


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  catalysis and inhibition of PMT enzymes and set the stage for a better design of more specific and s
2             Prior mouse genetic research has set the stage for a deep understanding of appetite regul
3                                  Our results set the stage for a deeper understanding of how the vasc
4                                These results set the stage for a definitive study of UCB Treg to dete
5 technology, and high-resolution imaging have set the stage for a host of new studies that elucidate t
6 aplo-marrow as alternative donor sources and set the stage for a multicenter randomized clinical tria
7 ased DYN A and increased KOR signaling could set the stage for a one-two punch during withdrawal that
8                                  Our results set the stage for a range of deep-tissue imaging applica
9                                  Our results set the stage for a systematic characterization of TRPV1
10 ion to reactive species such as oxygen would set the stage for a wide spectrum of interfacial chemist
11 to generate this male-specific behavior, and sets the stage for a circuit-level dissection of active
12 ient entry into cells with low levels of CD4 sets the stage for a clearer placement of these variants
13                   Early language development sets the stage for a lifetime of competence in language
14 tion of the underlying regulatory mechanisms sets the stage for a more insightful analysis of how syn
15  by producing IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13, and this sets the stage for a more potent subsequent adaptive Th2
16 arding biological and behavioral mechanisms, sets the stage for a next era of psychiatric and collabo
17                              This distancing sets the stage for a second group of processing componen
18 ating from framework constructing operations sets the stage for a short 13-step synthesis.
19                   We outline how materiomics sets the stage for a transformative change in the approa
20 olism and decreases macrophage inflammation, setting the stage for a potential anti-atherogenic effec
21 cience and decisionmaking is then discussed, setting the stage for a report of outcomes from an inter
22 ed with TIV to elicit broad protection, thus setting the stage for a universal influenza virus vaccin
23 work should be given high priority, and they set the stage for additional research moving forward.
24 microRNAs and actin-associated protein Arpc5 sets the stage for an elaborate translational control me
25 gnatures of the process by which one novelty sets the stage for another.
26 lammatory responses, an environment that may set the stage for antibiotic-refractory arthritis.
27                                   This study sets the stage for application of GC-VUV technology acro
28 strates that contain a second reactive site, setting the stage for applications in diverse complex mo
29 new molecular probes for H2S and related RSS sets the stage for applying these developing technologie
30 inical familial Alzheimer's disease and help set the stage for assessment of amyloid-modifying treatm
31 awareness of the importance of screening has set the stage for assessment of the impact of early dete
32 er cycles of oxidative stress via RAGE, thus setting the stage for augmented damage to diabetic tissu
33 in their ability to reassociate in darkness, setting the stage for bioengineering photoprotection in
34  that some ccRCCs are HIF-2 independent, and set the stage for biomarker-driven clinical trials.
35 ication of the activities of SsfL1 and SsfX3 sets the stage for biosynthetic modification of the C-4
36 he best PSS in compensated patients, thereby setting the stage for both improved patient counseling a
37 RNA sequences that interact in living cells, setting the stage for breakthroughs in our understanding
38 eries in the pre-clinical neurosciences have set the stage for bringing new therapies to patients aff
39                                This strategy set the stage for challenging direct alkylations with pr
40 tle disturbances in the prophase events that set the stage for chromosome segregation at the first me
41 matory cytokine and chemokine genes, thereby setting the stage for chronic tissue inflammation.
42                                           It set the stage for clinical testing of novel therapeutic
43 tolerance induction after allogeneic HCT and set the stage for clinical translation.
44 se detection of classical electronic signals sets the stage for coherent up-conversion of low-frequen
45 der areas of the ventral and dorsal streams, setting the stage for complete viewpoint-invariant repre
46                                    This work sets the stage for completion of a designer, synthetic e
47              This finding is important as it sets the stage for complex II functional preservation as
48 risingly, even in aged wild-type mice, which sets the stage for consideration of systemic therapies t
49 rther function as novel agents of selection, setting the stage for contemporary evolutionary changes
50 gously expressed in Streptomyces albus J1074 setting the stage for convenient biosynthetic engineerin
51 bodied in these early studies unquestionably set the stage for current successes in genomic approache
52  of existing recrystallization theories, and set the stage for determination of mobilities of recryst
53 lopment of internalizing psychopathology and set the stage for developing improved intervention strat
54  presentation of internalizing disorders and set the stage for developing improved interventions.
