


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sothiourea, and the peroxynitrite scavenger, selenomethionine.
2 onine and substituting leucine residues with selenomethionine.
3 , and Met261 were only partially replaced by selenomethionine.
4 at is associated with impaired metabolism of selenomethionine.
5 bserved, indicating the previous presence of selenomethionine.
6 ially incorporated into organic Se mainly as selenomethionine.
7 ied from the sam1(-) sam2(-) strain grown in selenomethionine.
8  conducted a randomized, controlled trial of selenomethionine 200 microg daily and/or celecoxib 200 m
9 elenium as selenate (200 or 400 mug/d) or as selenomethionine (200 mug/d) for 4 wk.
10 bioaccessible selenium was mainly present as selenomethionine, a good bioavailable source of selenium
11 e accumulated in an algal-wetland system are selenomethionine, a precursor of volatile Se formation,
12                                  Toxicity of selenomethionine, an organic derivative of selenium wide
13 avelength anomalous diffraction phasing with selenomethionine analogs that retain the biophysical cha
14 ubstituting the nine methionines in hTF with selenomethionine and 2) the structure of glycosylated ap
15 d in Linxian, China to assess the effects of selenomethionine and celecoxib on the natural history of
16 y growth-arrested, toxic amino acids such as selenomethionine and fluorophenylalanine were efficientl
17 wo fractions were identified specifically as selenomethionine and selenocystamine, estimated to be pr
18 ated by devising a simple synthesis for Fmoc-selenomethionine and substituting leucine residues with
19 enium and tellurium analogues, Se-adenosyl-L-selenomethionine and Te-adenosyl-L-telluromethionine (Se
20           Oral selenium (200 microg/d from L-selenomethionine) and matched vitamin E placebo, vitamin
21 plements of selenium (200 mug per day from L-selenomethionine) and vitamin E (400 IU per day of all r
22 eased production of protein during growth in selenomethionine, and efficient replacement of methionin
23 ength anomalous diffraction (MAD) phasing on selenomethionine, and refined to an R(cryst) = 0.24 and
24 rate the free amino acids selenocysteine and selenomethionine, and these are incorporated nonspecific
25 waterborne dissolved selenite and to dietary selenomethionine as selenized algae.
26 g using selenium substitution in the form of selenomethionine as the anomalous scatterer.
27 urrogate, ProSeAM (propargylic Se-adenosyl-l-selenomethionine), as a reporter of methyltransferases.
28 , and efficient replacement of methionine by selenomethionine, based on quantitative mass spectrometr
29 f the species produced by the plant, such as selenomethionine, can be identified at ppb levels by RP-
30 ely to show an improvement when treated with selenomethionine compared with placebo (P = 0.02).
31 sequencing and mass spectrometry analysis of selenomethionine-containing peptides suggests that Met30
32 e the structures of the native protein and a selenomethionine-containing variant, solved to 2.8 A.
33 sed to different concentrations of dietary l-selenomethionine (control, 2.3, 9.7, 32.5, or 57.7 mug S
34                              Cytotoxicity of selenomethionine decreased when the extracellular concen
35 length anomalous diffraction experiment on a selenomethionine derivative of the truncated MAO-N-D5 en
36 -wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) using selenomethionine-derivative protein.
37 ctional difference between the wild-type and selenomethionine derivatives.
38 d esophageal squamous dysplasia at baseline, selenomethionine did have a protective effect.
39 ethionine residues in the native enzyme with selenomethionine does not affect the structure of the Ni
40 ltiwavelength anomalous dispersion data from selenomethionine-enriched protein and refined to an R fa
41 elenomethionine indicating that selenide and selenomethionine exert their toxicity via distinct mecha
42            In unplanned stratified analyses, selenomethionine favorably affected a change in dysplasi
43 ever, extensive replacement of methionine by selenomethionine for anomalous dispersion phasing has pr
44 placement using a uranium derivative and the selenomethionine form of the enzyme (SeMAT).
45 oprotein pool, shown by others to be largely selenomethionine in albumin, declined.
46 beled tyrosine was also co-incorporated with selenomethionine in order to confirm these assignments.
47  readily incorporated forms of selenium (ie, selenomethionine) in HIV-infected breastfeeding women.
48 creased accumulation of organoselenium (e.g. selenomethionine) in selenate-treated roots.
49  forms that probably differ in the degree of selenomethionine incorporation and the extent of selenom
50 two regions near 1,284 and 900 cm(-1) due to selenomethionine incorporation.
