


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ze the formation of AMP, orthophosphate, and selenophosphate.
2 einyl-tRNA(Sec) by MJ0158 when supplied with selenophosphate.
3 results in an increased rate of formation of selenophosphate.
4 ery protein for the in vitro biosynthesis of selenophosphate.
5                                          The selenophosphates A2P2Se6 (A = K, Rb) crystallize in the
6 dducts as model selenium donor compounds for selenophosphate biosynthesis and as rate enhancement eff
7 landii NifS protein can replace selenide for selenophosphate biosynthesis in vitro suggested a mechan
8 lize selenocysteine as a selenium source for selenophosphate biosynthesis in vivo supports the partic
9  as an in vivo selenide delivery protein for selenophosphate biosynthesis.
10 ery protein for the in vitro biosynthesis of selenophosphate by E. coli wild-type SPS.
11 appears to be distinct from the synthesis of selenophosphate carried out by the Sec- and Cys- SPS gen
12     We report that the one-dimensional polar selenophosphate compounds APSe(6) (A = K, Rb), which sho
13                                    Zirconium selenophosphate compounds with a unique polar structure
14               Addition of sodium selenide or selenophosphate did not restore the catalytic activity o
15  free selenide in the in vitro SPS assay for selenophosphate formation.
16 from L-selenocysteine in vivo and its use in selenophosphate formation.
17 -kDa protein that catalyzes the synthesis of selenophosphate from ATP and selenide.
18      Selenophosphate synthetase, which forms selenophosphate from selenide and ATP, is found in vario
19                          The selenium donor, selenophosphate is synthesized from selenide and ATP by
20           A reactive oxygen-labile compound, selenophosphate, is the selenium donor required for synt
21 c-tRNA synthase (SepSecS) in the presence of selenophosphate produced by selenophosphate synthetase (
22 on of the phosphate bond energy in the final selenophosphate product is indicated by its ability to p
23 he cell, and delivers it specifically to the selenophosphate synthase enzyme.
24 Fe hydrogenase maturation protein, HypE, and selenophosphate synthase, SelD.
25 ose a catalytic mechanism for EcSPS-mediated selenophosphate synthesis.
26                                              Selenophosphate synthetase (SelD) is required for both u
27  the presence of selenophosphate produced by selenophosphate synthetase (SelD).
28 um selenite and purified recombinant E. coli selenophosphate synthetase (SelD).
29 ocysteine synthase (SelA), tRNA (tRNA(Sec)), selenophosphate synthetase (SelD, SPS), a specific elong
30            Sec synthesis requires the enzyme Selenophosphate synthetase (SPS or SelD), conserved in a
31                                              Selenophosphate synthetase (SPS) catalyzes the synthesis
32                                              Selenophosphate synthetase (SPS), the selD gene product
33                                              Selenophosphate synthetase (SPS), the selD gene product
34                             Escherichia coli selenophosphate synthetase (SPS, the selD gene product)
35 protein factors involved in their synthesis, selenophosphate synthetase 1 (SPS1), SECIS-binding prote
36 d in identification of three selenoproteins: selenophosphate synthetase 2 and novel G-rich and BthD s
37  reaction, thiophosphate, was synthesized by selenophosphate synthetase 2 from ATP and sulfide and re
38         The cysteine mutant enzyme exhibited selenophosphate synthetase activity in the assay that me
39 th NIFS and L-selenocysteine in the in vitro selenophosphate synthetase assay results in an increased
40 RNA(Sec), SECIS-binding protein-2, and SelD (selenophosphate synthetase D) in GPx-3 protein expressio
41  activity to that of the cysteine containing selenophosphate synthetase from E. coli.
42  characterized the selenocysteine containing selenophosphate synthetase from H. influenzae and compar
43 hin bacterial operons that contain selD, the selenophosphate synthetase gene, suggesting a role in se
44  a eukaryotic analog of the Escherichia coli selenophosphate synthetase gene.
45 substrate is adequate to deliver selenium to selenophosphate synthetase in the in vitro assay system
46  TargeTron insertion into selD, encoding the selenophosphate synthetase that is essential for the spe
47     In-frame deletion of selD, which encodes selenophosphate synthetase, also blocked biofilm formati
48  To further probe the mechanism of action of selenophosphate synthetase, isotope exchange studies wit
49                                              Selenophosphate synthetase, the Escherichia coli selD ge
50                                              Selenophosphate synthetase, which forms selenophosphate
51 hate is synthesized from selenide and ATP by selenophosphate synthetase.
52  in the glycine-rich sequence of the E. coli selenophosphate synthetase.
53 ctors implicated in this pathway include two selenophosphate synthetases, SPS1 and SPS2, ribosomal pr
54 tion of the selD gene prevented synthesis of selenophosphate, the reactive selenium donor, required f
55  synthetase (SPS) catalyzes the synthesis of selenophosphate, the selenium donor for the biosynthesis
56 ) then uses the O-phosphoseryl-tRNA(Sec) and selenophosphate to form Sec-tRNA(Sec) in eukaryotes.
57 f ATP is transferred to the selenide to form selenophosphate, while ADP is hydrolyzed to form orthoph

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