


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s ideal for analysing ligand regulation of a sensor histidine kinase.
2  regulation of the sensor domain of the YycG sensor histidine kinase.
3 gnated absA1, which is predicted to encode a sensor histidine kinase.
4 are commonly located at the amino termini of sensor histidine kinases.
5 in with primary structural features found in sensor histidine kinases.
6 romes (BphPs) with homology to two-component sensor histidine kinases.
7                        The heme-based oxygen sensor histidine kinase AfGcHK is part of a two-componen
8 led by two-component systems that comprise a sensor histidine kinase and a cognate DNA binding respon
9 re typically composed of a membrane-spanning sensor histidine kinase and a cytoplasmic response regul
10 nt regulatory systems (2CRs) consisting of a sensor histidine kinase and a DNA-binding response regul
11               Such systems are composed of a sensor histidine kinase and a response regulator whose u
12  recognition and phosphotransfer between the sensor histidine kinase and the response regulator.
13 , which is comprised of genes for a putative sensor histidine kinase and two response regulators and
14       Two-component systems (TCS) comprising sensor histidine kinases and response regulator proteins
15  transduction systems with membrane-embedded sensor histidine kinases are believed to recognize envir
16                                              Sensor histidine kinases are central to sensing in bacte
17                        The sensor domains of sensor histidine kinases are poorly conserved between sp
18 th Spo0F and Spo0B and the identities of the sensor histidine kinases are unknown.
19                                              Sensor histidine kinases are widely used by bacteria to
20 t signal transduction system, comprised of a sensor histidine kinase (ArsS) and a response regulator
21    Upon receipt of a stimulus, a homodimeric sensor histidine kinase autophosphorylates and then tran
22 of a chromosomally encoded major sporulation sensor histidine kinase (BA2291) in this organism.
23                     The vast majority of the sensor histidine kinases belong to the bifunctional HisK
24 l and glubolar C-terminal structure, and the sensor histidine kinase BovK contains eight transmembran
25 t signals binding to sensor domains activate sensor histidine kinases by causing localized strain and
26               A membrane bound two-component sensor histidine kinase called CqsS detects CAI-1, and t
27  In the prototypical two-component system, a sensor histidine kinase catalyzes its autophosphorylatio
28                                     The YycG sensor histidine kinase co-ordinates cell wall remodelli
29 41, a pea-nodulating endosymbiont, encodes a sensor histidine kinase containing a LOV domain at the N
30                            The NarX and NarQ sensor-histidine kinases control phosphorylation of the
31 llular Mg(2+) signalled through the presumed sensor histidine kinase, CsrS.
32 amino terminus of signaling proteins such as sensor histidine kinases, cyclic-di-GMP synthases/hydrol
33 ation by mutational selection of sporulation sensor histidine kinase defects.
34 gnal transduction proteins such as bacterial sensor histidine kinases, designed to transition between
35                 We have deleted a gene for a sensor histidine kinase, dspA (or hik33), in the cyanoba
36 volves specific sensing of ethanolamine by a sensor histidine kinase (EutW), resulting in autophospho
37  in Caulobacter crescentus consisting of the sensor histidine kinase FixL, its cognate response regul
38 ional states of the two catalytic domains of sensor histidine kinases, HisKA and HATPase.
39 s comprised of receptors that are similar to sensor histidine kinases, histidine-containing phosphotr
40                             TCS consist of a sensor histidine kinase (HK) and an effector response re
41 ails signal-induced autophosphorylation of a sensor histidine kinase (HK) followed by phosphoryl tran
42                 A typical pathway includes a sensor histidine kinase (HK) that phosphorylates a respo
43               Bacteria use membrane-integral sensor histidine kinases (HK) to perceive stimuli and tr
44 tion depend on expression of the cytoplasmic sensor histidine kinase, HP0244.