51 pe growth rate properties in the presence of selenomethionine indicating that selenide and selenometh
52         We show that selenium in the form of selenomethionine induces a DNA repair response in normal
53  provided by selenium after incorporation of selenomethionine instead of natural methionine by geneti
54    We report a general method to incorporate selenomethionine into proteins expressed in yeast based
55 rally, combining cell-free incorporations of selenomethionine into proteins with FTIR difference spec
56 ifference spectra recorded for unlabeled and selenomethionine-labeled cell-free expressed BR closely
57 ngth anomalous diffraction technique using a selenomethionine-labeled crystal containing 88 selenium
58 e of glypican-1 was solved using crystals of selenomethionine-labeled glypican-1 core protein lacking
59                                              Selenomethionine-labeled RF1 crystallized in space group
60 X-ray absorption spectroscopy approach using selenomethionine labeling to distinguish the metal sites
61  exposures; larvae predominantly accumulated selenomethionine-like species regardless of uptake route
62 ithin the eye lens of the intact larva was a selenomethionine-like species.
63 cture of hiNadR complexed with NAD using the selenomethionine MAD phasing method.
64 terococcus faecalis (MVAS) was determined by selenomethionine MAD phasing to 2.4 A and the enzyme com
65  protein, C.AhdI, to 1.69 A resolution using selenomethionine MAD.
66                                              Selenomethionine markers clearly indicate an antiparalle
67  deficiency is associated with impairment of selenomethionine metabolism.
68 ommon dietary selenium compounds - selenite, selenomethionine, methylselenocysteine and selenocystine
69 eceive a daily supplement of 100 mug Se as l-selenomethionine (n = 129) or placebo (n = 126) for 12 w
70       After a 10-month intervention, neither selenomethionine nor celecoxib inhibited esophageal squa
71              By comparing the sensitivity to selenomethionine of mutants impaired in the sulfur amino
72 ious stages of catalysis, in the presence of selenomethionine or Se-adenosyl-L-selenomethionine, reve
73 f massive annual algal blooms showed that no selenomethionine or selenomethionine oxide was present.
74 tation were given daily selenium (200 mug as selenomethionine) or placebo as supplements from recruit
75 treated with DHEA, DFMO, tocopherol acetate, selenomethionine, or 9-cis-retinoic acid, although the e
76 nomethionine incorporation and the extent of selenomethionine oxidation.
77 al blooms showed that no selenomethionine or selenomethionine oxide was present.
78 Production and emission of selenomethionine, selenomethionine oxide, and other discrete organic selen
79 own to produce and release selenomethionine, selenomethionine oxide, and several other organic seleni
80 ia progression (14% vs 19%) compared with no selenomethionine (P = .08).
81 s of LAM and shows selenium in Se-adenosyl-L-selenomethionine poised to ligate the unique iron in the
82 y compare the effect on protein stability of selenomethionine relative to methionine.
83  spectroscopy of multiple selenocysteine and selenomethionine residues in the sulfhydryl oxidase augm
84                            The SeMAT data (9 selenomethionine residues out of 383 amino acid residues
85 insic binuclear zinc centre and incorporated selenomethionine residues.
86                                     Overall, selenomethionine resulted in a trend toward increased dy
87  the entire digestion, whereas incubation of selenomethionine resulted in the chemical and microbial
88 resence of selenomethionine or Se-adenosyl-L-selenomethionine, reveals that the cofactor is cleaved o
89  for methionine and grown in the presence of selenomethionine (Se(Met)), the single methionine of the
90  and linear relationship between total Se or selenomethionine (Se-Met) accumulation in grain and Se d
91 ascaris acus or not, were exposed to dietary selenomethionine (Se-Met) at an environmentally relevant
92 d a XAD(R) resin was employed as sorbent for selenomethionine (Se-Met), selenomethylselenocysteine (S
93 he positions of Met95 have been confirmed by selenomethionine ((Se)Met) MAD.
94 is of two analogues of AdoMet, Se-adenosyl-L-selenomethionine (SeAdoMet) and Te-adenosyl-L-telluromet
95 e kinetics with the SAM analog Se-adenosyl-l-selenomethionine (SeAM) as a cofactor surrogate.
96 0, 100, or 200 microg Se ( approximately 60% selenomethionine), selenium-enriched onion meals ( appro
97 w molecular weight organoselenium compounds (selenomethionine, selenoethionine, trimethylselenonium i
98                   Production and emission of selenomethionine, selenomethionine oxide, and other disc
99 o selenate were shown to produce and release selenomethionine, selenomethionine oxide, and several ot
100                                 Here, we use selenomethionine (SeM) active site labels in a series of
101               In earlier work we showed that selenomethionine (SeM) substitution of the coordinated M
102 methionine (DFM), trifluoromethionine (TFM), selenomethionine (SeM), and norleucine (Nle) using expre
103 ostructural amino acids norleucine (Nle) and selenomethionine (SeM).
104 ne (SeC), Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMC) and selenomethionine (SeM).
