


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  or duration of an event (by all three major sensory systems).
2 ved to mitigate the constraints of a compact sensory system.
3  are encoded by a small and highly connected sensory system.
4 ncover the coding strategies used by a given sensory system.
5  poorly understood feature of the vertebrate sensory system.
6 rvical cord and brain morphometry across the sensory system.
7 ulate a broader approach to this fascinating sensory system.
8 functional inhibition of the effector and/or sensory system.
9 ), which are predicted to compose a Bgl-like sensory system.
10 s subcircuit morphogenesis in the trigeminal sensory system.
11 pecific sodium channel subtypes in the vagal sensory system.
12 mputations performed by different parts of a sensory system.
13 ing monosynaptic rabies-based tracing in the sensory system.
14 worm's behavior beyond affecting the thermal sensory system.
15  may be of little importance to a biological sensory system.
16  of the deprived cortical regions by another sensory system.
17 ilar computations are implemented in the two sensory systems.
18 e opposite behavioral outcomes via different sensory systems.
19 ated, is an inherent component of almost all sensory systems.
20 the generation of alpha is equivalent across sensory systems.
21 atures of mechanoreceptive processing across sensory systems.
22 understanding of visual processing and other sensory systems.
23 w of inhibition across different species and sensory systems.
24 taneous activity is a hallmark of developing sensory systems.
25 evel cognitive ability by studying low-level sensory systems.
26 n, a well known processing strategy of early sensory systems.
27 ver, is known concerning obesity's impact on sensory systems.
28  correspond to three distinct goals of early sensory systems.
29 and may even reflect more ancient aspects of sensory systems.
30 ce the evolutionary form and function of its sensory systems.
31 input dimensions for neurons in a variety of sensory systems.
32 ion likely represents a general principle in sensory systems.
33 amental neural computation performed by many sensory systems.
34 n of the external world and is a hallmark of sensory systems.
35 maintained odor afterimage, similar to other sensory systems.
36 is crucial for brain function, especially in sensory systems.
37 lopmental disorder with known effects within sensory systems.
38  the organizational principle found in other sensory systems.
39 salient features of neuronal organization in sensory systems.
40 potentials have been described in developing sensory systems.
41 and cross-modal alterations in the remaining sensory systems.
42 ations for the analysis of natural scenes by sensory systems.
43 ortical areas of other, seemingly unrelated, sensory systems.
44 elding smaller signal-to-noise ratios in all sensory systems.
45  that may harm the delicate workings of many sensory systems.
46 ental feature of neural organization in many sensory systems.
47  that provide a means of communication among sensory systems.
48 se, our findings may be significant for many sensory systems.
49 amolecular nanostructures, polymers, and ion-sensory systems.
50 or the understanding of population coding in sensory systems.
51 ism-a receptive field property ubiquitous in sensory systems.
52 r attest to the high degree of plasticity in sensory systems.
53  and functional recovery of the nonmammalian sensory systems.
54 parison with coding strategies used by other sensory systems.
55  is potentially shared widely among multiple sensory systems.
56 e immune, endocrine, skeletal, vascular, and sensory systems.
57 le neural map might also be present in other sensory systems.
58 le in the development of central circuits in sensory systems.
59 n specific evolutionary adaptations to their sensory systems.
60 der background conditions is inherent in all sensory systems.
61  that enables pathway-specific plasticity in sensory systems.
62 plans [2, 3], as well as convergences in the sensory systems.
63 s have greatly advanced our understanding of sensory systems.
64 t this may be a mechanism shared by (active) sensory systems.
65  simultaneously suppresses activity in other sensory systems.
66 to parallel pathways is a common strategy in sensory systems.
67 use of prey cues conveyed through additional sensory systems.
68 ween different sources of neural activity in sensory systems.
69                                           In sensory systems, a range of computational rules are pres
70 es in behavior might relate to plasticity in sensory systems across developmental time.
71                                              Sensory systems across the brain are specialized for the
72                                  In multiple sensory systems, adaptation to the variance of a sensory
73                                              Sensory systems adjust continuously to the environment.
74 ever, it is unknown how different long-range sensory systems affect spatial representations.
