


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tomosis and cold times, tissue match and PRA sensitisation.
2 efore has the potential to decrease allergen sensitisation.
3 PA1 by membrane depolarisation did not cause sensitisation.
4 s, UVB with heat rekindling produces central sensitisation.
5 ammation, remodelling, and increased risk of sensitisation.
6 rent asthma, and specific skin prick and IgE sensitisation.
7 ew allergenic source with high prevalence of sensitisation.
8 ing surgery suggests the occurrence of acute sensitisation.
9 fect of other bedding dust components on HDM sensitisation.
10 ificant in determining the extent of thermal sensitisation.
11 erence in visual cortical cells, and cocaine sensitisation.
12  synovitis and the fibres showed evidence of sensitisation.
13 on) were negatively associated with allergic sensitisation (adjusted odds ratio [95% CI] per g/dL 0.9
14              We investigated whether central sensitisation, an activity-dependent amplification of se
15 mmunoprecipitation assays were compared with sensitisation and allergen concentrations in house dust.
16 oxin exposure in the development of allergen sensitisation and asthma, we compared concentrations of
17                                              Sensitisation and challenge of wild-type mice with Af-in
18 P seems to be the major allergen involved in sensitisation and cross-reactivity.
19 three underlying mechanisms, namely sensing, sensitisation and desensitisation, which become importan
20  was associated with increased prevalence of sensitisation and IgG antibody to Der f 1.
21  model, LC(:SC) activation reduced hind-limb sensitisation and induced conditioned place preference.
22 d dural input to the Vc may generate central sensitisation and partly explain the hyperalgesia and al
23 e study were to investigate the frequency of sensitisation and the allergens involved.
24  wheezing, doctor-diagnosed asthma, allergic sensitisation and total IgE at 7 years, and with lung fu
25 ears was attributable to the presence of IgE sensitisation at age 4 years.
26 ions in early childhood may prevent allergic sensitisation but evidence to support this hypothesis is
27 anges were noted with falling wheeze and HDM sensitisation but rising rhinitis and grass sensitisatio
28 xposure to cat was associated with decreased sensitisation, but a higher prevalence of IgG antibody t
29 chopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) and fungal sensitisation, but how these relate to clinically releva
30 Parasite infection does not prevent allergen sensitisation, but restricts the Th2 effector phase resp
31 spholipase C did not abolish the NGF-induced sensitisation, but wortmannin, a specific inhibitor of p
32 e early in life may protect against allergen sensitisation by enhancing type 1 immunity.
33 as a model we have demonstrated that initial sensitisation by host secretions reduces proclivity for
34 g conditions, propagation by IP3 Rs requires sensitisation by influx of Ca(2+) via reverse mode NCX;
35  target of covalent agonists, did not affect sensitisation by the non-covalent agonist carvacrol, whi
36                                 Central pain sensitisation can also occur, and psychosocial factors a
37  for 38% of comorbidity, suggesting that IgE sensitisation can no longer be considered the dominant c
38 ained stable; however, house dust mite (HDM) sensitisation decreased by 5.6% (19.2 vs. 13.6, P = 0.00
39  The results are compared with the degree of sensitisation (DoS) as judged by nitric acid mass loss t
40 vical cancer, which may give a cytotoxic and sensitisation effect.
41  are unable to comment on long-term antibody sensitisation effects.
42  pregnancy may be a risk factor for allergic sensitisation, elevated IgE and lower FVC in childhood,
43                       On the other hand, the sensitisation field for the heel-MG reflex varied little
44 the first time a complete description of the sensitisation fields for reflexes to individual muscles.
45 of flexor reflexes could be obtained, as the sensitisation fields for the flexor reflexes evoked from
46 ared with minimal surgical interference, the sensitisation fields for the heel-MG and toes-TA reflexe
47                    The intermediate sizes of sensitisation fields in anaesthetised animals suggests t
48 sensitisation may provide an explanation for sensitisation following long-term exposure to harmful ir
49 en with comorbidities at 4 years without IgE sensitisation had higher relative risks of comorbidity a
50 AMP and protein kinase A (PKA) in nociceptor sensitisation has been studied in frog skin in vitro.
51 (ASTM-G67-04), and discussed with models for sensitisation in 5xxx series Al-alloys.
52           Our results demonstrate peripheral sensitisation in both species driven by UVB irradiation,
53  heat rekindling produces markers of central sensitisation in both species, including enhanced recept
54 ons of endotoxin in house dust with allergen sensitisation in infants at high risk for developing ast
55  antenatal anti-D prophylaxis for preventing sensitisation in pregnant Rhesus negative women, and to
56                     It is mediated by immune sensitisation in susceptible individuals to trifluoroace
57 o the development and maintenance of central sensitisation in the spinal cord, and furthermore, to th
58 risk of wheeze, and the role of IgE and skin sensitisation in these associations, were analysed by mu
59 tenatal anti-D prophylaxis for prevention of sensitisation, in support of the policy of offering rout
60 by 5.6% (19.2 vs. 13.6, P = 0.004) and grass sensitisation increased by 3.5% (12.9 vs. 16.4, P = 0.05
61 ge dependence of TRPA1 activation shows that sensitisation is accompanied by a slowly developing shif
62 nociceptive stimuli, and peripheral neuronal sensitisation is an important feature, and can result in
63                 We show that agonist-induced sensitisation is independent of the agonist's binding si
64                                              Sensitisation is independent of the site of action of th
65                                 Although IgE sensitisation is independently associated with excess co
66                                 We find that sensitisation is intrinsic to the TRPA1 protein and is a
67                                              Sensitisation is unaffected by agents blocking ion chann
68 ibutable to either chance or the role of IgE sensitisation is unknown.