45 addition, we show that signaling between the sensor histidine kinase HssS and the response regulator
46  of autophosphorylation in vitro of the HK17 sensor histidine kinase, indicating that this is the lig
47 e Bacillus anthracis BA2291 gene codes for a sensor histidine kinase involved in the induction of spo
48               Here it is shown that the YycG sensor histidine kinase is a component of the division s
49 ospho-AbsA2), generated by the cognate AbsA1 sensor histidine kinase, is required for normal growth p
50 f contact positions in the Bacillus subtilis sensor histidine kinase KinA and by restoration of activ
51  that biofilm formation was dependent on the sensor histidine kinase KinD and in particular on an ext
52 sion of matrix genes via the activation of a sensor histidine kinase, KinD.
53       We demonstrate that the flavin-binding sensor histidine kinase, LovhK (bab2_0652), functions as
54                                    ComP is a sensor histidine kinase of Bacillus subtilis required fo
55                                    An orphan sensor histidine kinase of C. botulinum appeared to norm
56                                            A sensor histidine kinase of Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7
57                    PhoQ is the transmembrane sensor histidine kinase of the bacterial phoPQ two-compo
58  to be a membrane-bound, PAS-domain-bearing, sensor histidine kinase of two-component regulatory syst
59                         Putative sporulation sensor histidine kinases of B. anthracis were identified
60               RsbA is homologous to membrane sensor histidine kinases of the two-component family of
61 f the stomach, the organism expresses two pH-sensor histidine kinases, one, HP0165, responding to a m
62 plasmic domain of the Bacillus subtilis PhoR sensor histidine kinase, part of a two-component system
63 s monitor environmental parameters through a sensor histidine-kinase/phosphatase, which phosphorylate
64   However, the PYP domain (Ppr-PYP) from the sensor histidine kinase Ppr in Rhodospirillum centenum,
65  putative response regulator, and a putative sensor histidine kinase protein.
66                 Among signal relay proteins, sensor, histidine kinase proteins (HK) are auto-phosphor
67                     We show that (i) ChiS, a sensor histidine kinase, regulates expression of the (Gl
68  any one or a combination of the sporulation sensor histidine kinases remaining.
69                              Kinase A is the sensor histidine kinase responsible for processing poste
70 s have indicated that the TCS comprising the sensor histidine kinase RgfC and the response regulator
71 Newman and some other S. aureus strains, the sensor histidine kinase SaeS has an L18P (T53C in saeS)
72 esents a template for signal transduction in sensor histidine kinases.Sensor histidine kinases (SHK)
73                   In these, a membrane-bound sensor histidine kinase (SK) autophosphorylates in respo
74 nella oneidensis directly interacts with the sensor histidine kinase (SO2145), binds NO in a 5-coordi
75 anonical system consists of a membrane-bound sensor histidine kinase that autophosphorylates in respo
76                             VpsS is a hybrid sensor histidine kinase that is predicted to contain bot
77 ansduction pathways, typically composed of a sensor histidine kinase that receives the input stimuli
78 gnalling pathways, which typically involve a sensor histidine kinase that specifically phosphorylates
79              The AIs are detected by cognate sensor histidine kinases that all relay phosphate to the
80    Sporulation is regulated by at least five sensor histidine kinases that are activated in response
81 ed by the phosphorelay consisting of several sensor histidine kinases, the Spo0F response regulator,
82  stimulus via phosphotransfer from a cognate sensor histidine kinase to a specific aspartate residue.
83  TolR protein was engineered as a functional sensor histidine kinase (TolRSK) and an independent resp
84                                     The FsrC sensor histidine kinase, upon activation by the gelatina
85 his study, we report the identification of a sensor histidine kinase, VpsS, which can control biofilm
86                             Five of the nine sensor histidine kinases were inferred to be capable of
87  the HisKA domain of B. subtilis sporulation sensor histidine kinases, which interacts with Spo0F.
88 e gene (mesS) encoding the predicted cognate sensor (histidine) kinase yielded a mutant with the same
89                                    The YycG (sensor histidine kinase)-YycF (response regulator/transc
90 n by any of the extracellular domains of the sensor histidine kinase YycG or the associated proteins

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