


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 utilize selenium from Gpx3, the other plasma selenoprotein.
2 previously proposed catalytic tetrad in this selenoprotein.
3 ion, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of the selenoprotein.
4 se system involving thioredoxin reductase, a selenoprotein.
5 edox motifs govern much of the reactivity of selenoproteins.
6 dentify known selenoproteins and predict new selenoproteins.
7 in supporting accuracy of Sec insertion into selenoproteins.
8 hould enable many further studies of diverse selenoproteins.
9  that is, the incorporation of selenium into selenoproteins.
10 nally in a small fraction of proteins called selenoproteins.
11 iciently determine whether a genome contains selenoproteins.
12  selenocysteine, the amino acid that defines selenoproteins.
13 as associated with a lack of testis-enriched selenoproteins.
14 ired for the production of at least 25 human selenoproteins.
15 selenocysteine (Sec), generating a family of selenoproteins.
16 gesting its effect is not through binding to selenoproteins.
17 ion of stress-related, but not housekeeping, selenoproteins.
18 quired for the optimal expression of certain selenoproteins.
19  the metabolism of selenium for synthesis of selenoproteins.
20  in the translational control of a subset of selenoproteins.
21 regulation and disease, and the functions of selenoproteins.
22 ctivity of glutathione peroxidases and other selenoproteins.
23 d provided experimental analyses of selected selenoproteins.
24  prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes encoding selenoproteins.
25 of the element required for the synthesis of selenoproteins.
26 e plasma at the expense of its intracellular selenoproteins.
27 rms part of the coding sequence in bacterial selenoproteins.
28                       In order to synthesize selenoproteins, a translational reprogramming event must
29 odest selenium (Se) deficiency, nonessential selenoprotein activities and concentrations are preferen
30 vide insight into the function of individual selenoprotein activity in maintaining cutaneous homeosta
31  review about half of the 25 known mammalian selenoproteins; all of those with mouse knockout or huma
32 otide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes encoding selenoproteins and components of the selenoprotein synth
33 ectively impairs synthesis of stress-related selenoproteins and demonstrates the importance of tRNA m
34 which selenium affects cell function through selenoproteins and downstream targets of Se supply in ot
35 r translation in the 5'-UTRs for a subset of selenoproteins and for ribosome pausing near the UGA-Sec
36 ntial trace element used for biosynthesis of selenoproteins and is acquired either through diet or ce
37 c) is found in the catalytic centers of many selenoproteins and plays important roles in living organ
38    Seblastian is able to both identify known selenoproteins and predict new selenoproteins.
39 , which contained the largest number of both selenoproteins and Pyl-containing proteins of any organi
40                                         Most selenoproteins and Pyl-containing proteins were present
41 e results suggest that optimal expression of selenoproteins and selenium-dependent production of COX-
42 alysis of the expression data linked certain selenoproteins and selenocysteine machinery genes and su
43 hepatocyte selenium between the synthesis of selenoproteins and the synthesis of selenium excretory m
44 m is regulated in the body to maintain vital selenoproteins and to avoid toxicity.
45 crophages indicated that macrophage-specific selenoproteins and upregulation of 15-PGDH expression we
46                                              Selenoproteins are a diverse group of proteins usually m
47                                              Selenoproteins are a family of proteins that share the c
48                                              Selenoproteins are a unique family of proteins, characte
49                                              Selenoproteins are essential in vertebrates because of t
50                                              Selenoproteins are essential molecules for the mammalian
51                        As the roles of these selenoproteins are further characterized, a better under
52 UGA is normally a translational stop signal, selenoproteins are generally misannotated and designated
53                                              Selenoproteins are important enzymes involved in antioxi
54 ertheless, selenoprotein P and several other selenoproteins are known to contain multiple selenocyste
55                                         Many selenoproteins are oxidoreductases in which the reactive
56                                              Selenoproteins are present in all three domains of life
57                                              Selenoproteins are proteins containing an uncommon amino
58                                              Selenoproteins are proteins that contain the amino acid
59                                              Selenoproteins are proteins that incorporate selenocyste
60                                              Selenoproteins are unique as they contain selenium in th
61 an of mammalian cells by identifying several selenoproteins as new targets of senescence.
