


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 utation of sepF results in deformed division septa.
2 rane perforations were associated with sinus septa.
3 g trapped chromosomal DNA away from division septa.
4  to sMTOCs and for seeding MT formation from septa.
5 nd the septum, and moves away from completed septa.
6 h changes to the spacing between sporulation septa.
7 FP and Act::GFP also localize transiently to septa.
8 us forms displaying incomplete cell division septa.
9 ds uniformly underneath layer IV barrels and septa.
10 ction as primordia for developing valves and septa.
11 proteins that translocate chromosomes across septa.
12  peptidoglycan biosynthesis at the poles and septa.
13 ed microfibrils in the bud scars and primary septa.
14  stoppers, syringe plungers, and sample vial septa.
15 rter than wild-type chains and had misplaced septa.
16 f neurons that are aligned with the layer IV septa.
17 g proper cell wall formation at the division septa.
18 ct to layer IV barrels and their intervening septa.
19 collimator, ignoring the effect of the axial septa.
20 nputs to L2 and L3 neurons above barrels and septa.
21 s, increased collagen, and thickened pleural septa.
22 ing lung DCs, preferentially in the alveolar septa.
23 columns of neurons that are aligned with the septa.
24 al field of view of 18 cm without interplane septa.
25 resistive discontinuities formed by collagen septa.
26 hese lesions also had an increased number of septa.
27 Cs, predominantly at the margins of fibrotic septa.
28 s of septa and thickening of the wall and/or septa.
29 d from each other by domains that are called septa.
30  not completely constrained by the isolating septa.
31 tion defects, including aberrant and ectopic septa.
32 al (3D) mode because there are no interplane septa.
33 were limited in two patients with aneurysmal septa.
34 ieved through formation of multiple aberrant septa.
35 nts necessary for the formation of secondary septa.
36 l septa but immature (abnormally thin) polar septa.
37 ionate accumulation of nuclei and absence of septa.
38 eolar walls, and projected into the alveolar septa.
39 nd, in the whisker barrel field, over barrel septa.
40 yme, and elastin fiber deposition in primary septa.
41 uently in the interior of thickened alveolar septa.
42 ptomyces has been known to form two types of septa.
43 multicellular hyphae that are partitioned by septa.
44 ribronchoarterial areas and in interalveolar septa.
45 n the formation of the valves and membranous septa.
46 ited enlarged saccules and thickened primary septa.
47 em has eight crystal rings and no interplane septa.
48 d partial loss of normal fatty intermuscular septa.
49 nly later localized uniformly throughout the septa.
50 potential division sites between the blocked septa.
51  of cell viability and aberrant formation of septa.
52 marily found at the free margins of alveolar septa.
53  to reactive ductules, within large fibrotic septa.
54 re defined as clusters of hepatocytes within septa.
55 tion, and show that SepJ is localized at the septa.
56  in abnormal development of atrioventricular septa.
57 mic cell cycle-regulated locations at mature septa.
58 lycan is synthesised, eventually closing the septa.
59 nent, and one had abundant radiating fibrous septa.
60 ed simultaneously at the mother and daughter septa.
61 marked HSCs from peri-sinusoidal to fibrotic septa.
62 sap mutant bacilli that extends beyond chain septa.
63 l for correct positioning and orientation of septa.
64 f the BslO murein hydrolase at cell division septa.
65 n phosphorus and iron compared with fibrotic septa.
66  deposit BslO murein hydrolase at divisional septa.
67 ngated, contain multiple nucleoids, and lack septa.
68 lli, Sap S-layer patches are not observed at septa.
69 ts a lack of synapses using glutamate in the septa.
70 were separated by poorly staining, cell-poor septa.
71  SepF contributes to the synthesis of normal septa.
72 6 [1.24-2.79]), malformations of the cardiac septa (1.49 [1.09-2.04]), and anomalies of great arterie
73 ncluded 1630 (10.5%) involving the valves or septa, 6616 (42.6%) involving the vessels, and 7284 (46.