55                             These data could set the stage for developing novel treatment approaches
56                           This demonstration sets the stage for developing multicellular bio-integrat
57 mechanistic conclusions are drawn that might set the stage for development of drugs to manipulate gp7
58 eostasis is maintained within the mucosa and set the stage for development of novel therapeutics to a
59                       In addition, this work sets the stage for development of a new class of genome
60 in environments for at least 1 million y and sets the stage for dietary differentiation and niche spe
61 es in both terrestrial and marine diversity, setting the stage for dinosaurs to dominate Earth for th
62 ontributions of this extraordinary scientist set the stage for discoveries ranging from gross recordi
63 ay underpin a profound immune dysregulation, setting the stage for disease manifestations characteris
64 maintaining normal platelet counts, but also set the stage for disorders restricted to fetal/neonatal
65 udes building and experiment instructions to set the stage for dissemination and further development
66                                         This sets the stage for double-strand break (DSB) formation a
67 entifying high-risk young children with ADHD sets the stage for early prevention trials to reduce ris
68 O2 extended over at least 100 million years, setting the stage for early animal evolution.
69                                    This work sets the stage for effecting the conversion of the relat
70 electivity as well as ample substrate scope, setting the stage for effective intermolecular alkenylat
71  biomarkers, which, once characterized, will set the stage for efficient use of neuroprotective agent
72 cosecond time scale by electronic coherence, setting the stage for efficient charge separation.
73 itical C8 quaternary carbon stereocenter and set the stage for elaborating the delicate bicyclic lact
74 two cytokines as ligands for ALK and LTK and set the stage for elucidating their roles in development
75  mechanism for growth factor bioactivity and sets the stage for engineering modified FGF9 subfamily l
76 ich transient erbB3/erbB2 heterointeractions set the stage for erbB3 homodimers to be signaling compe
77 of the adaptive immune system in vertebrates set the stage for evolution of an advanced symbiotic rel
78                       These new observations set the stage for experiments designed to dissect the fu
79                                These studies set the stage for exploitation of this new technology fo
80 amine regulatory protein from any source and set the stage for exploring MtbAldR as a potential anti-
81 ual units of prediction common to the field, setting the stage for exposure forecasting.
82 s of pea during the developmental phase that sets the stage for fruit-set and seed development under
83 ation for flowering time in Arabidopsis, and set the stage for functional studies to determine the li
84 oteomeXchange with identifier PXD005903) and set the stage for further biological investigations of t
85                               These findings set the stage for further evaluation of these antibodies
86 distribution of 5hmC in human brain and will set the stage for further functional characterization of
87 ture-activity and structure-toxicity studies set the stage for further improvements to the polymyxin
88 it-like anxiety in marmosets and humans, and set the stage for further investigation of the processes
89                     The results of our study set the stage for further mechanistic work on the roles
90                                These studies set the stage for further optimization of NSC-158011 for
91 ral abnormalities seen in the affected flies set the stage for further studies examining the signalin
92                               These findings set the stage for further studies into the molecular mec
93 tiomeric nucleotide triphosphate, this study sets the stage for further biochemical studies with this
94 anipulation of a 29-member thiazolyl peptide sets the stage for further genetic examination of struct
95 oselective synthesis, the strategy put forth sets the stage for further griseusin mechanism-of-action
96 ovo identification of the RNA editome, which sets the stage for further mechanistic studies of this i
97 istone modification in prostate cancer, thus setting the stage for further development of curcumin as
98  organize the parS-proximal chromosome, thus setting the stage for further interactions with the DNA
99 nominal goal of value-neutral counseling and setting the stage for further normative shifts in clinic
100  metabolite accumulation in Tripterygium and set the stage for furthering our understanding of the bi
101 er forms of cholestasis will be important to set the stage for future applications to human disease.
