an important trait of the or
17 o cis-acting elements for UGA translation as selenocysteine, although different mechanisms may underl
18 ed by expressed protein ligation of a single selenocysteine amino acid to a 243-CA truncation.
19 , the selenium donor for the biosynthesis of selenocysteine and 2-selenouridine residues in seleno-tR
20 s, in that it catalyzes the decomposition of selenocysteine and allows selenium to be recycled for ad
21 nd that the codon UGA specifies insertion of selenocysteine and cysteine in the ciliate Euplotes cras
22 ected at low concentrations while Se-(Methyl)selenocysteine and inorganic selenium species (selenite
23  stems primarily from its incorporation into selenocysteine and its function in selenoenzymes.
24 cs, glucosinolates, sulphoraphane, Se-methyl selenocysteine and myrosinase in broccoli.
25 lenoproteins contain selenium in the form of selenocysteine and perform a variety of cellular functio
26 bly selenocystathionine) in addition to some selenocysteine and selenate.
27 onstrate (77)Se NMR spectroscopy of multiple selenocysteine and selenomethionine residues in the sulf
28 ight play an important role in regulation of selenocysteine and selenoprotein synthesis.
29 r/Se assimilation followed by methylation of selenocysteine and the targeted sequestration of methyls
30 5% C-Se-C forms, 33-42% selenocystine, 5-12% selenocysteine, and 11-14% trimethylselenonium ion.
31 imilation and volatilization, methylation of selenocysteine, and conversion of selenocysteine to elem
32 (SepSecS) catalyzes the terminal reaction of selenocysteine, and is vital for human selenoproteome in
33 aryotic organisms lack the ability to insert selenocysteine, and prokaryotes have a recoding apparatu
34 suggest that Sepp1 isoforms with six or more selenocysteines are taken up by apoER2.
35 (i.e., after decoding the first UGA codon as selenocysteine) are fully competent to terminate transla
36  ranging from 1.03-2.03+/-0.2 mug kg(-1) and selenocysteine at a concentration of 1.47+/-0.1 mug kg(-
37 ) facilitates translational incorporation of selenocysteine at a UGA codon.
38 er in the polypeptide chain as compared with selenocysteine at the UGA codon, expression of the catal
39 uced to only two proteins, one of which is a selenocysteine-based glutathione peroxidase, the first f
40      We report the development of two facile selenocysteine-based strategies to generate the DUB prob
41 translational factors resulted in a model of selenocysteine biosynthesis and incorporation dependent
42 eavage complex induction, the thiol-reactive selenocysteine, but not the non-thiol-reactive selenomet
43 y of the human terminal synthetic complex of selenocysteine by using small angle x-ray scattering, mu
44                      Following ligation, the selenocysteine can be deselenized into an alanine or ser
45 o-peptides and thus constrained by where the selenocysteine can be positioned.
46                             Furthermore, the selenocysteine can be used to selectively introduce site
47 ing that efficient incorporation of multiple selenocysteines can be reconstituted in rabbit reticuloc
48  and is incorporated into more than 25 human selenocysteine-containing (Sec-containing) proteins via
49 its enzymatic function, we have isolated the selenocysteine-containing enzyme by relying on the aggre
50                                     Only the selenocysteine-containing enzyme is active.
51 hospholipid glutathione peroxidase (GPX4), a selenocysteine-containing enzyme that dissipates lipid p
52        Glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx-1) is a selenocysteine-containing enzyme that plays a major role
53 ondrial thioredoxin reductases are essential selenocysteine-containing enzymes that control thioredox
54 f thioredoxin glutathione reductase (TGR), a selenocysteine-containing flavoenzyme required by the pa
55 ver, 100- to 1,000-fold more active than non-selenocysteine-containing MsrB enzymes for free Met-(R)-
56                            Recently, a novel selenocysteine-containing oxidoreductase, Sep15, has bee
57        Glutathione peroxidase-3 (GPx-3) is a selenocysteine-containing plasma protein that scavenges
58                                    Employing selenocysteine-containing protein fragments to form the
59         Thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1) is a selenocysteine-containing protein involved in cellular r
60 echanism essential for the synthesis of this selenocysteine-containing protein.