74 n nature and give rise to placentas, ovules, septa, abaxial repla, and the majority of the stylar and
75 on pattern than FtsZ and remains at division septa after FtsZ reappears at the equators of daughter c
76                                   A tungsten-septa air-interspaced cellular grid with a 4:1 grid rati
77                                              Septa also separated other cell groups within VPM and VP
78 tiple large cystic spaces separated by thick septa and an area of solid tissue located in the caudal
79 ws hypercellularity, with thickened alveolar septa and an increase in the number of endothelial cells
80 ows hypercellularity with thickened alveolar septa and an increase in the number of vascular endothel
81 ncontrolled cell wall synthesis at misplaced septa and around large cells.
82                  The scanner has retractable septa and can operate in both 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-d
83 ntibiotic susceptibility, misplaced division septa and cell lysis.
84 noted in skp1 mutants, and Pof6 localizes to septa and cell tips.
85 olabeling in layer IV was enriched in barrel septa and codistributed with labeled POm thalamocortical
86 longated, highly flagellated cells that lack septa and contain multiple nucleoids.
87 cent microscopy localized PcsB mainly to the septa and equators of dividing cells.
88 r granular opacities (thickened interlobular septa and ground-glass opacities at CT), cysts or caviti
89 eleted of zapA or zapB, we observed abnormal septa and highly dynamic FtsZ structures.
90 aluated each case for presence or absence of septa and internal dependent debris and for external cys
91 e disc structure, recruits Spa18 and ApsB to septa and is required for sMTOC activity.
92 positive areas were coincident with fibrotic septa and never overlapped X-gal-positive areas.
93  component was classified (thin and/or thick septa and nodular and/or globular components) as absent,
94 in emphysema is initiated by a total loss of septa and not by selective pathological changes of the m
95 nts, demonstrating enlarged interventricular septa and papillary muscles.
96 oth lipoma and liposarcoma demonstrated thin septa and regions of increased signal intensity on fluid
97 , localizes principally as a ring at nascent septa and secondarily to the less negatively curved, ins
98 , the mitotic NIMA kinase locates to forming septa and surprisingly then remains at septa throughout
99 ings assemble adjacent to recently completed septa and that in minCD strains these persist and are us
100  discrete sites in clamp connections, to the septa and the bases of the initial emerging spores.
101                We also describe microfluidic septa and their applications.
102  Three lesions had both increased numbers of septa and thickening of the wall and/or septa.
103 enabled citC mutant cells to form asymmetric septa and to activate the forespore-specific sigma facto
104                     The development of heart septa and valves involves multiple types of progenitor c
105 ant mice display defects in atrioventricular septa and valves, which result from a failure of endocar
106 undergone operations involving the valves or septa and vessels, as well as other heart and pericardiu
107         These cells also exhibited elongated septa and, in addition, produced a high frequency of bra
108                 Interestingly, the number of septa (and spores) of the complemented null mutants is d
109  malignancy were male sex, presence of thick septa, and associated non-adipose masses, which increase
110 s membrane, RPE basal lamina, intercapillary septa, and choriocapillaris in eyes with AMD may be perm
111 -1) through fish scales, forced through vial septa, and employed in a targeted study of polyunsaturat
112 wth and fusion of the atrial and ventricular septa, and in the transformation from epithelium to mese
113 Schneiderian membrane perforation, Underwood septa, and laceration of the lateral arterial blood supp
114 hese cells shared cytoplasms with incomplete septa, and possessed aberrant septin ring structures.
115 d for thickness of wall and septa, number of septa, and presence of enhancement.
116  protein localized to the cell membrane, the septa, and the poles in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M
117  the advancing DR, the formation of fibrotic septa, and the progression of liver fibrosis to cirrhosi
118 on, were operated in 2-dimensional mode with septa, and used analytic image reconstruction methods.