69 nists in a calcium-free environment and this sensitisation is very long lasting following agonist rem
70  pain hypersensitivity suggests that central sensitisation may contribute to visceral pain disorders.
71                                              Sensitisation may play a different role in children and
72                                              Sensitisation may play a role in exacerbating the pain c
73                              Agonist-induced sensitisation may provide an explanation for sensitisati
74         Changing prevalence of aero-allergen sensitisations may explain the different time trends obs
75 species, UVB irradiation produces peripheral sensitisation measured as augmented evoked activity of r
76                                              Sensitisation messages, especially targeted at older and
77 l ideally induce both peripheral and central sensitisation, more effectively mimicking clinical patho
78 uld be an important mechanism underlying the sensitisation of C-fibres in airway irritability.
79 s had a marked effect on the area from which sensitisation of flexor reflexes could be obtained, as t
80                                              Sensitisation of mechanical stimulation of the FRF could
81     Nerve growth factor (NGF) causes a rapid sensitisation of nociceptive sensory neurones to painful
82                 P2X3 receptors could mediate sensitisation of the cough reflex, leading to chronic co
83                         We show that antigen sensitisation of the tissues induces a rapid but transie
84 eveloped a new technique to study this rapid sensitisation of TRPV1 by monitoring the effects of NGF
85     Pathways responsible for transducing the sensitisation of TRPV1 by TrkA, the NGF receptor, were c
86                        In no preparation was sensitisation or inhibition of reflexes related to the d
87 ce an IgG and IgG4 antibody response without sensitisation or risk of asthma.
88  and support an endothelium-dependent Ca(2+)-sensitisation pathway rather than the rise in [Ca(2+)](i
89         To determine the temporal profile of sensitisation, pigs were exposed to surgical tail resect
90 an induce long-term neuronal remodelling and sensitisation ("plasticity"), chronic pain, and lasting
91 cal studies that both peripheral and central sensitisation play important roles in determining the le
92  sensitisation but rising rhinitis and grass sensitisation prevalence.
93 ammation that produce peripheral and central sensitisation, respectively.
94 lone-both in the presence and absence of IgE sensitisation-suggesting that these diseases share causa
95                                              Sensitisation to >/=2 molecules or to pet albumins was a
96 ent wheezing (14.0, 6.8-28.0) in early life, sensitisation to A alternata (3.6, 2.1-6.4), low airway
97                        All patients with IgE sensitisation to A. fumigatus are at risk of lung damage
98 the neonate and a reduction in risk of early sensitisation to allergens.
99 ial hyper-responsiveness to cold dry air and sensitisation to Alternaria alternata were determined be
100 ral studies, in which greater development of sensitisation to amphetamine and cocaine, but no change
101                                              Sensitisation to Aspergillus fumigatus and/or Penicilliu
102                       The work herein allows sensitisation to be quantified from an unambiguous micro
103  ownership was significantly associated with sensitisation to cats (24.6 [3.04-199.05]; p=0.003).
104  the active site of NTR that showed enhanced sensitisation to CB1954 in an E. coli cell-killing assay
105 s to cell death whilst PARG depletion causes sensitisation to certain DNA damaging agents, implicatin
106 duced locomotor activity, the development of sensitisation to cocaine and cocaine self-administration
107 sed risk of respiratory symptoms and whether sensitisation to common environmental allergens modifies
108 ure), total and specific serum IgE, and skin sensitisation to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in 205 c
109 elopment of future cognitive dysfunction and sensitisation to further injury.
110                                              Sensitisation to mite or cat allergens was the strongest
111 ong children with high exposure, the odds of sensitisation to mite rather than cat was 4.0 (99% CI 1.
112 ude inhibition of tumour cell proliferation, sensitisation to other anti-cancer agents, including cyt
113                   We describe the pattern of sensitisation to pet IgE components and its association
114 ion, which can employ peripheral and central sensitisation to produce mechanical and thermal hyperalg
115                                              Sensitisation to the behavioural effects of amphetamine,
116                                          IgE sensitisation to thermotolerant filamentous fungi, in pa
117                                Understanding sensitisation trends may help inform about trends in ast
118 model with VF induced by rapid pacing; light sensitisation via systemic, cardiac-specific gene transf
119             The time course of this apparent sensitisation was closely aligned to that of ATP turnove
120 or interaction=0.017), where D pteronyssinus sensitisation was common, but unrelated to wheeze in the
121 nal meta-analysis, the pooled odds ratio for sensitisation was estimated as 0.25 (95% CI 0.18, 0.36),
122 justing for these, the pooled odds ratio for sensitisation was estimated as 0.31 (95% CI 0.17, 0.56),
123                                     Allergen sensitisation was measured by skin-prick testing with a
124 n the urban population, D pteronyssinus skin sensitisation was more strongly related to wheeze (9.45
125                                              Sensitisation was observed in the significantly increase
126 lifetime rhinitis in both cohorts, while HDM sensitisation was significant only for the IoW cohort.
127       Parental history of rhinitis and grass sensitisation was significantly associated with lifetime
128                Highly concordant patterns of sensitisation were associated with different profiles of
129                   Spatial aspects of central sensitisation were investigated by studying the effects
130 Male sex, parental history of asthma and HDM sensitisation were significantly associated with lifetim
131 ptoms, in the context of hay fever or pollen sensitisation, which can be triggered by nuts.
132 MK II) activation also prevented NGF-induced sensitisation, while blockade of protein kinase A (PKA)
133  of family history, early life exposures and sensitisation with wheeze and rhinitis in each cohort.

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