


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or surprise (negative log probability of the sensory input).
2  neuronal responses to temporally structured sensory input.
3 ling in response to deviations in predicable sensory input.
4 gic input with highly convergent feedforward sensory input.
5 ogical, starting to move before they receive sensory input.
6 ing changes in perception despite unchanging sensory input.
7 al period of neural circuit optimization for sensory input.
8 l information that is unrelated to immediate sensory input.
9  salience of mnemonormation to the immediate sensory input.
10 r behavior when states are unobservable from sensory input.
11 e discrete functions in processing olfactory sensory input.
12 cal periods, when naive juveniles experience sensory input.
13 ng of evoked whisker movements by reafferent sensory input.
14  capacity of olfactory circuits to normalize sensory input.
15 wn degree of brain plasticity in response to sensory input.
16 tilised to facilitate perception of incoming sensory input.
17 al activity, even in the absence of tasks or sensory input.
18 e diencephalic nucleus that provides it with sensory input.
19 ary movements, which are typically guided by sensory input.
20 ganize the temporal processing of continuous sensory input.
21 d to affect the neural representation of the sensory input.
22 scaffold for action selection in response to sensory input.
23 ch may enhance the sensitivity of the DCN to sensory input.
24  inner ear that capture auditory and balance sensory input.
25 etween actions and the consequent changes in sensory input.
26 nable dendritic maturation in the absence of sensory input.
27 ory neurons themselves respond to changes of sensory input.
28 haviors that rapidly and globally change the sensory input.
29  is robust to restraint-induced reduction in sensory input.
30 from the comparison of these beliefs against sensory input.
31 odels of the environment to predict upcoming sensory input.
32 cs of the recruitment of local inhibition by sensory input.
33 and manipulating information in phonological sensory input.
34 well top-down predictions fit with bottom-up sensory input.
35 rathreshold) stimuli: it filters and weights sensory input.
36 ter reliance on visual rather than olfactory sensory input.
37  ability to reorganize to cope with changing sensory input.
38 e their code under noisy and/or inconsistent sensory input.
39 ivity to the network architecture underlying sensory input.
40 als to facilitate tracking or control of the sensory inputs.
41 ynamically adjusted during interpretation of sensory inputs.
42 ed calcium responses to intense but not weak sensory inputs.
43  is influenced by a dynamic weighting of the sensory inputs.
44 mally used to sharpen temporal processing of sensory inputs.
45 ard encoding of the strength or precision of sensory inputs.
46 s strikingly different for artificial versus sensory inputs.
47 temporal dynamics, in response to changes in sensory inputs.
48  production and receives multiple convergent sensory inputs.
49 f task features and selective integration of sensory inputs.
50 tivation that was similar to that induced by sensory inputs.
51 t of striatal projection neurons to specific sensory inputs.
52 rogeneous population of neurons that process sensory inputs.
53 and disease is how cell populations adapt to sensory inputs.
54  information using a weighted average of the sensory inputs.
55 timize the transmission of information about sensory inputs.
56 dels of the world to minimize surprise about sensory inputs.
57 s of its behaviour that depend on multimodal sensory inputs.
58 t does functional brain organization rely on sensory input?
59 vior thus enables animals to influence their sensory input, a concept referred to as active sensing.
60 s of the globus pallidus and saliency of the sensory input, a low dopaminergic drive can result in in
61 ught to be driven by precise conjunctions of sensory input, a recent study by Villette and Malvache e
62               The fish weight object-related sensory inputs according to their reliability, to minimi
63 lfactory bulb, yet little is known about how sensory input activates granule cells.
64                                In olfaction, sensory input activity is initially processed in the olf
65 elective processing of behaviorally relevant sensory inputs against irrelevant ones is a fundamental
66 f the ability to drive visual areas by their sensory inputs, allowing researchers to define visual ar
67 pproach was sensitive, implying that the two sensory inputs alter different chemoreceptor features.
68 es (i.e., virtual reality) show that reduced sensory input alters hippocampal representations of spac
69 s where a prediction is not fulfilled by any sensory input (an "omission" response).
70 lateralization is modulated in tune with the sensory input and acts as a spatiotemporal filter contro
71 ent a model of connections between olfactory sensory input and bees' mushroom bodies [6], incorporati
72  suggest an interplay between the quality of sensory input and cue importance.