119                  The mature heart valves and septa are derived from the cardiac cushions which initia
120            The present results show that the septa are especially prominent in brain sections process
121 le but have a cell division defect, in which septa are formed slowly and with a severely abnormal mor
122         Hepatocyte "buds" occurring in broad septa are hypothesized to be the anatomic manifestation
123 . anthracis chain lengths, implying that all septa are not equal candidates for separation.
124 se factors are absent or perturbed, division septa are readily deformed, which results in abnormal ce
125 (131)I, parallel-hole collimators with thick septa are required to limit septal penetration, at the c
126 idual MTBE levels of approximately 20 microg/septa are seen in septa whose formulations use these cur
127 e largely isolated from lateral connections, septa are the main conduits of intracortical projections
128 ells display a phenotype that suggests their septa are unusually stable.
129 s that glial processes, which form prominent septa around compartments in the larval brain, appear ve
130 hioles, and lymphocytes were observed in the septa, around vessels, and in the pleura of the lungs in
131 d with a more spread location of SepJ in the septa as observed with a SepJ-GFP fusion, and contained
132 les, dilated MPD (>10-mm diameter), or thick septa at CT or MRCP may be used as independent predictor
133 fivefold together shortly before sporulation septa begin to form.
134 nd preferentially in the barrel side and the septa between barrels; and 5) form over the shortest dis
135                                          The septa between heterocysts and vegetative cells, which ar
136 g lymphatic vessels were located in fibrotic septa between the exocrine lobules and adjacent to the d
137 abaena strain overexpressing SepJ made wider septa between vegetative cells than the wild type, which
138 ation of the muscular atrial and ventricular septa, bridging by the dextrodorsal outflow ridge and th
139 n defects, including multiple and incomplete septa, bulging, and irregular cell size, as observed by
140 D265G) mutant produces normal-looking medial septa but immature (abnormally thin) polar septa.
141 s form functioning growth zones and division septa but show several abnormalities: (1) After division
142  can be significantly reduced (i.e., <0.2 ng/septa) by additional processing.
143 enuation located in or near the interlobular septa can be seen on micro-CT studies.
144 d approach each other along the interlobular septa, causing a fine reticular pattern on CT images.
145 ges for small anatomic details (interlobular septa, centrilobular region, and small bronchi and bronc
146 icker cell walls with nonuniformly thickened septa compared to cells in exponential phase, and remark
147 , dilated, muscular arteries within alveolar septa; congested capillaries within alveolar walls; and
148  strong effect on the range of the number of septa/conidium.
149 sitioning of Pbp2x and Pbp1a in constricting septa, consistent with two separable PG synthesis machin
150  all LytM factors form long cell chains with septa containing a layer of unsplit PG.
151 educed capillary density, thickened alveolar septa containing centrally located dilated capillaries,
152 hich the synthesis of ladders of sporulation septa convert multigenomic hyphae into chains of unigeno
153     In the rat barrel cortex, 'barrels' and 'septa' delineate an orderly matrix of cortical columns.
154                 The formation of delocalized septa did not require nuclear division.
155 ent, destruction, or replacement of alveolar septa, distal airways, and small vessels within the seco
156  to nuclei to promote mitosis, its levels at septa drop.
157  of a system for efficiently producing polar septa during growth in a SpoIIE-dependent manner using c
158          In Candida albicans, degradation of septa during yeast growth is accomplished by enzymes enc
159 roscopy, we were able to watch these partial septa first appear and then disappear during sporulation
160 ts as well as customized detection of poles, septa, fluorescent foci and organelles, determines their
161 hadenopathy, nodules, thickened interlobular septa, focal consolidation, reticular opacities, ground-
162 of internal debris, external morphology, and septa for differentiating cystic neoplasms from pseudocy
163      Dissolved oxygen/temperature probes and septa for injection or sampling are located at the inlet
164 of the elastin ECM, thereby driving alveolar septa formation to increase the gas-exchange surface.