61                             The synthesis of selenocysteine-containing proteins (selenoproteins) invo
62 emonstrate that the selective translation of selenocysteine-containing proteins can be regulated by t
63 hich are predicted to have a large number of selenocysteine-containing proteins.
64     The glutathione peroxidases, a family of selenocysteine-containing redox enzymes, play pivotal ro
65 s a radical SAM domain peptide maturase with selenocysteine-containing targets, suggesting a new biol
66 ), was recombinantly fused with a C-terminal selenocysteine-containing tetrapeptide Sel-tag, allowing
67 ontaining compounds, but increased Se-methyl-selenocysteine content.
68 an early stop codon, and SelP, which had low selenocysteine content.
69 ysteine separated by two other residues from selenocysteine) corresponds to the CXXC motif in thiored
70 ve Cys in proteins by searching for sporadic selenocysteine-Cys pairs in sequence databases.
71                              Deiodinases are selenocysteine-dependent membrane proteins catalyzing th
72  the CXC motif, and by construction of a CXU selenocysteine derivative, which has permitted XAS studi
73         In mammals, UGA can be reassigned to selenocysteine during translation of selenoproteins by a
74 ere also identified 3' adjacent to, or near, selenocysteine-encoding UGA codons in the Sps2, SelH, Se
75            The nucleophilic selenol group of selenocysteine endows this rare amino acid with unique c
76 e utilization of the 21st natural amino acid selenocysteine for the generation of IgG and Fab molecul
77 nthase (SepSecS) catalyzes the final step of selenocysteine formation by a poorly understood tRNA-dep
78 X-HPLC/ICPMS also detected selenocystine and selenocysteine, further confirming the results obtained
79 f Orp1 is similar to that found in mammalian selenocysteine glutathione peroxidases.
80                              Pyrrolysine and selenocysteine have infiltrated natural genetic codes vi
81 ion of saturation concentration of Se-methyl-selenocysteine in broccoli cv.
82 hat the covalent inhibition of the catalytic selenocysteine in Gpx4 prevents elimination of PUFA hydr
83 ered voltage-gated Na(+) channel harboring a selenocysteine in its inactivation motif, as a non-photo
84 epresentatives that lack this metal, whereas selenocysteine in proteins is dynamically exchanged with
85  relies on the co-translational insertion of selenocysteine in response to UGA codons.
86 sm of oxidation of the catalytic cysteine or selenocysteine in thiol peroxidases.
87  umpolung strategy for the bioconjugation of selenocysteine in unprotected peptides.
88 n IgG1-derived Fc fragment with a C-terminal selenocysteine in yields comparable to conventional mono
89               Mice, rats, and humans have 10 selenocysteines in Sepp1, which are incorporated via rec
90 vitamin B(12)), and selenium (in the form of selenocysteine) in 747 sequenced organisms at the follow
91  that ribosomes in the "processive" phase of selenocysteine incorporation (i.e., after decoding the f
92 int for the presence of factors required for selenocysteine incorporation and as a "bottleneck," slow
93               Additionally, SECp43 increases selenocysteine incorporation and selenoprotein mRNA leve
94                            The mechanisms of selenocysteine incorporation and selenoprotein synthesis
95 nse-mediated decay when factors required for selenocysteine incorporation are limiting.
96 ons, that ribosomes become less efficient at selenocysteine incorporation as the distance between UGA
97                                              Selenocysteine incorporation at the first UGA codon is i
98 ssages would seem to demand highly efficient selenocysteine incorporation due to the compounding effe
99  translational GTPases such as EF-Tu and the selenocysteine incorporation factor SelB.
100  that increase or decrease the efficiency of selenocysteine incorporation in Escherichia coli without
101                                              Selenocysteine incorporation in eukaryotes occurs cotran
102 eukaryotes and SelB in prokaryotes, promotes selenocysteine incorporation into selenoproteins by a st
103  UGA codons is increased, and that efficient selenocysteine incorporation is not dependent on cis-act
104          The mechanism by which the limiting selenocysteine incorporation machinery is preferentially
105  a mechanism for the nuclear assembly of the selenocysteine incorporation machinery that could allow
106                    Studies of the eukaryotic selenocysteine incorporation mechanism suggest that sele
107                                              Selenocysteine incorporation occurs during translation o
108                                    Bacterial selenocysteine incorporation occurs in response to opal
109           Engineered ribosomes with improved selenocysteine incorporation provide valuable tools for
110 ctures in the 3' untranslated region, termed selenocysteine incorporation sequence (SECIS) elements,
111 r mutations that can alter the efficiency of selenocysteine incorporation.