62 ssential trace element, is incorporated into selenoproteins as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino a
63 ively enhances the expression of a subset of selenoproteins at the translational level.
64  next to evaluate a possible interference of selenoprotein biosynthesis by the antibiotics and elucid
65 e interfering activity of aminoglycosides on selenoprotein biosynthesis can be severe, but depend on
66                        Genetic disruption of selenoprotein biosynthesis had no effect on lifespan and
67                                              Selenoprotein biosynthesis relies on the co-translationa
68 se (Scly) is the enzyme that supplies Se for selenoprotein biosynthesis via decomposition of the amin
69 l for the SelA-tRNA(Sec)-SPS interaction and selenoprotein biosynthesis, as revealed by functional co
70 ether, our results provide new insights into selenoprotein biosynthesis, demonstrating for the first
71          Since tRNASec is a key component in selenoprotein biosynthesis, its efficient identification
72  Sec insertion into natural positions within selenoproteins, but do so in a selenoprotein-specific ma
73 gned to selenocysteine during translation of selenoproteins by a mechanism involving a 3 untranslated
74 , promotes selenocysteine incorporation into selenoproteins by a still poorly understood mechanism.
75   Increasing TR1 expression along with other selenoproteins by supplementing with selenium suggests a
76 ence for the existence of a selenoprotein or selenoproteins capable of acting as a tumor suppressor i
77 y acids, trace elements, vitamins, hormones, selenoproteins, clinical markers, and perfluorinated com
78  correlates with the presence of this labile selenoprotein complex and is absent in a selD or an xdh
79                                              Selenoproteins contain the amino acid selenocysteine (Se
80 al light on the phylogenetic distribution of selenoprotein containing genomes.
81 ec) allows the production of new recombinant selenoproteins containing structural motifs such as sele
82 ysteine machinery and expression of abundant selenoproteins; copper balance is affected by lipid meta
83 pectrometry analyses revealed that the 5-kDa selenoprotein corresponded to the C-terminal sequence of
84                               This exogenous selenoprotein could only be expressed when the Drosophil
85 affinity for Derlin-2, suggesting that these selenoproteins could determine the nature of the substra
86                     We also demonstrate that selenoprotein deficiency leads to oxidant hyperproductio
87                                    Thus, two selenoprotein-dependent maternal-fetal selenium transfer
88 ciency results in phenotypes associated with selenoprotein depletion in various organs, the brain is
89 emented Trsp(fl/fl)Cre(WT) mice that express selenoproteins driven by tRNA(Sec) (Trsp), whereas N. br
90 ec insertion sequence (SECIS) element in the selenoprotein-encoding mRNA and competes with UGA-direct
91 ng Sec into proteins and in dysregulation of selenoprotein expression and function upon antibiotic tr
92 investigated how oxidative stress influences selenoprotein expression as a function of different sele
93 armacological inhibition of 15-PGDH, lack of selenoprotein expression in macrophages, and depletion o
94 m levels were shown to control gene-specific selenoprotein expression primarily at the translation le
95 tween selenium levels in the culture medium, selenoprotein expression, and replicative life span of h
96 selenium deficiency, there is a hierarchy of selenoprotein expression, with certain selenoproteins sy
97 y of nucleolin for a SECIS and its effect on selenoprotein expression.
98 F4a3 links selenium status with differential selenoprotein expression.
99                             Today, dozens of selenoprotein families have been described and more are
100 c, led to the discovery of a novel bacterial selenoprotein family, and shed additional light on the p
101                 As with other members of the selenoprotein family, selenoprotein N incorporates selen
102 his family is the most widespread eukaryotic selenoprotein family.
103   In the current study, we targeted specific selenoproteins for epidermal deletion to determine wheth
104 ion to the deletion of 14-kDa MsrB1, a 5-kDa selenoprotein form was specifically removed.
105 vant ribonucleoprotein complex important for selenoprotein formation.
106 cly and Sepp1 work cooperatively to maintain selenoprotein function in the mammalian brain.
107 ary history of SPS genes, providing a map of selenoprotein function spanning the whole tree of life.