105                                              Selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenomethylcysteine (SeMeS
106 ay dietary exposure to food augmented with l-selenomethionine (SeMet) at measured concentrations of 0
107 rty of methylselenol, which is released from selenomethionine (SeMET) by cancer cells with the adenov
108         We show that selenium in the form of selenomethionine (SeMet) can activate the p53 tumor supp
109 xposure to hypersaline conditions and 50 muM selenomethionine (SeMet) decreased embryo hatch and depl
110                                              Selenomethionine (SeMet) is a potentially toxic amino ac
111 identification showed selenocystathionine-to-selenomethionine (SeMet) ratios of 75:25, 71:29, and 32:
112 te by ATP sulfurylase, and (b) conversion of selenomethionine (SeMet) to DMSe.
113 cystine (SeCys; detected as [SeCys]2 dimer), selenomethionine (SeMet), and methyl-selenocysteine (MeS
114 ioaccessibility of Se, and its organic forms selenomethionine (SeMet), and selenocysteine (SeCys2) wa
115 afish (Danio rerio) after exposure to excess selenomethionine (SeMet, the dominant chemical species o
116 utant (used to obtain experimental phases by selenomethionine single-wavelength anomalous diffraction
117                  The structure was solved by selenomethionine single-wavelength anomalous dispersion
118  (gi 4981173) at 2.65 Angstrom resolution by selenomethionine single-wavelength anomalous dispersion
119 bstitution of these methionine residues with selenomethionine slightly stabilizes the protein.
120 saminate methyl-L-selenocysteine (MSC) and L-selenomethionine (SM) to beta-methylselenopyruvate (MSP)
121                                    Moreover, selenomethionine (SM), a prostate cancer treatment adjuv
122 ic and organic Hg (HgCl2 and MeHgCl) and Se (selenomethionine, sodium selenite, and sodium selenate)
123 system containing an amino acid mixture with selenomethionine substituted for methionine.
124 aracteristics, the crystal structures of the selenomethionine substituted StnA (SeMet-StnA) and the c
125 d expressed at high levels as the native and selenomethionine-substituted (SeMet) proteins.
126 ength anomalous diffraction techniques and a selenomethionine-substituted analogue of the enzyme.
127      We have solved the crystal structure of selenomethionine-substituted CheY** in the presence of i
128 velength anomalous dispersion methods on a L-selenomethionine-substituted complex of LAM with [4Fe-4S
129 elength anomalous diffraction phasing from a selenomethionine-substituted crystal at 3.0 A resolution
130 gth anomalous diffraction (MAD) phasing of a selenomethionine-substituted derivative to define a new
131       This model was further confirmed using selenomethionine-substituted DGCR8 and mercury titration
132  with data obtained from the E. coli Ni-GlxI selenomethionine-substituted enzyme.
133                           The native and the selenomethionine-substituted forms of the phenylalanine-
134 th x-ray data collected from crystals of the selenomethionine-substituted L99A/M102L mutant of T4 lys
135                     The crystal structure of selenomethionine-substituted malate synthase G, an 81 kD
136  NMT from Thalictrum flavum was solved using selenomethionine-substituted protein (dmin = 2.8 A).
137                                        Using selenomethionine-substituted protein and multiple anomal
138           The structure was determined using selenomethionine-substituted protein and multiwavelength
139                              Crystals of the selenomethionine-substituted protein have space group P2
140                                          The selenomethionine-substituted protein was induced in the
141 nomalous diffraction, using a crystal of the selenomethionine-substituted protein.
142       The activity was not increased more by selenomethionine supplementation than by the placebo in
143  by selenite uptake and by the conversion of selenomethionine to dimethylselenide.
144 enosylmethionine is blocked, exhibit reduced selenomethionine toxicity compared with wild-type yeast,
145        Involvement of superoxide radicals in selenomethionine toxicity in vivo is suggested by the hy
146                       Instead, we found that selenomethionine toxicity is mediated by the trans-sulfu
147 ced repair complex formation was observed in selenomethionine-treated cells.
148 namic range allows quantitative detection of selenomethionine, trimethylselenonium ion, methylselenog
149 This is, however, increasingly offset in the selenomethionine variants, ultimately resulting in a dif
150        Results were compared by agent group (selenomethionine vs placebo; celecoxib vs placebo).
151                                              Selenomethionine was efficiently incorporated into this
152                                              Selenomethionine was incorporated into BR using a cell-f
153 lenocysteine, but not the non-thiol-reactive selenomethionine, was shown to induce Top2alpha cleavage
154 ies, including a cyclic oxidation product of selenomethionine, were observed, indicating the previous
155 d plants accumulated organic Se, most likely selenomethionine, whereas selenate-supplied plants accum
156                                              Selenomethionine, which is the principal dietary form of
157              Oral selenium (200 mug/d from L-selenomethionine) with matched vitamin E placebo, vitami

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