73 humans can learn statistical regularities in sensory input and exploit this knowledge to improve perc
74 I4 therefore both integrates search-inducing sensory input and is gated out by other sensory input (s
75 al cells-the direct link between vomeronasal sensory input and limbic output-are intrinsically rhythm
76 , the direct neural link between vomeronasal sensory input and limbic output.
77  how our brain manages the interplay between sensory input and motor output.
78 hat perception results from a combination of sensory input and prior prediction, each weighted by its
79 llowing cells to simultaneously respond to a sensory input and the presence of neighbors.
80           Because the TRN receives bottom-up sensory input and top-down cortical input, it could serv
81 o distinct sources of information: bottom-up sensory input and top-down influences from prior knowled
82 her demonstrate that these interneurons gate sensory inputs and control pain through temporally coord
83  higher visual areas generate predictions of sensory inputs and feed them back to early visual cortex
84 ntation of space based on both environmental sensory inputs and path integration signals.
85 nt requires differentiating between external sensory inputs and those that are self-generated.
86  process of inference, integrating bottom-up sensory inputs and top-down expectations.
87  manner and thus shape how the OB integrates sensory inputs and top-down information.
88 synchronized A1 was only weakly modulated by sensory input, and the spike patterns evoked by tones an
89  the evaluation and integration of momentary sensory inputs, and dividing attention between spatially
90 ot always possible based only on the current sensory inputs, and often also depends on recent inputs
91 ible perceptual interpretations of ambiguous sensory inputs, and predicts forward in time.
92 ctivity neurons respond to a narrow range of sensory inputs, and thus would be considered highly info
93 ons of the environment from high-dimensional sensory inputs, and use these to generalize past experie
94 napse on, in the orbitofrontal cortex, these sensory inputs are combined by associative learning with
95                               How motion and sensory inputs are combined to assess an object's stiffn
96 t a computational model, which proposes that sensory inputs are correctly associated to head directio
97                In most mammals, the earliest sensory inputs are delivered to the developing brain thr
98                                              Sensory inputs are integrated extensively before decisio
99                                              Sensory inputs are often fluctuating and intermittent, y
100  object recognition and dynamic weighting of sensory inputs are present in a nonmammalian vertebrate.
101                                     External sensory inputs are required to reset any errors that the
102              In the vertebrate CNS, afferent sensory inputs are targeted to specific depths or layers
103 sults and models lead to the hypothesis that sensory inputs are used in a recurrent manner to tune th
104  cross-modal object recognition and that the sensory inputs are weighted dynamically during this task
105 ferentially recruited in the transduction of sensory inputs arising from the heart, major vessels, ot
106 to extract structure and important cues from sensory input at birth, preceding and contributing to an
107     How do neurons process such differential sensory inputs at the dendritic level?
108  that propagating LFP patterns can represent sensory inputs at timescales relevant to visually guided
109 lays a central role in the prioritization of sensory input based on task relevance.
110                                  Blockade of sensory input before movement prevented BTP, whereas ner
111 hat remapping may not only integrate current sensory input but also prior experience.
112  only modulate perception of threshold-level sensory inputs but also can drive perception and generat
113 alities of perception depend not only on the sensory inputs but also on the brain state before stimul
114 neralization across experiences of different sensory inputs but organized according to how that senso
115 tenance of task-relevant information without sensory input, but the underlying circuit mechanism rema
116 orm a somatotopic map to integrate bilateral sensory inputs, but organizes the maps in a different wa
117 considering the integration of multimodal MF sensory input by individual CGCs.
118                        Here we show how this sensory input can profoundly influence an animal's abili
119    This reveals a mechanism whereby parallel sensory inputs can be integrated and stored to elicit a
120                                    Identical sensory inputs can be perceived as markedly different wh
121 n synaptic efficacy, combined with sustained sensory input, can result in profound and sustained effe
122                     Our results suggest that sensory inputs converge into a perceptual outcome as fee
123 e resulting mixture of crossed and uncrossed sensory inputs creates bilateral whisker maps in the tha
124  not the hippocampus, processing of external sensory inputs decreased while internal network dynamics
125            Monocular deprivation, a model of sensory input-dependent plasticity, shortens inhibitory
126                              Search-inducing sensory input depolarizes I4.
127 emporal sequence of glomerular activation by sensory input determines which stimulus features are tra
128                              The richness of sensory input dictates that the brain must prioritize an
129 e data suggest that adaptation to repetitive sensory input dramatically alters the spatiotemporal pro
130 epresentations originating from VWM and from sensory input draw upon a shared neural substrate (i.e.,
131 erating alternative startle behaviors; local sensory inputs drive inhibitory interneuron activity, wh
132 mplications for patients who lack peripheral sensory input due to spinal cord or nerve lesions.