75                               The chemotaxis sensory system allows bacteria such as Escherichia coli
76 rey species that use vision as their primary sensory system and suppressed the activity of species th
77  whether alpha is a general mechanism across sensory systems and (2) which cortical layers generate a
78 eral principles of neural computation across sensory systems and animal classes.
79 ll acquisition is a reflection of changes in sensory systems and how much reflects changes in the bra
80   Sparse coding schemes are employed by many sensory systems and implement efficient coding principle
81 an important feature of feedback pathways in sensory systems and in the nervous system in general.
82  improve processing speed and power in other sensory systems and is characterized by extraction of di
83 vide direct input to the amygdala from early sensory systems and may support an adaptively valuable r
84 als, our results highlight the importance of sensory systems and phylogenetic history in determining
85         Relay cells are prevalent throughout sensory systems and receive two types of inputs: driving
86 ological alterations, such as enhancement of sensory systems and the loss of eyes and pigmentation, h
87 exicanus has evolved both through changes in sensory systems and through changes in genetic loci that
88 operty, they are likely to be present across sensory systems and, thus, our results are a critical st
89  altered within the auditory system, between sensory systems, and between the auditory system and cen
90 ur study reveals interconnections with other sensory systems, and the exact inputs to the motor syste
91 SWS is ideal for replay given hyporesponsive sensory systems, and thus reduced interference.
92 issue for feedback control because different sensory systems are affected by different temporal delay
93                           Sexually dimorphic sensory systems are common in Hymenoptera and are consid
94                       Functional deficits in sensory systems are commonly noted in neurodevelopmental
95 ng behavior, showing that genetic changes in sensory systems are involved when this social behavior i
96                                       Animal sensory systems are optimally adapted to those features
97                   It is widely believed that sensory systems are optimized for processing stimuli occ
98                                              Sensory systems are particularly malleable during develo
99 ation by moving through a dynamic world, but sensory systems are usually studied under highly constra
100                Here, we demonstrate that the sensory systems associated with signal perception are ev
101 ompile a comprehensive functional map of the sensory system at single neuron resolution.
102 al vibrations is sampled by two of the major sensory systems, audition and touch, notwithstanding tha
103 cal increases in rGMVs of the regions of two sensory systems (auditory and visual networks), and an a
104  Active sensation poses unique challenges to sensory systems because moving the sensor necessarily al
105 n animal's ability to survive depends on its sensory systems being able to adapt to a wide range of e
106 gain control has been extensively studied in sensory systems but overlooked in decision-theoretic mod
107 ances activity in the corresponding cortical sensory system, but simultaneously suppresses activity i
108       Sparse codes are found in nearly every sensory system, but the role of spike timing in sparse s
109 urbances in peripheral and central motor and sensory systems, but the public health impact for neurol
110 s generate a highly individualized olfactory sensory system by promoting neuronal diversity.
111                                       Do the sensory systems calculate frequency independently before
112  molecular framework for understanding how a sensory system can regulate behaviour.
113                                              Sensory systems can adapt to different environmental sig
114             The olfactory system, like other sensory systems, can detect specific stimuli of interest
115 his end, synthetic biologists have built new sensory systems, cellular memories, and alternative gene
116                                              Sensory systems change their sensitivity based on recent
117  process these amodal features, or does each sensory system contain its own specialized region(s) for
118                                              Sensory systems continually adjust the way stimuli are p
119                  Experiments have shown that sensory systems continuously adapt their responses based
120                                              Sensory systems continuously adjust their function to ma
121 eration of differences in neural activity in sensory systems contributes to generating new approaches
122                              The light color sensory system controlling PC expression is well underst
123             The integration of two ancestral sensory systems-CueR, which provides signal specificity,
124                                              Sensory systems define an animal's capacity for percepti
125  properties of TRIC and that TRIC signals in sensory systems depend on neuronal activity.
126 d functional changes in the operation of the sensory system designed to encode external and internal
127                         Yet the integrity of sensory systems determines effective perception and beha
128   However, no study has to date investigated sensory system development in any of the prosimian prima
129 1) a serotonin-sensitive period that impacts sensory system development, (2) a serotonin-sensitive pe
130  types is controlled by experience-even in a sensory system devoted to "innate" behaviors-highlights
131                                           In sensory systems, divisive normalization seems to be a ca
132                                              Sensory systems do not work in isolation; instead, they
133 like natural rewards, which are processed by sensory systems, drugs act directly on the brain.