102                         The combined results set the stage for future biochemical studies of 2-thiosu
103                           These results will set the stage for future clinical evaluation of ELQ and
104                           These results also set the stage for future comparative work that will inve
105 e catalytic aerobic oxidation of phenols and set the stage for future development of catalytic system
106 e studies resolve existing controversies and set the stage for future experiments aimed at a more com
107                                These results set the stage for future exploitation of the spinosyn bi
108 otif requirement for SAM binding by TlyA and set the stage for future mechanistic studies of TlyA sub
109                                These results set the stage for future research into the genetic mecha
110                                      To help set the stage for future research, we discuss here some
111                                  The results set the stage for future studies on how chronic or acute
112  modification genes and proteins is given to set the stage for future work in this field.
113                                    This work sets the stage for future experiments that apply abundan
114                                   This study sets the stage for future investigations into the functi
115                        In sum, this research sets the stage for future studies leveraging the specifi
116                                    This work sets the stage for future studies of the structural prop
117 the analysis of CG11138 Stwl, dNlp, and Df31 sets the stage for future studies of these proteins.
118                                  Our finding sets the stage for future studies that attempt to augmen
119 erties of protein-bound Mn(II) ions, thereby setting the stage for future EPR studies on the electron
120 tartle response, including Drosophila Hsp90, setting the stage for future genetic dissection of this
121  at eddy-flux sites covering diverse biomes, setting the stage for future investigations of the robus
122  diffusion coefficient in the soma and axon, setting the stage for future studies targeting synuclein
123 res of rhodopsin-transducin interactions and setting the stage for future studies.
124                                   This could set the stage for Gal-9/Tim-3 interaction, and this inhi
125                                 Both changes set the stage for gastrulation and require downregulatio
126                                     This may set the stage for glial dysfunction and hyperactivity to
127 the last 5 years, and discuss how these have set the stage for greater progress in the near future.
128                      Together these findings set the stage for greater utility of CuNPs for emerging
129 olution while preserving cell integrity, and sets the stage for high-throughput approaches to identif
130 support and build upon previous findings and set the stage for hypotheses to guide future modeling an
131 on of the activities of MftB, MftC, and MftE sets the stage for identification of the novel metabolit
132 ing taxa preferences for freshwater habitats sets the stage for identification of traits that underpi
133                                These studies set the stage for identifying the active form of S. sang
134 g protects ERK2 from dephosphorylation, thus setting the stage for immediate ERK activity upon its re
135                                    This work sets the stage for immediately using Hsp90 to improve ou
136 em cell-intrinsic and extrinsic factors will set the stage for improving cell therapies capable of re
137                        The results presented set the stage for improving the information extracted fr
138                               These findings set the stage for in-depth studies of the molecular mech
139 ly growing members of the order Rhizobiales, setting the stage for in-depth analyses of the molecular
140 rge in ATP and the decrease in P-AMPK levels set the stage for increased anabolic processes during sl
141                       These improved metrics set the stage for increased proteome coverage and charac
142 l cells excrete a wide range of metabolites, setting the stage for interspecific metabolic interactio
143  perturb the normal commensal microbiota and set the stage for intestinal domination by bacteria asso
144 tor HIV-induced peripheral neuropathy and to set the stage for introducing noninvasive techniques to
145 ategorization ability even late in life, and set the stage for investigating the informational and ne
146 distinct features of a mammalian IP5 2-K and set the stage for investigations into protein-protein or
147 s early knowledge of letters and numbers; it sets the stage for it.
148  technique using a simple yet robust source, setting the stage for its wide adoption in security appl
149 it is possible that this large ERV expansion set the stage for L1 extinction.
150 rug use provoke craving and drug taking, and set the stage for lapse/relapse.