112 ative splicing, dicistronic translation, and selenocysteine incorporation.
113 ysteine incorporation mechanism suggest that selenocysteine insertion is inefficient compared with te
114  the first report of a land plant possessing selenocysteine insertion machinery at the sequence level
115 nism involving a 3 untranslated region (UTR) selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) and the SECIS-
116      This recoding event is specified by the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element and re
117                       It is thought that the SelenoCysteine Insertion Sequence (SECIS) element and UG
118                                            A selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element in the
119 the presence of two copies of tRNA-Sec and a selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element which
120 s, the recoding of UGA as Sec depends on the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element, a ste
121 codons and is dependent on the presence of a selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element, which
122 sence of a cis-acting mRNA structure, called selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element.
123 computationally for evolutionarily conserved selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) elements, whic
124 ture in the 3'-untranslated region, termed a selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS), and SECIS-bin
125 SelB), and a specific mRNA sequence known as selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS).
126            GPX4 rs713041 is located near the selenocysteine insertion sequence element in the GPX4 3'
127    This process depends on the nature of the selenocysteine insertion sequence element located in the
128  could only be expressed when the Drosophila selenocysteine insertion sequence element was used, wher
129                                              Selenocysteine insertion sequence-associating factors, a
130 CIS binding protein 2, which is required for selenocysteine insertion, thereby inhibiting the synthes
131 stop codon reassignment that is required for selenocysteine insertion.
132 oding the stop codon UGA from termination to selenocysteine insertion.
133 om mice carrying genomic deletions of 3' UTR selenocysteine-insertion-sequences (SECIS1 and SECIS2).
134  site-specific antibody conjugation methods, selenocysteine interface technology (i) only involves a
135 nto alanine and elemental sulfur (S0) and of selenocysteine into alanine and elemental Se (Se0).
136 tial trace element, which is incorporated as selenocysteine into at least 25 selenoproteins using a u
137 cis-acting elements for the incorporation of selenocysteine into selenoproteins.
138                           UGA translation as selenocysteine is absolutely dependent on message contex
139                                              Selenocysteine is cotranslationally inserted into protei
140                                              Selenocysteine is incorporated into at least 25 human pr
141                                              Selenocysteine is incorporated into proteins via "recodi
142              Known as the "21st" amino acid, selenocysteine is inserted into proteins by recoding UGA
143                                              Selenocysteine is inserted into selenoproteins via the t
144  Although the site specific incorporation of selenocysteine is of great interest for protein engineer
145       The decoding of specific UGA codons as selenocysteine is specified by the Sec insertion sequenc
146                                              Selenocysteine is the only genetically encoded amino aci
147                                              Selenocysteine is the only proteinogenic amino acid enco
148                 Here it is demonstrated that selenocysteine is the residue oxidized by the peroxide s
149 The missing C-terminal tripeptide containing selenocysteine is then ligated to the thioester-tagged p
150      Because it contains the rare amino acid selenocysteine, it belongs to the family of selenoprotei
151                                              Selenocysteine, known as the 21st amino acid, is then in
152 GPX4 by covalently targeting the active site selenocysteine, leading to accumulation of PUFA hydroper
153 s bind to the Mo following dissociation of a selenocysteine ligand to create a vacant coordination si
154 allyl cysteine derivatives, generated by the selenocysteine ligation, with rhodium carbenoids, stabil
155                                              Selenocysteine lyase (Scly) is an enzyme that plays an i
156                                              Selenocysteine lyase (Scly) is the enzyme that supplies
157 , selenium levels are controlled through the selenocysteine machinery and expression of abundant sele
158 ssion data linked certain selenoproteins and selenocysteine machinery genes and suggested functional
159  provides a means by which both cysteine and selenocysteine may have originally been added to the gen
160 rcome the placement and size restrictions in selenocysteine-mediated chemical ligation.