134         However, it is unknown whether other sensory systems employ this mechanism to mediate feature
135                                              Sensory systems encode both the static quality of a stim
136                                              Sensory systems encode the environment in egocentric (e.
137 ct implications for our understanding of how sensory systems encode the informative components of nat
138 m function, neuronal signal computation, and sensory system evolution.
139  that many natural stimuli are sparse, can a sensory system evolve to take advantage of this sparsity
140  in both the central visual system and other sensory systems exhibit a center surround organization i
141 ious findings have established that cortical sensory systems exhibit experience-dependent biases towa
142                                              Sensory systems exhibit mechanisms of neural adaptation,
143    Which features of whisker motion does the sensory system extract to construct sensations?
144                         Animals with compact sensory systems face an encoding problem where a small n
145                                          All sensory systems face the fundamental challenge of encodi
146                                           In sensory systems, feedforward processing transmits signal
147 e distinct evolutionary history of the human sensory system for object identification and that more r
148 f peripheral sensory receptor cells tune the sensory system for optimal perception.
149                                              Sensory systems for detecting tactile stimuli have evolv
150             Most animals possess specialized sensory systems for encoding body rotation, which they u
151 s an ancient subdivision of the lateral line sensory system, found in all major vertebrate groups (th
152  functional studies in other sensory and non-sensory systems from juvenile and adult zebrafish.
153                                         Many sensory systems, from vision and hearing in animals to s
154         During early development, peripheral sensory systems generate physiological activity prior to
155             While intraspecific variation in sensory systems has been documented across distant taxa,
156             Activity-dependent modulation of sensory systems has been documented in many organisms an
157                             The evolution of sensory systems has let mammals develop complicated tact
158                                              Sensory systems have adopted various ways to enhance det
159 n these deficits may be biased because other sensory systems have been sparsely investigated.
160     A growing body of evidence suggests that sensory systems have developed coding strategies that ar
161                                              Sensory systems have evolved to respond to input stimuli
162         To efficiently drive many behaviors, sensory systems have to integrate the activity of large
163 damental question about the evolution of any sensory system: how is it possible to detect and exploit
164                              Whether and how sensory systems implement such reference frames to decod
165                              Understanding a sensory system implies the ability to predict responses
166  on the central nervous system areas for any sensory system in a pinniped.
167 is library includes the vast majority of the sensory system in C. elegans.
168 stimuli, making them important components of sensory systems in both vertebrate and invertebrate orga
169 by oculomotor structures and communicated to sensory systems in concert with the execution of each sa
170 mental abnormalities in visual and olfactory sensory systems in Down syndrome model mice, which provi
171 amental structural aspects of the developing sensory systems in Drosophila.
172  plasticity and connectivity are impaired in sensory systems in DS model mice, that such defects may
173 eactivating either the magnetic or olfactory sensory systems in experienced white-throated sparrows (
174  mechanisms, thought to be applicable across sensory systems in general, lead to biological maps that
175 he visual modality or were characteristic of sensory systems in general.
176 about the mouse visual system than any other sensory system, in any species, including humans.
177 ory, fewer studies have examined the role of sensory systems, in particular the olfactory system, in
178              This is best illustrated by the sensory systems, in which the patterned feed-forward exc
179 een suggested as a mechanism used in several sensory systems, including primate somatosensation.
180 s a neurotrophin in the early development of sensory systems, including the auditory system.
