


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 maintained by securin-mediated inhibition of separase.
2 eady in the active form before activation of separase.
3 tromeric cohesins are removed at anaphase by Separase.
4 important function for the helical region of separase.
5 ors a mutation in At4g22970, the A. thaliana separase.
6 he onset of anaphase due to Scc1 cleavage by separase.
7 Ile-Nle-Arg-MCA) is used as the substrate of separase.
8 to be achieved by inhibition of the protease separase.
9  requires the anaphase-promoting complex and separase.
10 chanism is the inhibitory phosphorylation of separase.
11  is triggered by the cleavage of cohesins by separase.
12 of anaphase through cleavage by the protease separase.
13 gered by the activation of a protease called separase.
14 stroyed at anaphase through Scc1 cleavage by separase.
15 s is mediated by a conserved protease called separase.
16 folding, Cdk1-cyclin B1 acts on native state separase.
17 lin B together with a Cdk1-resistant form of separase.
18 esin is cleaved in metaphase by the protease separase.
19 ycle progression differs from that of fungal separases.
20 grades cyclin B and securin, which activates separase [1].
21  mammalian securin, which is an inhibitor of separase (a protease required for the separation of sist
22 until anaphase, when proteolytic cleavage by separase, a caspase-like enzyme, allows chromosomal sepa
23             It is dissolved in anaphase when separase, a giant cysteine endopeptidase, cleaves the Sc
24                                              Separase, a protease encoded by the ESPL1 gene, cleaves
25 the destruction of securin, thereby allowing separase, a protease, to disrupt sister-chromatid cohesi
26  cohesion is resolved at anaphase onset when separase, a site-specific protease, cleaves the Scc1 sub
27           Our results indicate that Plk1 and separase act at different times during M phase to licens
28     The sister chromatid-separating protease separase, activated at anaphase onset, interacts with an
29 strate show that the first threshold permits separase activation and chromosome segregation, and the
30                          Cytokinesis follows separase activation and chromosome segregation.
31  BUB-1/BUB-3 inhibition equivalently delayed separase activation and other events occurring during mi
32 ng yeast that securin destruction and, thus, separase activation are not sufficient for the efficient
33 hase, i.e., prior to securin destruction and separase activation at anaphase onset.
34                              We propose that separase activation at the metaphase-anaphase transition
35                                              Separase activation results from the destruction of its
36 otation through cyclin B-CDK-1 inactivation, separase activation, or degradation of an unknown dynein
37 sult in delayed mitosis and nonphysiological separase activation.
38 tions and indicate that contacts outside the separase active site are crucial for stabilizing the com
39                                     When the separase active site was occupied with a peptide inhibit
40 sidues 258-269 of securin are located in the separase active site, illuminating the mechanism of inhi
41               We used this assay to quantify separase activity during cell cycle progression and in a
42 recent evidence in yeast and C. elegans that separase activity is essential for the segregation of re
43 able cyclin B1 or securin, we find here that separase activity is primarily regulated by securin and
44  Cdc6 display lower Cdk1 activity and higher separase activity than cells expressing Cdc6-TV.
45 e challenges of providing protection against separase activity throughout a larger chromosome area.
46 ally swollen4 (rsw4) allele with compromised separase activity, in addition to mitotic failure, displ
47 which occur in other eukaryotes upon loss of separase activity.
48 matid separation (PSCS), suggesting aberrant separase activity.
49 avage by protecting specific substrates from separase activity.
50  chromosome separation through inhibition of separase activity.
51                                        Thus, separase acts directly on Scc1 and also indirectly, thro
52 isolated the Arabidopsis thaliana homolog of separase (AESP) and investigated its role in somatic and
53                                      Rather, separase affects nuclear positioning as part of the Cdc1
54 ed a nonphosphorylable point mutant (S1121A) separase allele in securin-/- mouse embryonic stem cells
55           Cleavage of centromeric cohesin by separase allows sister chromatids connected to microtubu
56 e mammary tumors caused by overexpression of Separase, alone or combined with p53 heterozygosity, in
57                                        Human separase also appears to undergo an autocatalytic proces
58                  The alpha-helical region of separase (also known as Esp1) contains four domains (I-I
59 sister chromatids in anaphase is mediated by separase, an endopeptidase that cleaves the chromosomal
60                                              Separase, an endopeptidase, plays a pivotal role in the
61 precocious centriole disengagement depend on separase and anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C
62                                              Separase and cohesin are conserved from yeasts to humans
63 cleavage by bridging the interaction between separase and cohesin.