108               Seblastian is a new method for selenoprotein gene detection that uses SECISearch3 and t
109        Many species are completely devoid of selenoprotein genes and lack the ability to synthesize S
110 ructure, the SECIS element, at the 3' UTR of selenoprotein genes and recodes a UGA codon within the c
111 overy of disease-associated polymorphisms in selenoprotein genes has drawn attention to the relevance
112 For this reason, we have now fully annotated selenoprotein genes in 58 animal genomes.
113 an automatic annotation pipeline to annotate selenoprotein genes in other animal genomes.
114 ate of knowledge of known functional SNPs in selenoprotein genes is presented, and a strategy for fut
115 e UGA (stop) codon in the coding sequence of selenoprotein genes precludes their identification and c
116 clustered into 30 families, including 17 new selenoprotein genes that belong to six families.
117                             We identified 99 selenoprotein genes that clustered into 30 families, inc
118                             Over half of the selenoprotein genes were also expressed in the choroid p
119 utomatic and manually curated annotations of selenoprotein genes, proteins and SECIS elements.
120  aims to provide high-quality annotations of selenoprotein genes, proteins and SECIS elements.
121                                           In selenoprotein genes, the Sec specific tRNA (tRNASec) dri
122 rolixus has experienced an extensive loss of selenoprotein genes, with its repertoire reduced to only
123  the homocysteine-induced suppression of the selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx-1) and endot
124 ulated the mRNA of the most abundant hepatic selenoprotein, glutathione peroxidase-1 (Gpx1), to 15% o
125                      The other extracellular selenoprotein, glutathione peroxidase-3 (Gpx3), has not
126 GPX) activity, the latter due largely to the selenoprotein GPX3 secreted by the kidneys, were measure
127                                         Five selenoproteins (Gpx4, Txnrd1, Txnrd2, Dio3, and Sepp1) w
128                                              Selenoprotein H (SelH) is a recently discovered 14-kDa m
129                                              Selenoprotein H (SelH), a nuclear selenoprotein, is prop
130                   The amino acid sequence of selenoprotein H contains four putative nuclear localizat
131 ized to maintain the expression of essential selenoproteins has not been elucidated.
132                    The discovery of multiple selenoproteins has raised tantalizing questions about th
133                                      Several selenoproteins have essential functions in development.
134 omeostasis, but some invertebrates that lack selenoproteins have recently been identified.
135 oproteins most important to them, creating a selenoprotein hierarchy in the cell.
136 um where it is needed, creating a whole-body selenoprotein hierarchy.
137 disorder with defective biosynthesis of many selenoproteins, highlighting their role in diverse biolo
138 we present two new computational methods for selenoprotein identification and analysis, which we prov
139                              SPS is itself a selenoprotein in many species, although functionally equ
140 steine (Sec), which in turn is inserted into selenoproteins in a manner dependent on Sec tRNA([Ser]Se
141 er understand the function and regulation of selenoproteins in antioxidant defense and redox homeosta
142 we used TargeTron to investigate the role of selenoproteins in C. difficile Stickland metabolism and
143                          The unique roles of selenoproteins in human health and their chemical reacti
144 )LysM(Cre)) were used to examine the role of selenoproteins in macrophages on disease progression and
145                                              Selenoproteins in macrophages protect mice from dextran
146 ation, our objective was to demonstrate that selenoproteins in macrophages were essential to suppress
147 ress1, a vector for convenient expression of selenoproteins in mammalian cells.
148 ously demonstrated that targeted loss of all selenoproteins in mouse epidermis disrupted skin and hai
149 hich is encoded by the stop codon, UGA, into selenoproteins in murine EMT6 cells.
150                           The annotations of selenoproteins in new genomes usually contain many error
151                            Reduced levels of selenoproteins in peripheral blood cells were associated
152 that is co-translationally incorporated into selenoproteins in the form of the 21st amino acid, selen
153  is shifted to needy cells and then to vital selenoproteins in them to supply selenium where it is ne
154                                  For several selenoproteins in which loss of Secisbp2 resulted in gre
155 beta-carotene metabolism, and in several key selenoproteins indicates the potential importance of mic
156 ntified a selective up-regulation of several selenoproteins involved in antioxidant defense (Gpx1, Gp
157    We observe that the expression of several selenoproteins involved in antioxidant defense is specif
158 hesis of selenocysteine-containing proteins (selenoproteins) involves the interaction of selenocystei
159 he expression of GPx-1 and a subset of other selenoproteins is dependent on the methylation of the tR
160 activity of thioredoxin reductase 1, another selenoprotein, is increased.