151 alyses reveal hot spots of fluctuations that set the stage for large-scale conformational changes ess
152                                   This study sets the stage for larger randomized controlled trials a
153 ssue perfusion, aggravates hypertension, and sets the stage for later permanent structural changes to
154 phabeta versus gammadelta T lineage fate and sets the stage for later T cell differentiation decision
155 terations and abnormal placental lipogenesis,setting the stage for later metabolic dysfunction.
156 rk underlying extreme early-life anxiety and set the stage for mechanistic work aimed at developing i
157 usly, as a poised (noninitiated) polymerase, setting the stage for Mediator-dependent enhancement of
158 ciated quinolones and rhamnolipids in feces, setting the stage for metabolome-microbiome-wide associa
159 ssion, angiogenesis, and local invasion that set the stage for metastasis, whereas engrafting of huma
160                           This demonstration sets the stage for more aggressive attempts at a tractab
161 hree protein superfamilies in Drosophila and sets the stage for more extensive screens.
162 vior perfectly followed the predicted model, setting the stage for more advanced motors for functiona
163 mechanistic insights as well as conceptually setting the stage for mutational analysis of plasticity
164 t of excitatory postsynaptic synaptogenesis, setting the stage for neuronal interconnectivity.
165                       Overall, these studies set the stage for new methodologies to understand the pa
166 hange, local species assemblages can change, setting the stage for new ecological interactions, commu
167                                This work may set the stage for non-invasive high-throughput experimen
168 MDAR coagonist concentration variability and sets the stage for non-targeted CSF metabolomics project
169 diovascular outcomes in patients with CKD is setting the stage for novel clinical trials that could u
170 invasion and novel actions of SK2, therefore setting the stage for novel targets in the treatment of
171  development of corticostriatal connectivity sets the stage for optimal goal-directed behavior.
172                            Our investigation sets the stage for optimizing the design of hydrogenase-
173 he stimulation of osteoblast differentiation sets the stage for osteoclast differentiation and overal
174  fitness on the original receptor, LamB, and set the stage for other mutations that allowed infection
175 e currently cocirculating in pig populations set the stage for PA reassortments with the potential to
176 ptomatic stages that have been postulated to set the stage for pathological changes and symptoms that
177 ference facilitated an exchange of ideas and set the stage for potential collaboration opportunities
178                 Collectively, these findings set the stage for potential evolutionary trade-offs, whe
179 ting a binary discrimination signal, thereby setting the stage for potential winner-take-all target s
180  of drugs and an array of molecular targets--set the stage for precision oncology, a hypothesis that
181                                This capacity sets the stage for proof-of-concept tests designed to de
182 ith which proteins elicit specific immunity, setting the stage for proof-of-concept studies of these
183 following CNS injury, early inflammation can set the stage for proper tissue regeneration and recover
184 nti-CXCR4 antibody reversed this aggression, setting the stage for prospective studies in this forgot
185 ication linkage between the two heme groups, setting the stage for proton translocation during the en
186  state preparation and efficient measurement sets the stage for rapid advances in the control and det
187 fluences offspring aggression and dispersal, setting the stage for rapid increases in population dens
188 ation between HLA-DQ transdimers and T1D and set the stage for rational testing of potential diabetog
189 t advances in immunology and technology have set the stage for rational vaccine design to begin a "De
190 advent of emerging efficacious therapies has set the stage for re-evaluation of treatment goals for p
191              These results suggest that CINs set the stage for recalling associative information rele
192             Studies suggest that stress may "set the stage" for relapse by increasing the sensitivity
193  stress-induced increases in corticosterone "set the stage" for relapse by promoting endocannabinoid-
194  the CRISPR-Cas9 enzyme mechanism, which has set the stage for remarkable developments using this tec
195 yl group into an alpha-diazo beta-keto ester set the stage for Rh-mediated cyclization to deliver the
196                                    This work sets the stage for similar studies that take advantage o
197                    Modulation interferometry sets the stage for single-molecule studies of several hi
198 two UC susceptibility genes, MDR1A and TLR2, sets the stage for spontaneous and uncontrolled colitis
199          The reference human genome sequence set the stage for studies of genetic variation and its a
200 lation of the immune response in insects and set the stage for studies on neural modulation of immuni
201 ompensatory changes in the evolved mechanism sets the stage for studies aiming to define the molecula
202 ies using low-input whole-genome sequencing, setting the stage for studies of prognostic impact in co
203 sist for 6 weeks without evident toxicities, setting the stage for studies that combine HER2-CAR T ce
204 loss and fractures in the axial skeleton and set the stage for subsequent development of dual-energy
205 system, and dysbiosis in its development may set the stage for subsequent lung disease.