64  dissolution of sister chromatid cohesion by separase and cyclin B destruction is irreversible, it is
65 ported, the atomic structures of full-length separase and especially the complex with securin are unk
66 f sister chromatid cohesion does not require separase and is correlated with a failure of the cohesin
67  structures of the C-terminal two domains of separase and low-resolution electron microscopy reconstr
68 y alterations in the levels of two proteins, separase and Mad2, which are important for maintaining c
69 or securin, which forms a tight complex with separase and may also stabilize this enzyme.
70  exited mitosis after downregulation of both separase and Plk1, centriole disengagement failed comple
71 s and depends on the FEAR network components Separase and Slk19.
72 s atomic mechanisms of substrate cleavage by separase and suggests competitive inhibition by securin.
73 in and cyclin B1, allowing the activation of separase and the onset of anaphase and mitotic exit.
74 ociated cohesins are specifically cleaved by separase and the soluble cohesins are left intact in ana
75 sociated with Cdc20 (APC/C(Cdc20)) activates separase and thereby destroys cohesion along chromosome
76 e system that ensures complete activation of separase and total downregulation of Cdk1 when all chrom
77 , there are no high-resolution structures of separases and the details of their regulation and substr
78 the attenuation of Cdk1 activity, release of separase, and subsequent anaphase progression.
79  (GPI):protein transamidase, metacaspase and separase, and their differences from the clan CA enzymes
80                          During metII arrest separase appears primarily regulated by securin binding,
81  role in cleaving the alpha-kleisin subunit, separase appears to have acquired additional diverse act
82                                              Separases are large proteins that mediate sister chromat
83                                              Separases are large, 140-250-kilodalton enzymes, with an
84                                We identified separase as a key cell cycle component that is required
85 n cleavage is spatiotemporally controlled by separase-associated regulatory proteins, including the i
86                We have previously shown that separase associates with microtubules and regulates micr
87 ent on cohesins that have escaped removal by separase at anaphase onset.
88  are removed when cohesin Scc1 is cleaved by separase at anaphase onset.
89 entriole disengagement requires the protease separase at anaphase, and that this disengagement licenc
90 imetic mutations is no longer protected from separase at centromeres and is cleaved even when the two
91 , and (2) cleavage of centromeric cohesin by separase at the metaphase-anaphase transition.
92 e, isomerization of previously securin-bound separase at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition renders
93 gly, RAD21 is cleaved by a caspase-like Esp1/separase at the onset of anaphase to trigger sister chro
94 cts the expression of ARABIDOPSIS HOMOLOG OF SEPARASE (AtAESP), previously demonstrated to be involve
95                                              Separase binds to DNA in vitro, but its proteolytic acti
96  that the N-terminal non-catalytic domain of separase binds to the C-terminal tail domain of three ho
97                               We developed a separase biosensor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that prov
98                                      Loss of separase blocked centriole disengagement during mitotic
99 block the interaction of CDK1/cyclin B1 with separase, both failed to induce sister disjunction.
100 and SAC inactivation, APC/C(Cdc20) activates separase but the resulting loss of (some) cohesion is ac
101 not appear to require the full activation of separase but, instead, triggers a mitotic arrest that de
102 yosin II, the anaphase promoting complex and separase, but did not require cortical contact by the sp
103  mitosis while ensuring timely activation of separase by anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome-depende
104  show that securin-independent inhibition of separase by Cdk1-cyclin B1 in early mitosis requires the
105 ter chromatid separation is triggered by the separase-catalyzed cleavage of cohesin.
106 vage of the alpha kleisin subunit (Rad21) by separase causes cohesin's dissociation from chromosomes
107                                          How separase causes PP2A(Cdc55) down-regulation is not known
108                       Moreover, depletion of separase causes the accumulation of RAB-11-positive vesi
109 e we report the cloning of full-length human separase cDNA and the characterization of the encoded pr
110 in a conserved motif that partly matches the separase cleavage consensus converts securin from a sepa
111 ore, pericentrin deficiency or mutation of a separase cleavage site blocked DNA damage-induced PCM ex
112 with a reduction in pericentrin-deficient or separase cleavage site mutant-expressing cells, and an i
113 ecific cohesin modification and targeting of separase cleavage.