161                                   Therefore, selenocysteine-mediated expressed protein ligation simpl
162                                              Selenocysteine-mediated ligation is noteworthy for its h
163 dimer), selenomethionine (SeMet), and methyl-selenocysteine (MeSeCys) were separated, identified and
164 rization of the gene that encodes a putative selenocysteine methyltransferase (SMT) enzyme from the n
165 the accumulator enzyme (AbSMT) but lacks the selenocysteine methyltransferase activity in vitro, expl
166  Se accumulator species results in increased selenocysteine methyltransferase activity, but these mut
167                        S. pinnata had higher selenocysteine methyltransferase protein levels and, jud
168 (Cys(59)/Cys(64)), and a C-terminal cysteine/selenocysteine motif (Cys(497)/Sec(498)).
169 er in their ability to transaminate methyl-L-selenocysteine (MSC) and L-selenomethionine (SM) to beta
170  with a targeted mutation of the active site selenocysteine of Gpx4 (Gpx4_U46S).
171                               The C-terminal selenocysteine of TR1 was characterized as the primary a
172 omplete oxidation of the selenol function of selenocysteine or selenohomocysteine by dioxygen is achi
173 ame UGA codons that can be decoded as either selenocysteine or termination codons.
174 depleted KIIIA[C1A,C2U,C9A,C15U] (where U is selenocysteine) or ddKIIIA were used.
175         Recoding of UGA from a stop codon to selenocysteine poses a dilemma for the protein translati
176 centage of ribosomes decoding a UGA codon as selenocysteine rather than termination can be increased
177 hat is characterized by up-regulation of UGA-selenocysteine recoding efficiency and relocalization of
178 minal domain of the rat protein contains one selenocysteine residue in a UxxC redox motif.
179  electrophile resulting in alkylation of the selenocysteine residue in the active site of thioredoxin
180  blocked by auranofin and required an intact selenocysteine residue in TrxR1.
181 due to a Michael addition of the penultimate selenocysteine residue of TrxRs to the QMs.
182 ve due to the fact that it contains multiple selenocysteine residues and has been postulated to act i
183 ctors contribute to the decoding of multiple selenocysteine residues are discussed.
184  protein that in humans and mice contains 10 selenocysteine residues in its primary structure.
185  to the efficiency of incorporating multiple selenocysteine residues in this protein.
186 RNA (Sec tRNA) required for the insertion of selenocysteine residues into SPs during their translatio
187 t of site-specific incorporation of pairs of selenocysteine residues on oxidative folding and the fun
188                                              Selenocysteine residues were replaced mainly by cysteine
189 at Sepp1, with a potential for containing 10 selenocysteine residues, contained an average of 5 selen
190  positions of the second, third, and seventh selenocysteine residues.
191 and 168 amino acids, including a TGA-encoded selenocysteine, respectively.
192 nt of the cysteine thiolate iron ligand by a selenocysteine results in UV-vis, EPR, and resonance Ram
193                       Neither the C terminus selenocysteine-rich domain of Sepp1 nor ApoER2 was requi
194 elenomethylselenocysteine (Se-MetSeCys), and selenocysteine (Se-Cys) preconcentration.
195 f the electrophilic character of an oxidized selenocysteine (Se-S bond) to react with a nucleophilic
196 rough biomimetic chemical access to Se-allyl-selenocysteine (Seac), a metathesis-reactive amino acid
197                                              Selenocysteine (Sec or U) is encoded by UGA, a stop codo
198         Notably, mammalian H-TrxR contains a selenocysteine (Sec) and has wider substrate reactivity
199 ement that occurs in proteins in the form of selenocysteine (Sec) and in tRNAs in the form of selenou
200                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) and pyrrolysine (Pyl) are rare amin
201                                 In addition, selenocysteine (Sec) and pyrrolysine (Pyl), known as the
202 ins are proteins that contain the amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) and the first release of the databa
203      Proteins containing the 21st amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) are present in the three domains of
204                                   The use of selenocysteine (Sec) as the 21st amino acid in the genet
205                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) biosynthesis in archaea and eukaryo
206             We report the semisynthesis of a selenocysteine (Sec) derivative of the human copper chap
207 expressed cytosolic region of VIMP where the selenocysteine (Sec) in position 188 is replaced with a
208                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) incorporation into selenoproteins r
209                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) incorporation is an essential proce
210 IS) element and UGA codon are sufficient for selenocysteine (Sec) insertion.
211 eins requires the decoding of a UGA codon as selenocysteine (Sec) instead of translation termination.