206 stal elongation of the limb bud necessary to set the stage for subsequent morphogenesis.
207                               These findings set the stage for subsequent studies to assess purinergi
208 s suggesting that the first APC hit may help set the stage for subsequent transformation.
209              This review is also intended to set the stage for subsequent work aimed at reinforcing a
210         We suggest that early music training sets the stage for subsequent interactions with sound.
211                                         This sets the stage for such a process to allow the use of hi
212                                  Our results set the stage for systematic gain-of-function studies of
213 body size, leg length and skull shape, while setting the stage for tackling other traits.
214  amenable to traceless Staudinger ligations, setting the stage for tandem labeling experiments.
215  intermediate elite introduced tensions that set the stage for Teotihuacan's collapse.
216 mor growth in an in vivo humanized MM model, setting the stage for testing in human clinical trials.
217  persistent infection of mouse NALT with GAS sets the stage for TGF-beta1 and IL-6 production, signal
218                   Such mechanisms could have set the stage for the appearance of functional activity
219 ion from the cerebral cortex, is believed to set the stage for the behavioral phenotype observed in H
220                                  Our studies set the stage for the biochemical characterization of co
221 findings reveal that distinct NTD properties set the stage for the biogenesis of functionally diverse
222 view, but rather an overview of the field to set the stage for the critical reviews in each of the wo
223                                  Our results set the stage for the development of future multi-staged
224 y-associated adipose tissue inflammation and set the stage for the development of novel therapeutic a
225 provide a holistic view on these effects and set the stage for the development of overarching theoret
226                                    This will set the stage for the development of PAT inhibitors agai
227 isodes of abnormal circuit activity may thus set the stage for the development of persistent psychopa
228  and that disruption in either pathway could set the stage for the development of stress-induced psyc
229 chanism for optimizing antiviral defense and set the stage for the discovery of helicase-dependent fu
230 ge from arid to temperate dominance may have set the stage for the ecological expansion of flowering
231 to changes in diet and dietary adaption that set the stage for the emergence of our genus.
232 ology and brain organization that ultimately set the stage for the emergence of the human lineage.
233                                These studies set the stage for the evaluation of the specific Cuf1 ta
234 erived from monoprotected amino acids (MPAA) set the stage for the first ruthenium-catalyzed meta-fun
235 ilizing membranes beyond a critical size and set the stage for the formation of new pores.
236 cal developments during the 1970s and beyond set the stage for the interrogation of nearly every step
237 m these synthesis-enabled studies has helped set the stage for the more effective harnessing of the r
238                    Cross-sectional data have set the stage for the next generation of neighborhood re
239 nd modifications in treatment intensity have set the stage for the next generation of studies in RMS.
240    The important advances from these studies set the stage for the next steps in understanding the mo
241 ght-gated ion channel channelrhodopsin (ChR) set the stage for the novel field of optogenetics, where
242        These structural innovations may have set the stage for the parallel evolution of ballistic pr
243  International Temperature Scale of 1990 and set the stage for the planned redefinition of the kelvin
244  is central to eukaryotic RNA metabolism and set the stage for the rational design of inhibitors that
245 chin predation pressure and that it may have set the stage for the recent pattern of crinoid diversit
246  a number of new synthetic technologies that set the stage for the solution of the vannusal structura
247 xplain the SARs of certain key compounds and set the stage for the structure-guided design of better
248 idated linker strategy for dictyostatin, and set the stage for the synthesis and study of dictyostati
249 change, generating hope and aspirations that set the stage for the use of new information and technol
250 ate their behaviour over large length scales sets the stage for the construction of low cost genetic
251               This reporter system therefore sets the stage for the effective screening of cDNA libra
252                                    Our study sets the stage for the full-scale dissection of spatial
253 eins containing abiological metal porphyrins sets the stage for the generation of artificial enzymes
254 ulate to high levels in transgenic seeds and sets the stage for the identification of factors that wi
255                                  Overall, it sets the stage for the integration of more comprehensive
256 loped; the broad utility demonstrated herein sets the stage for the invention of further multicompone
257                                    This work sets the stage for the mechanistic and structural study
258 etermines the pattern of water intake, which sets the stage for the orchestrated restart of life.