114                                 In addition, separase cleaves a similar motif in the kinetochore and
115                              Once activated, separase cleaves a subunit of cohesin, a complex that li
116                    At the onset of anaphase, separase cleaves cohesin and thereby initiates sister ch
117             DNA is released in anaphase when separase cleaves cohesin's Scc1 subunit.
118                       At the cellular level, separase colocalizes with microtubules and RabA2a (for R
119 g to separase facilitate recruitment of Kin7/separase complex (KISC) onto microtubules.
120                                              Separase, concomitantly with cleaving cohesin, activates
121 iation of Cdk1-cyclin B1 with phosphorylated separase counteracts this tendency and stabilizes separa
122 elivery rates of KNOLLE and RabA2a GTPase in separase-deficient roots.
123 anism governing microtubule dynamics via the separase-dependent activation of CENP-E-related kinesins
124 int if this was not prevented by concomitant separase-dependent activation of the Cdc14 phosphatase.
125                    It has been proposed that separase-dependent centriole disengagement at anaphase l
126 enting centriole disengagement by inhibiting separase-dependent cohesin removal.
127                           At anaphase onset, separase-dependent down-regulation of PP2A(Cdc55) allows
128                                 In contrast, separase depletion causes missegregation of both mini- a
129                         After fertilization, separase disappeared from these structures and appeared
130 The dynamic pattern of localization of human separase during cell cycle progression differs from that
131 ng sister chromosome separation, the role of separase during cytokinesis is unclear.
132 very that centromeric Rec8 is protected from separase during meiosis I by shugoshin/MEI-S332 proteins
133 PP2A cannot protect centromeric cohesin from separase during meiosis I or support the spindle assembl
134 late cohesin and thereby prevent cleavage by separase during meiosis I.
135                                  To quantify separase enzymatic activity, we have designed a fluoroge
136 y, there is no quantitative assay to measure separase enzymatic activity.
137 zation of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) separase (ESP) demonstrated that meiotic expression of E
138 rk is comprised of the polo kinase Cdc5, the separase Esp1, the kinetochore-associated protein Slk19,
139 r its meiosis-specific homolog, Rec8, by the separase Esp1.
140 work, including a nonproteolytic function of separase (Esp1); and the mitotic exit network (MEN) driv
141 budding yeast securin/Pds1 not only inhibits separase/Esp1, but also promotes its nuclear localizatio
142 ds1p, an inhibitor of the anaphase activator separase/Esp1p, is involved in several checkpoint pathwa
143 aration and the spindle checkpoint, Mad2 and separase (ESPL1) were increased in null compared with WT
144 mouse mammary transplant model, induction of Separase expression in the transplanted FSK3 cells for 3
145 tionarily conserved caspase-related protease separase (extra spindle poles [ESP]) is required for the
146                 The caspase-related protease separase (EXTRA SPINDLE POLES, ESP) plays a major role i
147 onal changes of Kin7 induced upon binding to separase facilitate recruitment of Kin7/separase complex
148                                              Separase facilitates polar targeting of the auxin efflux
149 the single C-terminal caspase-like domain in separase from C. elegans suggests similar binding modes
150 took an in-depth bioinformatical analysis of separases from different species with respect to their s
151                                      Loss of separase function during the early mitotic divisions cau
152              In budding yeast, cells lacking separase function exit mitosis with an undivided nucleus
153                                      Loss of separase function in rsw4 at the restrictive temperature
154 ts essential functions, atomic structures of separase have not been determined.
155                                   Studies on separase have revealed new levels of regulation of chrom
156                   However, among eukaryotes, separases have acquired novel functions.
157  mutation in separase specifically abolished separase hyperphosphorylation in Smad3-deficient cells.
158 APC leads in turn to hyperphosphorylation of separase, impeding chromatid separation.
159 nases capable of phosphorylating Ser-1501 of separase in an in vitro kinase assay.
160 ase counteracts this tendency and stabilizes separase in an inhibited yet activatable state.
161 similar to securin, Cdk1-cyclin B1 regulates separase in both a positive and negative manner.
162                           The involvement of separase in both centriole disengagement and sister chro
163 es may be sufficient to protect cohesin from separase in mammalian oocytes.
164 tes independently of proteolytic activity of separase in promoting microtubule rescue and pauses, as
165  is known about the function of the protease separase in promoting sister chromosome separation, the
166                    Conditional expression of Separase in tetracycline-inducible diploid FSK3 mouse ma
167 n of rsw4 leads us to hypothesize that plant separase, in addition to cleaving cohesin, regulates cyc
168 of cohesin, which is normally removed by the Separase-independent pathway.
