


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t dependent on cis-acting elements unique to selenoprotein P.
2 was fully dependent on the supplies of Se by selenoprotein P.
3 a constituent of the heparin-binding site of selenoprotein P.
4 cted 57-kDa size of full-length glycosylated selenoprotein P.
5 e protein forms from immunoaffinity-purified selenoprotein P.
6                                              Selenoprotein P, a glycoprotein that contains 10 selenoc
7 associated signal transducer-2 (Trop-2), and Selenoprotein-P, a gene that binds selenium and prevents
8                                Nevertheless, selenoprotein P and several other selenoproteins are kno
9                                  Full-length selenoprotein P and three smaller isoforms that have ide
10                             Four isoforms of selenoprotein P are present in rat plasma.
11                                              Selenoprotein P binds to endothelial cells in the rat, a
12                    It was distinguished from selenoprotein P by N-glycosidase assay and by the period
13 , and seventh selenocysteines in full-length selenoprotein P can alternatively serve to terminate tra
14                       To optimize the plasma selenoprotein P concentration in this study, 50 microg S
15 one peroxidase activity was optimized before selenoprotein P concentration was optimized, indicating
16 roxidase activity and in plasma selenium and selenoprotein P concentrations were measured.
17 tive real-time reverse transcription-PCR for Selenoprotein-P demonstrated a similar down-regulation o
18 (a) of which is 7.0, explains the release of selenoprotein P from heparin binding as pH rises above 7
19 peculative and much work on the mechanism of selenoprotein P function lies ahead.
20 single UGA codon and a single SECIS element, selenoprotein P genes encode multiple UGAs and two SECIS
21  have identified evolutionary adaptations in selenoprotein P genes that contribute to the efficiency
22                              The function of selenoprotein P has remained elusive, in part due to the
23 first time the expression of recombinant rat selenoprotein P in a transiently transfected human epith
24                               Measurement of selenoprotein P in human plasma has shown that it is dep
25  property would lead to increased binding of selenoprotein P in tissue regions that have low pH.
26 st, the efficiency of Sec incorporation into selenoprotein P in vitro is approximately 40%, suggestin
27 oteins, glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx-3) and selenoprotein P, in the plasma of patients with cirrhosi
28                                              Selenoprotein P increased significantly in all selenium
29                                              Selenoprotein P is a plasma protein that has oxidant def
30                                       Plasma selenoprotein P is a useful biomarker of status in popul
31                                              Selenoprotein P is an abundant extracellular glycoprotei
32                                              Selenoprotein P is an abundant extracellular glycoprotei
33                                          Rat selenoprotein P is an extracellular glycoprotein of 366
34                            Thus, full-length selenoprotein P is both N- and O-glycosylated.
35 s were reduced by about 75%, suggesting that selenoprotein P is primarily exported from the liver.
36 ration was optimized, indicating that plasma selenoprotein P is the better index of human selenium nu
37                                              Selenoprotein P is unique in that its mRNA encodes 10-12
38              These findings demonstrate that selenoprotein P isoforms of differing peptide lengths ar
39                                              Selenoprotein P knockout mice have very low selenium con
40                                       Plasma selenoprotein P levels were reduced by about 75%, sugges
41 the possibility that the second UGA codon in selenoprotein P mRNA can have alternative functions: cod
42             Third, the two SECIS elements in selenoprotein P mRNA function with differing efficiencie
43  been identified in rat plasma, but only one selenoprotein P mRNA has been characterized.
44 Gla protein, apolipoprotein D precursor, and selenoprotein P precursor).
45                                              Selenoprotein P (Se-P) contains most of the selenium in
46                                              Selenoprotein P (Sel P) is a selenium-rich glycoprotein
47 nd two SECIS elements make the mRNA encoding selenoprotein P (Sel P) unique.
48 iosynthesis of the selenium (Se) transporter selenoprotein P (SELENOP) is particularly sensitive to a
49 A coding for the selenium transport protein, selenoprotein P (SELENOP), which in vertebrates may cont
50 GPx-2), thioredoxin reductase-1 (TrxR-1) and selenoprotein P (SeP) mRNA expression and GPx-1 enzyme a
51 ckdowns of the SEPP1 gene, which encodes the selenoprotein P (SeP) protein, have been shown to increa
52 ed into at least 25 selenoproteins including selenoprotein P (SePP), which transports Se within the b
53                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) and its receptor, apolipoprotein
54 in Se metabolism (Scly(-/-)Sepp1(-/-) mice), selenoprotein P (Sepp1) and Sec lyase (Scly), develop se
55          The liver synthesizes selenium-rich selenoprotein P (SEPP1) and secretes it into the plasma
56                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) contains most of the selenium in
57                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) has two domains with respect to
58  type II diabetes risk, and plasma levels of selenoprotein P (SEPP1) have been positively correlated
59 ciency by curtailing excretion and secreting selenoprotein P (Sepp1) into the plasma at the expense o
60                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is a plasma and extracellular pr
61                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is an important protein involved
62                        Among selenoproteins, selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is particularly distinctive due
63             The selenium-rich plasma protein selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is required for maintenance of t
64                                              Selenoprotein P (Sepp1) is taken up by receptor-mediated
65 oprotein S (SelS) production and circulating selenoprotein P (Sepp1) levels are significantly diminis
66  quantification of selenium (Se) included in selenoprotein P (SEPP1), an important biomarker for huma
67 sported from the liver to target tissues via selenoprotein P (SEPP1).
68 logous to regions of deduced sequence of the selenoprotein-P (SPP) family in bovine, rat, and human.
69                             Several forms of selenoprotein P that share the same N-terminal sequence
70 , and recognizing the important functions of selenoprotein P, these results provide important evidenc
71                                              Selenoprotein P turns over rapidly in rat plasma with th
72                      Immunoaffinity-purified selenoprotein P was digested with proteases, and the res
73                                              Selenoprotein P was purified from rat plasma, and the fo
74  and known to be correlated with circulating selenoprotein P, was the biomarker chosen.
75        Based on the histidine-rich nature of selenoprotein P, we have purified the recombinant and en
76 n of lung glutathione peroxidase-1 and liver selenoprotein P were increased in OVA-challenged mice co
77                                              Selenoprotein P, which originates largely in the liver,
78                      The shortest isoform of selenoprotein P, which terminates at residue 244, was an
79               This predicts that full-length selenoprotein P will contain 10 selenocysteine residues.

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