161            Selenoprotein H (SelH), a nuclear selenoprotein, is proposed to carry redox and transactiv
162                                              Selenoprotein K (Sel K) is a selenium-containing protein
163                                              Selenoprotein K (SelK) is an 11-kDa endoplasmic reticulu
164 tudies demonstrated that genetic deletion of selenoprotein K (Selk) led to decreased Ca(2+) flux in a
165 tudy, we identify a novel target of calpain, selenoprotein K (SelK), which is an endoplasmic reticulu
166 as demonstrated by using macrophages lacking selenoprotein K, which is required for FcgammaR-induced
167  effect could be ascribed to the function of selenoprotein K.
168                              Malfunctions of selenoproteins lead to various human disorders including
169 m to T cell immunity, we generated mice with selenoprotein-less T cells by cell type-specific ablatio
170 eased hepatic oxidative stress, but maintain selenoprotein levels and circulating Se status.
171       Thus, Se availability affects not only selenoprotein levels, but also the turnover of selenopro
172 of GABAergic inhibition, and increases brain selenoprotein levels.
173                                              Selenoprotein M (SelM) is a thioredoxin-like endoplasmic
174 organism produces an SDMH and probed whether selenoproteins may play a role in biofilm physiology.
175 e incorporation occurs during translation of selenoprotein messages by redefinition of UGA codons, wh
176             Unlike epidermal ablation of all selenoproteins, mice ablated for GPx4 recovered after 5
177 he UGA-Sec codon in those mRNAs encoding the selenoproteins most affected by selenium availability.
178 limiting, cells utilize it to synthesize the selenoproteins most important to them, creating a seleno
179  SBP2 expression and assessed the effects on selenoprotein mRNA levels.
180           The interaction of eIF4a3 with the selenoprotein mRNA prevents the binding of SECIS binding
181 ducing Sepp1 mRNA, the most abundant hepatic selenoprotein mRNA, only to 61%.
182 downstream of UGA-Sec codons for a subset of selenoprotein mRNAs and that the selenium-dependent effe
183  hierarchy of preservation or degradation of selenoprotein mRNAs and, thus, of selenoprotein synthesi
184 nce element in the 3' untranslated region of selenoprotein mRNAs as well as Sec insertion sequence bi
185 e deficiency for translation of nonessential selenoprotein mRNAs except Dio1.
186 exhibits strong preferential binding to some selenoprotein mRNAs over others, whereas nucleolin exhib
187 lenoprotein levels, but also the turnover of selenoprotein mRNAs via the nonsense-mediated decay path
188 on sequence element located in the 3' UTR of selenoprotein mRNAs, selenium bioavailability, and, poss
189 cifically delivered at defined UGA codons in selenoprotein mRNAs.
190  affinity to SECIS elements from a subset of selenoprotein mRNAs.
191 re located in the 3'-untranslated regions of selenoprotein mRNAs.
192 and Mical2 and reduced back to methionine by selenoprotein MsrB1, supporting actin disassembly and as
193 , we describe a knock-out mouse deficient in selenoprotein MsrB1, the main mammalian MsrB located in
194  Mutations in the human SEPN1 gene, encoding selenoprotein N (SepN), cause SEPN1-related myopathy (SE
195 similar to myopathies caused by mutations in selenoprotein N (SEPN1).
196 h other members of the selenoprotein family, selenoprotein N incorporates selenium in the form of sel
197 Incorporation of selenium into ~25 mammalian selenoproteins occurs by translational recoding whereby
198  seemingly unrelated gene products, SepN1, a selenoprotein of unknown function, and RyR1, the major c
199                                              Selenoproteins of L. donovani are not required for the g
200 sia provides evidence for the existence of a selenoprotein or selenoproteins capable of acting as a t
201 ning protein, designated Rdx12, and its fish selenoprotein orthologue.