212                             Incorporation of selenocysteine (Sec) into proteins in response to UGA co
213                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) is found in the catalytic centers o
214                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) is incorporated at UGA codons in mR
215                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) is known as the 21st amino acid, a
216                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) is naturally co-translationally inc
217                                   In Archaea selenocysteine (Sec) is synthesized in three steps.
218 oreductase that contains the rare amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) on a C-terminal extension.
219 catalytic activity without the presence of a selenocysteine (Sec) residue (which is essential for the
220 n thioredoxin reductase (TR) contains a rare selenocysteine (Sec) residue in a conserved redox-active
221 n many life forms due to its occurrence as a selenocysteine (Sec) residue in selenoproteins.
222 xin, especially the presence or absence of a selenocysteine (Sec) residue in this tetrapeptide.
223 s chemically programmed through a C-terminal selenocysteine (Sec) residue.
224                                              Selenocysteine (Sec) residues occur in thiol oxidoreduct
225                  This Cys was synthesized by selenocysteine (Sec) synthase on tRNA([Ser]Sec) and its
226       Selenoproteins use the rare amino acid selenocysteine (Sec) to act as the first line of defense
227 inase (PSTK) is the key enzyme in recruiting selenocysteine (Sec) to the genetic code of archaea and
228 n was targeted for removal by disrupting the selenocysteine (Sec) tRNA([Ser]Sec) gene (trsp), and sel
229 Selenoproteins are proteins that incorporate selenocysteine (Sec), a nonstandard amino acid encoded b
230        Selenoproteins contain the amino acid selenocysteine (Sec), co-translationally inserted at a p
231 up of proteins containing a rare amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec), encoded by the codon, UGA.
232 ealth, is incorporated into some proteins as selenocysteine (Sec), generating a family of selenoprote
233                         The 21st amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec), is incorporated translationally in
234 ecies; selenate (Se(VI)), Selenite (se(IV)), selenocysteine (SeC), Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC) and
235                                              Selenocysteine (Sec), the 21(st) amino acid, is synthesi
236 ace element selenium is found in proteins as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid to participate
237 ment, is incorporated into selenoproteins as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid.
238                             Incorporation of selenocysteine (Sec), through recoding of the UGA stop c
239 Selenium is incorporated into the amino acid selenocysteine (Sec), which in turn is inserted into sel
240 tive site in the form of the 21st amino acid selenocysteine (Sec), which is encoded by an in-frame UG
241 eneticin (G418) interfered with insertion of selenocysteine (Sec), which is encoded by the stop codon
242                         We characterized the selenocysteine (Sec)-containing Chlamydomonas MsrA and f
243    Mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TR) is a selenocysteine (Sec)-containing homodimeric pyridine nuc
244                                Expression of selenocysteine (Sec)-containing proteins requires the pr
245                                              Selenocysteine (Sec)-decoding archaea and eukaryotes emp
246 on sequence (SECIS) element and requires the selenocysteine (Sec)-specific elongation factor, eEFSec,
247                                          The selenocysteine (Sec)-specific eukaryotic elongation fact
248 ows for UGA codons to specify the amino acid selenocysteine (Sec).
249 o encode the selenium containing amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec).
250 ynthesis via decomposition of the amino acid selenocysteine (Sec).
251 as also explored using the cysteine analogue selenocysteine (Sec).
252 osition of the dyad with the rare amino acid selenocysteine (Sec).
253 e proteins containing an uncommon amino acid selenocysteine (Sec).
254 otein N incorporates selenium in the form of selenocysteine (Sec).