133                  The selective processing of sensory input during attention is known to take many for
134 nt to which brain structure is influenced by sensory input during development is a critical but contr
135 e piriform cortex (PCx), spatially dispersed sensory inputs evoke activity in distributed ensembles o
136 , the theory combines prior expectation with sensory input, explores different possible perceptual in
137                             It also provides sensory input for defensive withdrawals that have been s
138 otional gating mechanism regulating cortical sensory input for the FFFS trait.
139 or unimodal noise by relying on simultaneous sensory input from another modality.
140             Indeed, a model simply combining sensory input from both eyes onto single mushroom body n
141    The basolateral amygdala (BLA) integrates sensory input from cortical and subcortical regions, a f
142                        The thalamus receives sensory input from different circuits in the periphery.
143             To understand how bats integrate sensory input from echolocation, vision, and spatial mem
144                      In contrast, preventing sensory input from isolectin B4 (IB4)-binding fibers blo
145  how superficial dorsal horn neurons process sensory input from muscle versus skin at the synaptic le
146  stable head direction signal, even when the sensory input from nearby cues changes dramatically when
147 tical diagnostic prediction: a non-preferred sensory input from one modality, which activates the neu
148 ntral vestibular neurons also receive direct sensory input from peripheral afferents.
149                                              Sensory input from peripheral receptors are important fo
150 brain processes mechanosensory and gustatory sensory input from sensilla located on the head, mouth c
151 ernal cuneate nucleus (ECN), which processes sensory input from the forelimbs, as a site of movement-
152 rsion, indicating that the blocking requires sensory input from the receptor.
153                                   Preventing sensory input from TRPV1-expressing fibers failed to alt
154           The insular cortex, which receives sensory inputs from both interoceptive and exteroceptive
155 y influenced by social interactions based on sensory inputs from several modalities.
156 en known that the somatosensory cortex gates sensory inputs from the contralateral side of the body.
157                                              Sensory inputs from the oropharynx terminate in both the
158        These results indicate that ascending sensory input guides the compensatory plasticity that no
159 on of neural responses due to the history of sensory input has been observed across all sensory modal
160  stimulus onset asynchrony in which multiple sensory inputs have a high probability of being integrat
161 rentially for short bursts characteristic of sensory input, helping to shape signal processing at the
162 tivity that compensates for "task positive", sensory input in another region) balancing neural activi
163 al region and point to an important role for sensory input in controlling motor cortex.
164 and experimental data concerning the role of sensory input in generating the regular spatial firing p
165  using genetic and surgical manipulations of sensory input in mouse somatosensory thalamocortical neu
166 n conclusion, Slack selectively controls the sensory input in neuropathic pain states, suggesting tha
167         Our results reveal the importance of sensory input in the building of myelinated fibers and s
168 results advance our knowledge on the role of sensory input in the generation of the neural drive to m
169 s known about how animals integrate multiple sensory inputs in natural environments to balance avoida
170 ndscapes of cognition, starting from grouped sensory inputs in parallel, progressing deeper into cort
171 d and flexible interpretation of conflicting sensory inputs in the context of current goals is a crit
172  abducens motoneurons that combine different sensory inputs including signals from the vestibular sys
173                The brain integrates multiple sensory inputs, including somatosensory and visual input
174                                           As sensory input increased from resting to passive picture
175                                      How can sensory input initiate organized movements, activating a
176                                 To transform sensory input into action, these regions sequentially in
177 ith synaptic precision to transform a single sensory input into different patterns of output activity
178 itatory spinal interneurons are recruited by sensory input into functional circuits to generate persi
179  inhibition onto projection neurons relaying sensory input into higher brain centers causes impaired
180                     How the brain translates sensory input into motor output beyond higher olfactory
181       Neural circuits for behavior transform sensory inputs into motor outputs in patterns with strat
182 remotor and primary motor cortices transform sensory inputs into motor outputs.
183                            This asymmetry of sensory inputs into the LPFC poses the question of wheth
184                                     Incoming sensory input is condensed by our perceptual system to o
185                                    Olfactory sensory input is detected by receptor neurons in the nos
186        This reduction in discriminability of sensory input is equivalent to adding neural noise to th
187             Efficient processing of incoming sensory input is essential for an organism's survival.
188                      Efficient processing of sensory input is essential to ensure an organism's survi
189 ding questions the extent to which continued sensory input is necessary to maintain organisation in s
190 IGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The continuous flow of sensory input is not processed in an analog fashion, but
191 this modulation to the processing of natural sensory input is unclear.
