


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ibit clear apomorphine-induced reductions in sensorimotor gating.
2 ic basis for human population differences in sensorimotor gating.
3 and altered behaviors, including anxiety and sensorimotor gating.
4 ice exhibited abnormalities in cognition and sensorimotor gating.
5  inhibition (PPI), an operational measure of sensorimotor gating.
6 by subtle deficits in motor coordination and sensorimotor gating.
7 iated with exaggerated startle and deficient sensorimotor gating.
8 alities in prepulse inhibition, a measure of sensorimotor gating.
9 ver, display changes in rearing behavior and sensorimotor gating.
10 rning and memory, anxiety-like behaviour and sensorimotor gating.
11 ulatory mechanisms in startle plasticity and sensorimotor gating.
12  receptor in goldfish startle plasticity and sensorimotor gating.
13 nhibition (PPI) is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating.
14 ium channel activity in the mPFC to modulate sensorimotor gating.
15 rations in prepulse inhibition, a measure of sensorimotor gating.
16 ehavioral deficits in social interaction and sensorimotor gating.
17 central nervous system activity and impaired sensorimotor gating.
18 ragile X mental retardation protein regulate sensorimotor gating.
19  impaired cognitive processing, and impaired sensorimotor gating.
20  anxiety-related phenotype but no deficit in sensorimotor gating.
21  behavioral responses, learning, memory, and sensorimotor gating.
22 inhibition of acoustic startle, a measure of sensorimotor gating.
23 s mediating smooth pursuit eye movements and sensorimotor gating.
24 limbic dopamine transmission, a modulator of sensorimotor gating.
25 flex, suggesting deficits in pre-attentional sensorimotor gating.
26 alysis providing new molecular insights into sensorimotor gating.
27 stimulus, provides an operational measure of sensorimotor gating (a process by which an organism filt
28                                              Sensorimotor gating abnormalities have been previously c
29 tive studies have led to the hypothesis that sensorimotor gating abnormalities may underlie thought d
30 f this portion of the DGCR is sufficient for sensorimotor gating abnormalities, but not sufficient to
31 s-dependent learning and memory and impaired sensorimotor gating, abnormalities observed in patients
32  and found that these mice have a deficit in sensorimotor gating accompanied by regional neurochemica
33 ramidal neurons, as well as abnormalities in sensorimotor gating, albeit without profound memory defi
34  stomatogastric nervous system, we show that sensorimotor gating also occurs at the level of the proj
35 ncreased compulsive-like behaviors, abnormal sensorimotor gating and altered responsiveness to stimul
36 late several behavioral phenomena, including sensorimotor gating and aspects of motor activity.
37 fects on preconscious, automatic measures of sensorimotor gating and auditory sensory processing that
38 ockout (REGgamma-/-) mice exhibit late-onset sensorimotor gating and cognitive deficiencies including
39 macological inhibition of p110delta reversed sensorimotor gating and cognitive deficits.
40  to pathways controlling locomotor activity, sensorimotor gating and cognitive processes.
41 on in the hippocampus as well as deficits in sensorimotor gating and contextual memory, putative endo
42 rpose of this study was to examine automatic sensorimotor gating and controlled attentional modulatio
43 rther our understanding of the substrates of sensorimotor gating and could lead to better therapeutic
44   Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is an example of sensorimotor gating and deficits in PPI have been demons
45 n the treatment of subjects with compromised sensorimotor gating and enhanced motor responses to sens
46 nhibition (PPI) is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating and is deficient in several neuropsy
47 hat are deleted in patients have deficits in sensorimotor gating and learning and memory.
48 the prefrontal cortical circuitry regulating sensorimotor gating and locomotor behavior, both of whic
49 ies, including hyperactivity, disturbance in sensorimotor gating and olfactory-associated behavior, a
50 zophrenia, as indexed by alterations both in sensorimotor gating and psychotomimetic-induced locomoto
51 e, LSD, and PCP on two behavioral parameters-sensorimotor gating and repetitive movements-were strong
52                                     Although sensorimotor gating and sensory gating are not identical
53 nents and in the neural circuits involved in sensorimotor gating and short-term memory.