181                         Throughout different sensory systems, individual neurons integrate incoming s
182 le for QS induction due to mannose, but each sensory system induced Rgg-SHP signaling apparently by d
183                                              Sensory systems influence one another during development
184 erceptual decision making has shown that the sensory system integrates different sources of informati
185 ossibilities have not been examined in other sensory systems, investigating which could help resolve
186                                          All sensory systems involve the body for the trivial reason
187                      The extent to which the sensory system is affected and how this relates to senso
188                                          The sensory system is based on the utilization of nanoprobe-
189                                         This sensory system is comprised of neuromasts, patches of ha
190 udies demonstrated that the S. aureus SaeR/S sensory system is essential for pathogen survival follow
191                      A fundamental task of a sensory system is to infer information about the environ
192           A central goal in the study of any sensory system is to predict neural responses to complex
193                      The action of Bk on the sensory system is well documented but its effects on mot
194   One of the most complex tasks performed by sensory systems is "scene analysis": the interpretation
195                    Integrating inputs across sensory systems is a property of the brain that is vital
196         An ubiquitous property of biological sensory systems is adaptation: a step increase in stimul
197 ing is the process by which information from sensory systems is combined and used to influence our be
198                      Evolution of biological sensory systems is driven by the need for efficient resp
199       The ability to modulate sensitivity in sensory systems is essential for useful information to b
200  the transfer of afferent information within sensory systems is impaired.
201                    The spatial resolution of sensory systems is not homogeneous across their receptiv
202  It is now well established that activity in sensory systems is subject to cross-modal attention effe
203          One of the ubiquitous principles of sensory systems is the creation of circuits that capital
204             However, since spatial coding in sensory systems is typically addressed by measuring rece
205                      Long-term plasticity in sensory systems is usually conceptualized as changing th
206 nce of spike timing has been demonstrated in sensory systems, it is largely unknown whether timing di
207 bstrates of learning and memory before other sensory systems mature, and evaluate learning and memory
208           Impaired efference function in the sensory system may represent a general deficit in schizo
209 t the evolution of ON-OFF diversification in sensory systems may be driven by the benefits of lowerin
210 other visual information and illustrates how sensory systems may simultaneously process disparate asp
211 ed evolution of the morphology of the lizard sensory system merely originates from studies comparing
212 s to an organism's environment often involve sensory system modifications.
213  to explain optimal cue combination in other sensory systems more generally.
214                                              Sensory systems must be able to extract features of a st
215  this state impairs the function of the very sensory systems necessary to detect favorable growth con
216 cuitry responsible for these signals and the sensory systems needed for their reception.
217 ator-prey interaction models assume that the sensory system of prey (and hence their behavior) varies
218                                  The whisker sensory system of rodents is an excellent model to study
219 acts in a non-cell-autonomous fashion in the sensory system of vertebrates.
220 n age in the exploration of the diversity of sensory systems of insects (and indeed other animals), i
221                                Consequently, sensory systems often adjust their neural code to the ex
222 ce, for an experimentally well-characterized sensory system, one ought to be able to extract valuable
223                        They suggest that the sensory system operates through a vibratory amplitude mo
224 ) differences in encoding strategies between sensory systems-or even adaptational changes in encoding
225 y behaviors are a shared feature of (active) sensory systems, our results have general implications f
226                                           In sensory systems, patterned spontaneous activity before t
227                                   Thus, this sensory system performs early multiplexing of informatio
228                                           In sensory systems, peripheral organs convey sensory inputs
229              Our study provides evidence for sensory system plasticity when individuals dramatically
230 nd cortex.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The whisker sensory system plays a quintessentially important role i
231 y impact on perceived frequency in the other sensory system, pointing to intimate links between these
232                                Where and how sensory systems process backgrounds is not fully underst
233 electrical activity of neurons in developing sensory systems promotes their maturation and proper con
234 f the neural architecture in these different sensory systems provides an opportunity to compare their
235                                   Biological sensory systems react to changes in their surroundings.
236                                      In many sensory systems, receptive fields (RFs) measured by spik
237                                              Sensory systems represent stimulus identity and intensit
238                                  The primary sensory system requires the integrated function of multi
239                        Proper functioning of sensory systems requires the generation of appropriate n
240                  Nonspiking cells of several sensory systems respond to stimuli with graded changes i
241 ing neurons (ON/OFF cells) are found in many sensory systems, responding respectively to increased or
242 ural networks develop is based on studies of sensory systems, revealing often highly stereotyped patt
243 and relative overgrowth of the two different sensory systems selectively compounds the distinct sympt
244 on parsing strategies in auditory and visual sensory systems.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Intersensory timi
245                        With respect to their sensory systems, species that adopt a sit-and-wait strat
246  that in primate mechanoperception and other sensory systems, spike rates and timing of cell populati
247                                           In sensory systems, spike-timing precision is constrained b
248 dorabies virus (PRV152) and demonstrated the sensory system (SS) inflow from BAT to brain using the a
249      It is well known that the motor and the sensory systems structure sensory data collection and co
250 ghts a level of plasticity not seen in other sensory system subcortical circuits.
