コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 rotations, whereas the dc transport is still semiclassical.
2 ntum time-frequency spectrum and an extended semiclassical analysis, the roles of multiphoton and mul
3 ntum time-frequency spectrum and an extended semiclassical analysis, we explore in-depth the roles of
4 he activation barrier; within the context of semiclassical and quantum mechanical electron transfer t
5 elf-exchange reactions are calculated with a semiclassical approach, in which all electrons and the t
6 at quantum oscillations at high field beyond semiclassical approximations, and find clear and robust
7 than the value of 3.26 expected for strictly semiclassical behavior) is estimated, suggesting the pre
8 i) nonlocal, density-based functionals, (ii) semiclassical C6-based, and (iii) one-electron effective
10 ycoform is well above the range expected for semiclassical-classical (no tunneling) reactions (upper
12 e relatively close agreement between various semiclassical estimates of T(1) lends support to the app
14 Variational transition-state theory with semiclassical ground-state tunneling was used for the ca
17 kinetic isotope effects are well within the semiclassical limit and are much smaller than those meas
18 ope effects, maintaining the ratio above the semiclassical limit for the indication of tunneling in t
19 e experimentally observed KIE lies below the semiclassical limit, our calculations suggest that appro
20 ltaE(a) values appear to be greater than the semiclassical limits and thus suggest a tunneling mechan
21 Chlorine kinetic isotope effects exceeding semiclassical limits were observed in enzyme-catalyzed r
23 perature dependence of the rate constants to semiclassical Marcus theory gave lambda of 0.39 eV and 0
24 ese two data sets are thus well described by semiclassical Marcus theory, providing a strong validati
25 in MeCN), as compared to that predicted from semiclassical Marcus theory, supports a charge transfer
29 ies is reproduced with the three-dimensional semiclassical model and shown to be due to a transition
30 assigning a hydrogen transfer reaction to a semiclassical model based solely on an Arrhenius prefact
34 h detailed numerical calculations based on a semiclassical model that provides insight into the under
35 rgy transfer mechanism is often described by semiclassical models that invoke 'hopping' of excited-st
38 Both effects are significantly above the semiclassical (no-tunneling) predicted values and indica
41 ng model of Joule heating relies on a simple semiclassical picture in which electrons collide with th
42 r tunneling is based on the breakdown of the semiclassical prediction for the relationship among the
47 ata factor the kinetic isotope effect into a semiclassical reactant-state component, with a null valu
49 Landau-Teller-Zwanzig model and a number of semiclassical theories of resonant and two-phonon vibrat
53 nd V(2)/K(p) are not adequately explained by semiclassical transition state theory and are better exp
54 rate of proton movement was determined using semiclassical transition-state theory and was found to b
55 are required for this task, a more efficient semiclassical version can be used, for which only single
57 l mol(-1), appears to be inconsistent with a semiclassical view of the isotope effect, and suggests e
58 ransition state (ts) geometries, and primary semiclassical (without tunneling) kinetic isotope effect
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