54 culum, regions involved in the regulation of sensorimotor gating and short-term memory.
55                       To address this issue, sensorimotor gating and thought disturbance were measure
56 hizophrenic men were assessed on measures of sensorimotor gating and thought disturbance.
57  Locomotor activity, anxiety-like behaviors, sensorimotor gating, and aggressive behavior also were a
58 nto-striatal pathways resulting in defective sensorimotor gating, and consequently characteristic dif
59         These brain regions are important in sensorimotor gating, and impaired 'gating' may partly ex
60 y on stress sensitivity, cognitive function, sensorimotor gating, and prefrontal cortical transcripti
61 e locomotor reactivity to novel environment, sensorimotor gating, anxiety, and cognition.
62  3 m of age, mutant mice displayed increased sensorimotor gating, anxiety, hypoactivity, and decrease
63 amatergic mGluR5 knockout mice are normal in sensorimotor gating, anxiety, motor balance/learning and
64 eactivity to a novel environment but not for sensorimotor gating, anxiety, motor coordination, severa
65  and simulations together indicate that this sensorimotor gating arises from the relative timing of t
66 isorders have been shown to have deficits in sensorimotor gating as assessed by prepulse inhibition o
67  that unmedicated OCD patients have impaired sensorimotor gating as measured by PPI.
68 baseline, DAT (-/-) mice exhibited deficient sensorimotor gating as measured by prepulse inhibition (
69 subjects have been shown to have deficits in sensorimotor gating as measured by prepulse inhibition,
70 ndividuals with fragile X also have impaired sensorimotor gating as measured using the prepulse inhib
71 otor activity, anxiety-related behavior, and sensorimotor gating, as well as handling-induced seizure
72 ormalities of information processing seen in sensorimotor gating associated with stress and stress-re
73 These results also indicate that the site of sensorimotor gating can occur at the level of the projec
74 sts, and had similar olfactory, auditory and sensorimotor gating capabilities as wild-type mice.
75 t in prepulse inhibition (PPI), a measure of sensorimotor gating commonly deficient in individuals wi
76                                              Sensorimotor gating commonly occurs at sensory neuron sy
77 e first to demonstrate that BN have impaired sensorimotor gating compared with WKY, without impaired
78 ette syndrome (TS) is characterized by tics, sensorimotor gating deficiencies, and abnormalities of c
79 me degradation pathway may contribute to the sensorimotor gating deficiency and cognitive disorders i
80 ates prepulse inhibition (PPI), a measure of sensorimotor gating deficient in several illnesses inclu
81 ut not PND 35, suggesting the emergence of a sensorimotor gating deficit in early adulthood.
82          Finally, mice lacking IgSF21 show a sensorimotor gating deficit.
83 anisms underlie abnormal social behavior and sensorimotor gating deficits and implicate Dvl1 in proce
84 phenotypic differences in an animal model of sensorimotor gating deficits in human neuropsychiatric d
85 o) proteins, alteration of which could cause sensorimotor gating deficits in schizophrenia.
86 eases tic-like responses and elicits TS-like sensorimotor gating deficits in the D1CT-7 mouse, one of
87                               The finding of sensorimotor gating deficits is particularly significant
88                                 In addition, sensorimotor gating deficits previously noted in Bdr mut
89 s to have important roles in the reversal of sensorimotor gating deficits, as measured by prepulse in
90 itive effects on locomotor hyperactivity and sensorimotor gating deficits, but further produces syner
91  that the Pvalb/Gad1 Tg mice have pronounced sensorimotor gating deficits, increased novelty-seeking
92  a genetically transmitted susceptibility to sensorimotor gating deficits.
93 elevant to schizophrenia, including impaired sensorimotor gating, discrimination memory, and social b
94 ein levels; and a greater sensitivity to the sensorimotor gating-disruptive effect of amphetamine, co
95                These measures of sensory and sensorimotor gating have both been proposed as models fo
96 tle reflex amplitude, as well as significant sensorimotor gating impairments, as assessed by the prep
97                                  LSD altered sensorimotor gating in a human model of psychosis, suppo
98 sent results from a study examining abnormal sensorimotor gating in Fmr1KO mice.