202                                              Selenoprotein P (Sel P) is a selenium-rich glycoprotein
203 nd two SECIS elements make the mRNA encoding selenoprotein P (Sel P) unique.
204 iosynthesis of the selenium (Se) transporter selenoprotein P (SELENOP) is particularly sensitive to a
205 A coding for the selenium transport protein, selenoprotein P (SELENOP), which in vertebrates may cont
206 GPx-2), thioredoxin reductase-1 (TrxR-1) and selenoprotein P (SeP) mRNA expression and GPx-1 enzyme a
207 ckdowns of the SEPP1 gene, which encodes the selenoprotein P (SeP) protein, have been shown to increa
208                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) and its receptor, apolipoprotein
209 in Se metabolism (Scly(-/-)Sepp1(-/-) mice), selenoprotein P (Sepp1) and Sec lyase (Scly), develop se
210          The liver synthesizes selenium-rich selenoprotein P (SEPP1) and secretes it into the plasma
211                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) contains most of the selenium in
212                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) has two domains with respect to
213  type II diabetes risk, and plasma levels of selenoprotein P (SEPP1) have been positively correlated
214 ciency by curtailing excretion and secreting selenoprotein P (Sepp1) into the plasma at the expense o
215                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is an important protein involved
216                        Among selenoproteins, selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is particularly distinctive due
217                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is taken up by receptor-mediated
218 oprotein S (SelS) production and circulating selenoprotein P (Sepp1) levels are significantly diminis
219  quantification of selenium (Se) included in selenoprotein P (SEPP1), an important biomarker for huma
220 sported from the liver to target tissues via selenoprotein P (SEPP1).
221                                Nevertheless, selenoprotein P and several other selenoproteins are kno
222                       To optimize the plasma selenoprotein P concentration in this study, 50 microg S
223 roxidase activity and in plasma selenium and selenoprotein P concentrations were measured.
224                                              Selenoprotein P increased significantly in all selenium
225                                       Plasma selenoprotein P is a useful biomarker of status in popul
226 , and recognizing the important functions of selenoprotein P, these results provide important evidenc
227  and known to be correlated with circulating selenoprotein P, was the biomarker chosen.
228 t dependent on cis-acting elements unique to selenoprotein P.
229 was fully dependent on the supplies of Se by selenoprotein P.
230 oup of selenoproteins rather than the entire selenoprotein population.
231 F4a3 binds SECIS elements from non-essential selenoproteins, preventing Sec insertion.
232  The micronutrient selenium is essential for selenoprotein production and is transported from the liv
233  that the observed deficit in stress-related selenoprotein production is likely mediated by reduced e
234 ation to >90%, and also doubles the yield of selenoprotein production.
235  resulted in a hierarchical up-regulation of selenoproteins, protected HEK293 cells from reactive oxy
236 sponsible for synthesis of a select group of selenoproteins rather than the entire selenoprotein popu
237                              The formed hAGT selenoprotein repairs the DNA damage caused by the methy
238      Selenocysteine (Sec) incorporation into selenoproteins requires a Sec Insertion Sequence (SECIS)
239                                 Synthesis of selenoproteins requires the decoding of a UGA codon as s
240                             The synthesis of selenoproteins requires the translational recoding of th
241 uced synthesis of most of the 25 known human selenoproteins, resulting in a complex phenotype.
242  the specific incorporation of selenium into selenoproteins, results in a significant growth defect a
243                                              Selenoprotein S (SelS or VIMP) is an intrinsically disor
244  Hepatic glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) and selenoprotein S (SelS) production and circulating seleno
245 ukaryotic protein family that includes SelK, selenoprotein S (SelS), and distantly related proteins.
246                                              Selenoprotein S (SelS, VIMP) is an intrinsically disorde
247 IMP (VCP-interacting membrane protein)/SelS (selenoprotein S) localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum
248                                        Among selenoproteins, selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is particularly
249                                   The 15-kDa selenoprotein (Sep15) is a thioredoxin-like, endoplasmic
250 tion that uses SECISearch3 and then predicts selenoprotein sequences encoded upstream of SECIS elemen
251        Gene reconstruction revealed standard selenoprotein sequences except for GPx1, which had an ea
252 itions within selenoproteins, but do so in a selenoprotein-specific manner, and that this process is
253 ese effects could be explained by the use of selenoprotein-specific SECIS elements.