165 ollagen alpha1(I) expression, a reduction of septa formation, and a 40%-60% decrease of collagen depo
166 genesis that matches capillary and secondary septa formation, resulting in a single AT1 cell spanning
167 al biogenesis and the degradation of partial septa formed before sigma E activation.
168                                    Cirrhotic septa harbor vessels and inflammatory, fibrogenic, and d
169 A whole-body PET scanner, without interplane septa, has been designed to achieve high performance in
170 henotypic abnormalities, including irregular septa, high numbers of branches, and immature asexual re
171                   ICC were also found within septa (IC-SEP) between muscle bundles and along the subm
172              In large mammals, ICC also line septa (ICC-SEP) between circular muscle (CM) bundles, su
173  (WalK(Bsu)), which is localized at division septa, immunofluorescence microscopy showed that WalK(Sp
174  in the mother cell, it localizes to nascent septa in a SpoIIIAH-dependent manner.
175  morphologically and exhibited aberrant cell septa in a variety of pleomorphs.
176 ynamins specifically localize to sporulation septa in an FtsZ-dependent manner.
177 sition of cirrhotic hepatocytes and fibrotic septa in cirrhosis.
178  between SDF-1alpha expression with fibrotic septa in cirrhotic liver tissues as well as with desmopl
179 Deltachs1 mutant also failed to form primary septa in hyphae; after several generations, growth stopp
180 e experiments and by direct visualization of septa in living cells, we show that SpoIIE is present in
181 of other PBPs to the centres of constricting septa in mid-to-late divisional cells resolved by high-r
182       Short-tailed opossums lack barrels and septa in S1 but show active whisking behavior similar to
183 asis of cyst size and absence or presence of septa in the cysts.
184 ination revealed a dense network of collagen septa in the subepicardium, which could form the IVE sub
185 tiveness of vGluT2 preparations in revealing septa in VP likely reflects a lack of synapses using glu
186 rel cortex, cytoarchitectonic "barrels" and "septa" in L4 define a stereotypical array of landmarks,
187 ion using a protocol that alternated between septa-in and septa-out modes (2D, 3D, 2D, 3D, 2D, 3D).
188 ints, structures resembling partially formed septa, into which most, if not all, of the division prot
189  showed that the placement of FtsZ rings and septa is affected in ripX strains by the first division
190  that the biosynthetic machinery to form new septa is in place before the machinery to degrade septat
191 ndocardial cushions, primordia of valves and septa, is a classic example of epithelial-mesenchymal tr
192  septa (kappa = 0.558) and thickened regular septa (kappa = 0.555).
193 r each MR imaging feature except for grouped septa (kappa = 0.558) and thickened regular septa (kappa
194 skp1-deleted cells accumulate abnormal thick septa leading to defects in cell separation.
195 ) many cells misplace and/or misorient their septa, leading to asymmetric cell division.
196 septin proteins function in the formation of septa, mating projections, and spores in Saccharomyces c
197                                 Instead, the septa may serve as a persistent marker of normal organiz
198 d ring sliding, oblique positioned rings and septa, misdirected septum synthesis indicative of relaxe
199 dings, evaluated images for lesion location, septa, mural nodules, communication with MPD, extent and
200 Category 2F lesions with minimally irregular septa (nine of 17; P= .001) or wall (seven of 17; P = .0
201                                     Residual septa, not remodeled at 366 days, were characterized by
202 ages were compared for thickness of wall and septa, number of septa, and presence of enhancement.
203 ushion tissue and the atrial and ventricular septa occurs, indicating that these defects may underlie
204           Both RipA and RpfB localize to the septa of actively growing bacteria by fluorescence micro
205 giogenic, neovasculature within the fibrotic septa of cirrhotic liver.
206 ssing cells were also evident in the fibrous septa of cirrhotic livers.
207 merous small vessels within the portal tract septa of diseased tissue.