169 : loading by Scc2/4 complex and release by a separase-independent releasing activity as well as by cl
170              Later, recombination stimulates separase-independent removal of REC-8 and COH-3/4 cohesi
171  movements can be restored experimentally by separase-independent resolution of sister chromatid cohe
172 logical and cytogenetic analysis reveal that Separase-induced tumors are clonal in their genomic comp
173                            Overexpression of separase induces aneuploidy and mammary tumorigenesis in
174                            Overexpression of Separase induces premature separation of chromatids, lag
175 ficance develops aneuploidy within 5 days of Separase induction in vitro.
176 s coupled to Cdk1-cyclin B activity, whereas separase inhibition is maintained by cyclin B concentrat
177  In early anaphase, the previously described separase inhibition of PP2A(Cdc55) promotes cohesin clea
178 e cleavage consensus converts securin from a separase inhibitor to a substrate.
179 e destruction of the mitotic cyclins and the separase inhibitor, securin.
180  spindle assembly checkpoint is securin, the separase inhibitor.
181 nformation and traverse the entire length of separase, interacting with all of its domains.
182 esidues 258-373 of securin (Pds1), named the separase interaction segment, are primarily in an extend
183                                              Separase is a capase family protease that is required fo
184                                              Separase is a caspase-family protease required for the m
185                                              Separase is a cysteine protease with a crucial role in t
186                 Our results demonstrate that separase is a key regulator of vesicle trafficking, whic
187 h bearing epithelial tumors, indicating that separase is a tumor suppressor gene in vertebrates.
188                                              Separase is abruptly activated and cleaves most cohesin
189                                              Separase is absolutely essential for cohesion dissolutio
190          Once this is achieved, the protease separase is activated to cleave the chromosomal cohesin
191                                              Separase is also overexpressed and mislocalized in a wid
192                                              Separase is an endopeptidase that separates sister chrom
193      These results collectively suggest that Separase is an oncogene, whose overexpression alone in m
194                   Recent study suggests that separase is an oncogene.
195                                              Separase is associated with its inhibitor, securin, unti
196                                     Although separase is essential, securin knock-out mice are surpri
197 fe while Cdk1-cyclin B1-dependent control of separase is essential.
198                                              Separase is held inactive by association with securin un
199                                   Vertebrate separase is held inactive by mutually exclusive binding
200                                              Separase is inhibited by securin, which is degraded at t
201                                 We show that separase is kept inactive under these conditions by a me
202                                      Because separase is known to activate Cdc14 (refs 5 and 6), our
203                                              Separase is known to be inhibited by binding either secu
204                             In human tumours separase is overexpressed, making it a potential target
205                                              Separase is present in the cell during the entire cell c
206       Collectively, these data indicate that separase is required for cytokinesis by regulating the i
207 onucleotides, we report direct evidence that separase is required for high-fidelity chromosome separa
208 ate that a mutation in the mitotic regulator separase is responsible for the cell cycle defects seen
209                     The protease activity of separase is strictly regulated by the inhibitor securin,
210                                              Separase is the protease that cleaves the cohesive link
211                                Although most separase is usually found in association with securin, t
212                 The caspase family protease, separase, is required at anaphase onset to cleave the co
213                                     However, separase lacks microtubule-binding activity, raising que
214                                              Separase localized to cortically located filamentous str
215                                 We show that separase localizes to the ingressing furrow and midbody
216                In human cells, a fraction of separase localizes to the mitotic chromosome.
217 intact bivalents raised the possibility that separase may also have multiple roles in Arabidopsis.
218                                              Separase may cleave further substrate proteins to orches
219 entromeric cohesin is protected by Sgo2 from Separase-mediated cleavage ensuring that sister chromati
220 e ability of the spindle checkpoint to delay separase-mediated cleavage of cohesin until entry into a
221 entromeric cohesin is protected by Sgo2 from Separase-mediated cleavage, in order to maintain sister
222 divisions, Rec8 phosphorylation mediates its separase-mediated cleavage.
223 c complementation experiments in conditional separase mutant rsw4 background demonstrate the importan
224 tase suggests that phosphorylation either of separase or cohesin may be necessary for Rec8 cleavage.
225                        In budding yeast, the separase ortholog, Esp1, has been shown to cleave a subu
226 osomal cohesin is significantly preferred by separase over Scc1 in soluble cohesin.