99          Thus, we compared brain anatomy and sensorimotor gating in healthy people with Asperger's sy
100 , our results provide the first evidence for sensorimotor gating in larval zebrafish and report on th
101 amphetamine (AMPH)-induced sensitization and sensorimotor gating in rats, two preclinical procedures
102 the first data that demonstrate a deficit in sensorimotor gating in rodents caused by an inadequate a
103 ffer a useful animal model to study impaired sensorimotor gating in schizophrenia.
104 t studies carefully assessed drug effects on sensorimotor gating in SD versus W strains, across rat s
105 ceptor antagonist can affect the deficits in sensorimotor gating in the NR1(neo/neo) mice.
106  has a significant, dose-dependent effect on sensorimotor gating in which lower doses (0.25-1.0 micro
107  transmitted deficit in prepulse inhibition (sensorimotor gating) in patients with schizophrenia spec
108  in Htr2B(-/-) mice, as shown by deficits in sensorimotor gating, in selective attention, in social i
109                                              Sensorimotor gating is a neural filtering process that a
110                                              Sensorimotor gating is often studied in humans and roden
111 titative and clinically important measure of sensorimotor gating is prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the
112  inhibition (PPI), an operational measure of sensorimotor gating, is deficient in schizophrenia patie
113 f the acoustic startle response-a measure of sensorimotor gating-is highly sensitive for manipulation
114  number of abnormal traits including reduced sensorimotor gating, lower density of dendritic spines i
115 his polymorphism is associated with impaired sensorimotor gating measured by prepulse inhibition--an
116  psychotic disorders (CPD) exhibit deficient sensorimotor gating (measured by prepulse inhibition (PP
117                                              Sensorimotor gating, measured by prepulse inhibition (PP
118                    PPI reflects a nonlearned sensorimotor gating mechanism and also shows a robust ge
119 dence for within-gender differences in basic sensorimotor gating mechanisms and implicate the known n
120         Prepulse inhibition (PPI), a form of sensorimotor gating, occurs when an auditory startle res
121 regions in their neurochemical modulation of sensorimotor gating of acoustic startle in the rat.
122 e has been used as an operational measure of sensorimotor gating or inhibition, and is reduced in sch
123 ictive validity of animal PPI to model human sensorimotor gating phenomena but only limited studies h
124 ystems are involved in the modulation of the sensorimotor gating phenomenon known as prepulse inhibit
125 ry-adrenal axis stress response and impaired sensorimotor gating, phenotypic effects that were associ
126  exhibit deficits in automatic, preattentive sensorimotor gating (prepulse inhibition [PPI]) of the s
127 R) have been used as measures of sensory and sensorimotor gating, respectively.
128 s considerable interest in the regulation of sensorimotor gating, since deficits in this process coul
129 f picrotoxin caused locomotor hyperactivity; sensorimotor gating (startle prepulse inhibition) was un
130 ehavioral deficits in social interaction and sensorimotor gating tasks.
131 story of tics may have greater impairment in sensorimotor gating than the general OCD population.
132 on (PPI), which is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating that is deficient in schizophrenia p
133             Prepulse inhibition is a type of sensorimotor gating that is disrupted in some neuropsych
134  (PPI) of the startle reflex is a measure of sensorimotor gating that is reduced in humans with certa
135  of the startle response, a manifestation of sensorimotor gating that is reduced in humans with schiz
136 nhibition (PPI) is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating that is thought to probe preattentio
137 t brought the investigation of H1 effects on sensorimotor gating to human studies.
138 ed brain anatomy using quantitative MRI, and sensorimotor gating using prepulse inhibition of startle
139                                              Sensorimotor gating was abnormal, as measured by deficit
140                                              Sensorimotor gating was examined operationally via the u
141                                              Sensorimotor gating was measured by prepulse inhibition
142                                    Moreover, sensorimotor gating was significantly impaired in Asperg
143 rs across working memory, fear processes and sensorimotor gating, we examined these functions between
144             PPI is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating which is strongly regulated by mesol
145 response (PPI) is a cross-species measure of sensorimotor gating, which is severely disrupted in pati
146 lse inhibition (PPI) is used as a measure of sensorimotor gating, with smaller PPI indicating less fi

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