251 intervals, given that temporal delays across sensory systems such as vision and proprioception differ
252 nts can be represented by more than a single sensory system, such as roughness of a surface (sight, s
253                                   In several sensory systems, such as audition, vision, and somatosen
254 teresting in the context of highly organized sensory systems, such as the primate visual system, wher
255 ies between electrolocation and other active sensory systems suggest that this may be a mechanism sha
256 ween different sources of neural activity in sensory systems, suggesting a possible role for 5-HT in
257      Pit vipers (Crotalinae) have a specific sensory system that detects infrared radiation with bila
258  granulata, which incorporates an integrated sensory system that includes hundreds of eyes with arago
259 eurons, at different levels in the ascending sensory system that processes information originating fr
260 e Chp chemosensory system, a chemotaxis-like sensory system that regulates cAMP production and transc
261        The same mechanism may apply to other sensory systems that also integrate multiple channels of
262  signaling systems offer a rich diversity of sensory systems that are built around a core phosphotran
263                                Understanding sensory systems that perceive environmental inputs and n
264                                       In any sensory system, the primary afferents constitute the fir
265 e noise." Compared with other ultrasensitive sensory systems, the 10-fold signal amplification by the
266                                      In many sensory systems, the latency of spike responses of indiv
267 ugh gating has been demonstrated in multiple sensory systems, the neural dynamics and developmental t
268                                      In many sensory systems, the neural signal splits into multiple
269 f attention have been extensively studied in sensory systems, the neural sources and computations res
270                       Recording from a whole sensory system thus revealed new organizational principl
271 e behavior underscores the plasticity of the sensory system to adapt to rapid environmental change.
272 that this information must be merged for the sensory system to categorically distinguish capacitive a
273                     Rats use their vibrissal sensory system to collect information about the nearby e
274 l cells use a highly sensitive and adaptable sensory system to detect changes in nutrient concentrati
275 ral coding strategies used by this essential sensory system to represent self-motion in everyday life
276                               The ability of sensory systems to adapt to static inputs allows wide dy
277 rs by widely projecting neurons often allows sensory systems to alter how they process information ba
278               Biological organisms use their sensory systems to detect changes in their environment.
279 ar to humans, crows use sophisticated visual sensory systems to recognize faces and modulate behavior
280 about their physiology or how they use their sensory systems to survive in the extreme conditions of
281                                      In many sensory systems, transmembrane receptors are spatially o
282                                              Sensory systems use adaptation to measure changes in sig
283                                              Sensory systems use receptors to extract information fro
284                                              Sensory systems use stochastic mechanisms to diversify n
285                       Four of the five major sensory systems (vision, olfaction, somatosensation, and
286 RET) experiments of the bacterial chemotaxis sensory system, we predict the chemical gradients chemot
287                               Changes in the sensory system were prospectively followed by applying a
288 ion between neurons occurs in many different sensory systems, where it can perform such functions as
289 nsistent with mutational analyses in various sensory systems, where mutations of sensory receptor cel
290 amatically adjust the dynamics of a cortical sensory system, which changes state every approximately
291 t for the type of noise commonly observed in sensory systems, whose variance scales with the mean sig
292 ophic and microstructural changes across the sensory system with a close relation to sensory outcome.
293 integrate the biophysics and neuroscience of sensory systems with ecological and evolutionary process
294                                              Sensory systems with high discriminatory power use neuro
295                      In visual and olfactory sensory systems with high discriminatory power, each sen
296 which should be applicable in other adaptive sensory systems with opposing gradient sensors.
297 ated morphogenesis that generates functional sensory systems within the head.
298 increase the global baseline excitability of sensory systems without affecting perceptual acuity.
299 ive sensing perspective in understanding how sensory systems work in the behaving animal.
300               To access this information the sensory systems would need to maintain an internal tempo

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