227                   These results suggest that Separase-overexpressing mammary cells are not only susce
228                               In both cases, Separase overexpression bypasses the defect and restores
229 investigate the physiological consequence of Separase overexpression in animals, we have generated a
230                   In addition to aneuploidy, Separase overexpression results in chromosomal instabili
231                                 However, the separase pathway that regulates cohesin dissociation is
232 ependent phosphorylation of Ser-1126 renders separase prone to inactivation by aggregation/precipitat
233     Here we report crystal structures of the separase protease domain from the thermophilic fungus Ch
234                                              Separase protein and transcripts are overexpressed in a
235 ic MMTV-Espl1 mouse model that overexpresses Separase protein in the mammary glands.
236                                              Separase protein is found to be significantly overexpres
237  Worms lacking REC-8, or expressing a mutant separase protein with elevated local concentration at ce
238 pendent phosphorylation of Ser-1126 of human separase protein, and (iii) identify kinases capable of
239                           AESP is similar to separase proteins identified in other organisms but cont
240 bles differences in substrate specificity of separase proteins to be rationalised.
241                                Budding yeast separase recognizes and cleaves two conserved peptide mo
242                           This suggests that separase recognizes both a cleavage site consensus seque
243                  These structures reveal how separase recognizes cohesin and how cohesin phosphorylat
244 sults suggest that these proteins may act as separase-regulated PP2A(Cdc55) inhibitors.
245 Mutation of a single phosphorylation site on separase relieves the inhibition and rescues chromatid s
246     We report that cohesin cleavage by human separase requires DNA in a sequence-nonspecific manner.
247                                  Moreover, a separase-resistant allele of the gene coding for the alp
248                                 Induction of Separase resulted in trisomies for chromosomes 8, 15, an
249 , isomerization also limits the half-life of separase's proteolytic activity, explaining how cohesin
250                                  Securin(-/-)separase(+/S1121A) cells are viable but fail to maintain
251                                          The separase-securin complex assumes a highly elongated stru
252 n electron microscopy reconstructions of the separase-securin complex have been reported, the atomic
253 lution of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae separase-securin complex.
254             A residue Ser1126Ala mutation in separase specifically abolished separase hyperphosphoryl
255 metaphase, and it is unclear whether and how separase specifically targets this fraction for cleavage
256 imples (pim, encoding Drosophila Securin) or separase (Sse) suppress, the sensitized phenotype.
257  inhibitor covering the cleavage site motif, separase still efficiently interacted with its substrate
258 s other than the cleavage site motif mediate separase-substrate interaction.
259              We could so far not confirm new separase substrates, but we have uncovered other forms o
260            This is triggered by the protease separase that cleaves the Scc1 subunit of 'cohesin', the
261 romatid cohesion apparatus, and the protease separase that resolves the cohesin complex at the onset
262 age-induced dissociation of cohesin requires separase, the protease that dissolves cohesion in anapha
263 release from chromosomes, or by depletion of separase, the protease that normally drives chromatid se
264                        Cdc14 is activated by separase, the protease that triggers sister chromatid se
265     Although securin associates with nascent separase to co-translationally assist proper folding, Cd
266     Zds1 and Zds2 are required downstream of separase to facilitate nucleolar Cdc14 release.
267  DNA repair involves cohesin dissociation by separase to promote accessibility to repair factors duri
268                               This liberates separase triggering sister chromatid disjunction and ina
269              At anaphase onset, the protease separase triggers chromosome segregation by cleaving the
270  until cleavage of its Scc1/Rad21 subunit by separase triggers chromosome segregation in anaphase.
271                                 The protease separase triggers sister separation by cleaving the Scc1
272                                        Human separase was observed at the poles of the mitotic spindl
273                       Activation of Cdc14 by separase was sufficient for Sli15 dephosphorylation and
274 igate substrate recognition by budding yeast separase we analyzed the sequence requirements at one of
275 hat Cdk1-cyclin B1 can also bind and inhibit separase, we investigated whether this kinase might be s
276                 The processed forms of human separase were isolated and the identity of the cleavage
277 iated at anaphase onset by the activation of separase, which removes cohesins from chromosomes.
278 ion of the securin Pds1p liberates the Esp1p separase, which ultimately targets the mitotic cohesin M
279          Finally, by depletion of endogenous separase with antisense oligonucleotides, we report dire

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