208 (IFM) located MreCD(Spn) to the equators and septa of dividing cells, similarly to the PBPs and PG pe
209  acid (microg) was increased in the alveolar septa of emphysema lungs (14.2 +/- 2.0/microg, n = 6) wh
210           ProP concentrates at the poles and septa of Escherichia coli cells in a cardiolipin (CL)-de
211  of cortical neurons are separated by narrow septa of fibers that reflect discontinuities in the rece
212 hic cardiomyocyte growth was observed in the septa of hearts expressing the p193 dominant-interfering
213 yocyte DNA synthesis in the interventricular septa of infarcted hearts.
214 d inflammation and edema within the alveolar septa of SNV-infected hamsters, results which are simila
215  bacilli without lysis and localizing to the septa of vegetative cells.
216 ong the axis of rotation with a set of axial septa, offering both magnification in the transaxial dir
217 d batoids) possess a series of ray-supported septa on their hyoid and gill arches, whereas holocephal
218 itional septa, thickening of the wall and/or septa, or enhancement, which may lead to an upgraded Bos
219 neurons that are vertically aligned with the septa, or septal columns, are functionally linked by vir
220 n both strains exhibited a greater amount of septa-oriented dendritic material, a morphology consiste
221 rotocol that alternated between septa-in and septa-out modes (2D, 3D, 2D, 3D, 2D, 3D).
222 rger than 10 cm (P <.001), presence of thick septa (P =.001), presence of globular and/or nodular non
223 uch's membrane, lamina cribrosa, optic nerve septa, pial sheath, and vasculature were delineated as u
224  the presence of dicentrics, the cytokinetic septa pinch the nucleus, suggesting that dicentrics are
225 ers; in the barrel field, labeling of barrel septa preceeded a gradually increasing intensity of immu
226 rulating mutants that form their sporulation septa prematurely.
227 nt age, large lesion size, presence of thick septa, presence of nodular and/or globular or non-adipos
228                                          The septa provide axial collimation for the sources so that
229 ding to row 'a' or 'c' the lack of hollow to septa rearrangement of the GFP-labelled neurites was obs
230 ility to collect data in 3-dimensional (3D) (septa removed) mode.
231 ractions along the cell body and at division septa, respectively, maintains membrane integrity while
232                                              Septa-sealed vials are used along with commercially avai
233 ntly more layer 4 input than those above the septa separating barrels.
234 showing cirrhosis, that thickness of fibrous septa separating cirrhotic nodules and small size of cir
235 e segmentation consisting of lightly stained septa separating darkly stained patches in subnucleus in
236  fibers and preferentially accumulated along septa separating the barrels.
237 e reveal that they have neither a baffle nor septa shape but were instead irregular.
238 tegumenta fail to develop placentas, ovules, septa, stigma, and style.
239 re enlarged and show aberrant positioning of septa, suggesting a link between LTA synthesis and the c
240 th fluorescent dots localized at the blocked septa, suggesting that high levels of the N-terminal dom
241  of PBP5, PBP6 and DacD localized to nascent septa, suggesting that these PBPs can partially substitu
242 orate that Pbp2x separates to the centres of septa surrounded by an adjacent constricting ring contai
243 relate changes in components of the alveolar septa surrounding enlarged airspaces in human emphysema
244   These processes coordinately occur as many septa synchronously form in syncytial aerial hyphae such
245 ight (12%) lesions, MR imaging depicted more septa than did CT, which resulted in an upgrade of the c
246 tial formations of the primary and secondary septa that are catalyzed by chitin synthase-II (Chs2) an
247 ch point source is inserted between existing septa that are normally used to provide an approximately
248 zed by the formation of millions of alveolar septa that constitute the vast gas-exchange surface area
249 n of the optic nerve was present in the pial septa that divide the nerve fiber bundles, in the periva
250                             The positions of septa that formed within the nucleoid-free zones after d
251         The model shows that the hydrophobic septa that isolate the intracellular and the extracellul
252       The results establish the existence of septa that isolate the representation of the five digits
253 o the cortical surface revealed myelin-light septa that isolated representations of the digits and pa
254 tracellular matrix, resulting in collagenous septa that slow propagation, cause zig-zag conduction pa
255  some cells exhibited dramatically elongated septa that stained for FtsZ, suggesting that the double
256 evels of MTBE were identified in sample vial septa that use poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-based polym
257 pithelial type I and II cells, form alveolar septa, the functional units in the lung.
