


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mportant for learning and remembering facts (semantic memory).
2 nformation among competing alternatives from semantic memory.
3 electively modulate integrative processes in semantic memory.
4 he relationship between autobiographical and semantic memory.
5 n is anchored to existing representations in semantic memory.
6 ia, and Alzheimer's disease have deficits in semantic memory.
7  words had been successfully integrated into semantic memory.
8 to produce an unequivocal deficit of central semantic memory.
9 an important lesion model for studying human semantic memory.
10 ral scores in tests of verbal and non-verbal semantic memory.
11  lobe structures play a time-limited role in semantic memory.
12 ior temporal regions and progressive loss of semantic memory.
13 tial as a probe of activation of concepts in semantic memory.
14 nto the cognitive and neural organization of semantic memory.
15 gnition and theory of mind, that goes beyond semantic memory.
16 eakly related concepts in particular, within semantic memory.
17 inconsistent with a unitary, amodal model of semantic memory.
18 ry-specific feature knowledge represented in semantic memory.
19  during retrieval of unimodal and multimodal semantic memories.
20 ry skills cannot develop beyond the stage of semantic memories.
21  contribute to the retrieval of episodic and semantic memories.
22          (iii) How independently semantic is semantic memory?
23                 What are the neural bases of semantic memory?
24 ns (episodic memory -0.12 [0.04], p=0.00090; semantic memory -0.10 [0.04], p=0.013; working memory -0
25 ains (episodic memory -0.10 [0.04], p=0.017; semantic memory -0.11 [0.05], p=0.018; perceptual speed
26 s knowledge is in the form of memories, both semantic memories about the historical circumstances, bu
27 olate early, bottom-up effects of context on semantic memory, acquiring a combination of electroencep
28 ility to integrate conceptual knowledge from semantic memory, allowing us to construct an almost unli
29 tients obtained lower scores in episodic and semantic memory and also in executive functioning.
30 Cluster 2 had a lower intercept on a test of semantic memory and both Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 had ste
31 orted informative cognitive dissociations in semantic memory and implicit memory.
32 n current conceptions of the organisation of semantic memory and its links to episodic memory, langua
33 ong-term memory and the relationship between semantic memory and other cognitive systems.
34 ing and highlight its expanding use to probe semantic memory and to determine how the neurocognitive
35  regions contribute to the representation of semantic memory and together may form a relatively damag
36         Impaired naming also correlated with semantic memory and visual perceptual-spatial functionin
37 e modifying effects were most pronounced for semantic memory and working memory.
38 emory involves long-term memories for facts (semantic memory) and personal experiences (episodic memo
39  with more rapid decline in episodic memory, semantic memory, and perceptual speed.
40 ersus nonassociative memory, episodic versus semantic memory, and recollection versus familiarity.
41 ts into the interaction between episodic and semantic memory, and the different roles played by vario
42 ls on both verbal and non-verbal measures of semantic memory, and these deficits were modulated by de
43                   Impairments of working and semantic memory are primarily due to dysfunction of the
44 ts show that the hippocampal region supports semantic memory as well as episodic memory and that its
45 se results reinforce the relevance of ATL in semantic memory, as well as its amodal organization, and
46 ound progressive and relatively pure loss of semantic memory associated with focal left temporal neoc
47                                       Better semantic memory at follow-up was associated with smaller
48 ge in visual and verbal episodic memory, and semantic memory at follow-up were examined.
49 t two competing neural processing streams: a semantic memory-based mechanism, and a combinatorial mec
50 nerally considered to reflect retrieval from semantic memory, but behavioral evidence suggests that e
51 pproach to studying integrative processes in semantic memory by applying focal brain stimulation to a
52 uring retrieval from working memory and from semantic memory can be mapped to a common portion of the
53 on that the contribution of these regions to semantic memory cleaves along taxonomic-thematic lines.
54 h showing roughly equivalent preservation of semantic memory combined with marked impairment in episo
55                   The data favour a model of semantic memory comprising a single interconnected netwo
56 underlying the consolidation of knowledge in semantic memory continues to be actively debated.
57 e discuss factors that may contribute to the semantic memory deficit in semantic variant primary prog
58 le Alzheimer's disease are thought to have a semantic memory deficit.
59 ; (2) SD, characterized by fluent speech and semantic memory deficits, was associated with anterior t
60 poral lobe epilepsy, few studies have probed semantic memory directly, with mixed results, and none h
61  within regions associated with episodic and semantic memory during less successful recall, requiring
62                                              Semantic memory encompasses knowledge about both the pro
63 longitudinal assessments of episodic memory, semantic memory, executive function, and global cognitiv
64 RI to evaluate the neural basis for impaired semantic memory for ANIMALS and IMPLEMENTS in 11 patient
65        There were limited deficits of public semantic memory for recent decades.
66                                The degree of semantic memory impairment across the 6 cases correlated
67 shed as the first description of a selective semantic memory impairment.