255                                              Selenocysteine (Sec, U) insertion into proteins is direc
256  organic forms selenomethionine (SeMet), and selenocysteine (SeCys2) was also examined, and the effec
257 sequence (SECIS) element, which recruits the selenocysteine specific elongation factor and tRNA(Sec)
258 ent study, fruit flies with knock-out of the selenocysteine-specific elongation factor were metabolic
259 oding efficiency and relocalization of SBP2, selenocysteine-specific elongation factor, and L30 recod
260 en isolated, and it shares homologies with a selenocysteine-specific protecting factor (tRNP).
261  product distribution in the reaction of the selenocysteine substituted enzyme reveals a gain in the
262 (selenoproteins) involves the interaction of selenocysteine synthase (SelA), tRNA (tRNA(Sec)), seleno
263                                              Selenocysteine synthase (SepSecS) catalyzes the terminal
264 t with kinetic behavior similar to bacterial selenocysteine synthase and the archaeal/eukaryotic SepS
265                                    Bacterial selenocysteine synthase converts seryl-tRNA(Sec) to sele
266 bstructure of the decameric Escherichia coli selenocysteine synthase seen in electron microscopic pro
267                             In Bacteria, the selenocysteine synthase SelA converts Ser-tRNA(Sec), for
268 me P450 superfamily of enzymes, transfer RNA selenocysteine synthase, formiminotransferase cyclodeami
269 se that this complex is necessary for proper selenocysteine synthesis and may be involved in avoiding
270  that share the common feature of containing selenocysteine, the "twenty-first" amino acid.
271                             The synthesis of selenocysteine, the 21st amino acid, occurs on its trans
272 e resulting truncated SelK was shown to lack selenocysteine, the amino acid that defines selenoprotei
273 bited a sixfold higher capacity to methylate selenocysteine, thereby establishing the evolutionary re
274 ntrinsically disordered enzyme that utilizes selenocysteine to catalyze the reduction of disulfide bo
275 ylation of selenocysteine, and conversion of selenocysteine to elemental Se.
276  prokaryotes was also identified wherein the selenocysteine trait was largely a subset of the Mo trai
277                            The D-stem of the selenocysteine tRNA (tRNA(Sec)) contains 2 additional ba
278 cursor in a series of reactions that require selenocysteine tRNA (tRNA(Sec)).
279                                          The selenocysteine tRNA (tRNASec) has a uniquely long D-stem
280 l cysteine tRNA with an 8/4 structure mimics selenocysteine tRNA and may function as opal suppressor.
281              Enhanced secondary structure in selenocysteine tRNA compensates for the absence of canon
282  element is recognized by SPH-binding factor/selenocysteine tRNA gene transcription activating factor
283 oters, including the U6 spliceosomal RNA and selenocysteine tRNA genes.
284 ll interfering RNA, selenium deficiency, and selenocysteine tRNA mutations; and was immunoprecipitate
285 nd histidine tRNAs, while minor cysteine and selenocysteine tRNA species may have a modified 8/4 stru
286 RNA(Ser)AGA, tRNA(Ser)CGA, tRNA(Ser)UGA, and selenocysteine tRNA with UCA (tRNA([Ser]Sec)UCA) contain
287 vels because of the expression of an altered selenocysteine-tRNA (i6A-) and mice that develop prostat
288 n factor (eEFSec) delivers the aminoacylated selenocysteine-tRNA (Sec-tRNA(Sec)) to the ribosome and
289        They were found during the search for selenocysteine tRNAs in terabytes of genome, metagenome
290 As to the ribosome, aside from initiator and selenocysteine tRNAs.
291                        A link between Mo and selenocysteine utilization in prokaryotes was also ident
292            The truncated form of TR3 lacking selenocysteine was particularly efficient in binding Trx
293 Sec46Ala-Gpx4 mutant, in which the catalytic selenocysteine was replaced by a redox inactive alanine.
294                For the amino acids analysis, selenocysteine was the primary seleno-containing species
295 cing and uses of the non-standard amino acid selenocysteine were also identified.
296  (i.e. tryptophan, methionine, cysteine, and selenocysteine), which can affect enzyme active sites, c
297 of mammalian TR contains the rare amino acid selenocysteine, which is essential to its activity.
298 o-translational incorporation of selenium as selenocysteine, which play key roles in antioxidant defe
299 an suppress amber stop codons to incorporate selenocysteine with high efficiency.
300 lic arylboronic acid to provide the arylated selenocysteine within hours.

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