192   Discriminating external from self-produced sensory inputs is a major challenge for brains.
193 tivity carry more information about external sensory inputs is widely accepted in neuroscience.
194 ndly affect the perceptual interpretation of sensory inputs, it is not known whether the combination
195 s with superficial axonal projections to the sensory input layer of the MOB.
196 n opportunity to examine the precise role of sensory input location on neuronal computations.
197 ry 200-500 ms periods of irresponsiveness to sensory input making the control process intrinsically n
198                                   This early sensory input may involve: (1) stimulation arising from
199 servations indicate that blocking peripheral sensory input may prevent BTP and targeting central site
200                               We discuss how sensory inputs may be combined with self-motion informat
201 iny stellate glutamatergic neurons receiving sensory input, mGluR5 genetic mosaic mice were generated
202  aberrant patterns and rhythms of early-life sensory input might also directly and adversely influenc
203 e whether infants' expectations about future sensory input modulate their sensory cortices without th
204 abundance, intrinsic physiology, feedforward sensory input, neuromodulation, synaptic output, and fun
205 e built from dynamical relationships between sensory inputs, neuronal activity, and motor outputs in
206 ntribution of visual input to the multimodal sensory input of the EC is significantly larger than in
207  demonstrate that increasing the strength of sensory inputs on Renshaw cells prevents their deselecti
208 ly by mechanical forces and does not require sensory input or deliberate action.
209  different operating modes that favor either sensory input or recurrent processing in the prefrontal
210                Increasing the variability of sensory input, or applying force perturbations during a
211  These findings suggest that, in response to sensory input, OSTN regulates features of neuronal struc
212                                    Combining sensory inputs over space and time is fundamental to vis
213 isual world.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Combining sensory inputs over time is fundamental to seeing.
214 phenomena are summation, the accumulation of sensory inputs over time, and adaptation, a response red
215                               When these two sensory inputs overlap in space and time, response enhan
216 ole in converting broad, highly overlapping, sensory input patterns into odor-selective population re
217                                              Sensory input plays critical roles in the development of
218 ing self-generated from externally generated sensory input poses a fundamental problem for behaving o
219          The spatiotemporal structure of the sensory input provides information for the computation o
220 at is modulated by the predictability of the sensory input, providing evidence for predictive coding
221      The synaptic plasticity depended on the sensory input rate and was input specific.
222 eaching task and show that tuning curves for sensory inputs (reach target direction) and motor output
223                                              Sensory inputs reaching the primary motor cortex (M1) fr
224 ells in olfaction, little is known about how sensory input recruits granule cells.
225  neuropeptides indicate a modulatory role in sensory input regions and higher order processing center
226 veal how natural onset asynchronies in cross-sensory inputs regulate network oscillations and neurona
227 ons between the reorganized and the original sensory input remain unknown.
228 e of hundreds of milliseconds even while the sensory input remained, on average, stationary.
229     Here we probe the nature of the external sensory inputs required to sustain grid firing, by recor
230  respond to the same incrementally delivered sensory input, revealed a significant correspondence bet
231  of neurons in the barrel cortex to incoming sensory input signals.
232 expressing IGCs are more strongly excited by sensory input stimulation and MC activation is suppresse
233 creased inhibition by IGCs, MCs responded to sensory input stimulation with decreased depolarization
234 n to a role in sensory inhibition, may parse sensory input streams in a way that facilitates communic
235 cing sensory input and is gated out by other sensory input (substrate contact).
236 ortical fast-spiking interneurons, driven by sensory input, suppress movement-related activity in lay
237                                          The sensory input that an animal receives is directly linked
238  perceived and prediction error generated by sensory input that is not anticipated, unpredicted stimu
239 nal responses are modulated by the amount of sensory input that the internal prediction cannot accoun
240 cumulate error unless reset by environmental sensory inputs that are necessarily egocentric (body-cen
241                                       In V1, sensory inputs that do not match the predictions lead to
242 ry perception emerges from the confluence of sensory inputs that encode the composition of external e
243  and evolution of sexual conflict and reveal sensory inputs that regulate aging.