259 -equally applicable for bosons and fermions--sets the stage for the realization of topological insula
260                    This introductory article sets the stage for the remaining 17 articles that follow
261 ns impossible to observe directly and yet it sets the stage for the subsequent evolution of galaxies.
262 propriate AB-ring aldehydes, a strategy that sets the stage for the synthetic exploration of other me
263  mechanisms elicited by amputation, but also sets the stage for the systematic characterization of ev
264                                    This work sets the stage for the use of acetylene-sourced CVD-grow
265               The synchronized genetic clock sets the stage for the use of microbes in the creation o
266 2 inhibitors that operate downstream of SMO, setting the stage for the clinical use of GLI antagonist
267 l arrangement on one ring while concurrently setting the stage for the controlled generation of the h
268 ple that LMIPs can be used to block QS, thus setting the stage for the development of LMIPs a novel d
269 g the reactivity of the enzymes by mutation, setting the stage for the development of tools to manipu
270 photophysical characteristics are presented, setting the stage for the final part, which discusses th
271 expected to accelerate the pace of discovery setting the stage for the next generation of ASD studies
272 ition exhibits an emergent scale invariance, setting the stage for the potential development of a ren
273 ctionally important in a biological pathway, setting the stage for the rapid identification of glycos
274 n to a predicted targeting peptide sequence, setting the stage for the use of these remarkably homoge
275 to the pioneering scientists before them who set the stage for their remarkable discoveries.
276 enefits that these technologies provided and set the stage for their success.
277 ed using cultured neuronal networks, thereby setting the stage for therapeutic applications using thi
278 er development, organization, and physiology sets the stage for these functions and serves to orient
279                  The driving mechanisms that set the stage for this glaciation event are not well con
280                               Two conditions set the stage for transformational adaptation to climate
281 for understanding cellular PAD2 function and sets the stage for treating diseases in which PAD2 activ
282 kidney, the activated molecular pathways may set the stage for tubulointerstitial injury and diabetic
283                                   The method sets the stage for uncovering novel determinants of mole
284                                     This has set the stage for understanding how a variety of environ
285                                  Our studies set the stage for understanding the basis of altered edi
286                                 Our findings set the stage for understanding the non-redundant physio
287 ization plays in specialized metabolism, and sets the stage for understanding and controlling the cen
288  nucleophilicity of these novel derivatives, setting the stage for understanding the contribution of
289                                         This sets the stage for unearthing disease-causal exome mutat
290 enhanced through expression of Pim-1 kinase, setting the stage for use of engineered cells in pre-cli
291                    Collectively, our studies set the stage for using USER technology in genetically e
292                                     Our work sets the stage for using CFPS as a rapid high-throughput
293 omplete pathway for indolmycin formation and sets the stage for using genetic and chemoenzymatic meth
294                                    This work sets the stage for using the MCMV model to explore the r
295 therapeutic potential in transplantation and sets the stage for using this approach for making antige
296 tal-halogen exchange and trapping with I(2), setting the stage for utility.
297 ia, perturbing neuronal development, thereby setting the stage for vulnerability for later psychotic
298                   Here, at its threshold, we set the stage for what promises to be an exciting rejuve
299                                   We further set the stage for whole-brain structure-function compari
300 tion and observation of neural activity have set the stage for widespread implementation of closed-lo

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