


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 memory deficits when infused into the medial septal area.
2 ctive fiber network was found in the lateral septal area.
3 this increase was smaller than in the dorsal-septal area.
4 tern," with scarring in the upper and middle septal areas.
5 vehicle or muscimol (5 nmol) into the medial septal area 5 min prior to training sessions in inhibito
6 t during muscimol inactivation of the medial septal area, a manipulation known to disrupt theta oscil
7 nconditional trust selectively activated the septal area, a region linked to social attachment behavi
8 nal area for cholinergic cells in the medial septal area and decreased the density of hippocampal ter
9 vity in subcortical structures including the septal area and mediodorsal thalamus, along with reduced
10 ons of cholinergic cell bodies in the medial septal area and the nucleus basalis magnocellularis, rad
11 ocus coeruleus, medial preoptic area, medial septal area, and substantia innominata.
12 with synaptophysin in nerve terminals in all septal areas, and ultrastructural analysis revealed thes
13                               Stimulation of septal area, but not hippocampus or medial thalamus, in
14 ctions between CR axon terminals and lateral septal area calbindin (CB)- and medial septal area choli
15 teral septal area calbindin (CB)- and medial septal area choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neu
16 udy, entorhinal cortex lesions and/or medial septal area cholinergic lesions were used in the rat to
17 ared to sham operated controls, after medial septal area cholinergic lesions.
18 ding of [(125)I]HO-LVA was restricted to the septal area, dorsal arcopallium, and optic tectum in spa
19 genetic upregulation of ChAT activity in the septal area during the second postnatal week, but was fo
20 al preoptic area, lateral habenula, caudate, septal area, entorhinal cortex, and some thalamic and hy
21  galanin into the rat hippocampus and medial septal area impairs spatial memory and cholinergic syste
22  synchronous activity in the hippocampus and septal area, implying involvement of a downstream region
23 evious data, highlight the importance of the septal area in mediating behavioral responses to inescap
24 luent paramedian zone which extends from the septal area into ventral striatum, infralimbic, prelimbi
25 how that development of the atrioventricular septal area is highly complex.
26 imbic structures: the hippocampal formation, septal areas, lobus parolfactorius, nucleus accumbens, v
27  regions include the locus coeruleus, medial septal area, medial preoptic area, and substantia innomi
28           Burst firing neurons of the medial septal area (MS/VDB) are thought to pace the HPC theta r
29 h symmetric synapses, innervate only lateral septal area neurons, including the CB-containing cells.
30 tricular zone of the ganglionic eminence and septal area of the brain and the ependymal layer surroun
31                                              Septal areas of pineal glands from horses with uveitis h
32 ol, lower peak creatine kinase (CK), smaller septal area opacified by contrast echocardiography, and
33 TrkA oligonucleotide infused into the medial septal area or CA1 of the hippocampus froze less when pl
34 ychostimulants (nucleus accumbens and medial septal area, respectively).
35 infusion of ethanol directly into the medial septal area resulted in a selective loss of choice accur
36  area (POA), the anterior hypothalamus (AH), septal area (SEP), and ventromedial nucleus of the poste
37 V; rather, they are more concentrated in the septal areas than in the barrels.
38 R5 knock-out (KO) neurons were placed in the septal area, the cell-sparse region separating barrels.
39  the general regions encompassing the medial septal area, the medial preoptic area, and the substanti
40 elations were also found between the lateral septal area, ventral tegmental area, and the medial sept
41             Using excitotoxic lesions of the septal area, we investigated whether neurodegeneration i
42           Electrolytic lesions of the medial septal area were performed in young male Fisher 344 rats
43 ocampal fields CA1-3, subiculum, and lateral septal area were significantly correlated in P17 but not

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