244                                 By contrast, sensory inputs that were explicitly cued as irrelevant w
245 of two classes of inhibitory interneurons to sensory input, that this effect is mediated by increased
246                Downstream of the nociceptive sensory input, the neural signals trigger protective (no
247 ible behavior, multiple brain regions encode sensory inputs, the current task, and choices.
248                         Independently of the sensory inputs, the memory-related network activity coor
249        Under conditions of strongly degraded sensory input, this may occasionally result in false per
250 lder adults and investigate how manipulating sensory input through mastoid vibration (MV) could affec
251 illations driven by contextual (but missing) sensory input, thus entirely reflecting endogenous neura
252                        Also, by coupling the sensory input to a neural oscillator in continuous time,
253 ompanied by reorganization in the pattern of sensory input to adult projection neurons, which include
254 eural circuits that flexibly couple the same sensory input to alternative output pathways.
255 system in Gnathonemus petersii allow for the sensory input to be computationally reconstructed, enabl
256 lationship strongly depends on the nature of sensory input to cortex: stimuli that increase the numbe
257      For example, it has been suggested that sensory input to mitral cells is indirect through feedfo
258 inergic input with broadly tuned feedforward sensory input to modulate principal cell activity select
259  sweet and bitter tastes are segregated from sensory input to motor output, and this segregation is m
260 lly as linearly and continuously translating sensory input to motor output, with the inevitable outpu
261 escribed adequately by linear translation of sensory input to motor output.
262 dies have investigated the role of olfactory sensory input to neural precursor cell (NPC) turnover in
263 h with excitation across different levels of sensory input to normalize granule cell firing rates.
264                                         Most sensory input to our body is not consciously perceived.
265 iology can selectively and directly modulate sensory input to produce state-specific behavior.
266  that these regions can integrate multimodal sensory input to shape category-specific olfactory repre
267 rning, valence coding, and stress, can shape sensory input to the brain and early sensory processing
268 olfactory processing as early as the primary sensory input to the brain by modulating norepinephrine
269 olecules in the nose and provide the initial sensory input to the brain's olfactory bulb.
270                           Amygdala gating of sensory input to the cerebellum may be an attention-like
271                                    ABSTRACT: Sensory input to the master mammalian circadian clock, t
272                      However, the origins of sensory input to the neonatal somatosensory cortex in th
273 aviors are built on the arbitrary linkage of sensory inputs to actions and goals.
274  interactions between intrinsic dynamics and sensory inputs to control the strength of noise correlat
275                The contribution of different sensory inputs to detecting perturbations and adapting m
276 nner in which the brain integrates different sensory inputs to facilitate perception and behavior has
277  understandable, since the direct mapping of sensory inputs to perceptual states is readily observed,
278 tered by, grid cell input; (3) plasticity in sensory inputs to place cells is key for pattern complet
279  contribute to the enhanced ability of these sensory inputs to sensitize central nociceptive networks
280                   Animals integrate multiple sensory inputs to successfully navigate in their environ
281  coordinate transformation task of remapping sensory inputs to take into account the movements of mul
282 sful policies directly from high-dimensional sensory inputs using end-to-end reinforcement learning.
283                  Grid cells may benefit from sensory inputs via boundary vector cells and place cells
284 ebrain that are in receipt of relayed airway sensory inputs via the Sol and Pa5.
285                     By varying the time when sensory input was removed, we determined that the critic
286 ons on the basis of temporally varying multi-sensory input, we identified computations made by Drosop
287 izations and computational reconstruction of sensory input, we show how electrosensory flow is active
288 e, spontaneous CBV changes in the absence of sensory input were driven by volitional whisker and body
289 excitation than nonexpressing neighbors when sensory inputs were stimulated.
290 ecting target stimuli by comparing bottom-up sensory inputs (what the monkeys were looking at) and to
291 time, and must be corrected by environmental sensory inputs when available.
292  reflects a dramatic shift in the balance of sensory input, where gains and losses in neuronal popula
293 r, tuning in MSTd neurons primarily reflects sensory inputs, whereas choice-related signals dominate
294 itude of broadband neural oscillations after sensory input, which yields relatively more reproducible
295 ust be kept aligned to the external world by sensory inputs, which arrive in the reference frame of t
296 sult shows promising results that vestibular sensory input while walking could be affected through ma
297 al circuits adapt during learning or altered sensory input will be impossible.
298 s respond to sinusoidal modulations of their sensory input with heterogeneous amplitudes and phase sh
299   Successful perception depends on combining sensory input with prior knowledge.
300 y areas of the cerebral cortex integrate the sensory inputs with the ongoing activity.

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