258 arrow channels that separate barrels called "septa." These two cortical domains were previously shown
259 es, however, MR images may depict additional septa, thickening of the wall and/or septa, or enhanceme
260 s, MR imaging depicted increased wall and/or septa thickness compared with CT, resulting in a classif
261 , the primordia of the valves and membranous septa, through epithelial-mesenchymal transformation (EM
262 he plasma membrane and vacuoles, and also to septa throughout conidial germination.
263 rming septa and surprisingly then remains at septa throughout interphase.
264 the PET scanner is equipped with retractable septa to allow 2D and 3D imaging.
265 , with supplemental collimation added to the septa to improve axial resolution.
266 n proteins are released from newly completed septa to prevent their immediate reassembly at new cell
267                      The cells have abnormal septa, unstable septin assembly during cytokinesis, and
268 ping is required for subsequent formation of septa, valves, and outflow tract.
269 ion of malignancy in small cysts, the PPV of septa was 20% (10 of 50 patients), which was significant
270                              The presence of septa was associated with borderline or in situ malignan
271 tic nerve area composed of connective tissue septa was significantly greater in ExpG eyes than in Fel
272  The association of BIMG-GFP with developing septa was transient, and we present evidence that BIMG p
273 orly understood and how they are targeted to septa was unknown.
274 g granulomas in widened interlobular fibrous septa were detected.
275                      The results showed that septa were formed at a uniform distance from cell poles
276                               In some cells, septa were formed directly over nucleoids.
277 f sporulation, at which time the sporulation septa were formed.
278  was found in deprived cortex: neurons above septa were now strongly coupled to septal regions, while
279 y at approximately the time when sporulation septa were observed in the aerial hyphae, and transcript
280 , approximately at the time when sporulation septa were observed in the aerial hyphae.
281 rated by connective tissue septa whereas few septa were present in the rectum.
282 s of abnormal size and shape and disoriented septa were produced when bacteria with inactivated pbpC
283 on of adding supplemental collimation to the septa were shown.
284 cence microscopy showed that the sporulation septa were specifically labeled by Flu-APA; this interac
285 cesses were oval, nine (including three with septa) were irregularly shaped, and five had a thick rin
286  measured by the distances between isolating septa, were proportionally similar in infant (2-4 week)
287 'minibundles' separated by connective tissue septa whereas few septa were present in the rectum.
288 at the layer IV-V boundary within the barrel septa whereas thalamic afferents remained in the hollows
289 , transiently localizes to early sporulation septa, whereas three SecYEG translocase-associated membr
290 is separated from the supporting mycelium by septa which prevent bulk volume flow between the two reg
291 ming bacteria; and asymmetrically positioned septa, which generate specialized progeny in differentia
292  of these rings produced improperly oriented septa, which in turn gave rise to asymmetric cell poles
293 r units through the deposition of additional septa, which were often laid down in several different p
294 of approximately 20 microg/septa are seen in septa whose formulations use these curing agents.
295 sted chains, producing numerous cells having septa with abnormal placements and geometries.
296 ormation, andscd1Deltacells display aberrant septa with reduced Bgs1 localization.
297 ection pattern of light and dark bands (the "septa") with a 150-A periodicity results when the electr
298  jackknife-like bending of cells at division septa, with cell constriction predominantly on the outsi
299    Both readers were more likely to identify septa within cystic neoplasms than within pseudocysts; h
300 uropile glia ensheath the neuropile and form septa within the neuropile that define distinct neuropil

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