254 model by reducing the expression of multiple selenoproteins (SPs) in mouse prostatic epithelium.
255 gene duplications from an ancestral metazoan selenoprotein SPS2 gene that most likely already carried
256 omethylation, which alters the expression of selenoproteins such as GPx-1 to contribute to a proather
257 enes and suggested functional linkages among selenoproteins, such as that between SelM and Sep15.
258 lso with genetic dysfunction of nonessential selenoproteins, suggesting that Se deficiency could be a
259 Exposure to AgNPs leads to the inhibition of selenoprotein synthesis and inhibition of TrxR1.
260 chanisms of selenocysteine incorporation and selenoprotein synthesis are discussed in light of these
261 determine if the effects of Secisbp2 loss on selenoprotein synthesis could be attributed entirely to
262 nscript-selective translational repressor of selenoprotein synthesis during selenium deficiency.
263 ncy (the lack of selenium for the process of selenoprotein synthesis even though selenium intake is n
264  on the translational mechanisms controlling selenoprotein synthesis in mouse liver.
265                                              Selenoprotein synthesis programmed by UAG in Geodermatop
266              Auranofin, a known inhibitor of selenoprotein synthesis showed the same sensitivity towa
267      We have recently developed a SECIS-free selenoprotein synthesis system that site-specifically--u
268 scribe the engineering of EF-Tu for improved selenoprotein synthesis.
269 ant role in regulation of selenocysteine and selenoprotein synthesis.
270  corresponding mouse element did not support selenoprotein synthesis.
271 , brain, and testis as a selenium source for selenoprotein synthesis.
272 e importance of tRNA modification for normal selenoprotein synthesis.
273 adation of selenoprotein mRNAs and, thus, of selenoprotein synthesis.
274 llows selenium to be recycled for additional selenoprotein synthesis.
275 hy of selenoprotein expression, with certain selenoproteins synthesized at the expense of others.
276 ncoding selenoproteins and components of the selenoprotein synthetic machinery affect individual diet
277 er, the abundance of the naturally occurring selenoprotein that contains 10 Sec residues (SEPP1) sugg
278                Selenium is incorporated into selenoproteins that have a wide range of pleiotropic eff
279                                         Most selenoproteins that have been functionally characterized
280 tion of deubiquitinases, b-AP15 inhibits the selenoprotein thioredoxin reductase (TrxR).
281                                    The human selenoprotein thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1), encoded b
282 rain C321.DeltaA, we could produce mammalian selenoprotein thioredoxin reductases with unsurpassed pu
283 enes has drawn attention to the relevance of selenoproteins to health.
284  we provide a ranked list of newly predicted selenoproteins together with their annotated cysteine-co
285                                           As selenoprotein transcript levels and localization did not
286             These findings indicate that the selenoprotein uptake mechanisms ensure selenium transfer
287                                              Selenoproteins use the rare amino acid selenocysteine (S
288 orporated as selenocysteine into at least 25 selenoproteins using a unique translational UGA-recoding
289              Selenocysteine is inserted into selenoproteins via the translational recoding of a UGA c
290                                    The human selenoprotein VIMP (VCP-interacting membrane protein)/Se
291                                              Selenoprotein W (SEPW1) is a ubiquitous, highly conserve
292            Expression of 69 genes, including selenoproteins W1 and K, which are genes involved in cyt
293      Examination of Sec insertion into other selenoproteins was consistent with this model.
294 enium incorporation machinery indicated that selenoproteins were necessary for H-PGDS expression and
295 ione peroxidase 1 (GPx1) band, whereas other selenoproteins were preserved.
296 ovide manually curated annotations for human selenoproteins, whereas we use an automatic annotation p
297 ted into proteins during translation to form selenoproteins which serve a variety of cellular process
298 vertebrates, fruit flies preserve only three selenoproteins, which are not essential and play a role
299  selenocysteine, it belongs to the family of selenoproteins, which are typically oxidoreductases.
300       The parasite was found to encode three selenoproteins, which were only expressed in the presenc

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