68                                        Since semantic memory impairments and psychosis are also found
69 e whether these patient groups have distinct semantic memory impairments.
70 connectivity and its strong association with semantic memory in functional neuroimaging studies.
71 In two studies, we assessed the capacity for semantic memory in patients with bilateral damage though
72 entral for understanding the organization of semantic memory in the human brain.
73 eneralized knowledge, suggesting that we use semantic memory in the service of episodic memory [2, 3]
74  into densely or sparsely populated areas of semantic memory in two separate sessions.
75 ogressive breakdown of conceptual knowledge (semantic memory) in the context of relatively preserved
76 red episodic memory and relatively preserved semantic memory, in association with medial temporal pat
77 are consistent with a two-component model of semantic memory involving category-neutral processes ope
78  importance of the anterior temporal lobe in semantic memory is found in patients with bilateral ante
79 riable anomia, leading some to conclude that semantic memory is intact in resection for temporal lobe
80 f atrophy in semantic dementia suggests that semantic memory is subserved by anterior temporal lobe s
81 ) improves selection, whereas retrieval from semantic memory is unaffected when selection demands are
82 s a syndrome of progressive deterioration in semantic memory (knowledge of objects, people, concepts
83 sitron emission tomography, and episodic and semantic memory, language, executive and visuospatial fu
84                                This focus on semantic memory leaves out many aspects of memory, such
85 ory: medial temporal lobe and angular gyrus; semantic memory: left anterior temporal regions; languag
86 of the large-scale neural network underlying semantic memory may modify themselves to maintain perfor
87 60.8 to 3.6% when input from BNT and another semantic memory measure was degraded mathematically.
88 ding episodic memory (memory for events) and semantic memory (memory for facts and concepts).
89 y for events), with relative preservation of semantic memory (memory for facts).
90        This interaction between episodic and semantic memory might partially account for fluency defi
91    There was a milder impairment of personal semantic memory, most pronounced for midlife years.
92 ent when subjects retrieved self-referential semantic memories or responded to self-judgment statemen
93 not significantly associated with decline in semantic memory or visuospatial ability.
94 e to introspection; and third, distinct from semantic memory, or general knowledge about the world.
95 nd to fluctuations in decline of working and semantic memory (P-values < 0.001).
96 id automatic spread of activation within the semantic memory pathway.
97 nferior temporal gyrus subserve language and semantic memory processing, visual perception, and multi
98 nges were evident in orientation, attention, semantic memory, processing speed, or informant reports.
99 "plaid jacket." Many neuroanatomic models of semantic memory propose that heteromodal cortical hubs i
100 ects a plausible neural mechanism underlying semantic memory recall that may underlie other cognitive
101  power decrease at thalamus and scalp during semantic memory recall.
102                   The neural organization of semantic memory remains much debated.
103  for stimuli and deactivations with implicit semantic memory (repetition priming) for words and pictu
104                           It is thought that semantic memory represents taxonomic information differe
105 s were comparable in the areas active during semantic memory retrieval.
106 nt because the interpretation of 40 years of semantic-memory RT studies depends on whether factors su
107  scores: beta estimate, -0.18; P < .001; and semantic memory scores: beta estimate, -0.06; P = .04, n
108 ations implicate diverse cortical regions in semantic memory: semantic dementia (SD) is characterized
109 h their scores on more conventional tests of semantic memory, such as naming and word-to-picture matc
110  during retrieval of unimodal and multimodal semantic memories, suggesting a distinct role for AnG du
111 ssive deterioration of an amodal integrative semantic memory system critically involving the rostral
112 nal compensation in brain regions subserving semantic memory systems that generally equals or exceeds
113 udy, we employed a low effort, high accuracy semantic memory task to determine if increased activatio
114    Human participants completed episodic and semantic memory tasks involving unimodal (auditory or vi
115 s of RL have largely involved procedural and semantic memory, the way in which knowledge about action
116  or a more general role in both episodic and semantic memory (together termed declarative memory) is
117 or subsequent memory), nor to how frequently semantic memories were accompanied by personal, episodic
118 mally and is vital for conceptual knowledge (semantic memory), which is accrued over many years.
119 12) and episodic memory (p = 0.047), but not semantic memory, working memory, visuospatial skills, or

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